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,First,Second,Third,Forth,77,Denison,Hydraulics,2004/6/17,闭式回路液压传动技术,T1-CP201-A6-18-2002,DENISON,发展历史,成立于,1930,1955,年,Denison,售与,American Brake Shoe,后改名为,Abex,1963,年,买进德国,Hilden,工厂及 法国,Vierzon,工厂,1986,年,Denison,卖给,Hgglunds,1993,年,Denison,卖给了私人投资着,1997,年,Denison,上市,1999,年,Denison,购买,Lokomec,2000 Denison,购买,Calzoni,2001 Denison,在中国购买了生产叶片泵的上海液压泵厂,2002 ?,DENISON,今日,49 Denison Facilities in 16 countries.,Manufacturing facilities in USA, France, Germany, Finland, Italy and China.,193 Distributors in more than 52 countries.,Total sales of in excess of $160 million USD.,DENISON,今日,USA - Piston pumps/motors,France - Vane pumps/motors,Germany - Directional and pressure valves,Italy - High speed low torque motors,Finland - Manifolds,China - Vane pumps (Vickers V10, V20),DENISON,液压泵及马达家族,金杯系列液压泵及马达,易产生误解的术语和概念,开环,开式回路,闭环,闭式回路,/,传动(容积式调速回路),增压,(,Boost,),-,补油(,Replenishment,),-,充,液(,Charge,),更油阀(,Scavenge Valve,),-,冲洗阀(,Purge Valve,),-,热油梭阀(,Hot Oil Shuttle Valve,),排放系统(,Eductor,System,),-,回收系统(,Reclamation System,),-,真空系统,(,Vacuum System,),典型回路,液压缸伸出,液压泵,溢流阀,方向控制阀,(,非完整回路,),开式液压传动回路,液流换向使液压缸缩回,溢流阀,液压泵,方向控制阀,开式液压传动回路,开式液压传动回路,回路中油液按单一方向从液压泵输出至液压阀或液压阀组;,液压泵可以是定排量,(,容积排量);,输出流量恒定,取决于液压泵的规格和转速。,液压泵也可以是变排量,不需要流量时,尽管液压泵仍在运转,但不输出压力油。,所需的液压控制阀有:,压力控制用溢流阀;,对带压力补充(恒压)变量功能的变量泵仍需一个安全阀,方向控制阀;,典型的是滑阀型电磁或电液方向阀,流量控制阀,用于控制执行机构的速度。,要求变速时选用;,也,可以采用复杂的泵控调速。,执行机构可以是液压缸或液压马达,需要的其它装置有,:,滤器,油液冷却器,油箱,压力表,液位计或液位控制开关,开式液压传动回路,典型的闭式回路液压传动装置,典型的闭式液压传动回路由液压泵直接与液压马达连接组成,通常采用定量液压马达,基本闭式液压传动回路,问题:,内部泄漏会引起液压泵产生气穴现象,基本闭式液压传动回路,加入充液,/,补油泵,补油泵的加入容许主泵提高工作转速,液流方向,基本闭式液压传动回路,可双向工作,液流方向,基本闭式液压传动回路,加入更油梭阀,以使回路中的油液得到冷却,基本闭式液压传动回路,同样,具有双向更油的作用,基本闭式液压传动回路,加入压力补偿(恒压)变量监控功能,.,由系统压力直接作用,响应,快,基本闭式液压传动回路,加入伺服变量控制器,组成完整的闭式液压传动回路,开式及闭式液压回路比较,闭式回路用液压,泵,闭式回路用液压泵通常为:,变量柱塞泵;,伺服变量控制;,具有抗超速(过中)负载能力;,变量斜盘能定位在,19,范围内的任何摆角位置上;,输出流量可以两个方向上变量,,,与斜盘的摆角成正比。,闭式回路用液压,泵,最大摆角,=,最大流量,闭式回路用液压,泵,摆角减小,=,流量减小,闭式回路用液压,泵,摆角为零,=,无流量输出,液压泵仍在运转,闭式回路用液压,泵,斜盘摆角方向相反,=,液流方向 相反,液压泵仍按原方向运转,闭式回路用液压泵,最大反向摆角,=,最大反向流量,金杯泵技术参数,金杯泵结构剖视,传动轴后部无轴承;,此种结构容许较大的后部通轴传动功率。,控制阀块,(,包含全部所需阀件,),缸体轴承,凸轮式斜盘组件,传动轴轴承,补油压力,泄油压力,吸口压力,出口压力,内部零件,壳体,先导控制压力,金杯系列产品优点,采用缸体大轴承,具有抗负载冲击的防护能力,;,液压泵工作时所有内部作用力的合力可分解为一个轴向力和一个径向力;,缸体轴承将径向力直接传递到壳体上,使传动轴不承受任何径向力;,结果:缸体不会与配油盘产生脱离或倾斜现象。,凸轮式斜盘和斜盘支座结构,具有响应快速、平稳的特点;,模块化的伺服变量控制器,控制功能柔性化;,模块式的控制阀块,便于维护、修理,。,凸轮式斜盘及斜盘座,轴向力传递到凸轮式斜盘和,斜盘座上,而,不是耳轴轴承,上;,该,极大的轴向力最终由壳体承受,。,伺服变量机构,凸轮式斜盘和斜盘座结构为采用,Denison,独特的伺服变量机构创造了条件,;,图中小耳状物体为腰形变量摆动液压缸的活塞;,叶片式活塞,变量摆动缸,伺服变量机构,小尺寸的变量摆动缸(两侧各一个)提供了变量的快速响应;,斜盘摆角的拉回,需要较高的伺服控制压力,变量摆动缸的双作用设计,允许叠加压力补偿变量监控功能,(,所有金杯系列液压泵的标准配置,),;,变量缸的信号输入机构由连在斜盘上的伺服板和与伺服输入轴相连的伺服臂组成,。,伺服板,伺服臂,伺服靴,伺服旋转输入轴,伺服变量机构,当输入信号使伺服臂移动时,伺服控制油通过滑靴进入相应的变量叶片腔,;,另一叶片腔则与壳体泄油相通;,变量斜盘在变量叶片的推动下产生摆动。,伺服变量机构,伺服板通过伺服杆与凸轮斜盘相连,随斜盘移动相同的摆角,伺服板的移动量即为位置反馈信号;,当斜盘到达要求位置时,伺服滑靴又将伺服板上的控制通道封堵,斜盘停止移动。,精确的位置控制;,对任何飘移均有自纠正功能。,图形符号原理详图,标示外部接口代号,金杯泵图形符号,可选外部,滤器隔离,堵塞,注:,:,对,P24/30,泵,无此内部通道,只能采用外部过滤。,P 6, 7, 8,泵液压原理图,P6, 7, 8 in,3,排量泵液压原理,图,P 6, 7, 8,泵液压图形符号,控制器,选用外部,滤器时的,封堵螺塞,P 11, 14,泵液压原理图,P11, 14 in,3,排量泵液压原理,图,P 11, 14,泵液压图形符号,控制器,选用外部,滤器时的,封堵螺塞,P 24, 30,泵液压原理图,P24, 30 in,3,排量泵液压原理,图,P 24, 30,泵液压图形符号,控制器,P24/30,泵,无内部通道,只能采用外部过滤。,金杯泵控制阀块原理图,座阀型设计结构,溢流及顺序阀功能,压力遥控,同时控制两侧压力;,输出扭矩控制。,压力遥控,两侧压力分别控制,控制阀块爆炸图,补偿压力调节以及补油压力先导级,使用,新,V,(,遥控)口,模块式的伺服控制器,由于输入信号,与,变量机构之间的唯一连接接口是伺服臂与伺服靴,故任一控制器均可与任何金杯泵连接;,(,或任何金杯变量马达,),主(伺服)控制型式种类,1*,型手动螺钉调节,该型控制通常用于变量马达,要求具有两种速度或扭矩的工况,;,由弹簧偏置在最大排量,负载增大压力升高后由补偿变量功能使排量减至最小;,最大及最小排量均可用螺钉手动调节 。,2*,型液动(活塞)控制,2*,是先导液动,2,或,3,位控制,;,非,比例的最大,-,最小排量控制,(2A*),;,非比例的前向,-,停止,-,反向控制,双向排量均可调,(2H*),。,2A*,控制,2H*,控制,2M*,型液动(活塞)控制,带二位电磁方向阀的非比例液动控制,初始处于最大排量位置,初始处于零排量位置,2N*,型液动(活塞)控制,带三位电磁方向阀的非比例液动控制,2N*,控制,4*,型手动伺服控制,提供一个手动伺服输入转轴,输入信号为转轴的转角,;,信号转角范围:,+19-19,弹簧对中;,输入轴要求的转动扭矩,约为,2.3 Nm(20lbs-in.),。,5*,型电液比例控制器,5*,型,控制器为老型式,采用射流管式伺服控制;已被,9*,型控制器替代,但要求采用不同的电子放大器操,控。,9*,型电液比例控制器,比,5*,型简单可靠;,便于实现手动监控。,6*,与,8*,型液动比例控制,6*,型控制为老型式,已废止,;,8*,为,改进型液动比例控制器,,是,9*,型控制器的基础,在,8*,型控制器上组合安装两个比例减压阀即成,9*,控制器,。,Denison “Venus”,电子放大(驱动),器,以微处理器为基本控制器,;,可接受工业标准的输入信号,;,可控制液压泵及液压阀,;,用于速度和压力的精确和重复控制,。,7*,型伺服阀控制器,7*,型,伺服阀控制器是高性能、高精度控制器,;,采用斜盘摆角反馈的闭环位置控制,从而获得对排量的精确控制,;,带有改进型的控制,阀块,使,进入变量叶片缸的流量得到比其它控制方式更精确的控制,;,具有多种反馈形式选项,。,Hi IQ,控制器,新,7*,型伺服阀控制器,采用,Denison,的新型,4DC01,微遮盖伺服阀,;,低价伺服阀;,标准的,ISO,安装面。,带闭环电控制器的闭式回路液压泵;,性能等于甚至优于标准型,Hi IQ,泵。,新,EC01,数,/,模伺服放大卡,With the new ECO1 Digital control card we can now control the pump in an analog or digital format.,The digital card is in the process of being modified for full PQ control.,次级变量控制器,次级变量控制器提供了更多的辅助变量功能;,自动刹车及中位旁通控制器 扭矩限定控制器,自动刹车及中位旁通控制器,通用型控制器,壳体经修正,带有附加的连接管道,;,通过附加的连接管道形成一个小流道,在液压泵处于中位时,将由于中位误差引起的流量释放掉,实现泵的两工作油口旁通。,自动刹车及中位旁通控制器,当有输入指令信号且斜盘处于有摆角的状态下,提供一个油口,(Z),输出控制压力信号,自动对故障安全刹车进行松刹;,中位自动刹车及旁通控制器,中位自动刹车及旁通控制器,中位自动刹车及旁通控制器,扭矩限定变量监控,扭矩限定(恒功率)变量监控,补偿型次级变量控制器,位于斜盘摆角指示器侧,;,该,变量控制器对驱动液压泵所需的输入扭矩进行限制,当转速固定时,即为对输入功率进行限定。,防止原动机超载;,压力升高时,液压泵的输出流量响应减小;,最终结果是泵传动轴的输入扭矩保持恒定。,无需电气控制装置,;,两个液流方向,可设定为,不同的限定值,。,扭矩限定变量控制器,扭矩限定变量控制器原理图,伺服滑靴控制的节流口处的压力降,在增压活塞的低压端形成随斜盘摆角变化的控制压力,从滑靴控制节流口的压降,-,流量公式可知:控制压力与摆角的乘积为常数,对应地,系统压力与排量的乘积为常数,即:输入扭矩为恒值。,Complete Pump 023-81585-0,P24L 7R1E 9A2 B00 XC0 M2 81586,P6S 8R1C 9A2 B00 0B0 M2 81587,T6CRM B06 3R03 B20 A1(024-58096-0/030),T6CCM B28 B05 5R10 D100 (024-58688-0/10),Complete Pump 023-81588-0,P24L 7R1E 9A2 B00 XD0 M2 81589 + P09 3R1C C10 B0 (022-09477-0),+,T6CRM B06 3R03 B20 A1(024-58096-0/030) +,T6CCM B28 B05 5R10 D100 (024-58688-0/10),Complete Pump 023-80720-0,P30L 8R1B 8A2 B00 XFO M2 80721 + P30L 8R1B 8A2 B00 XC0 M2 80722 +,T6DCCR B50 B31 B31 3R17 A100 (024-72453-0/17 +TB 012 4R00 A101(024-51702-0),Literature,Literature on line,http:,FTP literature,Service, Sales,Piston,Kits-Conversion - Aftermarket,Kits - Gold,Cup.pdf,(need Adobe Acrobat reader),Order Form 11-01 SF0303.xls,P*,*,*,-,1 2 3,1,2,高效率泵仅,P24,规格,(,对其它规格省略,) H,3,P6S-,*,*,*,4 5 6,4,R ,右转,CW Rotation,L ,左转,CCW Rotation,5,6,1,丁腈橡胶,4 EPR,5,氟橡胶,Viton,P6S-2R1,*,7,7,设计代号,P6 C - DESIGN,P7 A - DESIGN,P8 A - DESIGN,P11 C - DESIGN,P14 C - DESIGN,P24 E - DESIGN,P30 B - DESIGN,P6S-2R1C-,*,*,*,8 9 10,8,9,10,NOTE:,Code 6 - Replaced by Code 8,Code 5 - Code 9 Preferred,P6S-2R1C-,9A,2-,*,*,11 12,11,12,P6S 2R1C-9A2-BOO-,*,*,*,13 14 15,13,14,15,P6P-2R1C-9A2-B00-0A,1,-,M2,16,16,M2 = Any special configuration or requirement in this case:,1= Pump Mounted : Size, configuration i.e. TB006-WR01-A1-OW (024-51095-0/01),Case drain check valve fitted,P6P-2R1C-9A2-B00- 0A1-M2 07704,Part Number 023-07704-0,Relevant History Changes,P6S is an “C” Design,P7S is an “A” Design,P8S is an “A” Design,The design letter has not changed on these pumps for many years however there has been changes on the type of pumps mounted on the rear:,Originally T3SB Vane Pump.014-97836-0,Changed to Barnes Gear Pump.512-42023-0,Today we use a TB Vane Pump.024-51095-0/01,Also the Hot Oil Shuttle Valve has had an extra port added (P3),The R4V head on these pumps is internally drained,Relevant History Changes,P11S is a “C” Design,P14S is a “C” Design,The design letter has changed on these pumps,Original “A” design was a mechanical seal,“B” design was a single lip seal,“C” design is a double lip seal,Also there has been changes on the type of pumps mounted on the rear:,Originally T3SB Vane Pump.014-97836-0,Changed to Barnes Gear Pump.512-42023-0,Today we use a TB Vane Pump.024-51095-0/01,Also the Hot Oil Shuttle Valve has had an extra port added (P3),The R4V head on these pumps is externally drained,Relevant History Changes,P24S is a “E” Design,P30S is a “B” Design,The design letter has changed on these pumps,P24 “A” design to:,“B” design - New mounting flange and housing. To:,“C” design - New port block, changed,geroters,to vane cartridge,end cover, barrel hold down, shaft spline, and auxiliary mounting. To:,“D” design - New port block.,P30 “B” design to:,“B” design - New port block.,Also there has been changes on the type of pumps mounted on the rear:,T3SB Vane Pump used as internal cartridge (spring vane),The T6C/CC pumps have changed from industrial to mobile and now have the SKF 7305 bearing fitted,Also the Hot Oil Shuttle Valve has had an extra port added (P3),The R4V head on these pumps is externally drained,S23-15219-0,For P11/14,S23-15213-0K,Shaft & Bearing Assembly,S23-15244-0K,Shaft Seal Kit,NOTE:Today Hgglunds use the following:,P6,7,8 Type 2 or 3 shafts,P11,14,24,30 Type 7 or 8 shafts,THE LIP SEAL SHAFTS ARE DIFFERENT TO THE MECHANICAL SEAL SHAFTS AND ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE,S,型后驱动叶片泵轴承改进,033-57211-0,033-57935-0,033-57214-0 SAE B,033-92374-0 SAE B-B,033-57315-0 SAE C,033-91606-0 SAE D,033-57214-0 SAE B,033-92374-0 SAE B-B,033-57315-0 SAE C,033-91606-0 SAE D,P24 OLD,P30 OLD,Auxiliary Drive Shaft,Coupling,Pump,Auxiliary Drive Shaft,Coupling,Pump,Kit Containing Both Parts,S23-17444-0K SAE B,S23-17448-0K SAE B-B,S23-17446-0K SAE C,S23-17450-0K SAE D,P24 NEW,033-93535-0,033-93537-0 SAE B,033-93541-0 SAE B-B,033-93538-0 SAE C,033-93540-0 SAE D,P30 NEW,S23-17445-0K SAE B,S23-17449-0K SAE B-B,S23-17447-0K SAE C,S23-17451-0K SAE D,033-93536-0,033-93537-0 SAE B,033-93541-0 SAE B-B,033-93538-0 SAE C,033-93540-0 SAE D,Fault Finding,Loss of servo or replenishing,If servo and replenishment is lost the usual cause is that the auxiliary shaft has broken.,Causes:,Too much torque transmitted, the external filter plug is installed, modulation pin missing?,Loss of replenishment,This can be due to internal problems with the pump or external problems with the system.,Isolate the pump to eliminate the system.,Pump problems:,Replenishment relief spring broken?,Ring check in “A” or “B” broken?,Wear or failure of internal parts?,Fault Finding,Loss of system pressure,If pressure cannot be raised in “A” or “B” ports?,The compensator seat may be broken?,Is the “V” port being,utilised,? If so check the fittings and if possible plug of the “V” port.,If pressure is available in “A” and not ”B” or visa versa?,Check the pilot flow check valves in ports “VA” or “VB”,If system pressure is available but will not rise up to compensator setting?,It is possible that either the compensator cone/seat is damaged or the modulating pin,has worn the hole in the valve block?,Cannot reach full system flow?,Check the input signal to the control card or servo pressure to the stroker?,The servo pressure should modulate upwards at 40 PSI/1000 or 60 PSI/1000,depending on the valve block being used,Lock Nuts,Null Adjust,Back Lash Adjustment,Max Volume Adjust,75 - 350 PSI = 1.189”,250 - 450 PSI = 1.061”,150 - 400 PSI = 1.136”,100 - 380 PSI = 1.169”,75 - 435 PSI = 0.957”,0.001” = 1.31 PSI,Hold down force 1042-1032 lb,Hold down force,1042 - 1032 lb,P24,P30,It is important that the hold down on these pumps is applied correctly as per the service information S1-AM015-B.,Note - If the shaft is being replaced the hold down should always be taken off and re applied after assembly.,Note - The shaft seals on P24 pumps should not be changed without taking off the hold down first.,Whats NEW and what are we working on ?,Efficiency and noise on all sizes of pumps,Testing a new bearing for the P24/30 pump.,Faster response on standard controls,Digital Hi IQ control,A ceramic coated shaft for the lip seal to run on.,Kits,New 280 Bar Open circuit pump,P30,+1.5 - 2%,P24,Efficiency,新,-,止推滚子轴承,旧,-,球面双排滚子轴承,传动轴轴承改进,The problem is not the speed of the control but the speed of the pump. The problem was found to be a pressure drop across this shear seal.,To overcome this the seal has been modified to reduce the pressure drop and the orifices in the servo stem enlarged which has increase the speed considerably.,例如:,P24/30,正常响应时间为,1.8 s,新响应时间为,0.5 s,伺服靴密封改进,Kits,Kits have been recently introduced to improve the availability of,spare parts, content and,range of parts available.,As an example - Gold Cup Seal Kits:,1 seal kit for all valve blocks S23-17338-0K which now includes cone, seat and filter.,1 seal kit for all controls including the secondary control.,A complete seal kit now has all the parts necessary to completely re-seal a pump including,the vane pump and shuttle valve on Hgglunds “S” type pumps,Shafts now come as a shaft and bearing assembly,Complete rotating group kits are now available,All commonly used parts are available on 24HR delivery as stated in the,“NEW” kit brochure,转子部件,Kits,


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