essence of marketing strategy(建立品牌的秘诀PPT)

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,Click to edit Master title,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Chivalry 2011,按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片文字樣式,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,*,按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片文字樣式,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,*,Chivalry,25 Mar 2011,Terry Lee,Click to edit Master title,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,*,Essence of Marketing Strategy,建立品牌的秘訣,Chivalry Management Consultancy,資訊爆炸的時代,心智運作模式趨向簡單化,媒體,:,商業,TV,有線,TV,衛星,TV,收音机,AM, FM,報紙, 雜誌,,書籍,每天有,1,000,本新書出版,.,產品,:,一間便利店有上千種貨品,一間超級市場有上萬種貨品,每年有超過,20,000,種新產品走進市場。,美国專利局的註冊專利活跃的有,450,000,項,每年有,25,000,項新註冊。,(,美国囯会每年通过,500,項法規,州政府每年通过,25,000,法案,.),廣告,:,傳统的媒體,互联网,手机。,在資訊,爆炸的時代,我们只好建立防衛机制,並將信息處理簡单化。,2,2,Characteristics of our minds,我们的心智思維特徵,Minds are limited,我们的心智思維都有極限,Category ladder,品類階梯思維,Minds hate confusion,我们的心智思維不想混乱,愈成功的品牌愈不能隨意扩展业務領域。还有排他法則。,Keep it simple and relevant.,简单化思維,連接新舊概念,如,horseless carriage.,Minds are insecure,我们常有不安全的意識,Risks,風險,(monetary, functional, physical, social, psychological),People buy what others buy, or look to others to help them make decision.,羊羣心態、害怕作决策。,Minds dont change,心智思維一旦形成便很難改变,您还想用廣告建立新品牌嗎?,We dont see things as they are, we see things as we are.,我们看見的、是自己。,Minds can lose focus,我们的心智思維容易失焦,Specialist brands often beat generic brands.,專门品牌通常勝过普遍性品牌,Dominos Pizza,達美樂,vs. Pizza Hut,必勝客,Duracell,金霸王,(long-lasting alkaline batteries,鹼性电池,) vs. Eveready,永備,(flashlight, heavy-duty, rechargeable, and alkaline batteries),3,3,這些品牌有甚麽相同之處,?,4,4,Being first is key .,成為第一,What is the name of the first person to fly solo across the North Atlantic?,第一位駕飛机橫越大西洋的人是誰,?,Charles Lindbergh,林白,(1927,年從纽约直飛巴黎,),。 第二位呢,?,What is the largest-selling book ever published ?,全世界最暢銷的書是,?,The Bible,聖經。 第二本是,?,What is the name of the first person to walk on the moon ?,第一位登陸並踏上月球的人,?,Neil Armstrong,阿姆斯壯。第二位呢,?,What is the name of the first American president ?,第一位美囯总统是誰,?,George Washington,华盛顿。第二任呢,?,What is the name of the highest mountain in the world ?,世界最高山峯是,?,Mount Everest in the Himalayas,喜馬拉雅山的珠穆朗瑪峯,5,They were the first products . of their categories.,他们是各自品類的第一產品,6,市場領袖通常賺取最高利潤,7,B,D,E,C,A,15,20,Relative Market Share,0.125X,1X,0.25X,2X,0.5X,10,35,30,25,5,-5,0,Return on Capital Employed (%),相对市佔率與資本回報的典型关系,7,Perception(,心智,) Vs. Reality(,真实,),Perception is a process by which individuals organise and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.,The importance of perception is peoples behaviour is based on their perception of what reality is, not on reality itself.,心智之所以重要,皆因人们行為乃建基於其心智所認為的事实,而非事实本身。,Perception may be wrong, but the consequences of those perceptions are real.,人们的心智認識可能有錯誤,但這些心智引起的結果都是真实的。,8,Three ways to be first,成為第一的三種方法,The most direct way to achieve first-in-category status, of course, is to be truly the first to reach the market.,真正的成為某品類的第一,Xerox was the first to introduce office photocopying in the 1960s.,六十年代,施乐首先推出乾式复印机。,The second way is to usurp the position through marketing.,透过有效的宣傳,Christopher Columbus,哥倫布,vs. Amerigo Vespucci,韋斯普奇,The very first mainframe computer sold was,Remington Rand, but,IBM,became the first in the popular mind because of its massive marketing. IBM,率先佔据心智,The first internet bookstore was,P, but,A,was first in the mind.,The third way is to try to make some variation so the category can be perceived as a new category. That is, create a new category you can be first in (where we can count on a divergent market).,創造新品類,Who is Amelia Earhart,埃爾哈特,?,Charles Schwab in the US marketed itself as the first “discount” brokerage firm.,嘉信理財自我推廣為第一間折扣股票經紀行,9,The importance of being first,通过創造新品類成為第一而建立的品牌,A,亞馬遜, the first online bookstore,Band-Aid,邦迪, the first adhesive bandage,Carrier,開利, the first air conditioner,CNN, the first cable news network,Dell,戴尔, the first direct seller of PCs,Dominos, the first home-delivery pizza chain,Dr. Scholls, the first foot-care product,Duracell,金霸王, the first alkaline battery,ESPN, the first cable sports network,Evian,依云, the first expensive bottled water,Gatorade,佳得乐, the first sports drink,Gore-Tex, the first breathable waterproof cloth,Harvard,哈佛, the first college in the US,Heineken,喜力, the first imported beer,KFC,肯德基, the first fast-food chicken chain,Intel,英特尔, the first microprocessor,Nike,耐吉, the first athletic shoe,Palm, the first handheld computer,Pampers,幫宝适, the first disposable baby diaper,Pizza Hut,必勝客, the first pizza chain,PowerBar, the first energy bar,Q-Tips, the first cotton swab,Red Bull,红牛, the first energy drink,Reynolds Wrap, the first aluminum foil,Rolex,勞力士, the first expensive Swiss watch,Softsoap, the first liquid soap,Sun Microsystems, the first Unix workstation,Swatch,斯沃琪, the first fashion watch,Taco Bell, the first Mexican food chain,Tide,汰漬, the first detergent,Time,時代週刊, the first weekly news magazine,WD-40, the first super-lubricant,Wharton, the first business school,10,10,If you are not the market leader, how can you effectively compete with them ?,如果您不是市場领袖,您怎樣跟他们競爭?,Attack strategy,進攻策咯,(frontal attack,正面攻擊, flank attack,側擊, guerrilla attack,游擊,),11,更好品質、更好口味,? “,更好,”,可不是好主意。,1985/86,年的市務大战,Micrin was a mouthwash better than Listerine, introduced by J&J in 1961 and soon became the number 2 in the market. P&G introduced Scope as a better taste mouthwash and took up the number 2 position. Micrin retreated in 1978.,When you are against the leader, “better” is not a good idea in marketing.,12,Following suit as what leaders do is dead end road,仿效市場領袖是死路,Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,白雪公主與七小矮人,IBM (60%) vs. Burroughs, Control Data, GE, Honeywell, NCR, RCA, Univac,Xerox computer,施樂電腦,IBM photocopier IBM,複印机,Kmart,(cutting prices),against Wal-MartKmart,(with Martha Stewart and other designers),against Target,13,You cant get there from here.,財雄勢厚的可口可樂打造品牌時屢屢碰壁,您真的知道怎樣建立品牌嗎?,Coca-Cola missed the,caffeinated, carbonated citrus category,(pioneered by,Mountain Dew,), so they tried to get into the game with,Mello Yello,. That didnt work. They tried,Surge, which didnt work either.,Coca-Cola missed the,spicy cola category,(pioneered by,Dr Pepper,), so they tried to get into the game with,Mr. Pibb,. That didnt work either.,Coca-Cola missed the,all-natural beverage category,(pioneered by,Snapple,), so thy tried to get into the game with,Fruitopia, which never went anywhere.,Coca-Cola missed the,sports drink category,(pioneered by,Gatorade,), so they tried to get into the game with,PowerAde, which hangs in there as a weak number 2 brand.,Coca-Cola missed the,energy drink category,(pioneered by,Red Bull,), so they tried to get into the game with,KMX,. Not only was KMX fourteen years too late, but its also saddled with a weak name. Red Bull connotes energy by conjuring up the image of waving a red flag in front of charging bull. KMX sounds like an additive for a motor oil.,Six me-too attempts on the part of the Coca-Cola Company to create new brands when they,should have focused on creating new categories,. If the worlds leading soft-drink company and owner of the most valuable single brand in the world (Coca-Cola) has consistently been unsuccessful in building new brands, why should you think your company can succeed using similar strategies?,14,Survival of the Second,老二的生存策略美囯的第二大城市不会是靠近紐約的波士頓或費城,.,The smart strategist, like Henderson, learns from The Russian biologist Gause, who invented the “principle of competitive exclusion”. Gause put two small animals of the same family but different species in a glass jar with limited food. They cooperated and survived. When he put two small animals of the same species in the jar, with the same amount of food, they fought and died. Co-existence is impossible if animals live precisely the same way.,成為不同的種類:找尋其他東西作食物。,Decent profitability requires firms to differentiate themselves. Thus the pursuit of operational effectiveness, and the neglect of differentiation strategy, has predictable results.,卓越的營運终有盡头,異化才是更好策略。,Business competition does not always produce a winner. If the difference between competitors are minimal, their struggle may produce only losers. And conventional strategies may only make things worse.,The basis for profitability in a competitive system is competitive advantage. If no competitor can gain a significant and sustainable advantage over the rest, the result is stalemate. In stalemate, market share is of little value. Stalemate is an ever more common fact of life. Finding new ways to create competitive advantage will be the measure of success for American business.,產業一旦陷入僵局,(stalemate),,衆人皆輸。,- John Clarkeson, BCG,15,Doing differently from the leader finding an opposite idea,最好跟市場領袖不同甚至相反,連系策略,Avis is only No. 2 in rent-a-cars, so why go with us?,vs,.,Uncola:,六十年代末的美囯,每三位,soft drink,消費者有兩位喝可樂,,uncola,連接可樂這个龐大市場,使,7,喜成市場三哥,年銷從,87.7,百万元增至一亿九千万美元。,Volks,於,1949,年進入美国市場,廣告商,DDB,替其制造不少正面故事,包括在消費者報告中的好評,耕耘十年,年銷近,12,万輛,佔入口車,20%,。,1960,年推出上述廣告。,16,Opposite idea and the do-it-better trap,相反抑或做得更好,Place for kids (aged 2 6) attracted by Ronald McDonald?,Happy Meals and the swings and slides,Have it your way,Grow up to the flame-broiled taste of Burger King,McDonalds,扩展賣早餐,; Burger King,也扩展賣早餐,.,McDonalds,加賣鸡塊,; Burger King,也加賣嫩鸡肉,.,McDonalds,創出,Ronald McDonald; Burger King,也創出,Magical Burger King.,McDonalds,推出兒童餐,Happy Meal,並加建遊乐設施,; Burger King,也推出兒童餐,Kids meal,並加建遊乐設施,.,漢堡王唯一没有抄襲的是麥当勞的收入,Vs.,Vs.,17,創造新品類,在已有品類中擁有一个字詞或特性,Volvo safety,安全,BMW driving,駕駛,Mercedes-Benz prestige,名望,Ferrari speed,速度,Jeep Sport-utility vehicle,越野運动,Federal overnight,隔晚,Crest cavity,防蛀牙,Pepsi youth generation,年青一代,Nordstrom service,服務,Dominos home delivery,宅送,A online bookstore,網上書店,Kellogg School of Management Marketing,市場學,市場營銷中真正的問題不是創建品牌,.,18,創造新品類,收窄您的生意,(,聚焦策略,)(,收縮你的焦点後,您的品牌才会更强大,),Fred DeLucas income:,$27 million,$32 million,$42 million,$54 million,$60 million,五、六十年前的美国,每个城镇都至少有一間咖啡廳,在咖啡廳您可以吃甚麼?很多東西,有蛋、醃肉、班戟、漢堡包、熱狗、雞、三文治、湯、雪糕、餡餅、炸麵圈、蛋糕、汽水、咖啡等等。,Fifty years ago every town in America had a coffee shop. What did you find to eat in a coffee shop? Everything. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, soup, sandwiches, ice cream, pie, doughnuts, cake, soft drinks and coffee.,19,失焦的美囯航空企業,1992,年美囯航空業減价战,:,单這一年因各大航空公司大幅削价競爭,導致整个行業的一年損失超过整个行業歷年所賺。,Go back in history, whenever an airline came to a fork in the sky, they took both forks. Management makes decisions that are right in the short term and wrong in the long term.,回顧歷史,航空業界每当走到岔路,都選擇兩路並走。管理層作的決策短期來看都对,長期來看都錯。,“Passenger or cargo” “Lets take both forks. We have extra space under the passenger compartments.”,載客还是載貨,?,兩樣都做。,American Airlines cargo revenue in 2004 was $558 million (3% of total revenue), while cargo revenue at FedEx was $24.7 billion, with profits of $838 million (AA lost a billion).,“Business or vacation destinations” “Lets take both forks, why should we limit ourselves to one type of destination? Houston or Hawaii? We can do both.”,走商業还是渡假地点的航線?兩樣都做。,“Domestic or international” “Lets take both.”,国內線还是国際線?兩樣都做。,“First, business or coach class” Lets take both forks.”,头等、商務、还是經濟艙级?每樣都做。,20,Southwest takes one fork,西南航空只取一瓢飲,Southwest airlines is one of the worlds most profitable airlines, posting a profit for the 37,th,consecutive year in January 2010.,連續,37,年盈利。,不載貨,只載客,不走渡假地點,只走商業城市,不設国際航班,只走国內線,No-frills airline only,不設头等、沒有商務客位,只有經濟艙级,No other full-service operations,Southwest,21,Three mistakes when launching new products,企業推出新產品時的三大錯誤,近期一份研究指出,,95%,的新產品都以失敗告终,而這些都是來自大企業並且配有大筆廣告预算,他们犯了三大錯誤,:,大筆廣告预算,:,新產品、尤其新品牌都是缓慢地起飛。紅牛,(Red Bull),要等,5,年才達年銷一千万美元,再用,4,年才達年銷一億美元。紅牛只以,PR(,公关,),手法打造品牌。,產使趨向使用市調而來的名称,:,消費者通常偏好熟悉的名字。以品牌延伸作名称市調時較受落,推出市場時通常反应欠佳。,廣大銷售渠道,:,通常以較窄的渠道開始,然後慢慢擴展会較為理想,譬如開始時先交由一連瑣店獨家銷售,這樣產品会得到較好的陳列,為產品銷售、品牌建立打好基礎。,22,Wasting money on bad advertising slogans,不要浪費金錢,Avaya:,Communication without boundaries,Aventis:,Our challenge is life,Canon:,Know how,Cigna:,A business of caring,Delta:,On top of the world,Hitachi:,Inspire the Next,Nissan:,Enjoy the ride,Tyson:,Its what your family deserves ($40 million advertising campaign),Nike:,Just do it,Coca-Cola:,The real thing,Hertz:,Where winners rent,Barilla:,Italys no. 1 pasta,(,三年內取代,Ronzoni,成為領導品牌,市佔率,17%,,,Ronzoni,佔,7%),23,Positioning,定位,Dominate at where you position,主導您要定位的層面,Position at the attribute level,特性,Position at the sub-category level,次品類,Position at the category level,品類,24,Positioning Program,1. Competitive context,競爭環境,The program starts with competition and what is happening in the marketplace. In this phase, we look at research, study trends and develop a sense of the market. Who is doing what to whom ? Who owns what idea ? We determine what strategy is available to pursue.,競爭維度,誰代表甚麼。,2. The positioning concept,定位概念,Here we determine what differentiating idea can be used to separate a company or product from its competitors. What kind of benefit can be offered to a customer and prospect ? How can this concept best be verbalized ?,在那方面您是佔優,3. Supporting credentials,支持定位的証据,You cannot just make a claim about being different. You must be able to prove that you are unique, or find a way to support your point of differentiation,獨一無二的証据,4. Communicating your differentiation,宣揚您的獨特優勢,You must build a communications program behind your idea. A useful analogy is to view your differentiating idea as a nail that you are going to drive into the mind. The program to do this would be the hammer to drive this nail into the mind. Every aspect of your communication should contain this differentiating idea.,25,中國企業的大品牌戰略,從,1995,年起,海爾有,“,中國家電第一品牌,”,之稱,因產品附加值較高,價格在國內家電中最貴,(,甚至高過許多國際名牌,),,開創高檔形象店渠道,還在美國設廠及推出,“,五星级服務,”,,在顧客心中佔據,“,高檔家電,”,定位。海爾成功後陸續推出手機、電腦、以及低端家電產品,這些都不符合顧客心智中,“,高檔家電,”,定位,淪為各領域中的弱勢品牌,在大市一片向好時尚可生存,一旦競爭加强,只能以低價存活。海爾手機因此產生虧損,電腦也付出代價。另一方面, 核心產品如冰箱、洗衣機的,“,高檔家電,”,形象也逐步模糊,正謂兩面受敵,單,2005,年上半年虧損近,4,億港元。,TCL,原本有機會主導彩電,但推出手機、電腦、洗衣機、空調,,2005,年首三季,TCL,通訊虧損,16,億港元,,TCL,多媒體虧損,4,億港元。,春蘭曾是空調領導者,自從大規模推出摩托車後,失去空調領導者地位,春蘭淪為泛泛名牌,只能在各領域中低價求存。利潤從,1999,年的,2.6,亿降至,2004,年的不到,800,万元。,長虹曾是彩電代名詞,,1995,年淨利,26,億,產业報囯的代表。自,1996,年進入空調業務,盈利逐年下降,,2004,年虧損,36,億元。,聯想也曾在手機損手,,2003,、,04,年分別虧損,7,691,万和,5,446,万港元。,格蘭仕曾經很强,是微波爐的代名詞,但今天只是越來越大,先後推出空調、冰箱、洗衣機、小家電產品,品牌越來越稀釋。反而,美的在微波爐連連虧損後,推出可以蒸的微波爐新品類,開始有盈利。,26,Terry Lee,李文樂,terry.leechivalry-,Tel: 852 28248710Mobile: 852 65070898,Chivalry Management Consultancy,3316 One International Finance Centre,1 Harbour View Street,Central,Hong Kong.,企業策略營運管理精益流程成本削減市場策略企業併購及重組,27,


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