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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,新概念英语3第14课,Gangster,歹徒,强盗,We saw the whole world closing their eyes and ears, leaving us alone to thugs and,gangsters,. The genocide took away a million people in a 100 days.,Nazi,robber,抢,劫犯,,抢,劫者;,bandit,强盗,土匪,brigand (,书,),土匪,盗,贼,,草寇,hooligan,流氓,不良分子,hoodlum(,口,语,),罪犯,,恶汉,rascal (,口,语,),淘气,,捣,蛋鬼,混混,A band of,有共同目,标,的一群人,A gang of,一群(,贬义,),A party of,有,组织,的一群人,gang/band,Promptly,迅速敏捷地,立刻,马,上地,他,马,上把,这,事儿忘得一干二,净,。,会,议,要按,时结,束,不要拖延下去。,He promptly forgot all about it.,The meeting will finish promptly I,dont want it to run on.,慢思量,快行,动,。,他,骂,我是,贼时,我立即,揍,了他。,Deliberate slowly, execute,promptly.,When he called me a thief I promptly,hit him.,Remarkable,a remarkable change,a remarkable work,make oneself too remarkable,a boy of remarkable aptitude,He showed,remarkable endurance,throughout his illness.,Remarkable advances,have been made in space science.,他生病的整个,阶,段都表,现,出,非凡的,忍耐力。,太空科学已有了,长足的,发展,。,Edison had a,remarkable aptitude,for inventing new things.,He showed,remarkable courage,when he faced the danger.,爱,迪生具有,发,明,创,造的非凡才能。,他在面,对,危,险,的,时,候表,现,出非凡的,勇气。,翻,译,Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above.,大,众,通,讯,的,显,著,发,展使各地的人,们,不断感到有新的需求,不断接触到新的,习,俗和思想,由于上述原因,政府常常得推出更多得革新。,Dedicate,奉献,3,We have come to,dedicate a portion of that field as a,final resting place,for those who here gave their lives that nation might live.,我们今天到此集会,,是为了将这一,战场,的一部分奉献给那些为国捐,躯,的烈士们,,作为他们,最后的安息之,地,。,T,o such a task we can dedicate our lives and our fortunes, everything that we are and everything that we have.,为了实现这一任务,,我们可以献,出我们,的生命财产,献出我们,一,切,所有,连同我们自己在内,。,以,.,供奉,以,.,供奉,The monument,was dedicated to the memory of,the national hero.,To Prof. Wei I,dedicate this volume in token of,affection and gratitude,.,谨,以此,书,献,给,魏教授,以表,爱,慕,的,谢,忱,。,为,(,建筑物等,),举行落成典礼,The school,dedicated,the new building on Sunday.,学,校于星期日为新大楼举行落成典礼。,During my lifetime I have,dedicated myself to,this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society,.,-,Nelson Mandela,Memory,纪念,缅怀,A smile happens in a flash, but its,memory,can last a lifetime.,My aspiration is that the aged live an easy life, friends have faith in me and the youth cherish the,memory,of me,老者安之,朋友信之,少者怀之。,as memory serves,每逢想起,within the memory of man,有史以,来,embedded in ones memory,永志不忘,f,resh in ones memory,记忆,犹新,lodge in the memory,留在,记忆,中,speak from memory,单,凭,记忆讲,if my memory serves me right,如果我没有,记错,的,话,Valiant,n&a,英勇的,勇士,valiant deed,勇敢的行为,the valiant record,英勇事迹,valiant fight,英勇的斗争,A cock is valiant on his own dunghill,.,=A cock is,valiant on his own,dunghill.,夜郎自大,。,Every dog is valiant at his won door,.,狗在家门前条条都凶悍,。,It was a pioneer in creating the,valiant and heroic image,of women soldiers on the ballet stage.,她在芭,蕾,舞台上破天荒地塑造了,英,姿飒爽,的,”,穿足尖鞋,”,的中国娘子,军,形象,。,preserve/ protect,acid rain global warming,car exhaust greenhouse effect,deforestation oil spill,desertification white pollution,drought dust storm,water loss and soil erosion,环境问题,check wind and control sand,renewable resources,green energy resources,clean energy forest coverage rate,grain for green,comprehensive improvement,环保手段,biosphere eco-agriculture,natural preservation zone,the biological diversity,课,文精,讲,如果交款不,及时,,歹徒们就会很快捣毁他的商店,让他,破产,。,If the money was not,paid promptly,the gangsters would quickly,put a,man out of business,by destroying his,shop.,put a man out of business,破,产,倒,闭,But there are,enough wanting,to put you out of business to make it very awkward of you.,可是要你做不成生意,,让,你,处,境非常狼,狈,的也,大有人在,。,由于洪水造成了电话中断,我们无法了解他们情况。,As,the floods had,put the telephone,out of order, we could not find out,how they were managing.,put,out of order,If he keeps fiddling with the clock, he is sure to,put it out of order,.,My whole mornings work has been,put out of,order,by that mishap.,As the old saying goes, The house must first be,put in order,before the kingdom can be ruled and the country pacified.”,老话说,要齐家而后能治国平天下。,Before making complaints about how another person arranges his life, it is better to,put ones own house in order,.,一屋不扫,何以扫天下?,早在,14,世纪,,英国人约翰就有过,非凡的发现,:,人们,情愿,拿出大笔的钱,也不愿,毕生的心血,毁于歹徒之手,。,As long ago as,the fourteenth century,an Englishman, Sir John Hawkwood,made the remarkable discovery that,people,would rather,pay large sums,of money,than,have their,life work,destroyed by gangsters.,I met my boyfriend,as long ago as the year 2000,.,would rather do sth than do sth,would prefer to dothan do,would prefer doingto doing,would rather + that,would rather,Bell once told his family that he,would rather,be remembered as a teacher of the deaf,than,as the inventor of the telephone.,Bell,曾告诉家人,他更愿意让后人,记住他是聋子的老师,而非电话的,发明者。,The average woman,would rather,have beauty,than,Brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.,如果可以在美丽和智慧中任选其一,普通的女人宁愿选择美丽,因为普通,的男人的眼睛通常比脑子好使。,Six hundred years ago, Sir Johan Hawkwood arrived in Italy with,a band of,soldiers and,settled,near Florence.,settle,定居,解决,Dont hope to marry him because hes not the type to,settle down,.,“A rolling stone gathers no moss”, as they say.,别指望他会娶你,,因,为,他是一种,安,定,不下来的人,。正如人,们说,的,,,漂,泊,者,难,以成家。,I am just leaving school; and twenty-one years of age. I am anxious to,settle down,to office work.,本人现年,21,岁,即将毕业,,希望能,尽,快安定下来进入贵公司做文职,工,作,。,The government may step in to,settle the disagreement between,the union and the employers.,政府可能会出面干,预,解决工会和雇主之,间,的,纠纷,。,A conciliation service helps to,settle disputes between,employers and workers.,调,解机,构协,助解决,劳资纠纷,.,a period of settled weather,一段,稳,定的天气,a settled opinion,固定的看法,a settled area,定居区,settle,在新地方安,顿,下来,reside,合法居住,dwell,住在特定的地方,inhabit,长,期居住在某地,住,Some explorer_in the forest.,Some tribes still_the more remote moutains and jungles of the country.,All that time there were many American writers_in Paris.,Many Jewish people_in the new places.,Dwelt inhabit residing settled,很快就,出了名,。意大利人,叫他,乔凡尼,.,阿库托。,He,soon made a name for himself,and,came to be known to the,Italians as,Giovanni Acuto.,sb. rise to fame swiftly,acquire fame and fortune overnight,一夜成名,他,80,岁,那年死去,时,,佛,罗伦萨,人,为,他,举,行了国葬,并,为,他画像以,纪,念,这,位,骁,勇无比的,战,士,杰出的,领,袖,.,When he died at the age of eighty, the,Florentines gave him a,state funeral,and had a picture painted which,was,dedicated to the memory of,the most,valiant soldier and most notable,leader, Signor Giovanni Haukodue.,funeral,To offer sacrifice at a,funeral and condole with one in,one,s,bereavement,致奠吊丧,His time has come.,He has joined the majority.,He has joined the angles.,He answered the last number.,He is sleeping the final sleep.,DIE,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢,


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