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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语句型变化规律,“特殊定式动词”,:,am, is, are, was, were,have, has, had,will, shall, would, should,can, may, must, could,行为动词,:,表示行为或状态的词。,如:,say, sing, jump, run, write, read, play, see, dance, eat, sleep, go, come, cry, plant, swim, ,如何把肯定句变成否定句?,1. Kate was born on June 6, 1996. ,2. My family will move to Shanghai next month. ,3. She can swim. ,4. Tony is a middle school student.,5. There are many apples in the basket.,6. It is cloudy and windy today.,Kate,wasnt,born on June 6, 1996.,My family,wont,move to Shanghai next month.,She,cant,swim.,Tony,isnt,a middle school student.,There,arent,many apples in the basket.,It,isnt,cloudy and windy today.,.,首先,要看一看句中有没有“特殊定式动词”,如果有,就在“特殊定式动词”后面加,not,即可。,1. I clean our classroom every day. ,2. Mike goes to the cinema with his parents once a week. ,3. The child played the computer games in the internet bar,last night. ,4. We get up at 6:00 in the morning.,5. He often comes to school by bike.,6. I,watched TV with my family yesterday evening.,I,dont clean,our classroom every day.,Mike,doesnt go,to the cinema with his parents once a week.,The child,didnt play,the computer,games in the internet bar last night.,We,dont get,up at 6:00 in the morning.,He,doesnt often come,to school by bike.,I,didnt watch,TV with my family yesterday evening.,.,如果句中没有“特殊定式动词”,就要找出句中的,行为动词,,根据行为动词的人称和时态,在行为动词之,前,确定加,dont,或,doesnt,或,didnt,并将不是原形的行为动词还原成原形,其他地方没有变化。,注意:,如果行为动词是现在式,则在,dont,和,doesnt,之间确定。动词是原形,就,dont;,动词后面有加,s,或,es,,就,doesnt.,如果行为动词是过去式,就,didnt.,还要记得将不是原形的行为动词还原成原形。,另:肯定祈使句变否定形式时,直接在动词前面加,Dont,。,e.g.,Stand up.,Dont stand up.,如何把肯定句变成一般疑问句?,1. The old man is a famous scientist. ,2. There are hundreds of people in the zoo on Childrens,Day. ,3. You must hand in your papers on time tomorrow. ,4. I was at the library a moment ago.,5. The boy can ride a bike.,Is,the old man a famous scientist?,Are,there hundreds of people in the zoo on Childrens Day?,Must,I hand in my papers on time tomorrow?,Were,you at the library a moment ago?,Can,the boy ride a bike?,.,首先,也要看一看句中有没有“特殊定式动词”,如果有,就将“特殊动词”直接提到句首,注意大小写,句末问号。即“一提二改三问号”的步骤。,1. I often get up early in the morning. ,2. My brother likes to read English aloud in class. ,3. Mr Smith taught English in Hainan in 1999. ,4. They plant lots of trees in the hill every year.,5. She usually plays the piano in the evening.,6. The workers repaired the machine last week.,Do,you often get up early in the morning?,Does,your brother like to read English aloud in class?,Did,Mr Smith teach English in Hainan in 1999?,Do,they plant lots of trees in the hill every year?,Does,she usually play the piano in the evening?,Did,the workers repair the machine last week?,.,如果句中没有“特殊定式动词”,就要找出句中的,行为动词,,根据行为动词的人称和时态,在,句首,确定加,Do,或,Does,或,Did,并将不是原形的行为动词还原成原形,注意大小写,句末问号。即“一加二改三问号”的步骤。,have, has, had,是“拥有”的意思时,既可当“特殊定式动词”看待,也可当行为动词看待。,e.g. He has a new bike. , He hasnt a new bike.,Has he a new bike?,Yes, he has. No, he hasnt., He doesnt have a new bike.,Does he have a new bike?,Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.,但如果,have, has, had,与其他词一起构成一个新的词组,则,have, has, had,已经成为新词组中不可分割的一部分,这时的,have, has, had,就只能当作行为动词来看待。,e.g. have Chinese / English / maths / history,have a class,have a rest / break,have a good time,have breakfast / lunch / dinner,She has lunch at school. ,She doesnt have .,Does she have?,Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.,将下列句子变为否定句、一般疑问句,并作简短的肯定、否定回答:,My father is an engineer.,2. Shakespeare was an actor with plays and poems.,3. She can recite passages from,Hamlet,by Shakespeare.,4. We have a lot of work to do today.,5. She had a good time yesterday.,6. The child can sing many English songs.,7. I often play basketball with my friends after school.,My father isnt an .,Is your father an ?,Yes, he is. No, he isnt.,Shakespeare wasnt an .,Was Shakespeare an ?,Yes, he was. No, he wasnt.,She cant recite .,Can she recite ?,Yes, she can. No, she cant.,We havent a .,Have we a ?,Yes, we have. No, we havent.,She didnt have a .,Did she have a ?,Yes, she did. No, she didnt.,The child cant sing .,Can the child sing ?,Yes, she can. No, she cant.,I dont often play .,Do you often play ?,Yes, I do. No, I dont.,8. He wants me to go to his house for lunch.,9. Mr White taught physics in his hometown five years,ago.,10. They found a nice place to live at last.,11. The people speak English in many countries.,12. She asks us to help her with her English.,13. Mother will buy me a notebook computer on my,birthday.,He doesnt want .,Does he want ?,Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.,Mr White didnt teach .,Did Mr White teach ?,Yes, he did. No, he didnt.,They didnt find .,Did they find ?,Yes, they did. No, they didnt.,The people dont speak .,Do the people speak ?,Yes, they do. No, they dont.,She doesnt ask .,Does she ask ?,Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.,Mother wont buy .,Will mother buy ?,Yes, she will. No, she wont.,14. The young man finished writing the book in English.,15. The workers repaired the machine last week.,16. The population in China is growing now.,17. Most of the children enjoy playing computer games.,18. His sister went to the cinema last night.,19. The teachers from Australia have been here for just,two weeks.,20. There is going to be a film in our school this evening.,The young man didnt finish .,Did the young man finish ?,Yes, he did. No, he didnt.,The workers didnt repair .,Did the workers repair ?,Yes, they did. No, they didnt.,The population in China isnt .,Is the population in China ?,Yes, it is. No, it isnt.,Most of the children dont enjoy .,Do most of the children enjoy ?,Yes, they do. No, they dont.,His sister didnt go .,Did his sister go ?,Yes, she did. No, she didnt.,The teachers from Australia havent been.,Have the teachers from Australia been ?,Yes, they have. No, they havent.,There isnt going.,Is there going ?,Yes, there is. No, there isnt.,肯定句变特殊疑问句(对划线部分提问),对划线部分提问即是把肯定句变成特殊疑问句,也就是说,人家跟我们说话,我们对其中的某一部分没听清楚,而发出的疑问。,特殊疑问句的结构:, 疑问词,(,或疑问词及它所修饰的主语,) +,谓语,+,其他成分 ?,疑问词,(,或疑问词及它所修饰的词,) +,一般疑问句 ?,(1).,Li Ming,is the first to get to school every morning. ,(2).,My,brother watched TV last night. ,(3).,The new,bike is Marys. ,(4).,I,helped her with her English.,(5).,About ten,people worked on the farm.,Who is the first to get to school every morning?,Whose brother watched TV last night?,Which bike is Marys?,Who helped her with her English?,How many people worked on the farm?,.,当划线部分是主语或修饰主语的定语时,可直接用一个恰当的,疑问词代替划线部分即可。,(1) The children often plant,the trees,in the garden.,(2) The boys and girls are playing football happily,on the playground,.,.,疑问词,(,或疑问词及它所修饰的词,) +,一般疑问句 ?,1.,当划线部分是宾语、状语时,可采取两个步骤:先将句子变成一般疑问句,并确定划线部分的疑问词;然后,(,也是最后的一步,结果,),,,将所确定的疑问词提到句首,。,Do the children often plant,the trees,in the garden?,(What),What do the children often plant in the,garden?,Are the boys and girls playing football happily,on,the playground,?,(Where),Where are the boys and girls playing football,happily?,(3) He didnt go to the park,because he was ill,. ,(4) He often does some reading,before breakfast,.,(5) They usually go to school,by bike,.,(6) Tom is going to buy,some books,.,Didnt he go to the park,because he was ill,?,(Why),Why didnt he go to the park?,Does he often do some reading,before breakfast,?,(When),When does he often do some reading?,Do they usually go to school,by bike,?,(How),How do they usually go to school?,Is Tom going to buy,some books,?,(What),What is Tom going to buy?,I am,very fine,today.,(2) Her car is,red,.,(3) The hill is,more than 200 metres,.,2.,当划线部分是表语时,步骤同上,但要根据实际情况确定划线部分的疑问词。,Are you,very fine,today?,(How),How are you today?,Is her car,red,?,(What colour),What colour is her car?,Is the hill,more than 200 metres,?,(How high),How high is the hill?,(1) He,was taking a walk,in the park at seven yesterday evening.,(2) My uncle,works,in that big company.,(3) Miss Green,borrowed three books,from the library last Saturday.,3.,当划线部分是谓语时,首先也要将句子变成一般疑问句,然后在句首凭空地加上疑问词,What,,并用,do,的适当形式代替划线部分。,Was,he,talking a walk,in the park at seven yesterday evening?,(doing),What was he doing in the park at seven yesterday evening?,在此一般疑问句前面加,What,即为:,Does your uncle,work,in that big company?,(do),在此一般疑问句前面加,What,即为:,What does your uncle do in that big company?,Did Miss Green,borrow three books,from the library last,Saturday?,在此一般疑问句前面加,What,即为:,What did Miss Green do from the library last Saturday?,do,(1) This is,my,new bike.,(2) He gave Lucy,999,rose flowers on the Valentines,Day.,4.,当划线部分是修饰宾语的定语或修饰表语的定语时,仍然用两个步骤完成。但在把疑问词提到句首时,要将疑问词及它所修饰的词一起提到句首。,Is this,your,new bike?,(Whose),将,whose,及它所修饰的,new bike,一起提到句首即为:,Whose new bike is this?,Did he give Lucy,999,rose flowers on the,Valentines Day?,(How many),将,How many,及它所修饰的,词,一起提到句首即为:,How many rose flowers did he give Lucy,on the Valentines Day?,5.,有些对划线部分提问的情况,应使用固定句型。,对,“,长度,”,、,“,宽度,”,提问,用,how long, how wide,The desk is,four metres,long. How long is the desk? The river is,one hundred metres,wide. How wide is the river?,对,“,星期几,”,提问用,what day,Today is,Friday,. What day is today?,对,“,日期,”,提问用,whatthe date,Yesterday was,July 20, 2015,. What was the date yesterday?,对,“,距离,”,提问用,how far,Its,300 metres,from my home to school.,How far is it from your home to school?,对,“,号码,”,提问用,what size,I want,size 42,shoes. What size shoes do you want? She bought a,size 68,blouse last week. ,What size blouse did she buy last week?,对,“,天气状况,”,提问用,“,Whatthe weather like?,” Today is,rainy,. What is the weather like today?,对天气的,温度,提问用:,What temperature is it today?,How many degrees is it today?,What is the temperature today?,人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,,明辨是非的能力。,所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。,”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,,培养逻辑思维能力;,通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,,培养文学情趣;,通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。,有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,,给我们巨大的精神力量,,鼓舞我们前进,。,


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