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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,晨读吧,基础盘点ABC,要点精析ABC,解密书面表达,活页限时训练,Module 3Body Language and,Nonverbal Communication,(2011江苏高考),下,面这幅照片展现了女儿为回家妈妈拿包的情景。请根据你对这幅照片的理解用英语写一篇短文。,你的短文应包含以下内容:,1描述照片内容,如情景、人物、动作等等;,2结合自身实际,谈谈你的感想;,3,举例说明你能为家长减负做些什么,注意:,1,可,参照图中文字及下面文章开头所给提示,作必要的发挥想象;,2词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数;,3作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。,The burden of students has been a hot topic for years,but the load of parents has received little attention,especially from their own children._,_,【满分作文】,The burden of students has been a hot topicfor ears,but the load of parents has received little attention,especially from their own children,.,The picture shows us a touching moment when a little girl comes to greet her working mom.Realizing her mom must be very tired after a days work,the girl helps remove the bag from her shoulder.In response,the mom kneels down to show how happy and thankful she feels.,All this reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she can to let me have the best.,But,totally engaged in my own study,I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels,and always think studying well is the only thing I could do in return.Now I know I can do my bit to help with the everyday washing,bedroom cleaning,or at least prepare breakfast myself,so as to share my mothers daily burden.,The picture convinces me that it is even more important to be a good daughter than a “good” student.,【高级词汇】,in response作为回应;作为答复,remind sb of sth使某人想起某事,engaged in忙于convince使确信,【佳句变换】, From the picture we can see a little girl greeting her mom after she comes back from work,which touches us deeply., What the little girl does makes me think of my mother who is always doing her best to provide me with the best., However,as I m always busy with my study,I seldom care what my mother needs and feels,thinking it is studying well that is the only thing I could do in return., Just as the picture shows,,,it is not being a “good” student but a good daughter that is even more important.,A考纲词汇思忆,1,involve,v,t.,包括,2,spread,v,i.,张开,3,stare,v,i.,凝视;盯着看,4,panic,v,恐慌;惊慌,5,request,n,请求;要求,6,favour,n,恩惠;善意的行为,7,live,adj,.现场的,8,communicate,v,i.,(用语言、信号)传递信息;交流,communication,n,交流;沟通,9,unconscious,adj,.无意的;不知不觉的,conscious,adj,.有意识的,10,vary,v,i.,变化,variety,n,种类,various,adj,.各种各样的,11,formal,adj,.正式的,informal,adj,.非正式的,12,traditionally,ad,v,.,传统地,traditional,adj,.传统的,tradition,n,传统,13,threatening,adj,.恐吓的;具有威胁的,threaten,v,威胁,threat,n,威胁,14,performance,n,表演,perform,v,表演,performer,n,表演者,15,judgement,n,判断;意见,judge,v,判断,16,equality,n,平等,equal,adj,.平等的,17,social,adj,.社会的,society,n,社会,18,infectious,adj,.有感染性的,infect,v,感染,infection,n,感染,An excellent salesperson is requested to be aggressive and good at communicating with other people in todays competitive society.Communication,which involves various interactions,helps to improve the relationship.He needs to have good judgement and be used to dealing with all kinds of people whether on formal or informal occasions.Are you in favour of me?,字词入章,相得益彰,B重点短语识记,1,与,握手,shake hands with,2,在远处,in the distance,3,(,保持,),警惕,on guard,4,达成协议;做成交易,make a deal,5,举起,hold up,6,暴露,(,自己的情况,),give away,7,举起,lift up,8,一上一下地,up and down,9,偶然地,by accident,10,打开,(,灯、无线电等,),switch on,C,经典句式再现,1独立主格结构,One person then holds up his hand,,palm outwards and five fingers spread,(手掌向外,五指展开),2,be,adj,.,to do,Body language,is fascinating for anyone to,study,(,对任何研究者来说都是吸引人的,),3,every time,每次,引导状语从句,In Russia you should make a toast,every time you take a sip from your glass,(,每次从你的杯子里抿一小口时,).,Its an ability for communicating information to others by varying sounds we make as we breathe out.,(2010江西卷,阅读E),呼吸的时候通过变化声音交流信息,这是一种能力。,A,核心单词巧布点,基石奠,vary,vi,.变化,不同,vt.,变更,改变,(,3,),various,adj,.各种各样的;多方面的,variable,adj,.易变的;变化无常的,The color of that animal,varies with,the season.,这种动物的颜色随着季节而改变。,Though on the same family,the bird,varies in,size and color.虽属同科,这种鸟大小、颜色不一。,The work of an elephant trainer also involves love and devotion.,(2010上海卷,阅读),驯,象师的工作也包括爱心和奉献。,involve,vt,.包括,涉及,使参与,Dont,involve,other people,in,your trouble.,别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。,He,is involved in,reading all night.,他整晚都在专心致志地读书。,We should consider the students request that school library provide more books on popular science.,(重庆卷),我们应当考虑学生们的请求,学校图书室应该多提供科普书籍。,request,n,请求,要求,v.,请求,要求,He,requested them to be,present at the meeting on time.,他要求他们准时出席会议。,小贴士,request that从句请求,request 后的宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句以及It is requested that.从句中用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用,(,should,),动词原形形式。,I requested that he should come an hour earlier.,我请求他早一个小时来。,favour,n,恩惠;善意的行为;赞成;偏袒,v.,支持;偏袒,Could you,domeafavour,and turn off that light?,劳您的驾,请把那盏灯关掉好吗?,Everyone present is,infavorof,his proposal.,在场的每一个人都赞成他的提议。,aWhile listening,you can nod your head in order to show you are in favor of his or her views.,(江苏卷),bAs for myself,Im in support of this activity,too.,(福建卷),满分作文之佳句,集训中心,.单词拼写,1Someone who has an,a,_attitude may be violent.,2Being deaf and dumb makes,c,_ very difficult.,3If you are,u,_ of something you do not know it is happening.,4The fire,s,_ very rapidly because of the strong wind.,5One must be,c,_ of his shortcomings.,6Several officials were _(涉及,卷入)in the matter.,7She _(变化)her dress as fashion changes.,8Since he took over the case,he always receives _(恐吓的)emails.,9It was so quiet that he made some _(姿势)to express what he wanted.,10If you _(信任)someone,you should believe in them and rely on them.,答案,1.aggressivemunication3.unconscious4spread5.conscious,6.involved7.varies8.threatening9.gestures10.trust,.单项填空,1Duty is an act or a course of action that people _you to take by social customs,law or religion.(2010湖北,27),Apersuade Brequest Cinstruct Dexpect,2Because more and more people are aware of the pollution caused by cars,they are _riding bikes or taking buses to work.,Ain favour of Bin honour of,Cin face of Din need of,3He had intended to pull out of the complex situation but ended up_in it.,(2012长春模拟),Agetting deeply involved Bdeeply involved,Cgetting deeply connected Ddeeply connected,4The weather _from very cold to quite mild.,Avaried Bformed Cdescribed Ddecorated,5He ignored the neighbors request that _less noise at night.,Ahe would make Bhe could make,Che make Dhe made,答案 1.D2.A,3.A4.A5.C,give away暴露(自己的情况);泄露;分发或赠送某物;(由于大意)未利用或抓住(时机、机会等),B,核心短语点入线,基础建,If a person has not had enough sleep,his actions will give him away during the day.,(江西),如果一个人没有足够睡眠,那么白天他的行为就会表露出来。,give in屈服;让步,Give off,散发;放出,Give out,分发;用完;耗尽;发出,give way to给,让路;被,代替,give up放弃,The doctors had to,give up,the dying patient after efforts.几经努力,医生只好停止给那个濒死的病人治疗。,Its polite to,give way,in a narrow passage.,在狭窄的过道里给人让路是很礼貌的。,The book,deals,_,with,how to deal with such deals.,本书论述了怎样处理这类交易的问题。,make a deal 达成协议;做成交易,more than,;,in favor of,;,by accident,;,on guard,;,make a deal,;,give.away,1Ill _with youyou wash the car for me and Ill let you use it tonight.,2His accent _him _.,3The beauty of the mountain village is _I can describe.,4The police found the lost child _.,5Are you _the plan?,6Who was _when the fire broke out?,答案,1.make a deal2.gave;away3.more than4.by accident5.in favor of6.on guard,集训中心,.,选词填空,.单项填空,1Do you need any help,Lucy?,Yes.The job is _I could do myself.,Aless than Bmore than,Cno more than Dnot more than,2I missed seeing my brother off at the airport because my car was _in a traffic jam.,Abroken up Blifted up,Cheld up Dkept up,3$ 500,but this is my last offer.,OK,it is a _.,Acost Bprice Creward Ddeal,4Laura wanted to play a joke on her father but gave herself _by laughing.,Aout Baway Coff Dup,5I think she hurt my feelings on purpose rather than_as she claimed.,Aby design Bby accident Cby choice Dby mistake,答案 1.B2.C,3.D4.B5.B,Body language is fascinating for anyone to study.身势语对任何研究者来说都是吸引人的。,C,核心句型线入面,灵犀现,结构,这个结构中的动词不定式要用主动形式。,The air in the valley is fresh,to,_,breathe,.,这个山谷的空气呼吸起来非常新鲜。,In France you should shake hands every time you say hello and goodbye.在法国,每次打招呼或告别时,你都要(与别人)握手。,此处every time引导时间状语从句,表示“每当的时候”。,I can think of you,every time,it rains.,每次下雨的时候,我都会想起你。,与every time用法类似的短语还有the first time,(,第一次做,的时候,),,last/next time,(,上次/下次做,的时候,),,the moment/minute,(,一,就,),,the day/year,(,在做,的那一天/那一年,),。以上这些短语引导状语从句时,不能在这些短语后面加when,1In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant_.,(2010四川,11),Ato deal with Bdealing with,Cto be dealt with Ddealt with,2Li Yang,the founder of Crazy English ,says that he copies it down _he comes to a beautiful sentence.,(2012内江模拟),Aunless Bwhile,Cbecause Devery time,集训中心,.,单项填空,3The tickets _at the entrance,we walk into the exhibition hall.,Achecked Bbeing checked,Chaving checked Dto be checked,4_born in Chicago,the author was famous for his stories in new York.,ASince BOnce,CWhen DAlthough,5Air in the countryside is fresh _.,Ato be breathed Bbreathing,Cbeing breathed Dto breathe,答案,1.A2.D,3.A4.D5.D,.翻译句子,1,这,个女孩很易相处,。,_,2,每次看到这种食物,我都会感到恶心,。,_,3,上次我见她的时候,她还是个小女孩,。,_,答案1.The girl is easy to get along with.,2I feel sick every time I see such food.,3Last time I met her,she was just a little girl.,对应学生用书P100,一般词汇,高级词汇,able,talented,actions,measures,buy,purchase,care,concern,certainly,undoubtedly,change,reform,cheat,deceive,common,popular,enter,attend,finish,accomplish,free,released,fresh,vivid,get,attain,give,donate/offer,given,distributed,glad,delighted,greatly,dramatically,greatly,sharply,healthy,sound,important,urgent,is,lies,joy,fun,leave,desert,like,appreciate/enjoy,make,earn,pay,afford,proportion,ration,realize,fulfill,rise,soar,satisfied,content,see,visit,spectator,viewer,sometimes,occassionally,standing,located,today/now,nowadays/currently,unhurriedly,leisurely,way,approach/method,write,compose,一般词汇,高级短语,此外:besides,in addition,furthermore,consider,take.for granted,expecting,looking forward to,finally,last but not least,for,in favor of,然而:however,in contrast,on the otherhand,important,be of vital importance,know,figure out,like,as.as,notice,focus on,overlook,birds view,应该:should,be supposed to,虽然:though/although,despite/in spite of/the fact,that,use,take advantage of,visit,pay a visit to,一般短语,高级短语,as/so long as,on condition that,ask for,apply for,because of,due to,owing to,on account of,thanks to,as a result of,be famous for,be noted for,be interested in,be crazy about,be absorbed in,be made up of,consist of,famous people,great figures,grow fast,grow rapidly/amazingly fast,in addition to,apart from,most of.,the majority of,not.at all,anything but,try ones best to do,spare no effort to do,very good,perfectly good,want to,be willing to,单击此处进入 活页限时训练,


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