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,*,陇南市一中,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,With,复合结构,1,现将with复合结构的构成和用法归纳如下:,一. with复合结构的构成,1.,with+宾语+名词,He died with his daughter yet a school girl.,他死的时候,他的女儿还是个学生。,2. with+宾语+形容词,He used to sleep with all the windows open.,他过去常常开着窗子睡觉。,She lay in bed with her face pale.,她躺在床上,脸色苍白,2,3. with+宾语+副词,The girl fell asleep with the light on.,那位女孩睡着了,灯还亮着。,Her mother sat in an armchair with her head down.,她母亲坐在椅子上,头低着。,4. with+宾语+不定式,I cant go out with these clothes to wash.,因为这些衣服要洗,我不能出去。,I had to go to bed with nothing to do.,我没有事可做,只好睡觉。,3,5. with+宾语+介词短语,He sat near the fire with his back to the door.,他坐在炉子旁,背朝着房门。,The teacher came in with a book in his hand.,老师进来了,手里拿着本书。,6. with+宾语+现在分词,With the machine helping us, we could finish the work on time.,由于有机器的帮助,我们能按时完成任务。,She lives in the room with the light burning.,她住在亮着灯的那个房间里。,4,7. with+宾语+过去分词,With everything done, she went home.,做完一切事情以后,她回家了。,He lay on his back, with his teeth set and his eyes closed.,他仰卧着,咬着牙、闭着眼。,5,二. with复合结构作定语,She saw a brook,with red flowers and green grass on both sides.,她看到一条两岸长着红花、绿草的小溪。,The woman,with a baby in her arms,is Tom”s aunt.,抱着小孩的那位妇女是汤姆的姑姑。,The city lies in a valley,with high mountains around it.,这位城市位于一个由高山环抱的山谷中。,Any man,with eyes in his head,can see that he”s exactly like a rope.,任何头上长了眼睛的人都会看出他十足像一条绳子,6,三. with复合结构作状语,表示伴随状况,She left the office with tears in her eyes.,她眼里含着泪,离开了办公室。,He was covered with a national flag with his face exposed.,一面国旗盖在他身上,脸露在外面。,7,2. 表示原因,With his key lost,he couldn”t get into the office.,由于钥匙丢了,他进不了办公室。,With the weather changed, we decided to put off the sports meet.,由于天气变化,我们决定推迟举行运动会,8,3. 表示时间,The children began to watch TV,with the homework done.,孩子们完成作业以后开始看电视。,The meeting was over,with the problem settled.,问题解决以后,会议结束了。,9,4. 表示条件,Id like to see the new film,with time permitting.,如果时间许可,我想看那部新电影。,We will have an outing tomorrow,with weather fine.,如果明天天气好的话,我们要去郊游。,10,5. 表示结果,The battle ended,with the enemy defeated.,战斗结束了,敌人被打败了。,They have finished the peace talks,with the agreements reached.,他们结束了和谈,达成了协议。,11,12,


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