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However, many young people attach little importance to punctuality, which, in my opinion, will give rise to many problems.,First,you may impress other people as being unreliable and dishonest.,When you are late for a job interview, the boss may refuse to give you the chance since people tend to assume that if you cannot fulfill your promise, you have no sense of responsibility and can do nothing well.,Second, others may think that you show no respect to them.,Therefore, university students should learn that,punctuality is a good habit.,Being punctual, you are showing respect to others and, in return, you will win others respect and trust.,With the advent of the 1._ of knowledge economy, time is 2. _ by an increasing number of people. However, many young people attach little importance to3._, which, in my opinion, will give rise to many problems.,First, 4._.When you are late for a job 5. _, the boss may refuse to give you the chance since people tend to 6._ that if you cannot fulfill your promise, you have no sense of 7. _and can do nothing well. Second,8. _.,Therefore, university students should learn that punctuality is a good habit. Being punctual, you are showing respect to others and, 9._.,1. era 2.treasured 3.punctuality,4. you may impress other people as being unreliable and dishonest.,5.interview 6.assume 7.responsibility,8.others may think that you show no respect to them,9.in return, you will win others respect and trust.,Topic 9: On Overseas Study,1有人认为出国留学是个人发展的最佳选择,2也有人坚持在国内也能实现自己的理想,3我的看法,With the deepening of reform and opening-up of our country, many people dream of going abroad for further study. They insist that the modern research facilities, world famous professors and excellent environment in those foreign colleges can help lay a perfect foundation for their future development.,However, there are still many people who favor studying at home. They argue that studying abroad is too expensive and doesnt pay. They also point out that there are no language and cultural barriers if they study in our country.,Both opinions are acceptable in some sense. If students have the chance and financial resources, they should seize the opportunity to go abroad and broaden their eyes. On the other hand, if conditions dont permit, they can pursue their studies in top universities at home. What counts is not the place where they study, but what they can learn.,With the 1._of reform and opening-up of our country, many people dream of going abroad for 2._study. They insist that the modern research 3._, world famous professors and excellent 4._ in those foreign colleges can help lay a perfect 5. _ for their future development.,However, there are still many people who 6. _studying at home. They argue that 7._. They also point out that 8._.,Both opinions are acceptable in some sense. 9. _, they should seize the opportunity to go abroad and broaden their eyes. On the other hand, if conditions dont permit, they can pursue their studies in top universities at home. 10._.,1. deepening 2. further 3. facilities 4.environment 5.foundation 6. favor,7.studying abroad is too expensive and doesnt pay.,8. there are no language and cultural barriers if they study in our country.,9.If students have the chance and financial resources,10.What counts is not the place where they study, but what they can learn.,Topic 10 On students being tutors,1.目前很多大学生利用假期寻找家教等工作,2.大学生当家教,既可以自食其力,又可以丰富自己的假期生活,3.请你就此现象发表看法。,About two weeks from now,college students will begin to enjoy their long summer holidays.Many are looking for odd jobs,of which tutoring is almost the most popular one.,These students say,by doing part-time jobs such as being tutors they can not only make some money for their next terms tuition,but also enrich their holidays. They prefer to be tutors because this has more to do with what they have learned in class and is a good test on their grasp of knowledge. In a way,it can urge them to be stricter with themselves in their own study.,Faced with the flood of tutor-candidates,parents of pupils are as happy as they are confused.Its nice to have more choice,but who knows which tutor is more qualified and responsible?,As a student,I have also been a tutor,but I didnt wait in line until I was chosen.I put up an advertisement with my school scripts attached-most of my grades are over 90. So my suggestion to my fellow students is: be a tutor only when you are good at your courses.,About two weeks from now, college students will begin to enjoy their long summer holidays.Many are looking for 1._ jobs, of which 2. _is almost the most popular one.,These students say, by doing part-time jobs such as being tutors they can not only 3._, but also 4._.They prefer to be tutors because 5. _.In a way, 6. _ .,Faced with the flood of 7._, parents of pupils are as happy as they are confused. Its nice to have more choice, but who knows which tutor is more 8._and responsible?,As a student, I have also been a tutor, but I didnt wait in line until I was chosen. - most of my grades are over 90. So my suggestion to my fellow students is: 10._.,1.odd 2.tutoring,3.make some money for their next terms tuition,4.enrich their holidays,5. this has more to do with what they have learned in class and is a good test on their grasp of knowledge,6. it can urge them to be stricter with themselves in their own study,7.tutor-candidates 8. qualified,9. I put up an advertisement with my school scripts attached,10. be a tutor only when you are good at your courses.,Topic 11: On TV Shows,1时下电视真人秀(如超级女声、梦想中国等节目)非常流行,2有人认为真人秀很好,可以展现自己,体会人生,有人却不喜欢,3我的看法,Nowadays, TV shows are very popular. TV programs like Super Girls and Dreams in China have attracted thousands of people to participate, and many more wait to watch them when they are on show. Why are so many people interested in such programs? Advocates say that these programs provide excellent opportunities for young people to express themselves and to show their specialty. They help improve young peoples self-confidence and can add to their courage. However, some people criticize these programs, arguing that they are not only a waste of energy, money and time, but also a revelation of social vanity. From my point of view, we need not be too critical about such TV programs. If they can bring happiness to those participants as well as to the audience, they are justifiably entitled to prosper.,Nowadays, TV shows are very popular. TV programs like Super Girls and Dreams in China have 1._ thousands of people to 2._, and many more wait to watch them when they are on show.,Why are so many people interested in such programs? 3._say that these programs provide excellent 4._ for young people to express themselves and to show their 5._. They help 6._.,However, some people 7._ these programs, arguing that 8._ , but also 9._.,From my point of view, we need not be too critical about such TV programs. 10._,they are justifiably entitled to prosper.,1. attracted 2. participate,3. Advocates 4.opportunities,5.specialty,6. improve young peoples self-confidence and can add to their courage.,7.criticize,8.they are not only a waste of energy, money and time,9. a revelation of social vanity.,10. If they can bring happiness to those participants as well as to the audience,Topic 12: Modern Technology and Human Intimacy,1有人认为现代科技拉近了人与人之间的距离,2也有人认为现代科技反而把人与人的距离拉远了,3在我看来,Has modem technology brought people nearer together or taken them farther apart?,Apparently modern transportation, such as the plane, has made it easier and faster for people to travel around the world than before. Telecommunication technologies, such as the Internet, enable people to send information to a distant place instantly. Imagine it once took months before the emperor got to know the result of an important war! Therefore, it is safe to say that modern technology has significantly drawn people nearer.,However, some people feel differently. They say family members are no longer talking with each other over meals because they are watching TV. Many people now greet each other with short messages instead of visiting their friends and relatives in person.,Its a pity that modem technology should make people feel farther apart. Actually, it is not modern technology, but our bad habit, that is to blame.,Has modern technology brought people nearer 1. _ or taken them farther apart?,2. _ modern transportation, such as the plane, has made it easier and faster for people to travel around the world than before. 3._technologies, such as the Internet, enable people to send information to a distant place 4._. Imagine it once took months before the 5._ got to know the result of an important war! Therefore, it is safe to say that modem technology has significantly 6._ people nearer.,However, some people feel differently. They say 7._. Many people now 8._.,Its a pity that 9._. Actually, 10._.,1. together 2. Apparently,3. Telecommunication 4.instantly,5.emperor 6.drawn,7. family members are no longer talking with each other over meals because they are watching TV,8. greet each other with short messages instead of visiting their friends and relatives in person.,9. modem technology should make people feel farther apart,10. it is not modem technology, but our bad habit, that is to blame.,Topic 13. An Inquiry Letter,假如你是某校的辅导员刘梅,几天前你给王先生发了一封请求信,内容是请求对方安排学生去他所在的公司参观,他回信表示同意。请你在写一封询问信,信中先简要介绍参观人员和参观日程安排,并询问是否可以召开学生和公司新员工的见面会等。,Dear Mr. Wang,Thank you for your kind letter dated July 2nd 2007 accepting our request for a field visit to your factory.,I have told the good news to the students concerned. They are a group of 46 students aged between 17 and 18, and they are taking part in the visit as part of their career development program.,I would like to suggest July 18th this Friday for the visit. The group will leave here at 9:00 am and should arrive at your company by 9:40 am.,Our training officer will give a talk to the students about the factorys training program. This will be of great value. And I think it the most effective way to begin the visit.,Finally, would it be possible for the students to talk to some of your new employees at an informal meeting?,I would be grateful if you could inform me as to whether these proposals are suitable and I would like to thank you once again for your cooperation.,Yours sincerely,Liu Mei,Dear Mr. Wang,Thank you for your kind letter 1._July 2nd 2007 accepting our request for a 2. _ visit to your factory.,I have told the good news to the students 3. _. They are a group of 46 students 4._ between 17 and 18, and they are taking part in the visit as part of their 5. _ development program.,I would like to 6._July 18th this Friday for the visit. 7._.,Our training officer will give a talk to the students about the factorys training program. This will be of great value. And I think it 8._.,Finally, 9._.,I would be grateful if you could inform me as to whether these proposals are suitable and 10._.,Yours sincerely,Liu Mei,1. dated 2. field 3.concerned,4.aged 5. career 6.suggest,7. The group will leave here at 9:00 am and should arrive at your company by 9:40 am.,8.the most effective way to begin the visit.,9.would it be possible for the students to talk to some of your new employees at an informal meeting?,10.I would like to thank you once again for your cooperation.,Topic 14: Please Observe Traffic Rules,1据统计,13住院治疗的人是因为车祸,2举例说明不少司机、行人、骑车的人不遵守交通规则,3呼吁为了自身和他人的安全,请自觉遵守交通规则,According to the latest statistics, 13 percent of inpatients are hospitalized as a result of traffic accidents. The problem is getting worse with a rapid rise in the number of vehicles on the roads and increased violations of traffic rules by drivers, pedestrians and bicycle-riders.,Driving in wrong directions, making unsafe turns at will, running red lights and using the wrong lane to overtake, just to name a few, are common daily practices. Besides, ignorance of traffic rules is so popular that one may find himself the only person to wait for the green light while the majority of people will go straight ahead even when the red light is glaring.,That is a big problem in cities since a modern city needs not only skyscrapers, but also civilization in its people. If all people are willing to comply with traffic rules, our country will be a much safer place to live on.,According to the latest1. _, 13 percent of inpatients are 2._as a result of traffic accidents. The problem is getting worse with a rapid rise in the number of 3. _on the roads and increased 4. _ of traffic rules by drivers, 5._and bicycle-riders.,6._, just to name a few, are common daily practices. Besides, 7._ that one may find himself the only person to wait for the green light while the majority of people will go straight ahead even when the red light is glaring.,That is a big problem in cities 8._. If all people are willing to comply with traffic rules, our country will be a much safer place to live on.,1.statistics 2.hospitalized 3.vehicles,4. violations 5.pedestrians,6. Driving in wrong directions, making unsafe turns at will, running red lights and using the wrong lane to overtake,7.ignorance of traffic rules is so popular,8.since a modem city needs not only skyscrapers, but also civilization in its people,Topic 15: Should College Students Be Involved in Business Activities?,1现在有许多大学生参与商业活动,2对大学生是否应该参与商业活动有许多说法,3我的看法,In recent years, a new phenomenon has quietly sprung up - college students participating in business activities.,Inevitably, like many other newly-emerged things, this has also received praise and criticism.,From my viewpoint, if the students can put what they have learned in school into practice or integrate their major with social activities, it is an important and valuable opportunity for them. But if they are just obsessed with the activities, that is, their exclusive goal is to earn money or to satisfy their excessive pride, it is not a wise action, and may even lead to some unexpected trouble. Whats more, if the students neglect their study, then it is no doubt putting the cart before the horse. College students who are involved in business activities should make clear to themselves the purpose of doing so, and make full use of the opportunity.,In recent years, a new phenomenon has quietly 1. _up - college students 2._ in business activities.,3._, like many other newly-emerged things, this has also received praise and 4._.,From my viewpoint, if the students can put what they have learned in school into practice or 5._their major with social activities, it is an important and 6._ opportunity for them. But if they are just 7._with the activities, that is, their 8._goal is to earn money or to satisfy their excessive pride, it is not a wise action, and may even lead to some unexpected trouble. Whats more, 9._ , then it is no doubt putting the cart before the horse. College students who are involved in business activities should 10._.,1. sprung 2.participating,3.Inevitably 4. criticism 5. integrate,6. valuable 7.obsessed 8. exclusive,9.if the students neglect their study,10. make clear to themselves the purpose of doing so, and make full use of the opportunity.,Topic 16: On Energy Shortage,1很多城市出现能源短缺现象,2分析原因,3提出建议,Energy shortage is a huge problem for modem society, and it has a negative impact on peoples daily life and economic development.,Many elements account for energy shortage. Firstly, rapid economic development prompts an increase of energy consumptions in different industries. Secondly, population growth creates greater demands for household energy usage. Thirdly, people have yet to develop the sense of energy conservation.,Actually we can do a lot to save energy in daily life. Turn off lights and fans when nobody is in the room; design buildings with the concept of energy saving; use public transit instead of private cars in rush hours. It is very easy for us to do these things as long as we have the sense of energy conservation, and we should do it right now!,Energy shortage is a huge problem for modern1. _, and it has a 2._impact on peoples daily life and economic development.,Many elements 3. _for energy shortage. Firstly, 4. _ . Secondly, 5._.Thirdly, 6._.,Actually we can do a lot to save energy in daily life.7._; design buildings with the concept of energy saving; 8._. It is very easy for us to do these things as long as we have the sense of energy conservation, and we should do it right now!,1.society 2.negative 3. account,4. rapid economic development prompts an increase of energy consumptions in different industries,5.population growth creates greater demands for household energy usage,6.people have yet to develop the sense of energy conservation.,7.Turn off lights and fans when nobody is in the room,8.use public transit instead of private cars in rush hours,


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