呼啸山庄 人物分析(Character Analysis ofWuthering Heights)

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呼啸山庄 人物分析(Character Analysis ofWuthering Heights)_第1页
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*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Character Analysis,character map,Heathcliff,patient and unsmiling,impolite and rough,distinct sense of love and hate,think love as all,vengeful,strong-willed, uncontrolled,seem miserable,but invincible,forgive at last,He and Catherine,s,love becomes the central theme of the first volume; his revenge and its consequences are the main theme of the second volume.,Heathcliff is typically considered a Byronic hero,.,His position in society, without status, is often the subject of Marxist criticism,.,Catherine,childhood-naughty high spirits,wild innocent,wicked,facing marriage-material,when Heathcliff left-prounder violent,fierce,after marriage-self-centered,Catherine,faces a,choose between nature and,social status,. Her decision to marry Edgar over Heathcliff has been seen as a surrender to,social status, and has implications for all the characters of Wuthering Heights.,The character of Catherine has been analysed by many forms of literary criticism, including: psychoanalytic and feminist.,He is a negative character:pround and fierce. And he finally ruines the Earnshaw family with his drinking and gambling under Heathcliffs plan. He is set as a foil for Heathcliff.,Hindly,He is a gentleman, well-mannered and graceful. But he dosent win Catherines true love. His sister and daughter also obey his wishes.He is just designed as a foil for Heathcliff.,Edga,Isabella,She,loves Heathcliff, despite,she knows Heathcliff deeply loves Catherine.Heathcliff makes full use of her.She is,an unwitting,tool,in his plot for revenge.,The character of Isabellas abusive,treatment has led many,e,specially feminist critics, to consider,her,the true tragic romantic figure of,Wuthering Heights.,Cathy,she is a spirited girl,.,Her wildness and willfulness lead her to Wuthering Heights Her loyalty, good nature, and perseverance, eventually restore order,.Her,love to the farmhouse,hindering,Heathcliffs plans for revenge.,She is designed better than her mother.,Hareton,He is better than his father. although Heathcliff teaches him all sorts of vulgaries and deprives him of heritage,he does not bear a grudge toward,s,Heathcliff,.And he loves his father and has esteem.No wander Cathy woud fall in love with him.,Linton,He is a very weak child and his character resembles Heathcliffs, though without its only redeeming feature: love. He marries Cathy Linton, but only under the direction of his father,Nelly,She,serves as both outsider and insider,when,she narrates the,s,tory,.She is the other who is kind to Heathcliff besides Catherine.,She is sensible knowing how the people around her think, but wont tell them how to do the right things.instead she enjoys the confict around her.,Thanks,


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