八年级英语下Unit10 It&#s a nice day isn&#t it?复习课

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit10 Its a nice day,isnt it?,(Revision),【教学目标】,知识目标:1.复习并掌握Unit10的单词、短语和重点句型。,2.复习并掌握语法:学习并掌握反意疑问句。,3.复习并学会写感谢信。,能力目标: 学会与人聊天沟通情感. 学会写感谢信。,情感目标:通过闲聊加强人际交往,并注意在闲聊中注意回避他人隐私。,【教学重点】,复习并掌握,Unit10,的单词、短语和重点句型。,【教学难点】,复习并掌握语法:学习并掌握反意疑问句。,【英汉互译 突击单词】,cost,穿过,low,多沙的,slow,交通,note,电梯,bookstore,中午,花 费,cross,低 的,sandy,慢 的,traffic,短信,笔记,elevator,书 店,noon,【同位互助 短语过关】,1. look like 2. 到中午为止,3. on the weekend 4. 浏览,5. wait in line 6. 球迷,7. have a wonderful time,8. 在周六晚上,9. thank you so much for ,10. 对.友好 11. feel like,12. 的一局部,看起来像,by noon,在周末,look through,排队等候,a ball game fan,过得愉快,on Saturday night,为,而非常感谢你,be friendly to,感觉像,part of,13. have a hard time doing,14. 出现,,15. enjoy doing,16.擅长于,17. help sb. with sth=help sb. (to) do sth.,18. 容易的多,19. get along,20. 小心去做某事,21. at least,22. 此时,做时很费力,come along,享受做,的乐趣,be good at ,帮助某人做某事,a lot easier,相处,be careful to do sth.,至少,at this time,请快速说出英语及其用法。,雨伞 , 一把雨伞 。,中午 , 在中午 。,再见 ,跟某人辞别 say goodbye to sb 。,浏览 , 查找 。,穿过动 , 介 。,花费 ,,相处 , 与某人相处融洽 。,至少 , 最多 at most 。,假日 ,度假 。,小心 。,二胡 Erhu ,拉二胡 。,【小组合作 句型探究】,1.看样子要下雨,不是吗?It looks like rain ,_,_?,2.你认为到中午时雨会停吗?Do you think itll stop,?,3.我希望这样。我想去游泳,。,I want to go,swimming .,4.天对我来说有点热。Its,hot for me.,5.在书店看书,:,books in a bookstore.,doesnt it,by noon,I hope so,a little,look through,6.排队等候,7.你认为学校怎么样?What do you the school?=How do you like the school?Its great.好极了。,8那件衬衣多少钱?How much did that shirt ?,9“当/成为、怎么样?It is +形容词+being,eg.有时成为学校的一名新生不容易: being a new kid at school.,当一名演员是有趣的:Its interesting .,当一名工程师是不容易的;Its being an engineer.,10.我在周六的晚上玩得很愉快:I on Saturday night.,wait in line,think of,cost,Its not easy,being an actor,.,not easy,had a wonderful time,11.多谢你如此盛情地邀请我: for inviting me.,12.、中的一些:some of.:,我不认识其中的一些女孩I didnt know the girls.,13.对、友好:be friendly to sb.:,他们对我很友好They were all me .,14.感觉像、:feel like :,我感觉是小组的一局部了I part of the group now.,15.领某人参观、:show sb.around、:,多谢令我参观学校Thanks for the school.,Thank you so much,some of,friendly to,feel like,showing me around,16.干某事费力:have a hard time doing sth.:,I was it until you came along(出现).直到你出现我一直在费力地找它。,17.喜欢干某事:enjoy doing sth.:,I Carlos.我喜欢与卡洛斯见面,18.擅长、:be good at:,He ,isnt he?他擅长数学,对吗?,19.帮助某人干、:help sb. do/to do/with sth.: He said he my math project.,他说他将帮助我数学。,having a hard time finding,enjoyed meeting,is,good at,would,help me with,20.使干某事怎么样:make it+形容词to do sth.:,有像你这样的朋友在陌生的地方与人相处就变得容易多了:Friends like you to get along in a new place.,21.快乐干某事:be happy to do sth.:,I the tickets.我很快乐弄到了票。,22.要求某人干某事:ask sb. to do sth.:。Im going to with me.我要我表弟和我一起去,23.观看某人干某事:watch sb. do sth.: Ill think of you as we the game.我们一看到黑短袜队赢得比赛就会想到你,make it a lot/much easier,a,m happy to have,ask my cousin,to go,watch the Black Socks win,【自学语法 共克疑难】,反意疑问句,1定义:提出情况和看法,询问对方是否同意的句子叫反意疑问句。,2结构:陈述句简略疑问句,3)用法:a.前肯后否;前否后肯。,b.反问局部的时态和人称与陈述局部的人称和时态一致。,c.本身表否认的nothing,never,little,few。,Mary likes reading,doesnt she?玛丽喜欢读书,是吧?,前一局部为肯定形式,后一局部用否认形式,Mary doesnt like reading,does she?玛丽不喜欢读书,是吧?,前一局部为否认形式,后一局部就用肯定形式,1. 如果陈述句有一个助动词包括can,must,need等情态动词,其简短问句用同一个助动词。例如:He can swim,cant he?他会游泳,对吗?,2. 如果陈述局部包含no,never,hardly,few,little,seldom等否认词,简短问句局部应用肯定形式。,例如:You have no time on Monday,have you?星期一你没有时间,是吗?,3. 陈述句局部是there be句型时,简短问句局部也用there be。,例如:There are some people in the room,arent there?,教室里有人,是吗?,4. 在英语口语中,I am后面的简短问句用arent I?,例如:Im late,arent I?,我迟到了,是吗?,5. 当陈述句局部含有否认词如nothing,nobody等不定代词时,简短问句局部应用肯定结构。为防止重复,用代词it来代替nothing;用they或he来代替nobody。例如:,Everything goes well,doesnt it?,一切顺利,是吗?,Everyone is here,arent they? 注意:此句问句与前句动词的数不一致。,6. 祈使句后面的简短问句使用 will you?,shall we?它们不是真正的疑问句意为请,但常用升调。will,would,can,cant及shall we用来告诉人们该做什么事,表请求。,例如:Give me a pen,will you?,请给我一支笔。,Open the door,will you?,请翻开门好吗?,Lets go together,shall we?,咱们一起走吧。,7. 在 I think,I believe,I suppose,I guess等结构中,简短问句的主语往往与从句的主谓保持一致,例如:,I think shes out,isnt she?,我想她出去了,是吗?,I dont think its true,is it?我认为那不是真的,对吗?注意:在答复反意疑问句的问题时,如果答复是肯定的,要用yes,否认的要用no,在第一局部是否认形式时要特别注意,这时的英语答复与汉语答复是有区别的。例如:This isnt yours,is it?这不是你的,是吗?Yes,it is. 不,是我的。,No,it isnt. 对,不是我的。,【达标训练 自我检测】,一、从各题后所给的三个选项中选择最正确答案。,( )1. This is_ terrible weather.,A. a B. an C. /,( )2. He is an outstanding violinist, isnt he? .,A. Sure is he B. He sure is C. He is sure,( )3. Ill go to the beach with my sister tomorrow.,Have a day!,A. good B. well C. better,( )4. We three are good friends. We like skating.,A. all B. either C. both,( )5. They had a hard time the taxi.,A.catch B. to catch C. catching,C,B,A,A,C,选择题,1.Have you ever _,D,_ Dong ping Lake?,A went to B gone to C been in D been to,2.-I usually go to bed late at night . And you ?,-,A,.,A So do I B SO I do C So I am D So I am,I saw him,C,basketball on the playground on my way home .,A to play B plays C playing D played,This is the most beautiful park I have,A,visited .,A ever B never C not D yet,5.Its cold . Wed better keep the door,D,.,A open B close C opened D closed,二、根据句意及首字母提示,填写适当的单词。,1. Its rainy today, take your,u,with you.,I will, Mom.,2. Go straight on and,c,the bridge, youll find the post office.,3. Oh, Dick, youre late again.,I am so sorry. But the,t,is really busy this morning.,4. He lives on the 25th floor and takes the,e,up and down every day.,5. Did you tell your mother that you would be home late in the evening?,Of course. I left a,n,on her dresser.,mbrella,ross,raffic,levato,r,ote,三、完成以下反意疑问句,1. She is a school girl, _?,2. It looks like rain, _?,3. They go there by bus, _?,4. His mother goes to work at 8:00, _?,5. The girl can sing an English song, _?,6. The students had a class meeting yesterday, _?,7. He forgot his umbrella, _?,8. There was a telephone for you, _?,9. Lets clean our bedroom, _?,10. I think he is a teacher, _?,isnt she,doesnt it,dont they,doesnt she,didnt they,cant she,didnt he,wasnt there,will you,isnt he,The boy is Japanese, _he?,The book isnt interesting, _ it?,He knows a lot about English names, _ he?,The girl doesnt like apples, _ she?,There are two birds in the tree, _ there?,The man came to China last month, _ he?,Fill in the blanks:,isnt,is,doesnt,does,arent,didnt,(1)Youre a farmer, _ _?,(2)The weather isnt fine, _ _?,(3)Kate came here last month, _ _?,(4)I dont think Tom is at home, _ _?,(5)There werent enough nuts, _ _?,(6)Theres a pen in the pencil-box, _ _?,(7)The man had bread for lunch, _ _?,(8)Mary can speak little English , _ _?,(9)Nothing is wrong with the watch, _ _?,完成以下反意疑问句,arent you,is it,didnt she,is he,were there,isnt there,didnt he,can she,is it,【课堂小结 知识升华】,由小组代表简要总结本课复习内容,其他同学补充。,【课后作业】,1.,复习并掌握本节课内容,准备测试。,2.给王老师写一封感谢信,感谢他对自己学习、生活等方面的帮助。,【学后反思】,What did you learn from this class?,Thank you very much!,Good-bye!,


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