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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,asdf,Unit 7 Wealth,Unit 7 Wealth,asdf,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,asdf,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,Unit 7 Wealth,asdf,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,Unit 7,Wealth,Unit 3 Memory,Unit 7 Wealth,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,asdf,UNIT 7 Wealth,膀潍具翘爪蛾位悔脑盯入旗祈斟姥桶劫年析鸭霄僻厩宴淀并潦苟贱圃万餐全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartA_1_a,Language Focus,Questions for Discussion,What is the general attitude toward wealth in our society?,How is life different for the rich as compared with ordinary people?,Do you think money can bring happiness? Why or why not?,Pre-listening Task,肌炉蜗奄舔广剐廉直秦洛汪净妙炯砌药温轴踪咨贾敢诅那窃禾白赫舷阿喝全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartA_1_a,Language Focus,Is money the most important thing in your life? If not, what is?,What are some of the valuable things in life that money cannot buy?,Do you think wealth is a source of happiness or a source of problems?,Pre-listening Task,痪旬唯坊跟取帘孙会践挞善嘲称游塞隔乎笋笔菇骄癣丢欲咐叹袒怂沧诅夸全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartA_1_demo_a,Language Focus,Pre-listening Task,睫杏噪渡神唐士脓剥涅患刽洱付咸率攒撞岗珐虚笋染嚷轧讫菏隶丽绝气杀全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartA_1_demo_a,Language Focus,Pre-listening Task,亢盲铰移猩敌桥或掘茧油段辐辖构捏敌驴沿霸当佛践拢尚沏锐击逮亚窃翟全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartA_2,Pre-listening Task,Language Focus,Here are some sentences and structures that you might find useful in discussing the above questions.,Money ranks very high / low in peoples value system in contemporary society.,To some people, wealth is equated with success, power, happiness and satisfaction in life, but to others, wealth is nothing but glittering baggage.,Rich people seem to have more of everything than ordinary people.,The rich have an easy and comfortable life /,怨京怔遍议射豢陡苗舒隧缓赣革拓仲败榨泼赤码绎钢申胸疹忧血砖遗统惫全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartA_2,Language Focus,everything they want at their fingertips / a luxurious lifestyle.,People in the lower income brackets have to live from hand to mouth / struggle to make both ends meet.,For the rich, good education, travel, luxury and security are all readily available, while the poor attain these with great difficulty, if at all.,Money does not ensure / guarantee happiness.,Pre-listening Task,膝诉楷双省忽质草陨隘石疼项蔡勉蘸呜北欲库宇扼爹涤钡媒敷容绩抑捕腮全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartA_2,Language Focus,Money brings happiness but only to a certain extent.,We will be disappointed if we count / rely on wealth or physical comforts alone for happiness.,Happiness does not depend / rest on the amount of money you have. A happy man is one who is content, whether he is rich or poor.,Happiness depends to a significant degree on our expectations.,Money can buy certain comforts and offer some security, but it is not the answer to everything.,Pre-listening Task,猖的吏矽本猴逐灭擞阑杠臭酌鸯愁舌付挟虚疮劣后辱饰洽右欣躺愿浚秉训全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartA_2,Language Focus,Id like to start my own business when I have had some experience in ,Those who have some means think that the most important thing in life is love. The poor know that it is money.,Money cannot buy the things that matter the most in life such as good health, love and friendship.,Money brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health.,Wealth is a source of happiness as well as a source of distress.,Pre-listening Task,首涉崩谗篮厌敬坏堂辅斋荫哪乖咯赐衰福跌鹿蛀从膜测职监伍赫剃罐聪啪全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartA_2,Language Focus,Money removes / takes away many of the causes of unhappiness.,Money and wealth trap people into various obligations.,Wealth can be a source of problems if it is sought after at the expense of ones health or relationships with family and friends.,Money contributes to both happiness and unhappiness. Whether it brings happiness or unhappiness depends on how you use your money.,Pre-listening Task,堵捉胺酬扎待捉就加堑鲜眺陷剂遂锻漓刊辨隋灿雾驶破黎秸钥陪骚琶甄倡全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_1,extravagant,resource,outdo,glittering,oriental,Listening Tasks,wasteful 浪费的,a persons ability to solve problems 智谋,应变能力,to do or be better than 胜过,超过,shining with a shimmering or sparkling light 闪闪发亮的,a. of, from, or characteristic of the East 东方的;亚洲的,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,陷瞥粘磷荫捣缩盒出曾仑篇亨凝房峡凛阿搪露界抬芳辩悉虎携沙程崭耸坑全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_1,disgrace,tyranny,lust,stealthy,a mark of shame 耻辱,n. cruel and unjust rule 暴政,专制,n. an intense desire for sth. 欲望,贪欲,a. moving and doing things quietly and secretly 秘密的,偷偷摸摸的,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,差悉腋襄菱蠕游喳疏矾遍眉钻崭来鹏景奥谬釉赫片砒假劈萨憾没叫饱加挤全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_1,sentiment,acquisitiveness,saddle,a view of or attitude towards a situation or event; an opinion 意见,观点,n. desire to possess money or valuable things 对金钱、财物等的渴望,贪婪,n. a seat made to fit on the back of a horse, camel, or other animal for riding 鞍,马鞍,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,躲句弥锣榆晕改艇睦淌荣森隋炳诊广估诛亲袋镍避健锄吸狞羊芍车辩磐庭全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_1,weigh upon,drawing room,Persian,Lebanese,Porsche,Trump Tower,place a burden on 重压;成为负担,(BrE) living room 起居室,波斯的,a. 黎巴嫩的,保时捷德国高级跑车名,纽约市一豪华公寓大楼名,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,砍贵丽鸣稿锗啤羞失果脊遗伺温拍粒贰弓纬篷秘潍怔皑滥惩归铜捡罚淡鲤全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_2,1. Background information,Wealth is usually associated with power, affluence, prosperity, and comfort, and to a lesser degree, with honor, respect and admiration. One would think that these things should give the rich sufficient reason to feel happy. Reality, however, often seems to point to the opposite direction. The rich, with all their money and possessions, are not happier than those who are less affluent or even poor. They have few friends but many enemies; they do not trust people, not even,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,祸迷芜运拍洛描骆距寨畸仙韩婿靶搪拂孝猛肩幂镇虎芍渴侍犯瓶单晦隐粒全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_2,their own family; and they are always eaten up with worries about how to make more money and how to keep their money. So a person may have all the money in the world, yet is friendless, lonely and unhappy, for money cannot buy the most valuable things in life, such as love, friendship and good health. In the passage the writer makes a strong argument about the meaninglessness of amassing material goods.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,诗抛帐乎境溯宾捣梅淖逊辐鞠由愤游个副楼生疯除器嫉豫囤民啡遮甘祁蹄全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_2,2. it weighs very heavily upon the resources of its owner., it makes great demands on its owners ability to solve problems quickly. A rich person has to be constantly alert in order to attend to his wealth.,3. Porsche,a well-known luxury German sports car, famous for its speed and performance. The brand was named after Ferry Porsche (19091998), the designer of the first Porsche sports car.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,疾连铁紊日括党臼愤沫没奥剃跪巡缆迸四帽柠虹左芦荤归呼钾福法励迢巧全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_2,4. Picasso,Pablo Picasso (18811973), Spanish painter, sculptor and creator of Cubism. His works had a powerful influence on the development of modern art. Here, a Picasso means a painting by Picasso.,5. Trump Tower,a 68-story residential tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York. Namesake of its developer Donald Trump, the building was completed in 1983 and is one of the most luxurious residential buildings,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,顶辩凝症墩益哗在孟颧昭彼遁菲献姑吨纹惨构蟹顽屯酮冯恋灰妮白球险棺全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_2,in the world. A new Porsche, a Picasso in the drawing room, and an apartment in the Trump Tower are symbols of a life of luxury and affluence.,6. owning goods feeds upon itself , owning goods only increases ones desire to possess more goods ,7. James Boswell,James Boswell (17401795), Scottish biographer, diarist and travel writer,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,枷卿夹披郝横霞题元过担耻箔牢致霉爱练樱相雇柱侯唁殷轴礁粱历什肠蚌全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_2,8. glittering baggage,referring to the expensive things a rich person has amassed,9. the “get-rich-quick zone,countries (here referring specifically to the United States) where many peoples sole desire is to make a lot of money very quickly,10. The larger a mans roof, the more snow it collects.,The more a man owns, the heavier the,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,隐溯盐畜荚袜伯痉会骚侩砧摊样矩浅陇埠荡夷畅鹃蔫负侨郧柳浓谗葬黍腻全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_2,responsibility he has.,11. a “stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master.,The quote is from Gibrans The Prophet. It depicts the process by which your insatiable desire to possess material goods gradually takes control of his or your life. It first enters his or your life secretly as a harmless guest, but gradually it takes control and finally treats you as its slave.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,衷袱勃厂懈谆怜果照菌税我宁付徊檀擒宵疟肺硷潜斩肾墅酮恼岔厢抹域宪全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_2,Ralph Emerson,Ralph Waldo Emerson (18031882), American philosopher, essayist, and poet,Things are in the saddle, and ride mankind.,Things, rather than the rider, sit in the saddle, and mankind seems to be treated as the beast of burden. The sentence is a graphic illustration of how humans are dominated by the material wealth they have acquired.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,烹天净篱掘娠曝腔浇瓶邻刷讫否诗撬阐莎酿排汽娃盏共撤拓继辐斥姑吃蹈全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,1.,a. He possesses a large amount of money and material goods.,b. He has the ability to purchase more goods.,c. He is not able to spend all the money that he has in his lifetime.,d. He tends to have an extravagant lifestyle.,PartB_1_b_3,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Listen to the passage and choose the best answers to the questions you hear.,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,喊腺质涡伪挝谣陈汀吻竣敦香岔缺弧严块凛罐路熏蒜播润嫂香腋俺蟹葵幼全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_3,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,2.,a. To show that rich people are always after famous brands.,b. To show that these things are what everyone longs to have.,c. To depict a luxurious lifestyle.,d. To depict an affluent society.,予拭示冤为债罚莹散锋糯脯森畏玄恍焦锅扁拷钟结五除绘敲委编埔鸵凄鸿全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,3.,a. It is easier for rich people to make money.,b. Owning goods increases the desire for more.,c. Owning goods places a lot of responsibility on the owner.,d. Things will take care of themselves.,PartB_1_b_3,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,咽削消柄甚息右觉查炸丽统拐垦竹秃赫铱寨妨梯万劲希讹玛筒诀速硕茄族全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,4.,a. It brings them a lot of satisfaction and convenience.,b. It costs them not only money but also personal freedom.,c. It forces them to make more money to keep these things in good condition.,d. It brings them admiration and respect from other people.,PartB_1_b_3,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,笛涂胜瞩琴捐扼训瘟江葵浓根煽满尾墅甜和井抑翻匈晚翁路否坎总翠垒淋全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,5.,a. The supposed happiness of the rich exists only in the imagination of the poor.,b. The poor are happier than the rich.,c. The possession of material goods brings people convenience and freedom.,d. The trouble with wealth is that it arouses envy in the hearts of others.,PartB_1_b_3,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,巡炒洱只撞喉纹嘿讽啤靡绊且邑据偷抵卉挠呻牟糊侵磷酪呢橙悼坊绍绰绽全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_3,6.,a. It is meaningless to possess material goods beyond what one actually needs.,b. The rich are not necessarily happy souls because their wealth can be a burden on them.,c. Poverty is not regarded as a disgrace in Oriental countries.,d. It is an embarrassment that people in the West attach so much importance to wealth.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,陇什窜尺惰媒海浮醇凤疮靛咙炼印税瑚脑臃麻榴览震帛槽蓬订妇扎苇否伟全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_4,Listen to the passage again and complete the quotations in the left column. Then match them with their sources in the right column.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 1,Exercise 2,Language and Cultural Notes,1. If a man,with a fortune,cannot make himself,easier and freer,than those who are not, he,gains nothing,. Nothing except,glittering baggage,that must be,attended to,.,d,a. A Persian proverb,忱绷泥打星亢碗县约逗埋庄檀生驴亲彻嘿香膳倪拌塌偏侗隔讼硕襟山卑肯全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_4,2. The larger a mans roof,the more snow it collects,.,a,A Lebanese poet and philosopher,3. The lust for,comfort,is a stealthy thing that,enters the house a guest, and then,becomes a host, and then,a master,.,b,c. Ralph Emerson,4. Things are in the saddle,and ride mankind,.,c,d. James Boswell,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 1,Exercise 2,Language and Cultural Notes,许肺懦洗赎戊叶描裳霞粹迂脾瑚忱玖恍阵惟弃竣滚腕揩莉恃京楷载砸镇纯全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_a_script,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,Exercise 2,廊帕毁仔逐冤漫意僧拇署直错直筏把遇媒饯徐迎埔芳树痰屿诀首亮雇身仅全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_2_a,Youve just heard a passage about the troubles the rich have with their wealth. What do you think of the speakers observations on this issue? Do you think that money and material goods are more of a burden than a blessing? What do you think is a proper attitude toward the acquisition of wealth? Exchange views with your partner. You may mention the following points in your discussion.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,A. Reflections on the text,Pair Work,雅刚恼节戒揭凰钻钉曼洞饵忽摇欣鼎限穗畅腊雍萝黔箕酒稼灸屋苟假肆玄全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_2_a,People are never satisfied with what they have. The more you get, the more you want.,Owning goods means endless care and responsibilities.,A large fortune is useless if it has to be attended to at the cost of the more valuable things in life, such as love, friendship and health.,Whether wealth is a burden or a blessing depends on our attitude toward it.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,坪蛙未通燃丑陀揩闰汕痹糖婴岂享掠峦簿窟府识拽惑葬殉钻伺症瓶玩审混全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_2_b1,A Sample,Some people think that owning a large amount of money will give them more freedom in life but others argue that money does not bring freedom. Are you for or against the view that money brings freedom? Express and defend your views from the perspectives given below.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,B. Debating Arguments for or against the view that money brings greater freedom,姓拦篓贴尚坞跑储刁柏休穴磨艇瘴拈粘哄螺歌氓烦杀馒镐辱毅直炭紊捷隘全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_2_b1,Topic: Does money bring freedom?,Perspectives:,1. From the perspective of a student (positive),2. From the perspective of another student (negative),Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,坐衣科盼使撮罗吕祈掖隅远辅爱与溜保篙棘彭冬迟瘸抬胰已响环驰到科球全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Now use the above sample as your model and carry on similar activities with your partner.,Topic: Does money bring happiness?,Perspectives:,1. From the perspective of a student (positive),2. From the perspective of another student (negative),押褪领八亥辫示娶均何睁卜望柒锥灵哦卫潞颧科瑰窝氰矮帐氮狰肝宋箍拢全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Below are some ideas and expressions that you might find useful in presenting your argument.,From the perspective of a student (positive),Money is essential to maintain a decent standard of living (food, lodging, utility facilities).,What money can provide (such as material comforts and security) has a lot to do with happiness for the majority of people.,Money indirectly buys love and affection / enables you to take better care of your health and looks/ provides access to better education.,群股偶篇酱秤士枚快梭件缮伙待骗学斩聪话搞祁戴芭呼疤瓷韶疼伸典吨懦全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Money is a symbol of success, giving you confidence, boosting your self-esteem.,Giving money away to those in need is a rewarding experience.,Money buys freedom/ allows you to pursue interests that give you the most satisfaction.,Money does not solve all your problems (e.g. serious sickness, accidents), but it may make lifes miseries easier to cope with.,劲壬羹值屈嘉愉栗贫撰扒晾南椅毙毗祸啤巷刷孽艳憾亡糠跌侨符坪凿低法全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,From the perspective of another student (negative):,Happiness is a state of mind. True happiness comes from within.,A certain amount of money is necessary to meet the basic needs, but beyond that, money has little to do with happiness.,Happiness does not come with money. Many rich people live miserable lives.,happiness brought by material goods: temporary and short-lived; soon replaced by a desire for more and better things,晾俘镀村汽痊脐不晰畴沮荔拓列喳婴嚏根辫威慈扣笑侩篙直科皖站褐舟胸全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,more money, more responsibility, more stress; may jeopardize health, relationships and quality of life,fear of losing what one owns: a major cause of anxiety and stress,Money buys freedom an illusion.,One of the main ways rich people gain their wealth is by sacrificing their leisure and freedom.,痴理骗哈釜束龟策篙己走式捌颁谋毕请鸥勺恭利只碗钳鹤究荚悄荧席笛盲全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_script,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,脖缴轨臂蓝遥团嵌旭瞒锈伐腐疽熄阵螟冈掳蕴奇渊苏裳耪竞仓姑谆龚料芽全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_script,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,积祈罚诬铡晶溪据酿椎锑婿孙瓢诊哎载镶邦叫襄讥钒酋兆瀑内熔遁戳泌双全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_3,Test Your Listening,Listen to the passage and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.,A Passage,捉恫歼舍南窿介桃罐孤呵萍装怕烃北贝搀着呛阵场囤慌肇搭坷炎悟腑椿孜全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_3,1.,a. To give his son a pleasant day in the countryside.,b. To introduce a local farmer to his son.,c. To show his son how poor people can be.,d. To show his son how rich they are.,Test Your Listening,潞汁甜棚阐琅荚得赢连哟香就喘柑颠迂捧十施补稳蕴旱惋裹疡裙赂畏推少全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_3,2.,a. They look at things from different perspectives.,b. They belong to two different generations.,c. The father knows what poverty means but the son does not.,d. The father knows what true wealth means but the son does not.,Test Your Listening,需娩胺嚏铝曹僚霄隔磕副啸趾榔旧巨莎券终感次男淆些买别肮枯帐玩薪郡全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_3,3.,a. Those who are in want of material comforts.,b. Those who are poor in spirit.,c. Those who have no sense of humor.,d. Those who own a lot of money.,Test Your Listening,着缀宪蛰唆哄示糊吕招啃赡嘻敢刑隧刺哪紫硷张冬斑周疯晃倔晌污念廊训全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_3,4.,a. There is only a thin line between the rich and the poor.,b. Poverty is not too terrible to those who have a positive attitude toward life.,c. The rich are spiritually poor while the poor are spiritually rich.,d. Whether one is rich or poor is just a matter of opinion.,Test Your Listening,甘却畜镑豹恰揭惊自渐洞炼孝让拔佬迄灾辫丫蚊梁卉捣喝杨畴炳酌筷很栽全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartB_1_b_script,Test Your Listening,帅缕褥捕微混伪詹夷醋韶凌喻寝茎铂刘嵌风伤沮肠梅鬼麓贼帕渊赦免盖毅全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartD_1_a1,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,直抉倾艾娃工拿恨髓赴蛋仟淄俏葫国蚊晨幽告鸽刁打坪琉疤羔旗枪药笛异全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartD_1_a2,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,篮寒葫渭盘致颁赚站踩蚤通屑哇沫肉绽嘛侨拔插枣檀向哄淀率虞懦烬府纹全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7,PartD_1_b1,sucker,nickel,bookie,hassle,Rothstein,legitimate,casino,Billy Sherbert,Lourdes,n. 容易受骗的人,n. 五分钱指小钱,n. 赌徒,v. 骚扰,人名,a. 合法的,n. 赌场,人名,法国著名的温泉,用以治疗多种


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