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,2006/02,*,希望英语(第二版)综合教程,3,Unit 2,Unit 1,Unit 4,Unit 3,Unit,5,Unit,6,Unit,7,Unit,8,1,希望英语 (第二版),综合教程,1,Unit 3 Career Women,希望英语 (第二版),综合教程,3,外语教学与研究出版社,2,希望英语(第二版)综合教程,3,Unit 3 Career Women,Speaking,Reading A,Listening,Writing,Presentation,Reading B & Reading C,3,Speaking,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,4,Look at the pictures on Page 38 and list words or phrases about them. Then work with your partner and fill in the table with words or phrases after the examples.,Speaking,Task 1,fair (skin) (,白皙的皮肤,), rough (skin) (,粗糙的皮肤,), well-built (,体格健美的,), stout (,结实的,胖的,), muscular (,肌肉的,), fat, overweight (,超重,), chubby (,丰满的,), lean (,瘦的,), slim/slender (,苗条,), skinny, weak, tall, short, beautiful, pretty, cute (,聪明的,), ugly, handsome, nearsighted/shortsighted (,近视的,), farsighted/longsighted (,远视的,), masculine (,男子气概的,), feminine (,女性的,), elegant, tall,clever, wise, bright, smart, nice, honest, kind, great, brilliant (,有才气的,), excellent, helpful, perfect, active, brave, gentle, polite, positive (,积极的,), serious, foolish, stupid, crazy, lazy, patient (,耐心的,), pessimistic (,悲观的,), optimistic (,乐观的,), careless, graceful (,优美的,), rude, selfish, sensitive (,敏感的,), shy, sincere, severe (,严厉的,), strict, humorous, independent, responsible, intelligent (,聪明的,), capable, modest (,谦虚的,), cruel, stubborn (,顽固的,),secretary, doctor, nurse, singer, dancer, musician, pilot, policewoman, carpenter (木匠), dentist (牙科医生), engineer, manager, agent (经纪人), clerk, professor, scientist, waitress, stewardess(女乘务员), banker(银行家), barber(理发师), bookseller (书商), businesswoman, director (主管), firewoman (消防队员), postwoman (邮差), merchant (商人), operator, tailor,(裁缝), typist, salesgirl, sportswoman,salary, family, kid, health, marriage, appearance, faith, partnership (,伴侣关系,), relationship with family members, childlessness, achievement, competition exclusion (,竞争排斥,), gender discrimination (,性别歧视,), relationship among colleagues, gender equality (,男女平等,), sexual harassment (,性骚扰,), loyalty, challenge, pressure, overtime work, love, housework, privacy, intelligence, capability,5,Practice the given dialog in pairs. Then use the words or phrases from Task 1 to make up a dialog about career women.,Speaking,Task 2,M: Good morning, Miss Wang. Would you please tell me about yourself and your past experience?,W: Sure. Mr. Lee. I have worked as an executive secretary for 5 years for a trading company. I am easy-going and get on well with various types of people.,M: Good. Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that?,W: Oh, I have a two-year-old baby. Could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime?,M: Well, it just depends. For example, you,are likely to be required to stay with us if we have important visitors.,W: I see.,M: What are your salary expectations?,W: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.,M: The starting monthly salary would be 2,000, with rises after half a year according to your performance.,W: I think it acceptable. And when can I know the decision?,W: Well inform you of our final decision before next Monday.,6,Work in pairs. Take turns asking your partner the following,questions and make notes. Then organize your notes and,report to the class.,What roles do you think should a woman play at home and at work?,Could you say something about the differences between a career woman and a housewife?,If you had a choice, would you prefer (your wife) to be a career woman or a housewife? Why?,Speaking,Task 3,7,Reading A,Task 2,Task 3,Task 1,Text,New Words and Expressions,Task 4,Task 6,Task 7,Task 8,Task 5,8,Reading A,Task 1,Give brief answers to the following questions. Then compare your answers with your partners.,1. What is life probably like for a very successful career woman?,She is very busy and doesnt spend much time with her family. She lives a happy/ lonely life. She is probably childless, or single.,9,Reading A,Task 1,Give brief answers to the following questions. Then compare your answers with your partners.,2. Many successful women in the US are childless. In your opinion, what are the possible reasons?,They choose not to have children. They are too busy to have children. They worry more about career than about marriage and children. Many of them dont have a husband.,10,Reading A,Task 1,Give brief answers to the following questions. Then compare your answers with your partners.,3. Do you think men should also be held responsible for the problem?,Yes, I think men should also be held responsible.,No, I dont think so. I think women should be held responsible themselves.,11,Reading A,Task 2 Text,Career Women,Hewlett, the author of,Creating a Life,gives a picture of,what life is like in the US for career women, based on,extensive,research. The,heart,of the book is a national,survey,of the parental and marital status of 1,168 high-achieving professional women, 479 of whom have,dropped out of,the workforce.,Now read the following passage. Mark the difficult parts, if there are any, and ask the teacher to explain afterwards.,12,Reading A,Task 2 Text,This is the study that earned Hewletts book a cover story in,Time,magazine. It,focused on,the,findings,that 49% of women over 40 who earn more than $100,000 a year are childless.,Comparatively, only 19% of men over 40 have no kids. You might assume that these women chose the life theyre living. The fact is, according to this study, only 14% of those women said they had not wanted children.,13,Reading A,Task 2 Text,So what happened? Lots of people will,stick to,their own views on the subject, whether or not they read the book. Based on a lot of the press comments, one widespread assumption is that most of these women cared more about their careers than about marriage and children, and now they are,paying the price,.,14,Reading A,Task 2 Text,But Hewlett reveals an,astonishing,reality, one that is,neglected,by those people who see this as an absolute womans problem, or fault. A,primary,reason why so many career women dont have children is that they dont have spouses. Only 57% of the high-achieving women over 40 are married, compared with 83% of male achievers. Overall, high-achieving women either marry early or not at all. Just 10% of the women surveyed got married for the first time after age 30, and 1% after age 35.,15,Reading A,Task 2 Text,One woman interviewed, an executive of a securities company, points out how those,statistics,work out in her office. “Half of the male colleagues in my company are already married with children. And in all cases they have stay-at-home wives.,In contrast, most of the female colleagues are single. Only three of them are married, and neither have children.”,Further up the career ladder the male-female distinction becomes even more marked, she says. The male managers are all married with kids, while the female managers are both divorced and childless.,16,Reading A,Task 2 Text,It seems that men dont have much interest in women who get masters degrees. A number of interviews about women show that as they became more successful, they were rejected by men, found it difficult to get a date,in the first place, or,ended up,with men who didnt want children at all (often because they already had kids). As one woman,acknowledges,: “The fact is that most successful men are not interested in,acquiring,a peer as a partner.”,17,Reading A,Task 2 Text,How about,viewing,this as a male,rather than,a female problem? Classes could be set up to encourage men to marry women who are their professional,equals,. CEOs could start changing a,corporate,culture that seems to have been designed by and for men not eager to go back to their families. And perhaps we all could recognize that, since children are the future of society, it might be worthwhile to,balance,childrens needs with the demands of the workplace.,18,Reading A,职业女性,休利特是,创造生活,一书的作者。该书在广泛研究的基础上,对美国职业女性的生活进行了描述。该书的核心是一项在全国范围内展开的对,1,168,名卓有成就的职业女性的婚育状况所作的调查,其中,479,名已退出了劳动大军。,19,Reading A,这项研究为休利特的书赢得了时代杂志的封面报导。该书着重探讨这样一个调查结果:40岁以上、年收入超过10 万美元的女性中有49%没有孩子。与之相比,40 岁以上的男性只有19%没有孩子。你可能认为是这些女性自己选择了这样的生活方式。而事实是,根据这份研究,这些女性中只有14%的人表明不想要孩子。,20,Reading A,那么究竟是怎么回事呢?无论读没读过这部书,许多人都会坚持自己对这个问题的看法。根据许多的新闻评论,人们普遍认为,这些妇女中,大部分把工作看得比婚姻和孩子更重要,而现在她们正为此付出代价。,21,Reading A,但是休利特揭示了一个令人震惊的事实,一个被那些认为这完全是女性的自身问题或过错的人所忽略的事实。为什么如此多的职业女性没有孩子?一个主要的原因是她们没有配偶。40岁以上的成功女性中只有57%的人已婚,而男性中83%的人已婚。总的来说,事业有成的女性要么结婚很早,要么根本不结婚。被调查的女性中,只有10%在30岁之后第一次结婚,1%是在35岁之后。,22,Reading A,一位证券公司的女主管在接受采访时,指出了以上统计数据是如何在她的办公室里体现出来的,。,“在我的公司里,一半的男同事已婚并有孩子,妻子在家操持家务。相反,大多数女同事都是单身,只有3人结了婚,并且还没有孩子,。,”职位越高,这种男女差异就越明显。她说,男经理都已婚有孩子,而女经理都离异无子。,23,Reading A,似乎男性对拥有硕士学位的女性不太感兴趣。许多采访发现,随着女性越来越成功,她们会被男人拒绝,要么起初连约会都很难,要么最终因男人根本不想要孩子而结束(通常是因为他们已经有孩子了)。就如一位女性承认的那样:“事实是,大多数成功男人对找一位成就相当的伴侣并不感兴趣。”,24,Reading A,不妨把这看作是男性问题而不是女性问题如何?应当开设一些课程来鼓励男人与同样事业有成的女人结婚。首席执行官们应着手改变这种似乎由那些不急于回家的男人所设计,同时也是为他们服务的企业文化。也许我们都能意识到,既然孩子是社会的未来,或许平衡一下孩子的需要和工作的要求是值得的。,25,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,to describe (something),give a picture of (something),e.g.,The book,gives a good picture of,everyday life in ancient Rome.,A job interview can give a good picture of how an applicant performs under pressure.,Translation,面试反映了求职者在压力下如何表现。,26,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,containing or dealing with a lot of information and details,extensive,e.g.,The issue has been the subject of,extensive,debate.,The device had undergone,extensive,testing.,Translation,这种装置经受过广泛的试验。,27,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,n. the central or most important part,heart,e.g.,Lets get to the,heart,of the matter.,The,heart,of the problem is a shortage of funds.,Translation,问题的关键是缺乏经费。,28,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,n. a general examination or study (of conditions, opinions, etc.), esp.,carried out by asking people questions,v. to make a survey of,survey,e.g.,The latest,survey,shows a majority in support of the government policy.,The department,surveyed,10% of the students who had passed CET-4.,Follow-up,survey,shows that the reoccurrence rate is only 5%.,The school only,surveys,children under five.,Translation,跟踪调查表明复发率仅为,5%,。,学校只调查,5,岁以下儿童。,29,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,to stop attending or taking part,drop out (of),e.g.,He,dropped out of,college after only two weeks.,He,dropped out of,the race because of a sprained ankle.,Translation,由于一只脚踝扭伤,他退出了比赛。,30,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,is an American news magazine. Created in 1923 by Briton Hadden and Henry Luce, it was the first weekly news magazine in the United States.,Time,(,TIME,),31,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,to pay special attention to a particular person or thing,instead of others,focus on,e.g.,Modern medicine has tended to,focus,too much,on,developing highly complicated surgical techniques.,We must,focus,our attention,on,efficiency.,Translation,我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。,32,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,n. (usually plural) the information that someone has leant as a result of their studies, work, etc.,finding,e.g.,Surveys conducted in other countries reported similar,findings,.,The committee reported its,findings,after a thorough investigation.,Translation,委员会在彻底调查以后报告了调查结果。,33,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,ad. as compared to something else or to a previous state,comparatively,e.g.,The children were,comparatively,well-behaved,today.,His intelligence is,comparatively,favorable with that of his brother.,Translation,他的智力相对地比他哥哥强。,34,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,to act according to or keep to (something); not to give,up,stick to,e.g.,Ive made my decision and Im going to,stick to,it.,Reporter should,stick to,investigating the facts.,Translation,记者应该坚持调查事实真相。,35,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,to suffer a disadvantage or loss in return for something,one has gained,pay the price (for something),e.g.,Our troops recaptured the city, but they,paid a,heavy,price for,it.,She,paid the price for,her unpopular opinions.,Translation,她为自己不受欢迎的观点付出了代价。,36,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,a. so surprising that it is almost impossible to believe,astonishing,e.g.,This is the most,astonishing,fact youll ever have to confront.,The magician performed some,astonishing,tricks.,Translation,魔术师表演了一些令人惊叹的戏法。,37,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,v. to give little attention or care to,neglect,e.g.,Youve been,neglecting,your work.,Dont,neglect,to lock the door when you leave.,Translation,你走时别忘了锁门。,38,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,a. chief, main,primary,e.g.,A,primary,cause of Toms failure is his laziness.,Love and hatred are primary emotions.,Translation,爱和恨是基本的情感。,39,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,n. a collection of numbers which represent facts of measurements,statistics,e.g.,Statistics,on illness are used in planning health care.,I happen to have the official,statistics,with me.,Translation,我碰巧身边有官方的统计数字。,40,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,used when you are comparing objects or situations and,saying that they are completely different from each other,in contrast,e.g.,Their movement,in contrast, reached a membership of 100,000 in two years.,In contrast, others insist on reading extensively.,Translation,与此相反,其他人坚持阅读广泛。,41,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,Among men and women with higher ranks or in,h,igher positions, the differences are more obvious.,Further up the career ladder. becomes,even more marked.:,42,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,a. very clear and easy to notice,marked,e.g.,He showed a,marked,lack of interest.,Colder weather in the fall is a,marked,difference from the heat of summer.,Translation,秋天天气比较凉爽,与炎热的夏天明显不同。,43,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,used when talking about what was done, or should,have been done, at the start of a situation,in the first place,e.g.,I should never have gone,in the first place,.,Why did you choose basketball,in the first place,?,Translation,你为何首先选择篮球呢,?,44,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,to reach or come to a certain place, state or action,esp. by a lengthy route or progress,end up,e.g.,If you continue to steal, youll,end up,in prison.,If you dont work hard, youll,end up,nowhere.,Translation,如不努力工作,你就一事无成。,45,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,v. to accept the truth of (something); admit (something),acknowledge,e.g.,They,acknowledged,to us that they were defeated.,He is unwilling to,acknowledge,defeat.,Translation,他不愿认输。,46,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,v. to get by ones own efforts,acquire,e.g.,The museum has just,acquired,a famous painting by Pablo Picasso.,One can never,acquire,enough experience.,Translation,经验是永远学不足的。,47,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,v. to regard something in a particular way,view,e.g.,Viewed,from a financial standpoint, the show was a failure.,We,view,every customer as a partner.,Translation,我们将每一位客户视为合作伙伴。,48,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,instead of somebody/something,rather than,e.g.,These are political,rather than,social matters.,She is a career woman,rather than,a housewife.,Translation,她是职业妇女而不是家庭主妇。,49,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,n. someone who is as important, intelligent, etc. as you are, or who has the same rights and opportunities as you do,equal,e.g.,Its a relief to find a boss who treats employees as,equals,.,He feels that they are his,equals.,Translation,他觉得他们和他地位相等。,50,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,a. belonging to or connected with a business,corporate,e.g.,This policy is a key feature of our long-term,corporate,planning.,You should learned to read between the lines of,corporate,annual reports .,Translation,你应该学会仔细研读公司年度报告。,51,Reading A,Task 2,New Words and Expressions,v. to try to give equal importance to two things,balance,e.g.,She had learned to,balance,working efficiency with good human relationships.,You have to,balance,the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.,Translation,你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。,52,Reading A,Task 3,Read the above passage again and fill in the following table.,49% of them are childless, but only 14% said they had not wanted children.,Only 57% of them are married.,They either marry early or not at all.,A primary reason why so many of them are childless is that they are unmarried.,Most successful men are not interested in marrying a peer.,Men should be encouraged to marry their professional equals.,Employees should be allowed to spend more time with their families.,53,Reading A,Task 4,Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the above passage according to the meaning in the right column. The first letters are already given. Then compare your answers with your partners.,accept the truth of something,refuse to accept,consider or compare,no longer married,(of a reporter, etc.) ask somebody questions to find out,his views,make (facts, etc.) known,gain something by ones own efforts or action,look into the opinions, etc. of somebody by questioning,give no or not enough care or attention to,leave an activity, course, etc. before it has finished,rop,out,eglect,urvey,cquire,eveal,nterview,ivorced,alance,eject,cknowledge,a,_,r _,b _,d _,i _,r _,a _,s _,n _,d _ _,54,Reading A,Task 5,Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from Task 4. Change forms if necessary.,1. The company has recently _ a new office building in central London.,2. He was _ for the army because of his bad eyesight.,3. Hed given too much attention to his career, worked long hours, thus _ his wife.,4. Smith injured his knee and _ of the team against his will.,5.,When the election results were made known, the Prime Minister,_,that,he was defeated,.,acquired,rejected,neglected,acknowledged,dropped out,55,Reading A,Task 5,Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from Task 4. Change forms if necessary.,6. Their findings _ that a growing number of British people are overweight.,7. You have to _ the advantages of living in the country against the disadvantages.,8. They _ five hundred householders and found that only 40% of them had dishwashers.,9. When George was only four years old, his parents got _.,10. The reporter took the chance to _ the President about the government policy.,revealed,balance,surveyed,interview,divorced,56,Reading A,Task 6,Rewrite each of the following sentences, using the words given below.,1. He promised to help us and he did as he promised.,2. The army refused to accept him because of his poor health condition.,He promised to help us and he stuck to his,word.,He was rejected for the army because of his,poor health condition.,57,Reading A,Task 6,3. Neither of the two sides would give in, and their talk finished with a quarrel.,4. The boys parents just didnt want to listen any more though the teacher tried to explain and give the information about what the boy did at school.,5. Franks family couldnt afford his schooling any longer, so he had to leave school.,Their talk ended up with a quarrel as neither,of the two sides would give in.,The teacher tried to give a picture of what,the boy did at school but his parents just,didnt want to listen any more.,Frank had to drop out of school as his family,couldnt afford his schooling any longer.,58,Reading A,Task 7,Rewrite the following sentences after the model.,Model 1:,The male managers are all married with kids. The female managers are both divorced and childless., The male managers are all married with kids,while,the female managers are both divorced and childless.


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