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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Australias Vocational Education and Training System,澳洲职业教育与培训体系,Sunday 05 July 2009,星期日,,2009,年,7,月,5,日,Ann Goodman, Senior Coordinator,Centre for Industry Education and Training,Box Hill Institute,Victoria,Australia,安,古德曼,高级协调官,澳大利亚维多利亚州博士山学院,行业教育与培训中心,Contents,目录,1. Overview of VET in Australia,澳洲职业教育与培训概述,2. Quality Vocational Education and Training,职业教育与培训质量,3. Competency Based Training,以能力为本的培训,CBT,以能力为本的培训,Training Packages,培训包,Employability Skills,就业能力,Australias VET Quality System,澳洲职业教育与培训质量体系,Quality teachers,教师素质,Quality training environment,培训环境质量,Quality training materials,教学资料的质量,Quality systems,质量体系,Quality teaching and assessing practices,教学与评估质量,Quality arrangements for clients/students,客户,/,学生管理质量,Quality Assurance in VET,职业教育与培训中的质量保证,Only Registered Training Organisations may deliver and certify AQF qualifications,只有注册过的培训机构可以进行授课和颁发澳洲资格框架内的资格证书,/,文凭,National system of quality assurance monitored by state government authorities,由州政府的主管部门监督国家质量保证体系的执行,Provides a number of Quality Standards that are auditable,提供一系列可审查的质量标准,Coverage: student fees; advertising; resources; teaching and learning; sub contracting,涉及范围:学生费用,广告,资源,教学,,和外包合同,Australias National Quality System for VET,澳洲职业教育和培训的国家质量体系,Consistent qualifications,统一的资格证书,Interface with universities,与大学的衔接,Work ready graduates,准备好工作的毕业生,Credible system-parents and employers,可靠的系统,-,家长和雇主,Continuous Improvement,持续不断的改善,Industry involvement,行业的参与,Internal quality policies and procedures,内部质量法规与程序,AQTF Standards,澳洲培训质量框架标准,Two sets of standards of the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) established,common, national benchmarks,for all,nationally recognised,VET programs regardless of the sector in which they are delivered.,澳洲培训质量框架的两组标准为所有国家认可的职业教育和培训课程建立了共同的国家基准,无关该些课程是如何传授的。,Standards for Registered Training Organisations,对注册的培训机构建立标准,Standards for State and Territory Registering / Course accrediting Bodies,对州与领地注册机构,/,课程认证机构确立标准,2007 AQTF Standards for RTOs,2007,年注册培训机构的澳洲培训质量框架标准,Standard 1,The RTO provides quality training and assessment across all of its operations.,标准,1,RTO,在它被允许的范围内提供有质量的培训与评估,Standard 2,The RTO adheres to principles of access and equity and maximises outcomes for its clients.,标准,2,RTO,遵循为客户取得结果最大化的公平原则,Standard 3,Management systems are responsive to the needs of clients, staff and stakeholders, and the environment in which the RTO operates.,标准,3,管理系统是为了满足在注册培训机构的客户、员工和股东的需要,以及教学环境运行的需要。,Group Activity,小组活动,Form a group of 4 or 5.,4,或,5,个人组成一组,In your groups, identify the essential requirements for a quality system for the Chinese police and security training.,在你的小组中,辨别中国警察与安全培训质量系统中最重要的要求,Consider:,思考,The system, teachers, environment, materials, teaching and assessment practices, arrangements for students,为学生安排的系统,教师,环境,学习材料,教学与评估,Be prepared to present this information to the entire group,在小组内演示,Contents,目录,Overview of VET in Australia,澳洲职业教育与培训概述,2. Quality Vocational Education and Training,职业教育与质量培训,3. Competency Based Training,以能力为本的培训,CBT,以能力为本的培训,Training Packages,培训包,Employability Skills,就业能力,Competency Based Training,以能力为本的培训,Place emphasis on the application of skills and knowledge,强调重点是在技能与知识的应用,Develops the capacity to perform the required skill in the manner expected in the workplace,建立在预想的实际工作环境中能展示所要求技能的能力,Has been in use for many years,已经使用了很多年,Comprises the heart of the system,包含了系统的“心脏”部分,Common employability, management and IT competencies,通用的就业能力,管理与信息技术能力,Competency Based System,以能力为本的系统,Understanding Competence,对“能力”的理解,People are considered to be competent when they are able to apply their knowledge and skills to successfully complete work activities in a range of situations and environments, in accordance with the standard of performance expected in the workplace.,当人们可以在一定情况与环境下,运用他们的知识与技能成功地完成工作,并且与预想的工作环境绩效标准一致,那么他们被认为是有能力的。,This view of competence,:,“,能力”概述,emphasises outcomes,强调结果,focuses on what is expected of an employee in the workplace,专注于在工作环境中对员工的预期要求,highlights the application of skills and knowledge to workplace tasks,重点是技能与知识在工作中的运用,incorporates the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments,具体表现为能力的转化和在新的情况与环境中技能与知识的使用,focuses on what people are able to do and the ability to do this in a range of context.,主要是在一定的环境范围内人们可以做什么以及相应的能力,Understanding Competence,对“能力”的理解,Definition of Competence within the national VET system,给国家职业教育与培训体系中的“能力”定义,“Specification of knowledge and skill and the application of that,knowledge and skill to the standards of performance in the workplace”,“达到工作绩效标准的知识与技能的详述以及运用”,Effective workplace performance requires:,有效的工作绩效要求,skills to function effectively,可以有效使用的技能,knowledge and,attitude,to apply those skills in routine and non-routine situations,在常规和非常规情况下使用技能的知识与态度,This knowledge and skill may or may not be directly observable.,这样的知识与技能可以直接或非直接的被观察到。,Defining Competency Based Training (CBT),定义“基于能力的培训”,CBT is based on,occupational skill needs,defined by,industry,&,expressed as competencies,in,Industry Training Packages,以能力为本的培训是在行业定义的,职业技能需求,和在,行业培训包,中解释为,“能力”,的基础上进行的,Competencies cover,occupational skill requirements,performance level,&,assessment rules,“,能力”包括,职业技能要求,,,表现水平和评估规则,Major driver is producing,employment ready graduates,主要任务是培养能够,即时上岗的毕业生,Key measure of success is,employer confidence,in the system,成功的关键因素是,雇主对该系统的信心,Competency Based Example,以能力为本的实例,Certificate 2 Public Safety (Police Liaison),公共安全证书,2,(警察联络),Competency:,Operate communications systems and equipment,能力:操作沟通系统与设备,This unit covers the competency to transmit and receive communications in routine and operational situations using the organisations communication systems and equipment,这个单元包括了在常规和动态环境下使用沟通系统与设备,进行沟通的传送与接收的能力,Certificate 2 Public Safety (Police Liaison),公共安全证书,2,(警察联络),Competency:,能力,Operate communications systems and equipment,操作沟通系统与设备,Use communication systems & equipment,使用沟通系统与设备,Transmit & receive communications,沟通的传送与接收,Maintain,communications equipment,沟通设备的维护,Operate communications systems and equipment,操作沟通系统与设备,Use communication systems & equipment,使用沟通系统与设备,1.1 Equipment is used and operated safely to support communications consistent with organisations policies,设备的安全使用与操作,确保沟通与组织政策的一致性,1.2 Communication equipment and techniques are selected to best meet the task, context and needs of the situation,选择合适的沟通设备与技巧来达到工作要求、环境与形势要求,1.3 The communication system is correctly utilised to facilitate transmission and reception,沟通系统的正确使用来帮助传送与接收,1.4 Communications systems are operationally maintained according to organisations policies and procedures,根据组织政策和程序来操作沟通系统,Competency Based Assessment Example,以能力为本的评估实例,Diploma of Public Safety,公共安全文凭,Competency:,Give evidence in judicial or quasi-judicial setting,能力:在法庭或准司法性机关举证,This unit covers the competency to prepare evidence, present evidence and follow up on the outcomes of proceedings.,这个单元包括了证据的准备、提供和对诉讼结果的追踪,Diploma of Public Safety,公共安全文凭,Competency:,能力,Give evidence in judicial or quasi-judicial setting,在法庭或准司法性机关举证,Prepare for proceedings,诉讼准备,Present evidence,证据提供,Follow up outcomes of proceeding,诉讼结果的追踪,Give evidence in judicial or quasi-judicial setting,在法庭或准司法性机关举证,Prepare for proceedings,诉讼准备,1.1 Arrangements, role and involvement in proceedings are confirmed,诉讼过程中的准备、角色和参与确认,1.2 Documentation and exhibits are prepared in accordance with legislative requirements and organisations policies and procedures,按照法律要求和组织的政策和程序的要求,进行文件与展示品的准备,Competency Based Assessment,基于能力的评估,How is the assessment decision for competency made?,如何确定“能力”的评估内容,Competent,能力,Decision based on prescribed competencies: sound practices,在规定能力基础上确定:声音练习,Training Packages dictate the critical aspects of assessment and performance criteria,培训包口授评估与绩效标准的重要方面,Teacher/assessor capability: industrial experience and sound assessment methodologies,教师,/,评估员的能力:行业经验和声音评估法,Operate communications systems and equipment,操作沟通系统与设备,Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit:,该单元需要展示的能力是评估与举证的重要方面,It is essential that competency be demonstrated in accurately transmitting and receiving communications using the organisations communication system and equipment.,在沟通系统和设备使用中,能力传送与接收的准确性很重要,Context of and specific resources for assessment :,具体评估资源的内容,Observation of the use of a range of communication equipment under non-operational and operational conditions or in a simulated environment,在常规与非常规情况下,或模拟环境中,观察一系列沟通设备的使用,Give evidence in judicial or quasi-judicial setting,在法庭或准司法性机关举证,Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit:,该单元需要展示的能力是评估与举证的重要方面:,All documentation and evidence at hand,Accurate and articulate presentation of evidence,所有文件与证据的准备以及展示的连续性,Context of and specific resources for assessment :,具体评估资源的内容,On the job or in a simulated environment. Written or verbal tests may be used as supporting evidence.,工作中或模拟环境中,书面或口头测试将被用作证据支持,Group Activity,小组活动,Form a group of 4 or 5.,4,或,5,人组成一小组,In your groups, choose one work role in the police force and identify the competencies required for that role.,在你的小组中,选择一个在警署的工作角色,并明确这个角色的能力要求,Consider the,occupational skill requirements,and the,standard of performance expected in the workplace,思考,在职场上所需要的职业技能要求和预期的绩效标准,Be prepared to present this information to the entire group,在小组内演示,Group Activity,小组活动,Form a group of 4 or 5.,4,或,5,人组成一个小组,Using one of the competencies you have identified, determine what are the critical aspects for assessment.,使用你们已辨别的能力之一,决定评估的重要方面,Consider how the competency should be demonstrated and what range of conditions, situations and environments must be met for valid assessment,思考能力如何证明,在怎样的情况和环境下,才能确保评估的有效性,Be prepared to present this information to the entire group,将以上信息与同组其他成员分享,Through Competency Based Training, VET provides a more flexible and adaptable workforce if accompanied by sound teacher training and practices, input from industry in curriculum content and intent and student experience in the workplace,在基于能力的培训中,如果伴随着优秀的教师培训与实践,通过来自行业的课程内容和目标,以及学生在工作场所的实际经验,那么职业教育与培训将提供更灵活和更具适合性的劳动力,Benefits of Competency Based Training,以能力为本培训的益处,National Training Information Services: Australia and United Kingdom,国家培训信息服务中心:澳大利亚和英国,Australia,澳大利亚,United Kingdom,英国,The use of Training Packages in Australias VET system,澳洲教育与培训体系中的培训包使用,Employability Skills: a component of Australian Training Packages,就业能力:澳大利亚培训包的一个组成部分,Tomorrows session:,明天的课程,


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