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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Module 2: A Science Evolves,Psychologys historical foundation,psychology has the endless past, but only has the brief history,.,philosophy,Many of the problems which psychology has investigated were first most clearly outlined by Greek philosophers such as,Socrates,Plato, and,Aristotle,in the 5th century BC. Two philosophical influences on the development of psychology were:,Empiricism,-which argued that humans should only measure data that is objectively observable, such as behavior.,Introspection,-deliberate looking into ones own mind to examine ones own thoughts and feeling,.,History of Psychology- Foundations,Aristotle,(,384 B.C. -322 B.C.,),Peri,psyches,论灵魂,People are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain.,History of Psychology- Foundations,Socrates,(,469B.C. -399B.C.,),Platos teacher,We should rely in processes such as rational thought and introspection to achieve self-knowledge .,History of Psychology- Foundations,Descartes,笛卡尔(,1596-1650,),Mind and body are separated (dualism philosophy),Pineal gland(,松果体),History of Psychology- Foundations,Locke,洛克(,1632-1704,),Empiricism,经验主义,Science should rely on observation and experimentation,Knowledge from experience,science,1. Evolution: Darwins suggestion that humans has evolved from other animals. the discoveries in genetics that followed from his,evolutionary theory,have had many important implications for the study and understanding of behavior.,science,2.Physiology(,生理学,): the discoveries of the structure and function of the brain, nervous, and endocrine systems have significantly contributed to the understanding of behavior.,science,3.physics: a subject has been adopted as the ideal model by scientists in psychology, who have borrowed its scientific methods and principles.,The date 1879 is usually said to be the start of psychology as a separate scientific discipline, since it was when Wilhelm,Wundt,created the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig.,Wundt,is, therefore, regarded as the founding father of psychology.,Psychology is born!,Structuralism,构造主义,Wilhelm Wundt(1832-1920),Edward Bradford Titchener(1867-1927),Structuralism,attempted to break conscious experience down into,objective,sensations such as sight or taste, and,subjective,feelings such as emotional responses, will, and mental images such as memories or dreams.,Structuralists,believed that the mind functions by combining the elements of experience,Introspection,Functionalism,机能主义,William James,(,1842-1910,),Functionalism,Consciousness is constantly “flowing like a river” and cannot be broken into “atoms of thought”.,Moved from structure to what the mind does and how behavior functions,Behaviorism,行为主义,The founder of behaviorism is American psychologist,John,B.Wation, and established in 1913.,Behaviorism,defines psychology as the study of observable behavior and studies relationships between stimuli and responses.,radical behaviorism,激进的行为主义,John B.Wation(1878-1958),Psychology must limit it self to observable, measurable behavior and refuse consciousness.,Based on,Ivan,pavlov,experiment,where dogs salivated when heard bell,Focus on the importance of learning of measurable responses to environmental stimuli.,Neo,behaviorism,新行为主义,B. F. Skinner (,1904-1990),Reinforcement,: A stimulus follows a response and increases the frequency of the response.,Gestalt,psychology,格式塔心理学,It was prominent in Germany in the 1920s.,Three founders-Max Werthimer(1880-1943),Kurt koffka(1886-1941),and Wolfgang Kohler(1887-1967).,Gestalt - means,“whole”,or good form,It emphasizes the tendency to organize perceptions into wholes and to integrate stimuli into meaningful patterns.,Learning by insight,Psychoanalysis,精神分析,It was prominent in Austria at the end of 19th century.,Sigmund Freud (,1856,1939),Psychodynamic,argued that the motion of underlying forces of personality determines our thoughts, feeling, and behavior.,Psychoanalysis,argued that unconscious processes, especially sexual and aggressive impulses, are more influential than conscious thought in determining human behavior.,Historians Rankings,RANK,FIGURE,AREA OF CONTRIBUTIION,1,Wilhenlm,Wundt,Structuralism,2,William James,Functionalism,3,Sigmund Freud,Psychoanalysis,4,John,B.Watson,Behaviorism,5,Ivan Pavlov,Conditioning,6,Hermann,Ebbinghaus,Memory,7,Jean Piaget,Cognitive Development,8,B.F.Skinner,Operant Conditioning,9,Alfred,Binet,Assessment of Intelligence,10,Gustav,Theodor,Fechner,Psychophysics,Todays Perspectives,Leta,Stetter,Hollingworth,Child development and,womens issues,Mary Calkins,First female in the APA,Karen Horney,Social and cultural,aspects to personality,June Etta Downey,Personality trait theorist,Anna Freud,


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