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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Let,s Take a Trip !,Recycle 1,1,1,活学语言并活用到实际交际中去。,2,了解机场常用设施和登机通告。,综合复习该册学生用书的主要词汇和语言 。,2.,综合复习,be going to,句型,,there be,结构,一般过去时及有关问路、乘机的功能性语言。,学习重点:,学习难点:,2,Where are you going on your holiday?,Who are you going with?,What are you going to do there?,When are you going?,快乐热身:,Lets read,旅游,须知,3,快乐的,Summer Holiday,马上就要到来了,你计划好要去哪里游玩了吗?和谁一起去?什么时间动身?选择那种交通方式?让我们一起来看一看吧!,4,你还记得这些交通方式吗?,by plane,by train,by subway,by bus,by ship,by bike,by taxi,on foot,5,活学活用:,My father goes to work,.,My mother goes to work .,We can go to Shanghai,.,We are going,.,by subway,by bus,by plane,by ship,6,Kunming,昆明,Kathy,(女名),folk (folk dance),民间的(民族舞蹈),Stone Forest,石林,Read and find these words:,7,Listen and read,A: Where are you going on your,holiday?,B: I am going to visit Kunming.,A: Oh. Who are you going with?,B: Im going with my mom, my dad,and my sister Kathy.,A: What are you going to do there?,B: Im going to see folk dance.,Im going to visit Stone Forest too.,8,Listen and read,A:Thats great! How is your family,going to get there?,B:We are going by plane.,A:When are you going?,B:Were going this weeknd.,A:Have a good time!,9,难点解析,:,How is your family going to get there?,你们一家怎样去那里?,本句话采用了,be going to,的句型,并把这个句型中的,be,动词按照规则放到了疑问词,how,的后面。,10,点拨:,1.,Im going to visit Kunming.,我打算去参观昆明。,注释:,这句中运用的是典型的一般将来时结构:,be going to +,动词原形,表示将要发生的动作,be going to,结构与,shall,will+,动词原形表示一般将来时的区别在于:,前者表示的是计划或者打算要发生的动作或出现的状态;而后者则表示的是将来要出现的状态或要执行的动作。,11,Lets check:,12,Where to go?,How to go?,With whom?,What to do?,.,Lets make a trip plan!,On Childrens Day Im going to,13,你了解昆明吗?,昆明,云南省省会,具有两千四百多年的,历史(,history,),,是我国著名的优秀旅游,城市,(city),和历史文化名城。,(How far?),城区距首都北京,2100,千米。,14,Kun Ming is a pretty city. It is called “spring city”. Its always warm there. There is the Stone Forest, Dianchi lake. There are so many beautiful places in Kunming. Come and have a look,.,15,我们一起来欣赏一下昆明的美景吧,:,昆明,16,Read,Kathy: Mike, is Kunming far from Beijing?,Mike: Yes. Its three hours by plane.,Mike: Kunming is known as “Spring City”. Its usually sunny and warm.,Kathy: What is the weather like there?,17,Kathy,:,Are we going to see different places?,Mike: Yes, we are.There is also good food,Kathy: I cant wait. Im also going to buy,some folk clothes there.,Mike: We are leaving now.,Kathy: Can you help me with the backpack,please? My backpack is bigger and,Mike: of course!,Listen and read,in Kunming.,heavier than yours,.,18,难点解析,1:,1.There is also good food in Kunming.,昆明还有许多的美食。,2.Im also going to buy some folk clothes there.,我还想在那里买一些民族服装。,这两句话里面,都用到了单词,also,, 意思都表示“还,还有, 也”。,also,都用在了,be,动词之后,这是需要注意的地方。 事实上,,also,在应用的时候,一般都是放在助动词之后,比如,be, should, have,等等。,19,难点解析,2:,3. Kunming is known as “Spring City ”.,注释:,昆明是众所周知的“春城”:“,be known,as.”,意为:众人所知的,.,例:,Lu Xun is known as a great writer.,鲁迅是众人所知的伟大的作家。,Jay Chou is known as a popular singer.,周杰伦是众人所知的流行歌手。,20,难点解析,3:,4. We are leaving now.,我们马上就要出发了。,注释:,这句话表面上看是,be+doing,结构的现在进行时,但实质上却表达的是一般将来时态(即将要发生的动作),这是现在进行时的另一种用法,可用于这种情况的动词还有:,go,、,move,、,start,等。,例:,She is moving to a new house.,她将要搬到新房子里去。,21,你能回答这些问题吗,?,22,Read and answer,:,23,听录音,选择题抢先答:,1.How far is Kunming from Beijing?,( ),A: three hours by plane,B: two hours by plane,2. What is the weathe like in Kunming?,( ),A: windy and dry,B:sunny and warm,3 Kunming is known as ( ).,A: Spring city,B: Sunshine city,同学们,你们都选对了吗?,A,B,A,24,点拨:,Can you help me with the backpack, please?,请你帮我整理一下我的双肩背包好吗?,注释:,help sb. with sth.,帮助某人某事;,例:,My mother helps me with the,homework.,妈妈帮助我做家庭作业。,help sb. do sth.,帮助某人去做某事,例,: I help my mother,(,to) do washing.,我帮助妈妈洗衣服。,25,你乘过飞机吗?你知道在候机大厅是怎样的吗?你知道上飞机之前需要做什么吗?跟着老师来了解一下吧!,26,1,、行李托运、换登记牌,您到达机场后,请到出发大厅指定的服务台凭客票及本人有效身份证件按时办理乘机和行李交运手续,领取登机牌。飞机离站前,30,分钟停止办理乘机手续。,2,、安全检查,通过安全检查时,您应首先向工作人员出示登机牌、有效证件和飞机票,.,为了飞行安全,您及随身携带行李物品必须接受安全检查,.,行李物品要做,x,光机检查,旅客要走金属探测器门。,3,、候机及登机,您可以根据登机牌所显示的登机口号在相应的候机厅候机休息,听广播提示进行登机。,27,Look and match,:,attention,Air China,personal belongings,board,boarding pass,flight,aircraft,pleasant,journey,中国国际航空公司,个人物品,甲板,航班,注意,愉快的,行程,登机,登机证,28,Listen and write,CA1471,24,29,Tips:,May I have your attention please?,请大家注意一下。,Air China,中国国际航空公司,flight flait n.,飞行,飞机的航程,航班,board b:d n.,木板,甲板, vi.,登,(,飞机、车、船等,),boarding pass,登机证,30,现在我们来观察一下候机大厅吧!里面都有哪些设施和构造呢?你知道这些设施和构造的英文名称吗?,31,Good to know,办理登记手续,安检,咖啡馆,移动通道,自动扶梯,32,Check:,请说出这些地点的名称,Check In,办理登记手续,Safety Check,安检,Cafe,咖啡馆,Moving Walkway,移动通道,Escalator,自动扶梯,33,Look and match,Check In,Safety Check,Cafe,Moving Walkway,Escalator,34,名字,Name,中国 航空公司,经济舱,Economy Class,登机牌,Boarding Pass,航班号,Flight,登机口,Gate,座位号,Seating,目的地,To,日期,Date,9D,24,Kunming,1May,CA 6260,A,名字,Name,中国 航空公司,经济舱,Economy Class,登机牌,Boarding Pass,航班号,Flight,登机口,Gate,座位号,Seating,目的地,To,日期,Date,3C,24,Kunming,1May,CA 1471,C,名字,Name,中国 航空公司,经济舱,Economy Class,登机牌,Boarding Pass,航班号,Flight,登机口,Gate,座位号,Seating,目的地,To,日期,Date,2A,42,Kunming,1May,CA 1471,B,Mr. A,Mr. B,Mr. C,观察右边的三张飞机票,看看它们有什么不同:,35,英文日记的写法和中文日记略有不同:写英文日记要注意格式,人称,时态三个问题:,格式一般是在第一行左边顶格写清几月几日和星期几,右上角写天气情况;,人称要用第一人称;,时态要用一般过去时。如果写天气、景物、展望未来、引用对话等,则可以用一般现在时或一般将来时。,Can you write a diary?,36,Teach you to write a diary:,Nov.24th,windy,Dear diary,Today is windy,and .,Amy,37,读日记前请注意这些问题,:,日记的日期是哪天?,Mike,乘出租车去哪里?,Mike,下车时发生了什么事?,Mike,找谁帮助了自己?,Mike,的问题一开始解决了吗?后来谁来了?,Mike,的问题最后解决了吗?,38,A diary by Mike,39,你找到问题的答案了吗?,40,选择正确的一项:,41,The driver told us many things about Kunming.,The policeman said he would help us.,The taxi driver found the backpack.,I didnt have my backpack.,I ran back to the taxi. The driver was gone.,There was not my back-pack in the police station.,42,43,Whats in the picture?,44,You can describe the picture like this :,*,There is blue sky, white clouds,and . in the picture;,*,There are high montains,beautiful flowers and . in the,picture.,描写图画:,45,Mike,和,Kathy,在中国游览了许多美丽的地方,还邮寄了一些明信片。可是他们的明信片没有写清楚,请你帮帮他们好吗?,46,选词填空:,Kathy,47,请回答下列问题,Where did Mike go?,What did Mike see?,Were there many people there?,Where was Mike going the next day?,Are there any tall buildings there?,He went to a nature park.,He saw a green forest and a beautiful clean lake.,No, there werent.,He is going to a small village.,No, there arent.,48,选词填空:,Mike,49,请回答下列问题,:,When did Kathy arrive the small village?,What did Kathy eat on Monday?,What is Kathys favourite fruit?,What did Kathy drink on Thursday?,Whats for good luck?,She arrived on Monday.,She ate some fresh fish from the lake.,Grapes.,Some carrot juice.,Sweet dumplings and Zongzi.,50,Lets chant,51,这里有好多过去式,你知道它们的原形是什么吗?我们一起来练习一下吧!,went,did,saw,bought,was,go,do,see,buy,is,52,Make your own chant,53,Lets read,post office,hospital,cinema,bookstore,science,museum,54,经过了紧张的筹备旅行,上路,乘飞机,去旅店丢失包裹等等一系列事情后,,Mike,和,Kathy,终于欣赏到了昆明美丽的风景,还邮寄了一些明信片。可是很快他们又遇到麻烦了,是什么麻烦呢?这次又是谁帮助了他们?他们最后解决这个麻烦没有?请认真阅读下面的文章,找出答案。,55,Lets read,56,点拨,1,:,You can take the No. 26 bus.,你可以乘坐二十六路公交车。,注释:,take + the+,交通工具,表示特指乘坐某种交通工具:,例:,Take the ship from Shanghai to,Zhejiang.,乘坐从上海到浙江的轮船。,57,点拨,2,:,We go to the city by plane.,我们乘坐飞机去那座城市。,注释:,by +,交通工具,泛指借助于某种交通工具,表达一种方式,而不是特指。,例:,She goes to school by bike every,day.,她每天骑自行车上学 。,58,请回答下列问题,Who are lost?,What are they looking for?,Which bus can they take?,Whats in front of the Holiday Hotel?,Where is the No. 26 bus stop?,Mike and Kathy.,They are looking for the Holiday Hotel.,They can take the No. 26 bus.,A cinema.,Its in front of the bank.,59,怎样回旅馆,你看明白了吗?,60,post office,cinema,Holiday Hotel,61,The old man: Look, there is a hospital next to the zoo. Walk along the street, you can find the Super Hotel on your left. Keep turning left at the hotel, and then go straight. There is a post office in the front. The cinema is south of the post office,!,The boy: Walk east, and then turn right. There is a clothes store on your left. Go straight ahead, you can find a post office on the right. Then turn right, the cinema is on your left. Its south of the post office.,你知道如何问路吗?下面这组对话会帮助你,!,62,点拨,1,:,如何用英语问路,委婉句:,“,Could you tell me how to get to _?”,是问去某个具体的地方,像博物馆,酒店,或街道的标准句型。,例:,Could you tell me how to get to the,International Airport?,请问去国际机场的路怎么走?,(语气比较委婉),63,点拨,2,:,但是如果你不是问一个具体的地方,但需要找到附近的银行,地铁站,厕所等等的地方,那么最好的方式就是用这样的短语,Where is the closest_?,例:,Where is the closest Supermraket?,请问最近的超市在哪儿?(语气直接),注释:用这样的句子来问路的话,一般会得到理想的答复,但是这样的语气有点直接哦,前面最好再加上 “,Excuse me”,会更恰当些!,64,点拨,3,:,用英语问路的句型一般可以总结为以下句子(以问去邮局为例):,1. Where is the post office?,2. Which is the way to the post office?,3. Can you tell me the way to the post office?,4. How can I get to the post office?,5. Can you tell me how to get to the post office?,6. Which bus shall I take to the post office?,7. Which way can I choose to the post office?,65,点拨,4,:,指路常用句型:,This way, please.,请这边走,Turn left /right.,往左转,/,右转。,Its in the lobby near the main entrance.,在大厅靠近大门。,Its in the basement at the end of the corridor.,在地下室走廊尽头。,Its on the second,(,third,),floor.,在二(三)楼。,Along this road walk straight.,沿着这条路直走。,Turn right at the second crossing.,在第二个路口右转。,66,Mike,坚持在写他的旅游日记,这次走失又被他记录下来了。里面的空格是,Mike,留给聪明的同学们的,你来填一填吧!,另外,老师还有一个问题留给你们:这是,Mike,到昆明后的第几天发生的事情?,67,walk,take,post office,go straight,behind,68,答案揭晓:,看日期对比,你们知道答案了吧?,69,70,爸爸、妈妈、,Mike,和,Kathy,都买了很多东西,他们每个人拿出,5,件给大家看一看,你能猜出东西的主人是谁吗?加油!你一定能猜对!,71,72,答案在这里哦,!,cap,painting,post card,DVD,sunglasses,73,答案在这里哦,!,doll,dress,shoe,umbrella,fan,74,答案在这里哦,!,guidebook,map,CD,picture-book,boot,75,答案在这里哦,!,flower,scarf,magazine,clothes,handbag,76,下面的练习看似简单,可是你不认真看题的话,还是很容易做错的。老师一开始都被它迷惑住了。后来看到问题是,What did Mike do?,才明白要做什么的。,提示一下:动词,read,的过去式和原形一样的,只是读音有变化。,原形,的读音是,ri:d,过去式的读音是,red.,77,took,bought,ate,saw,went,climbed,learnt,What did Mike do?,78,Story time,79,He lost Zip at the museum.,How tall is Zip?,She is 55 cm.,What was Zip wearing then?,She wore a yellow and blue T-shirt.,Where are they staying?,They are staying at the Holiday Hotel.,Is Zip looking for Zoom?,Yes, she is.,Will Zip come to the Police Station?,Yes, she will.,Whats the matter with Zoom?,Answer the questions,80,Role and play:,81,Home,work,82,Make your own dialogue,:,yourself,: Isfar from?,your partner,: Yes. Its hours by.,yourself,: What is the weather like in ?,your partner,: Its usually.,yourself,: Are we going to see different places?,your partner,: Yes, we are. There is alsoin.,yourself,: I cant wait. Im also going to buy somethere.,your partner,: We are leaving now.,yourself,: Can you help me withplease?,your partner,: Of course!,yourself,: Thank you!,83,把下列小文章改写成一篇日记,My Trip to Harbin,I went to Harbin with my family last weekend. Harbin was nice in winter. Everywhere was covered with snow. I like the snowy mountains best. They are so beautiful. They look like the creamy cakes. I put on my scarf, my gloves and my coat, but I still got a cold. We played with snow. My brother and I made a huge snowman. My parents helped us. Then we went skating. Its not easy. We fell down all the time. But we were very happy.,84,


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