Only 引导的倒装句

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2015/4/24,#,O,nly,引导的倒装句,【,诊查,】,:倒装句知多少,倒装句的作用:,_,区别:,1,、,Here comes a car.,2,、,Never have I seen this car.,强调,全部倒装,部分倒装,除了,have/had/has,外,还可以将,【,Be,动词,助动词,情态动词,】,提前。,【,导学,1】,:,Only,引导的倒装句的,基本结构,:,Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months,was,she allowed to begin her project.,(,BOOK 4, Unit 1,),Only,引导的倒装句的,基本结构,:,Only +【,从句、副词、介词短语,】,+【,助动词,/be,动词,/,have/has/had,/,情态动词,】+,主语,Only,倒装,倒装,不倒装,主倒从不倒,副词,介词,短语,从句,主语,(2)He,is the only student who can answer this question.,Only he can answer this question.,Only can he answer this question.,(1)He was able to return home when the war was over.,Only when the war was over, was he able to return home.,Only when was the war over, was he able to return home.,【,导学,2】,:,下列改写的,only,引导的倒装句是否正确,【,导学,3】,:,将下列句子改成由,only,引导的倒装句,(1)We realized that we were wrong then.,(2)You can learn English well in this way.,Only then did we realize that we were wrong.,Only in this way can you learn English well.,Last week, I bought two tickets of,Romeo and Juliet,and wanted to go to the theater with my girlfriend.,Only when I,went,to the theater, _I realize that I leave my ticket at home. I asked the clerk to let me in, but no matter what I do, he just repeated: “_ with the ticket, are you allowed to get into the theater.,I was so angry that I punched him. He took out his mobile phone to call 110._(,只有那时我才认识到自己的错误,). Finally,_,(,只有我女朋友能够进到剧院里去,),【,展示,1】A Tragic Caused by A Ticket,Only then did I realize my mistake,o,nly my girlfriend can get into the theater.,did,Only,【,展示,2】,高考链接,(,2014,广东卷),你如何看待她的捐助行为:,只有当每个人都献出自己的爱心,世界才会变得更美好。,(,2013,广东卷),你对平凡工作者的看法:,只有当老师鼓励学生,学生才能有动力学习。,(,2012,广东卷),你怎样看待老师对学生的影响:,只有拥有强大的毅力,他们才可以克服对枯燥的工作的厌烦。,(,2011,广东卷),你是如何应对(想家)的影响的。,只有这样,我们才能全心全意进行学习。,Only,when,we show our kindness will the world become better.,Only in this way, can we devote ourselves to study.,Only when teachers encourage students can the students strengthen their motivation to learn.,Only with their,persistence, can they manage toovercome the frustrationbrought by the dull and routine,work,.,THANK YOU,


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