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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,asdf,Unit 4 Dealing with Cultural Differences,Unit 4 Dealing with Cultural Differences,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,asdf,Unit 4 Dealing with Cultural Differences,asdf,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,asdf,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,Unit 4 Dealing with Cultural Differences,asdf,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,Unit 4,Dealing with Cultural Differences,Unit 3 Memory,UNIT,4,Dealing with Cultural Differences,PartA_1_a,Language Focus,Questions for Discussion,What do cultural differences mean?,How do peoples cultural backgrounds influence their way of thinking?,How can failure to recognize cultural differences hinder communication?,Pre-listening Task,PartA_1_b,How can we deal with cultural differences?,What does “culture shock mean? In what ways can we cope with culture shock?,What should we do before visiting other countries to avoid misunderstanding?,Language Focus,Pre-listening Task,PartA_1_demo_a,Language Focus,Pre-listening Task,PartA_1_demo_a,Language Focus,Pre-listening Task,PartA_2,Pre-listening Task,Language Focus,Here are some sentences and structures that you might find useful in discussing the above questions.,People from different countries speak different languages, maintain different value systems, and have different ways of looking at things.,It is upsetting to find people who behave differently from us. We may, at first, assume that something is wrong with them.,Culture shock is a painful experience we undergo when we encounter entirely different ways of life in another culture.,PartA_2,Language Focus,A persons cultural background influences what he / she considers to be good manners or bad manners / polite or rude / on time or late.,Different cultures may have different ways of responding to compliments.,Some cultures consider it polite not to take something the first time it is offered.,Eye contact may convey sincerity and attentiveness in some Oriental cultures but too much eye contact may embarrass people in some Western cultures.,Pre-listening Task,PartA_2,Language Focus,Those who are uninformed about cultural differences may have difficulty communicating with their business associates from other cultures.,Inability to recognize cultural differences can make communication difficult.,A certain amount of small talk about the weather, family, and personal hobbies is expected before getting down to business with your foreign associates.,Having respect for / Learning about other cultures can help you avoid misunderstandings.,Pre-listening Task,PartA_2,Language Focus,You can avoid unintentionally offending others by learning the basic characteristics of other cultures / getting to know a few everyday phrases or common customs of other cultures.,Do not criticize or embarrass people from other cultures in public.,Understanding can only be reached if we are willing to treat people from other cultures with respect and as equals.,Pre-listening Task,PartA_2,Language Focus,It is a good policy to let a foreign friend or business associate know your expectations with regard to time and punctuality.,Take time to explain certain customs of your own culture to your foreign friends or business associates.,Ask your foreign friends or business associates about their customs.,Dont panic when some customs in a foreign country catch you off guard. You must understand that people living in varied cultures handle many small daily things differently.,Pre-listening Task,PartA_2,Language Focus,Whether you plan to stay for a week or for a year in a new place, youll benefit from learning about the place before you go.,Bear in mind the proverb “Do in Rome as the Romans do,and learn from the local people when you are visiting a foreign country.,Pre-listening Task,PartB_1_a_1,apparently,individually,upset,gently,firmly,Listening Tasks,ad. clearly; obviously 显然,ad. one by one; separately 各个地,v. to cause sb. to feel unhappy 使生气,ad. softly 不太用力地,ad. forcefully; strongly 坚决有力地,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,PartB_1_a_1,gosh,title,interj. an informal expression of surprise 表示惊讶的非正式感慨词哎呀,n. a word put before a persons name to show rank, honor, profession 头衔;职称;尊称,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,PartB_1_a_2,Different cultures have their own rules of behavior. People from different cultural backgrounds may have very different beliefs, religions, customs and habits. Ignorance of cultural differences often causes misunderstanding, offense, or embarrassment in cross-cultural communication. This is clearly illustrated by what Kate and Rob experienced in their visits to various countries. To avoid misunderstanding or giving unnecessary offense we must develop a,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,1.,Background information,PartB_1_a_2,cross-cultural perspective. We must remember that all cultures are equal, however different some cultures may seem from our own. Having a respect for other cultures and learning about their basic characteristics are effective ways to promote international communication., they felt I was taking them for granted., they thought that I was treating them casually, without giving them due respect.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,PartB_1_a_2,In the US, people tend to shake hands forcefully with people they meet for the first time. This is particularly true among business associates. A firm handshake in American culture suggests sincerity and strength whereas a weak handshake is a sign of weakness.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,3.,people there tend to shake hands quite firmly,.,1.,a. Different ways of greetings in different countries.,b. Interesting experiences of Kate and Rob during their visits to some foreign countries.,c. The importance of knowing how to greet a stranger properly when we are in a new country.,d. Embarrassing mistakes made by Kate and Rob due to ignorance of cultural differences.,PartB_1_b_3,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Listen to the interview and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,PartB_1_b_3,2.,a. They were probably their foreign guides.,b. They were probably their business associates.,c. They were probably total strangers to them.,d. They were probably their bosses.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,PartB_1_b_3,3.,a. They are business partners.,b. They are travelling salespeople.,c. They are both British.,d. They are business people who travel a lot to other countries.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,PartB_1_b_3,4.,a. France, Germany and Italy.,b. Germany, Sweden and Russia.,c. Russia, Germany and France.,d. Brazil, Italy and France.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,PartB_1_b_3,5.,a. Italy, the US and France.,b. Brazil, Germany and Italy.,c. France, Russia and the US.,d. Italy, the US and Brazil.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,PartB_1_b_3,6.,a. The importance of recognizing cultural differences.,b. The difficulty of cross-cultural communication.,c. The importance of regarding all cultures as equals.,d. The necessity to promote effective international communication.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 2,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,PartB_1_b_4,Listen to the interview again and fill in the table below.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 1,Exercise 2,Language and Cultural Notes,Country,Proper Behavior,What Kate / Rob did,Brazil,Go round,room and shake hands with,everyone individually,when you arrive.,Said “,Hello,” to,everyone,and,sat down,.,France,Shake hands with,everyone in the group,when leaving.,Said “,Goodbye,” and,left,.,The US,Shake hands,firmly,.,Shook hands,quite gently,.,PartB_1_b_4,Country,Proper Behavior,What Kate / Rob did,Germany,Do not keep,your left hand,in,your pocket,when shaking hands with someone.,Shook hands with,her left hand in,her pocket,.,Italy,Do not use someones,first,name unless you are,invited to,. Always use their,title,.,Used someones,first name,without being,invited to,.,Russia,Say ones,own name,when greeting,a stranger,.,Shook hands and said “,How do you do,?,”,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 1,Exercise 2,Language and Cultural Notes,PartB_1_a_script,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Word Bank,Exercise 1,Language and Cultural Notes,Exercise 2,PartB_2_a,Youve just heard Rob and Kate talking about the experiences they had in some foreign countries. They made a number of mistakes in behavior because they were unaware of cultural differences. Do you think it is important to be aware of cultural differences? Why? How can we avoid misunderstanding in international communication? Exchange views with your partner. You may mention the following points in your discussion.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,A. Reflections on the text,Pair Work,PartB_2_a,awareness of cultural differences to avoid misunderstanding,importance of learning about other cultures,importance of knowing how to deal with cultural differences key to successful international business and cultural exchanges,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,PartB_2_b1,A Sample,Look at the pictures below. They are about Chinese and Western ways of eating. Do you see any differences between them? Describe the pictures first and then discuss their differences.,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,B. Picture Talk,Describing Chinese and Western ways of eating,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Picture (1),PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Picture (2),PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Picture (3),PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Comparing,A: Dont you think there are great differences between Chinese and Western ways of eating?,B: Yes, they are very different indeed. We Chinese use chopsticks to help ourselves to almost everything except soup, but Westerners use a knife and fork.,A: I think our chopsticks are much easier to handle. Knives and forks are so complicated to use.,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,B: Im afraid many Westerners wouldnt agree with you on that. It may take them quite some time to learn the skill of handling chopsticks.,A: You may be right. What do you think of the food Western people eat at dinner? Seems to me a Western dinner is rather simple. There are so few courses.,B: Thats true. A Chinese dinner is usually much more plentiful. Even at a simple family dinner we have at least four dishes and a soup. Im afraid I would be starving at a Western dinner.,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,A: But the Western style of eating seems to be more hygienic. Nobody uses his own fork to get food for himself or for others. But at a Chinese dinner, some people, especially the hospitable host and hostess, often try to get food for others with their own chopsticks. They dont realize how unhygienic this is.,B: It really is. Westerners usually ask others to pass some food to them if they cant reach it. If you stretch out your arm or stand up to get food, people would think you have very bad table manners.,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,A: But the dinner table in a Chinese restaurant is so convenient. Just turn the revolving table, and you are within easy reach of the dishes.,B: Mm. Thats true. So the Chinese way and the Western way of eating are just different. Neither is better or worse.,A: You said it. But the important thing is to be aware of the differences so as to avoid misunderstanding.,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Now use the above sample as your model and carry on similar activities with your partner according to the pictures below.,(1),PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,(2),PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Below are some ideas and expressions that you might find useful in describing the pictures.,For Picture (1),Difference in showing hospitality at the table:,Chinese way:,introducing each course, sometimes describing its ingredients and how it is cooked,sometimes putting food onto the plate of the guest,encouraging the guest to eat more or drink more,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Common dinner talk:,“Have some more, dont stop.,“Do you like it? Please have some more.,“You really should have some more.,“Just one more piece, I insist.,“Have some more juice. Let me fill up your cup.,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Western way:,introducing each course of the meal to guests,passing the dishes around for guests to get the food themselves,Common dinner talk:,“Help yourselves with,“Would you like some more?,“Could you pass me the ?,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,For picture (2),Different expressions used when you need to leave the table:,Chinese way:,rising from your chair and saying “I need to be out for a while./ “Ill be back in a minute./“Im full. Please take your time.,PartB_2_b1,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,Western way:,saying “Excuse me and getting up to leave the table without stating whether you want to go to the toilet or to refresh / renew your make-up,PartB_1_b_script,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,PartB_1_b_script,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,PartB_1_b_script,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,PartB_1_b_script,Listening Tasks,Speaking Tasks,PartB_1_b_3,Test Your Listening,Listen to the passage and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.,A Passage,PartB_1_b_3,1.,a. People are not accustomed to making calls early in the morning.,b. People would think something unpleasant must have happened if they receive a call early in the morning.,c. People tend to think the call must be of vital importance if the telephone rings early in the day.,d. People would feel annoyed if they receive a call while theyre shaving or having breakfast.,Test Your Listening,PartB_1_b_3,2.,a. Because such an appointment might be neglected by busy people.,b. Because such an appointment might cause much inconvenience to others.,c. Because such an appointment might cause much inconvenience to others.,d. Because such an appointment might be forgotten.,Test Your Listening,PartB_1_b_3,3.,a. Americans/Italians.,b. Germans/Italians.,c. Germans/the British.,d. Americans/the British.,Test Your Listening,PartB_1_b_script,Test Your Listening,PartD_1_a1,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,PartD_1_a2,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,PartD_1_b1,helmet,bottomless pit,compass,decent,savage,n. 头盔,无底洞电影里用来比喻非常贪吃的小动物,n. 指南针,a. 体面的,n. 野蛮人,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,PartD_1_c,1. Where did the man come from?,2. What did the man think of local people living in the forest?,3. What did the man probably want to do there?,Answer the following questions according to the movie clip.,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,PartD_1_c,In this video, you can see the interesting way of the local woman saying hello. How many ways of greeting do you know in the world? Look at the following pictures of greetings from different cultures. Describe each picture with at least two sentences.,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,PartD_1_c,1. Japanese,2. Maori from New Zealand,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,PartD_1_c,3. French 4. American,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,PartB_1_b_script,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,PartB_1_b_script,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,PartB_1_b_script,Movie Time,Time to Talk,Movie,Exercise A,Word Bank,Exercise B,PartD_1_b1,Look at these pictures and describe them one by one. If,possible, try also to find something relevant to talk,about.,Movie Time,Time to Talk,PartD_1_b1,Movie Time,Time to Talk,PartD_1_b1,Movie Time,Time to Talk,PartD_1_b1,Movie Time,Time to Talk,PartD_1_b1,ride a swing, dressed in a green blouse, red skirt, fasten around the chest, rather than the waist, Korean known to enjoy riding swings, other cultures, may think differently, but Korean people, must find it attractive, different cultures, entitled to, their own likes and dislikes,Movie Time,Time to Talk,PartD_1_b1,monk dressed in orange robes, receive food, from two women, in Thailand, serve as monks, for some time, before going to work, get married, unique cultural practice, begging, not be accepted in many other countries, their way of normal life, embarrassing for us, learn to respect other cultures,Movie Time,Time to Talk,PartD_1_b1,men and women, in traditional clothes, kimono (,和服,), in black Muslim (,穆斯林,) robe, man next to the Muslim woman, half-naked, face and chest, painted, look like an Indian, but his skin betrays him, convey a message, races from different cultures, can coexist in harmony (,和谐,),Movie Time,Time to Talk,PartB_1_b_script,Movie Time,Time to Talk,PartB_1_b_script,Movie Time,Time to Talk,PartB_1_b_script,Movie Time,Time to Talk,


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