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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,2015-04-01,#,游,戏,规,则,第一关,:闪电飞车:幼儿坐在车内,家长推着小车,进行推车跑,50,米,第二关:激流勇进:家长自由选择地垫或呼啦圈,为幼儿搭桥,让幼儿顺利通过“小河”,第三关:夺宝奇兵:幼儿在神秘箱里抓到的“食物”,通过平衡木传递给家长,家长投掷到相应的动物纸杯内。,第四关:旗开得胜:三关全部通过,敲响锣。,1,.the children sat in the car, parents push the car to run 50 meters.,2.,Parents can choose pad or hula hoops to make bridge for the children let the children pass the,“,river,”,3,.,The children catch the “food” in a mysterious box then go through the balance beam transfer it to their parents; the parents throw it into the corresponding animal paper cups.,4.,Through the front three stages and sounded the gong.,超能,陆战队,Beast Corps,R,u,l,e,游,戏,规,则,比赛限时,2,分钟,分为,4,组。,1,,,游戏,前,家长帮孩子穿上小刺猬的道具服装。,2,,,哨声响,,游戏开始,小刺猬通过翻滚的形式从起点,(,树屋,),至终点,(,草地,)摘草莓,(,家长可从旁协助孩子,),3,,,摘果,后,小刺猬按原方式、原路径返回起点,把草莓放入筐子里。,4,,,哨声响,,游戏结束。请家长将刺猬道具放回起点处。,Activities,are divided into four groups, time for two minutes,1,、,Before the activities, parents help child wearing the hedgehog costume.,2,、,The opening whistle, game began. Hedgehog rolling from the starting point to the end and pick strawberries.,3,、,Hedgehog roll back to the end, put the strawberries into the basket.,4,、,The final whistle, game over. Please put the costume back to the starting point.,小刺猬摘果果,Crazy Hedgehog,R,u,l,e,游戏规则,1,、小朋友们在跑道上排队站好(,5,条)。家长们在每条跑道的终点线等待小朋友们。,2,、小朋友们用汤匙将鸡蛋运送到对应的终点处,奔跑中不能用手握住鸡蛋。如果鸡蛋滑落,小朋友必须捡起鸡蛋放回汤匙上继续向前冲。切勿跑出指定跑道外!,3,、当小朋友们到达终点时,家长们可帮助孩子们将鸡蛋放入鸡窝中。,4,、第一名到达终点线并完成所有鸡蛋运送任务的小组即获胜组。,1,、,Children line up in athletic lanes (5). Parents wait for them at the finish line in the corresponding lane.,2,,,Children run down the lane towards the finish line balancing a chicken egg on a spoon. Children must not hold onto their eggs! If their egg falls off, children must stop, put it back on their spoon and then continue running. Please stay in lane,!,3,、,When they reach the finish line, parents can help their child put their egg in the nest, which will be sitting in their lane at the finish.,4,、,The first person to reach the finish line and put their egg in the nest wins.,小鸡,向前冲,Chicken,Race,R,u,l,e,游戏规则,R,u,l,e,捕鱼,“喵星人”,Super Cat Go Fishing,1,、家长、幼儿先装扮成小猫。幼儿在起点处准备,家长在终点处等候。,2,、幼儿钻过“山洞”,踩着“石头”前进,走过“”,到达“鱼池”。,3,、幼儿从“鱼池”中钓起,3,条小鱼,交给家长放至鱼盆。,4,、家长抱着鱼盆跑回起点处,将鱼投入“喵星人”嘴里,游戏结束。,5,、游戏完成后,请拿着游戏卡到组织游戏的老师处盖上小印章,。,1. Every,family dresses up as cats. The child stays at the starting point, and the parent stays at the finishing point.,2. The,child goes through a “cave”, walks on the “stones”, and moves across the single-log bridge, and arrives finally at the pond.,3. At,the pond the child will go fishing. His/her parent puts the fishes in a tub.,4. When,there are 3 fishes in the tub, each parent needs to run to the starting point with the tub of fish, and put the fishes into the month of the super cat. Then the game is finished.,5. After,the game is finished, please get the completion stamp from the teacher.,游戏规则,R,u,l,e,极地挑战,Polar Challenge,小企鹅双脚站在大企鹅双脚上,面对面同时向前移动,如果小企鹅途中落地,将返回起点重新开始游戏!,游戏,要求: 游戏以比赛的形式分组进行,first little penguins stand,on the big penguins,feet , face,to face and move forward if little penguins landing on the way, will have to return and start the game again.,Match,demands : in,the form of a competition conduct,游戏规则,R,u,l,e,荷塘月色,Froggie,1.,以家庭为单位,,每次最多可有三组进行游戏,。,2.,游戏开始时,孩子与家长站在同一起点,以青蛙跳的方式双手微举进行立定跳远跳入下一片荷叶,不能落入“水中”,如果不慎跳入“水中”,则需重新回到上一片荷叶跳上下一片荷叶,。,3.,直至“青蛙”家庭全部成员顺利到达重点则视为取得游戏的胜利,小青蛙则可在蹦床荷叶上弹跳以结束游戏。,1,. Each family can use one of the three paths to cross the river.,2. Cross the river together by jumping like a frog from lily pad to lily pad, careful,not,to fall into the water. If you do fall in the water, you need to get back on a lily pad.,3. Bounce on the trampoline for the last leap across the river. If all family members safely cross the river they win.,游戏规则,R,u,l,e,小猴子,揪尾巴,把尾巴夹在幼儿,的裤,腰上,,家长背上幼儿,音乐响起游戏即开始。家长背着幼儿让幼儿去揪别人的尾巴,同时家长和幼儿又要保护好自己的尾巴不被别人揪,音乐停,尾巴揪得多和自己的尾巴没被揪的幼儿及家长获胜。,Children will wear the monkey tails and ride on their parents backs. The game starts when you hear the music! Children will try to take other childrens tails while parents try to protect their own tails. When the music stops, everybody stops! The winner has the most tails, and still has their own!,游戏规则,R,u,l,e,袋鼠,城堡,kangaroo castle,每人每次在城堡上只能跳,5,分钟。(由于排队等候的人太多了。多谢合作!),Each,student may jump in the castle for 5 minutes.,(,One time per student as there are so many students. Thank you!,),游戏规则,R,u,l,e,冲出亚马逊,Rush Out Of Amazon,幼儿手持红旗站在起点处花环内,家长将花环从幼儿头上取出来放地上,幼儿跳进花环内,依次重复,直至跨栏处。,家长取一根绳将自己和幼儿的一只脚绑在一起,以二人三足的形式跨越,4,个跨栏,到达终点。,幼儿将红旗插入草地,家长跳跃触碰小动物,游戏结束。,完成游戏后,请拿着游戏卡到组织游戏的老师处盖上小印章。,温馨提示,:闯关时不能碰到头顶上的小动物,如不慎碰到,请返回起点处重新开始。,Each,Child stands in a garland at the starting point with a red flag in his/her hand. Each parent takes the garland, and puts it in front of his /her child, and then the child must jump into the garland. Continue these steps until both child and parents arrive at the next hurdle.,Each parent takes a piece of string, and ties one of his/her feet and one of their childs feet together, then crosses the hurdles until the end.,The children must then place the flag into the grass, and the parents jump up and touch the little animal above. The game is then finished.,After the game is finished, please get the completion stamp from the teacher.,Tip:,Please keep your body away from the little animals around the course, if you accidently touch any of the animals, you must return to the starting line and start again.,游戏规则,R,u,l,e,萌,龟,护,宝,Turtle,Eggs,Go Home,1,、幼儿装扮成“小乌龟”,从起点爬行至家长处。(,家,长在乌龟蛋放置区域等候,),2,、待幼儿到达,家长即可从沙滩上拿起一颗“,乌龟,蛋,”放至幼儿背上的“龟壳内”。,3,、幼儿背着“乌龟蛋”爬回起点处,游戏完成。,4,、完成游戏后,请拿着游戏卡到组织游戏,的老师处盖,上,小印章。,Each,Child dresses up as “a little turtle”, and crawls up to his/her parent. (Parents stay at the egg area.),When each child arrives at the egg area, his/her parent takes a turtle egg, and puts it in the turtles shell on the childs back.,Children crawl back to the starting point with the egg on his/her back. Then the game is finished.,After the game is finished, please get the completion stamp from the teacher.,游戏规则,R,u,l,e,奔跑吧,,,猪猪侠,!,Run! Little Pig!,1,、以家庭为单位,分两组进行。,2,、幼儿头戴小猪头饰以西瓜地为起点,抱着西瓜跑向家长等候区,把西瓜递给家长。,3,、家长接过西瓜,投向小猪房子前的篮筐内,投中后家长抱起幼儿跑回西瓜地起点,游戏结束。,4,、完成游戏后,请拿着游戏卡到组织游戏的老师处盖上小印章。,1. Two,families (1 adult and 1 child in each family) compete against each other.,2. Each,child puts on a pig headgear, and then picks up a watermelon from the field. Then he/she runs to his/her parent and hands over the watermelon.,3. Parents,then put the watermelons into the baskets in front of the pig house. Parents will then carry their children in their arms and run back to the starting point. The winner is the first family back at the starting point.,4. After,the game is finished, please get the completion stamp from the teacher.,游戏规则,R,u,l,e,1.,一名家长和一个孩子一组,。家长一手提篮子,另一只手始终牵着孩子不能松开。,2.,孩子沿着跑道和家长一起跨越障碍,。孩子负责捡松果,放到家长拿着的篮子里。,3.,到达终点之后摘取一朵,小花,跑回起点。,4.,最终,中大班幼儿捡取,8,个松果,小托班孩子捡取,5,个即为胜利。,1,.A parent and a kid set up a group. The parent one hand hanging a basket, the other hand with kids hand, during the whole game, hands will be always in hands.,2.Both parent and kid run along the way and across the obstacle. The kid need to pick up the pinecones and put them into the basket which is handing on the parents hand.,3.When get to the finishing line, pick up a flower and run back to the beginning line.,4.Kids in SK an JK should pick up 8 pinecones, PK and PK-Prep should pick up 5 pinecones.,夺,宝,奇,兵,Squirrel Run,


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