成教版英语二 Unit 1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材,非英语专业专科,英语,2,UNIT 1,学苑书业,,2012,Teaching Objectives,In this unit, you will learn:,the main idea of two texts;,the key words, expressions, structures in Text A and Text B;,useful expressions and sentences concerning making appointments;,writing skills: How to organize a paragraph?,the grammar point: Sentence Elements,Warm-up Activity: Pre-reading questions,How does one usually feel when he or she is having a date?,Do you think its helpful to have a car when you go for a date? Why or why not?,3.Is there any difference between a “date” and an “appointment”?,Text Understanding,Text Organization,Language Points,Useful Expressions,Sentences to Be Remembered,Exercises,Background Information,Text ABackground Information,Chevy (1),Louis Chevrolet and Chevrolet,In 1911, William Durant, one of the founders of GM, invited Louis Chevrolet, the famous Swiss racer and engineer, to develop a new model for mainstream customers. A new company names after the designer was thus established,Text ABackground Information,Chevy (2),and a new type of car names after the designer began to enjoy popularity, and that is Chevrolet.,Chevrolet and Chevy,In the United States, people call Chevrolet as Chevy, a nickname to express their fondness, and Chevy has become part of,Text ABackground Information,Chevy (3),Americans life. It is an all time favorite of Americans, along with baseball, hotdogs and apple pie. In 2004, the global sale of Chevrolet exceeded 3,500,000 which made up 5% of total worldwide auto sales. There was one Chevrolet in every 16 cars in 2004.,Text ABackground Information,Chevy (4),Chevrolet Bowtie Logo,There have been a number of guesses on how and where the Chevrolet bowtie logo comes from. The real story might remain a mystery forever. However, the most romantic version, or rather the most widespread version, is,Text ABackground Information,Chevy (5),related to William Durant. In 1908, when on a round-the-world trip, Mr. Durant unexpectedly found an interesting image on the wallpaper of a French hotel which he believed could make a model logo. Therefore, he tore a piece of wallpaper off and showed it to his,Text ABackground Information,Chevy (6),friend. Later, the bowtie image became the logo of the popular Chevrolet. Whatever the source of the Chevrolet logo is, most historians agree that the logo initially emerged between 1913 and 1914. Today it is one of the best-known brand logos.,Text ABackground Information,Drive-In,(1),Drive-in theatre is a place where you can watch films outdoors while sitting in your car and enjoying foods. In 1930s, the first drive-in theater was invented by Richard M. Hollingshead in New Jersey, USA. During the,Text ABackground Information,Drive-In,(2),1940s, drive-in theaters had beg,u,n to spread across the U.S. And in 1950s, the drive-in boom appeared. Not just the numbers of drive-ins increased, but the size.,Text ABackground Information,Dating manners,(1),Be punctual for the date,One very important aspect is punctuality (准时). Its rather strange that in the age of high technology, people simply dont look at their watches anymore. People always say that time is very important.,Text ABackground Information,Dating manners,(2),Why is it then that they are often late for their dates? It isnt the problem of being late. Its just that being late, especially on the first date, sends wrong signals (信号). It tends to say that your date doesnt mean much and its,Text ABackground Information,Dating manners,(3),okay to make her or him wait.,Dont ask your date so many questions,While its okay to ask questions while dating, dont ask your date so many questions that he or she feel as if you were an agent (侦探),Text ABackground Information,Dating manners,(4),sent by Scotland Yard (苏格兰场,英国警察机构所在地).,Be yourself,Be yourself. Youre probably familiar with the million and one rules on dating. However, none of these rules means anything if you neglect (忽略),Text ABackground Information,Dating manners,(5),one simple rule, being yourself. You should try to be yourself as much as possible. You may feel really nervous and want to make a good impression. To some people, this means trying to be someone else. But doing so,Text ABackground Information,Dating manners,(6),doesnt work. Just be yourself, no matter who you are or how boring you think you are. It will work wonders in the end.,Text AOrganization,The text can be divided into 3 parts.,Text AOrganization,Part 1:,Part 2:,(Para. 1),It tells us how the author eventually has the courage to go on a date with Karen.,(Paras. 2-5),It is mainly about what happens during the writers first date of drive-in.,Part 3:,(Para. 6),It deals with the lesson the author has to learn from his date.,Text ALanguage Points,Word understanding,date,an occasion when one goes out with sb,that he/she likes in a romantic way,约会,(,主要指异性之间的,),Example:,Ill have a,date,with Andrea tomorrow night.,Text ALanguage Points,date,词义比较:,appointment,约会,约见,(,指正式的,),Examples:,I had an,appointment,with my doctor yesterday.,You should make an,appointment,before you visit someones home.,Text ALanguage Points,stuff,unnamed things, belongings, activities,subject-matter, etc,东西,玩意儿;物品,Example:,How do you think youre going to fit all that,stuff,into the car?,Text ALanguage Points,stuff,词形比较:,staff,全体员工,全体人员,Examples:,The entire,staff,has done an outstanding job this year.,They employ a total of 150,staff,.,Text ALanguage Points,proud,feeling pleased about sth that one has done or sth one owns, or about sb or sth one is involved with,自豪的,骄傲的,常用短语:,be proud of,为,而感到自豪,Examples:,Her parents are very,proud of,her.,Wont your father be,proud that,youve joined the navy (,海军,)?,Text ALanguage Points,proud,反义词:,ashamed,惭愧的,羞耻的,Examples:,I felt,ashamed,of the things Id said to him.,Everyone cries sometimes - its nothing to be,ashamed,of.,Text ALanguage Points,courage,the quality of being brave when in,danger, in pain, in a difficult situation etc.,勇气,Examples:,Gradually I lost the,courage,to speak out about anything.,They do not have the,courage,to apologize for their actions.,Text ALanguage Points,courage,反义词:,cowardice,胆小,懦弱,Example:,We were all surprised at his,cowardice,in the face of danger.,Text ALanguage Points,perfect,excellent, very good, exact, accurate, complete and without faults or weaknesses,理想的,完美的,无瑕的,最佳的,Examples:,She speaks,perfect,English.,Well, Im sorry, but nobodys,perfect,.,Text ALanguage Points,perfect,反义词:,imperfect,不完美的,有缺点的,Examples:,We live in an,imperfect,world.,I got the handbag cheap because its slightly,imperfect,.,Text ALanguage Points,movie,a film made to be shown at the,cinema or on television,电影,Examples:,She is a famous,movie,star.,Do you want to see a,movie,tonight?,Text ALanguage Points,movie,同义词:,film,Examples:,Have you seen any good,films,recently?,We stayed in to watch the late-night,film,.,Text ALanguage Points,row,a line of things or people,一排,一列,Examples:,We were asked to sit in the front,row.,The children were asked to stand in a,row,.,Text ALanguage Points,row,近义词:,line,一行,一条线,Examples:,There was a,line,of fir trees on either side of the road.,The four men were standing in a,line,on the other side of the table.,Text ALanguage Points,glance,v. to look quickly at sth/sb; read sth quickly;,n. a quick look (快速地) 看一眼,浏览 (指动作“瞥一眼”);(快速的) 一瞥,See more examples:,Text ALanguage Points,glance,Examples:,I,glanced,up quickly to see who had come in. (,v.,),He,glanced,briefly (,简要地,) down the list of names. (,n.,),I walked away without a wave or a backward,glance,. (,v.,),A quick,glance,at the map showed that we were on the right road. (,n.,),Text ALanguage Points,glance,近义词:,glimpse,v,. &,n,.,瞥见,(,指结果“瞥见”,),Examples:,I,glimpsed,a figure at the window.,For the first time she,glimpsed,the truth about her sister.,They caught a,glimpse,of a dark green car.,We only had a fleeting (,转瞬即逝的,),glimpse,of the river.,Text ALanguage Points,pick (sb) up,to let sb get into your car, boat etc. and take them somewhere (,用车辆等,),接,(,某人,),去,(,某地,),用法说明: 当宾语为代词时,多放在,pick,和,up,之间。而当宾语为名词时,多放在,up,之后。,See more examples:,Text ALanguage Points,pick (sb) up,Examples:,Ill,pick,you,up,at the station.,Wheres Diana? - She just left to,pick up,the kids from school.,Text ALanguage Points,pick (sb) up,扩展:,pick up,的其它意义和用法:,Examples:,The phone rang and I,picked,it,up,.,Ryan is a bright little boy, and he,picks,things,up,really quickly.,He is too lazy to,pick up,his own room.,Why should I,pick up,the bill?,The economy finally began to,pick up,again.,Text ALanguage Points,pull into,(vehicles) stop; arrive at a station;,move into (,车、船,),驶入,驶进,Examples:,Passengers stood still as the train,pulled into,the station.,She tried to,pull,the car,into,the side street, but failed.,Text ALanguage Points,pull into,反义词组:,pull out,驶出,Examples:,A car suddenly,pulled out,in front of me.,Dont,pull out,! Theres something coming.,Text ALanguage Points,look for,try to find sth,寻找,Examples:,Is this the kind of thing you,re looking for,?,Can you help me? I,m looking for,a place to stay.,Text ALanguage Points,look for,同义词组:,search for,Examples:,An air force plane,searched for,the missing men.,Ive,searched,everywhere,for,my glasses.,Text ALanguage Points,Sentence Understanding, I was so proud driving it around, looking to see who was looking at me. (Para. 1),分析:,looking to see who was looking at me,是现在分词短语作伴随状语,表示“我”一边自豪地开着车到处逛,一边瞧瞧路上有谁在看我。,looking to see,伴随着,driving around,这个动作。,Example,:,I headed for the car, hoping the Cokes werent too warm (Para. 4),Text ALanguage Points,That car is what gave me a chance with Karen. (Para. 1),分析:,这句话的意思是“就是这辆车给了我接触卡伦的机会”。该句相当于,That car is the thing that gave me a chance with Karen.,或者理解成强调句,It is the car that gave me a chance with Karen.,Text ALanguage Points,学习:,在此种用法中,,what,充当两个角色,既是主句的宾语或表语,又是从句的主语或宾语,相当于,that,(代词,充当前句的宾语或表语),that / which,(关系代词,充当从句的主语或宾语)。,Example,:,I dont know what he wants to say.,此处,what,即是,know,的宾语,又是,say,的宾语。即,I dont know that,(代词,宾语),that / which,(关系代词,宾语),he wants to say,。,Text ALanguage Points,Example:,Ill do what can make us happy.,此处,what,即是,do,的宾语,又是,can,的主语。,即,Ill do that,(代词,宾语),which,(关系代,词,主语),can make us happy,。,Text ALanguage Points,But I could only say “hi” to her because of my shyness. (Para. 1),分析:,because of my shyness意为“因为 (我的) 羞涩”。这里需要注意because of与because在用法上的区别。两者都表原因,但because of后面需接名词性的词或短语,而because后面需接句子,即原因状语从句。该句可改写为But I could only say “hi” to her because I was shy.,See an example,:,Text ALanguage Points,Example,:,We didnt go shopping,because of the bad whether,., We didnt go shopping,because the whether was bad,.,Text ALanguage Points,I opened the door only to discover I didnt know people in the car. (Para. 4),分析:,only与不定式to do连用做状语,表结果,通常指事情发展的结果出乎意料。可译为“不料竟发现,没想到会”。,Examples,:,I arrived,only to find,that the others had already,left.,I went to school on Sunday morning,only to,discover,there was no one there.,Text ALanguage Points,Finally, after looking for my car in the dark so long that I ate the popcorn myself and drank both Cokes, I found the car. (Para. 5),分析:,注意so that 句型,意为“如此以至,于”。so后面接形容词或副词,that后引,导结果状语从句。如果so后面接名词,则需,要换用such。,Examples,:,He was,so,surprised,that,he couldnt speak,even a single word.,It was,such,a beautiful night,that,I wanted to,walk.,Text ALanguage Points,Karen glanced over at me, her eyes icy. (Para. 5),分析:,her eyes icy是her eyes being icy (独立主格结构) 的简略形式,作伴随状语。,Example,:,She listened to the news,her heart broken,.,Text AUseful Expressions,1,drive it around,2,the sky darkened.,3,Ill get us something.,4,a sea of cars,5,in the dark,6,look alike,开车兜风;开车到处转悠,天色变暗。,我去弄点吃的。,一大片汽车,在黑暗里,晚上,看上去相像,模样相同,Text AUseful Expressions,7,head for,8,only to discover,9,glance over at me,10,sit into my seat,11,all the way,12,find my way back,朝,前进,结果发现,瞥了我一眼,一路上,坐到位子上,找到回去的路,Text ASentences to Be Remembered,Read aloud the following sentences from Text A and learn them by heart.,Text ASentences to Be Remembered,I was so proud driving it around, looking to see who was looking at me.,That car is what gave me a chance with Karen.,3.When the big night arrived, I picked up Karen and we headed for the drive-in.,Text ASentences to Be Remembered,This dating stuff is a piece of cake, I thought, as we pulled into our place at the drive-in.,5.A sea of cars surrounded me. In the dark, they all looked alike.,Text ASentences to Be Remembered,I headed for the car, I opened the door,only to discover I didnt know the people in the car.,7.Karen glanced over at me, her eyes icy.,Text AExercises: Table of Contents,Vocabulary Exercises,Translation Exercises,Reading Comprehension,Structure Exercises,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,What was the writers feeling towards his first car? Why?,2.What did the writer think as he was driving Karen to the drive-in?,I.Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.,He felt proud because the car was quite new, and he drove around in it, hoping to see who was looking at him.,He thought that dating was easy.,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,3.What happened by the middle of the movie?,In the middle of the movie, Karen was thirsty and the writer went to buy some food and drink for her. But he lost his way when he came back. It took him a long time to find his way back, and Karen was very unhappy.,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,What was Karens reaction (,反应,) when the writer brought her only the M&Ms?,5.What lesson did the writer learn from that drive-in incident?,She was quite unhappy and her eyes were icy.,He learnt a lesson from his first date: “ And the next time I took a date to the drive-in, I took an extra pack of M&Ms with me and dropped them all the way, so I could find my way back.”,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,II.Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.,1.Why was the writer proud of his blue Chevy?,A. Because it was a very old car.,B. Because people looked at it.,C. Because it was still quite new.,D. Because it gave him a chance with Karen.,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,2.How did the writer feel about dating when he drove Karen to the drive-in?,A. It was difficult.,B. It was easy.,C. It was important.,D. It was perfect.,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,3.What made the writer difficult to find his car?,A. The car was blue.,B. All people drove the same car.,C. Cars looked similar in the dark.,D. He was surrounded by different cars.,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,4.Why did the writer bring Karen only the M&Ms?,A. Because Karen only wanted M&Ms.,B. Because the store did not sell anything else.,C. Because he had lost his Cokes and popcorn on his way back.,D. Because that was all he had in the end.,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,5.Why did the writer never go out with Karen again?,A. Because Karen was unhappy with that date.,B. Because he didnt want to lend his car to Karen.,C. Because dating was too difficult for him.,D. Because he didnt want to get lost again.,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,I. Fill in the blanks with correct form of the words and phrases given below.,1.The pond (,池塘,) _ by trees.,2.I only had time to _ at the newspapers.,3.Sue showed great _ throughout her illness.,4.Theres a lot of interesting _ in this book.,alike,glance,confident,courage,proud,a piece of cake,stuff,surround,in silence,head for,pick up,pull into,is surrounded,glance,courage,stuff,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,Dont worry about the homework. It will be _.,6.She was _ that her daughter had so much talent.,7.We have walked along the river _ for a long time.,alike,glance,confident,courage,proud,a piece of cake,stuff,surround,in silence,head for,pick up,pull into,a piece of cake,proud,in silence,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,8.The boy was kidnapped (,绑架,) while he _ school.,9.The train _ just _ the station when I arrived.,10.I have a car, so I can _ you _ at 7 oclock tomorrow morning.,alike,glance,confident,courage,proud,a piece of cake,stuff,surround,in silence,head for,pick up,pull into,was heading for,was,pulling into,pick,up,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,The twin (,双胞胎,) brothers are _ in appearance but different in personality (,个性,).,12.With the current (,当前的,) market situation, the manager is quite _ that this years sales will be excellent.,alike,glance,confident,courage,proud,a piece of cake,stuff,surround,in silence,head for,pick up,pull into,alike,confident,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,II. Choose the correct answer to fill in each of the following blanks.,1.If you look for something, you _.,A. try to find itB. try to see it,2.If you feel thirsty, you need _.,A. something to drinkB. something to eat,A,A,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,3.Shyness is likely to be something that people try to _.,A. developB. overcome,4.If you glance at something, you _.,A. look quickly at itB. look slowly at it,5.A piece of cake something that is _.,A. very difficult to doB. very easy to do,B,A,B,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,6.If you feel proud, you are _.,A. pleased and satisfied,B. ashamed and embarrassed,7.Courage is a quality belonging to _.,A. cowardly (,懦弱的,) people,B. brave people,A,B,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,8.If you have a date with someone, you have a meeting with _.,A. someone about work,B. your boyfriend/girlfriend,9.If you feel confident, you are _.,A. sure of your ability to do things well,B. unsure of yourself,B,A,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,10.If you discover something, you are the one who _.,A. invents something that has never existed before,B. finds something that exists,B,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,III. Now match the following,pick up,sentences with the above,pick up,meanings.,The phrase pick up means differently in different contexts. Here are some of the meanings:,lift something or someone up,B. (situation) improve,C. go to a place where someone is waiting to be collected and take them away, often in a car,D. learn or acquire a language, etc without making much effort or having lessons,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,( ) 1.Her social life,was picking up,at last.,( ) 2.She,picked up,a stone and threw it at me.,( ) 3.She went to the school to,pick up,her son.,( ) 4.Where did you,pick up,your excellent,English?,B,A,C,D,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,( ) 5.The economy is finally beginning to,pick up,again.,( ) 6.The little girls mother laughed and bent down to,pick,her,up,.,( ) 7.I,picked,her,up,at the station to take her to lunch with my mother.,( ) 8.I,picked up,a few words of Greek,(希腊语),when I was there last year.,B,A,C,D,Text AExercises: Structure,I drove all the way from home to the library,_.(,却发现它关门了,),Jack tried several different roads,_.,(,却发现方向完全错了,),I. Now translate the words given in Chinese, using the structure,only to do,.,only to find it closed,only to discover/,find that the direction was totally wrong,Text AExercises: Structure,I arrived at the shop,_.,(,却发现身上没有带钱,),I rushed to the railway station,_.,(,结果却发现火车已经开了,),only to find I didnt have any money with me,only to find that the train had already gone,Text AExercises: Structure,I tried very hard to lift the


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