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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 Birdwatchers,1,Shen,Jing,From Guan Tang Middle School,Integrated skills,Zhalong Nature Reserve,Unit5 Birdwatchers,2,Today, I come here to invite some,true bird lovers,to go birdwatching with me.,3,True bird lovers,task 1:,A crossword puzzle,w,o r m,p r,e,v e n t,s n o w s,t,o r m,f,l,o o d,d,f,a,c t,i,n,c l u d i n g,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,stop from doing,事实(n.),包括(prep.),Try to find out the,secret,word.,wetland,4,“He who does not visit,Zhalong Nature Reserve,is not,a true bird lover,.”,没有去过扎龙自然保护区的人不算是一个真正的爱鸟者。,5,True bird lovers,task 2:,Introduce Zhalong,How much do you know about Zhalong Nature Reserve?,6,1.In, Zhalong Nature Reserve became one of the worlds most important wetlands.,2.The reserve has an area of more than,.,3.The birds eat,.,4.Birdwatchers can see,in Zhalong.,5.,World Wetlands Day,is on,.,1990B. 2002C.1992,A.210,000 hectares B.21,000 hectares C.120,000,hectare,s,bird food that people feed them B. worms, fish and plants,C. other smaller birds,A. red swans B. red-crowned parrots C. red-crowned cranes,A. 20th February B. 2nd January C. 2nd February,Guess,n.公顷,世界湿地日,7,1990B. 2002C.1992,A.210,000 hectares B.21,000 hectares C.120,000hectares,A. bird food that people feed them,B. worms, fish and plants C. other smaller birds,A. red swans B. red-crowned parrots C. red-crowned cranes,A. 20th February B. 2nd January C. 2nd February,1992,over 210,000 hectares,worms, fish and plants,red-crowned cranes,2nd February,True bird lovers,task3:(A survey),1.In, Zhalong Nature Reserve became one of the worlds most important wetlands.,2.The reserve has an area of more than,.,3.The birds eat,.,4.Birdwatchers can see,in Zhalong.,5.World Wetlands Day is on,.,C,A,B,C,C,8,_Nature Reserve is in _ China. It,has an area of,_than 210,000 hectares. It is one of the worlds most _wetlands. Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals,including,different kinds of birds. It provides _ and _ for the birds. There are not many red-crowned _ in the world, but there are some in zhalong. It is a very _place to go birdwatching. Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter for _ birds. They are also important because they help,prevent,_. We should protect the,home of plants, fish and birds in Zhalong.,Zhalong,north-east,more,important,food,shelter,cranes,good,endangered,flood,True bird lovers,task 4: A report,9,Invitation from Sandy,1. Would Daniel like to go birdwatching?,2. What time does the show start and finish?,It starts at 9.30 a.m. and finishes at 3.30 p.m.,Yes.,10,Sandy:,Would you like to go birdwatching with us,at Beijing wildlife Park?,Daniel:,Isnt that boring?,Sandy:,No, not at all. You can see different kinds of birds. Theres an interesting show as well.,Daniel:,When is the birdwatching ?,Sandy:,Its on Saturday, 15,th,December. Are you free,on that day?,Daniel:,What time does it start?,Sandy:,It starts at 9.30a.m. and finishes at 3.30p.m.,Daniel:,Id like to go, but I have to ask my parents,first.,Sandy:,Of course. Just let me know soon.,难道那不会无聊吗?,11,A: Would you like to ?,B: Isnt that boring?,A: No, not at all ,B: When?,A: Its on.,B: What time ?,A: It starts at and finishes at .,B: Id love to go, (but I have to .,),/ Im afraid I wont be able to come.,A: ,True bird lovers,task 5: Inviting people to,More activities, A visit to a zoo, A Christmas party, A sports meeting, A boat trip,12,True bird lovers,task 6: Story of a bird,What can you see in the video?,Whats the birds feeling?,If you are birds, what will you say to people?,13,My dear people,I am the little bird in the video. Once(曾经), I was a,happy bird. I,But people,I hope,Let me live freely in the wild to enjoy the beauty of,nature.,We are friends!,14,Unit 5 Birdwatchers,Congratulations!,15,nology/,More information about protecting animals,16,Homework,Oral work,: Inviting your friend to go,birdwatching.,Written work,: Finish the exercises on your,paper.,17,have an area of ,有的面积,我叔叔的农场面积是50公顷。,My uncles farm _ _ _ _ 50,h,e,ct,are,s,.,has,an,area,of,18,prevent,v.,防止,预防;阻止,我们必须采取措施防止洪水,。,We must take action to _ _ .,prevent sb. from doing sth.,=stop keep sb. from doing sth,.,阻止某人做某事,我爸爸经常阻止我玩电脑游戏。,My father often _ me _ _ computer games.,prevent,flood,prevent,s,from,playing,My parents,prevent,me,from,go,ing,out at night.,19,


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