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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 Topic 1,Section A,How do you usually,come to school?,重庆书院中学 张颖,Good morning, Li Lei!,_,Good morning,Miss.,Nice to see you again!,Nice to see you, too!,Happy New Year!,Happy New Year!,How do you usually,come to school?,I usually come to,school,by bus.,by bike,by bus,by car,by subway,_,_,_,_,on foot,by plane,_,_,Work alone,A.,by subway,B. by bike,C. by plane,D. on foot,E. by car,F. by train,G. by ship,H. by bus,I. by boat,A,F,B,G,D,H,E,C,I,A:,How,do you usually come to school?,B: I usually come to school_.,by subway,by train,by car,How do you go,to school?,I go to school,by bike.,What about you?,I go to school,on foot.,How does Lucy,go to school?,She goes to school,by bus.,(,C,),(,D,),(,A,),(,B,),Read and choose the right picture.,Michael comes to school_.,B. Jane goes to school_.,C. Kangkang comes to school_.,D. Helen goes to school_.,Fill in the blanks according to 1b,on foot,by bus,by bike,by subway,Mr. Zhang _,Kangkang _,Ms. Black _,Janes father_,Miss,Gao,_,Ellen _,Zhao Lin _,Mr. Lee_,Wu Huis grandmother_,Listen and match,C,B,F,E,G,H,D,A,I,Talk about the means of transportation of each person using the information in 2b.,Example:,A: Mr. Zhang often goes to Shanghai by,plane.,B:,Kangkang,usually goes to school by bike.,C: ,Listen to the tape and answer the questions:,(1)Where do,Kangkang, Jane and Helen meet?,(2)How does Helen usually come to school?,(3)How does Jane always come to school?,They meet at the school gate.,Helen usually comes to school by subway.,Jane always comes to school by bus.,Look, listen and say,Kangkang, Jane and Helen meet at the school gate.,The language points in 1a,1.Happy New Year!,The same to you.,2.,Do,you often come to school,by bike,?,Yes, I do.,3.,How,do you usually come to school?,I usually come to school,by subway.,4.,Its time for class.,Please recite 1a, using the key words,Key words:,Kangkang, see, Helen, Happy,New Year! The same to you!,bike, often, school, by bike,yes, how, by subway,you(Jane,),by bus, its time for class.,Practice 1a in groups and make similar conversations using the following sentences.,Nice to see you!,Happy New Year!,How do you usually come to school?,Make a survey of your group, asking them how they come to school. Then make a report to your class.,Example:,A: How do you usually come to school?,B: I usually come to school by bike.,C: I usually come to school on foot.,You may report like this:,In our group, three of us come to,school by bike,一、用所给的词的适当形式填空。,1. How _ you usually _ to school. (go),2. His new bike _ very nice. (look),3. Its time _ supper. (have),4. We usually go to school on _ . (foot),5. Jane often _ to school by subway. (come),go,to have,foot,6. He _ to get up early in the morning. (have),has,do,looks,comes,Sum up,1. Talk about means of transport.,2. Learn adverbs of frequency.,3. Learn the simple present,tense.,4. Talk about how to go to,school.,Homework,请写一篇小短文,介绍自己的家人通常所采用的交通方式,不少于,6,个句子。,Thank you!,


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