《心理学与生活(双语》课件5Chapter 11 motivation 2

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Understanding motivation,Motivation,is the process involved in,starting,directing, and,maintaining,physical and psychological activities,动机是激发和维持个体进行活动,并导致该活动朝向某一目标的心理倾向或动力。,Functions of Motivational Concepts,To relate biology to behavior,To account for behavioral variability,To infer private states from public acts,To assign responsibility for actions,To explain,per,se,ver,ance,despite adversity,Sources of Motivation,Drive,驱力,Drive,is defined in biological terms as,internal states that arise in response to an organisms physical needs.,D,rive-reduction theory,驱力理论,Tension reduction is reinforcing, but is,not sufficient,to explain all types of motivated behavior.,Drive Reductionism and Homeostasis,D,rive-reduction theory,驱力理论,Drives occur as a result of environmental change and the desire for an organism to maintain,homeostasis (or equilibrium),of the internal environment.,Homeostasis,动态平衡,is a steady state. People are motivated to maintain a steady state.,We engage in behaviors that reduce the tension.,Sources of Motivation,I,ncentive,诱因,Behavior can also be motivated by incentives,external stimuli,or rewards,that do not relate directly to biological needs.,Instinctual Behaviors and Learning,Instincts,are preprogrammed, species-specific behaviors essential for survival.,本能是在进化过程中形成的,由遗传固定下来的一种不学而能的行为模式。,James (1890),Freud (1915),Behaviorist and anthropologist(19591939),Question,Motives are described as hypothetical states because,a.they cannot be seen or measured directly.,b.they cannot be measured.,c.there is no theory of motivation.,d.they are questionable.,A Hierarchy of Needs,A Hierarchy of Needs,Maslow posited that the individuals basic motives formed a hierarchy of needs, with needs at each level requiring satisfaction before achieving the next level.,A Hierarchy of Needs,Biological,: Bottom level needs, such as hunger and thirst, require satisfaction before other needs can begin operation.,Safety,is a requirement to attend to needs for protection from danger, need for security, comfort, and freedom from fear.,Attachment,is the need to belong, affiliate with others, love and to be loved.,Esteem,is the needs to like oneself, to see oneself as competent and effective, and to do what is necessary to earn the esteem of others.,A Hierarchy of Needs,Self-actualization,: Individual has moved beyond basic needs in the quest for fullest development of his/her potential. Individual is selfaware, self-accepting, socially responsive, creative, spontaneous, open to novelty and challenge.,


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