《心理学与生活(双语》课件3Chapter 8 memory2

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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Chapter 7 memory,Three stages of memory,Sensory memory,Sensory memory,is the initial memory processes involved in the momentary,preservation of fleeting impressions of sensory stimuli,for a few seconds or less,.,(感觉记忆是记忆系统的开始阶段,它是一种原始的感觉形式,是记忆系统在对外界信息进行进一步加工之前的暂时登记,感觉记忆保存的时间短暂,但在外界刺激的直接作用消失后,它为进一步的信息加工提供了可能性。),Sensory Memory,Divided into two subtypes:,iconic memory,图像记忆,- visual information,echoic memory,回声记忆,- auditory information,iconic memory,iconic memory,Iconic memory allows very large amounts of information to be stored for very brief duration. A visual memory, or icon, lasts about half a second.(视觉的感觉记忆叫图像记忆。这是指视觉器官能识别刺激的形象特征,并保持一个生动的视觉图像),Visual or iconic memory was discovered by Sperling in 1960,Sperlings Experiment,The “icon” holds a,tremendous amount,of information,However, only,a small amount,can be retained,The rest,fades away,in a fraction of a second,Sperlings Iconic Memory Experiment,In,a,whole-report procedure,they tried to recall as many of the items in the display as possible. Typically, they could report only about four items.,in,a,partial-report procedure,which,required them to report only one row rather than the whole pattern. A. Sperling found that regardless of which row he asked for, the participants recall was quite high.,Eidetic imagery遗觉象,Eidetic imagery,the maintenance of detailed visual memories over several minutes,holds images in memory much longer than iconic memory. Eidetic imagery is rarely found in adults.,Echoic memory,回声记忆,Echo,A mental representation of an auditory stimulus (sound )that is held briefly in sensory memory,Echoic memory,The sensory register that briefly holds mental representations of auditory stimuli.,Short-term memory,Short-term memory is the mental glue that links a thought through time from its beginning to its end,The definition of Short-term memory,Short-term memory,The type or stage of memory that can hold information for up to a minute or so after the trace of the stimulus decays. also called,working memory,Accommodating to Short-Term Memory Capacity,Despite the severe limitations of short-term memory, individuals are able to enhance functioning of short-term memory in several ways:,Rehearsal,Chunking,Rehearsal,What happens if you need to keep information in working memory longer than 30 seconds?,To demonstrate, memorize the following phone number,8,3,6,1,9,5,Rehearsal,Working or,Short-term,Memory,Sensory,Input,Sensory,Memory,Attention,Rehearsal,involves the rapid repetition of information that is,designed to keep it in short-term memory. Allows information to remain in,short-term,memory longer than the usual 30 seconds,Maintenance rehearsal,Maintenance Rehearsal,What happens if you cant use maintenance rehearsal?,Memory decays quickly,To demonstrate, again memorize a phone number,6,4,9,0,5,8,2,Chunking,Chunking,grouping information into,meaningful units,can increase the amount of information held in STM.,chunk can be a single letter or number, a group of letters or other items, or even a group of words or an entire sentence.,Chunking,is the process of,reconfiguring items,by grouping them on the basis of similarity or some other,organizing principle, or by combining them into larger patterns based on information stored in long-term memory.,Chunking,Which is easier to remember?,4 8 3 7 9 2 5 1 6,483 792 516,weve reduced 16 bits down to 5 bits with each bit of information containing more information,what is your identification card number?,effective use of chunking can increase your memory ability by at least 200%,


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