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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Chinese famous scenic spots introduction,一些梦想中的地方,Some place in the dream,一席心灵的栖息地,Some habitat for the soul,一片开满花的树林,Some flowers of the forest,1,Contents,Click to add Title,1,Click to add Title,2,Click to add Title,3,Click to add Title,4,2,云南梅里雪山,梅里雪山又称雪山太子,位于云南省迪庆藏族自治州德钦县东北约,10km,的横断山脉中段怒江与澜沧江之间,平均海拔在,6000m,以上的有,13,座山峰,称为“太子十三峰”,主峰卡瓦博峰海拔高达,6740m,,是云南的第一高峰。,MeiliXueShan is also called Prince snow mountain, located in DiqinTibeta Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan province county northeast of about 10km Hengduan Mountains in the middle of Nu River and the Lancang River, at an average altitude of more than 6000m has 13 peaks, known as the Princes thirteen peak, Cavag peak peak altitude of up to 6740m, Yunnan is the first peak.,3,太子雪山主峰卡瓦格博,藏语“白色雪山”之意,俗称 “雪山之神”。,The main peak of the snow-capped mountains Kawagebo, Tibetan white snow , commonly known as the God of snowy mountain .,4,5,香格里拉县,Shangri-La,云南省迪庆藏族自治州香格里拉县青藏高原南缘,横断山脉腹地,是滇、川、藏三省区交汇处。云南省西北部,邻接四川省,“迪庆”藏语意为“吉祥如意的地方”,是世人寻觅已久的世外桃源,“,香格里拉”。,Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan province Shangri-La County, the southern margin of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, Hengduan Mountains hinterland, is Dian, Sichuan, Tibetan provinces interchange. The northwest of Yunnan Province, Sichuan Province adjacent , Diqing Tibetan word for good luck and happiness to you! The place , is the world searching for the land of idyllic beauty - shangri-la .,6,香格里拉一词,意为心中的日月,Shangri-La a word, meaning moon of the heart,7,8,九寨沟,jiuzhaigou,九寨沟位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州九寨沟县漳扎镇,是白水沟上游白河的支沟,以有九个藏族村寨而得名,Jiuzhaigou is located in Sichuan Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Jiuzhaigou County zhangzha Town, white ditch upstream river branch ditch, with nine Tibetan villages named,9,“,九寨归来不看水”,水是九寨沟的精灵”,Jiuzhai guilaibukan water , water is the spirit of Jiuzhaigou,10,11,凤凰古城,Phoenix Town,凤凰古城是中国历史文化名城,首批中国旅游强县,国家,4A,级景区,曾被新西兰著名作家路易艾黎称赞为中国最美丽的小城。,Phoenix Town is a historical and cultural city in China, the first batch of China Tourism County, the national 4A level scenic spot, has been a famous New Zealand writer Louis Eli praised for the most beautiful town of china,.,12,Phoenix southwest, a mountain like wings and fly to phoenix ancient city, hence the name,凤凰西南,有一山酷似展翅而飞的凤凰,古城因而得名,13,神圣的雪域天堂,西藏,Tibet,拉萨,Lhasa,阿里,Ali,林芝,Linzhi,纳木错,Nam Co,珠穆朗玛,Mount Everest,14,15,拉萨,Lhasa,“,日光之城”拉萨是多少人心灵的家园,在,3700,多米的海拔上,浓厚的宗教氛围和悠久的历史遗迹让人激动的眩晕。, Sun City in Lhasa is the number one home, at 3700 meters altitude, strong religious atmosphere and history remains exciting vertigo,.,16,布达拉宫,Potala Palace,17,18,阿里,Ali,雪峰林立,百川奔腾,湖泊众多,阿里以多姿多彩的景色展示出秀美的气质。被称为“千山之巅、万川之源”。,Peak forest, rivers Pentium, numerous lakes, Ali to the colorful scenery shows elegant temperament. Known as the top of the mountain, Sichuan million source .,19,冈仁波齐峰,神山,20,林芝,Linzhi,西藏海拔最低的地方,优美的田园风光,让你有恍惚置身江南之感。,Tibet s lowest place, beautiful rural scenery, let you have the sense of trance in the south of the Yangtze river.,21,雅鲁藏布大峡谷,Grand Canyon,22,纳木错,Nam Co,海一样辽阔的湖面,玛尼堆连成的轨迹,摇曳的五彩经幡,纳木错圣洁的美让人无法抗拒,The vast lake, Mani Dui in trajectory, swaying colorful flags, the beauty of Nagi Masaki people can not resist.,23,珠穆朗玛,Mount Everest,巍峨、宏大、圣洁的珠峰吸引着无数登山爱好者,她是国人心目中的女神,她是万山之尊,地球之巅!,The majestic Great, holy, Mount Everest attracts countless mountaineering lovers, she is the goddess, she is in the respect, the top of the earth,!,24,25,Thank You !,26,


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