国际商务谈判 Chapter 1 International Business Negotiation

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,International Business Negotiation,国 际 商 务 谈 判,Chapter 1 Fundamentals of International Business Negotiating,第一章 国际商务谈判概述,1,1 Concepts and principles of negotiation,基本概念与谈判原则,1,2 Correct understanding of negotiation,对谈判的正确理解,1,3 Stages of negotiation,谈判的几个阶段,1,4 Psychology in negotiating,谈判的心理,Introduction,Everybody negotiates all the time, at work, at home, and as a consumer,. We can say that since the beginning of time, or since the development of human language, there has been negotiations made amongst humans.,Negotiating as a significant social activity is a means of dealing with human relationships and resolving conflicts,and has never been,nonexist,. On the other hand, negotiation as a product of social competition has got its different meaning and content with the development of the times.,1.1 Concepts and principles of business negotiation,What is business negotiation?,“,Recently two of my sons were,squabbling,over some apple pie, each insisting that he should have the larger slice. Neither would agree to an even split.,So I suggested that one boy cut the pie any way he liked, and the other boy could choose the piece he wanted.,This sounded fair to both of them, and they accepted. Each felt that he had gotten the square deal.”,“,fundamental principles” of negotiation:,First, “negotiation” is an element of human behavior.,Secondly, “Negotiation” takes place only over issues that are “negotiable”.,Thirdly, “Negotiation” takes place only between people who have the same interest.,Fourthly, “Negotiation” takes place only when negotiators are interested not only in taking but also in giving.,Finally, “Negotiation” takes place only when negotiating parties trust each other to some extent.,As the,stakes,in some of these negotiations are not so high, people need not have to get preplans for the process and the outcome. There are other cases like international business negotiations in which the stakes are too high to be ignored, people have to be more cautious.,In negotiations, both parties should know:,a. why they negotiate,b. who they negotiate with,c. what they negotiate about,d. where they negotiate,e. when they negotiate,f. how they negotiate,Characteristics of business negotiation,Some of the characteristics of business negotiation include:,Negotiation is at the heart of every transaction and, for the most part, it comes down to the interaction between two sides with a common goal (profits) but divergent methods.,These methods (the details of the contract) must be negotiated to the satisfaction of both parties. It can be a very trying process with confrontation and concession.,Both parties share open information. In this case, both sides sincerely disclose them and listen to the others objectives in order to find something in common.,Both sides try to understand each others point of view.,Both parties know that they have common and conflicting objectives, so they try to find a way to achieve common and complementary objectives acceptable to them both.,Whether its trade or investment, one side will always arrive at the negotiation table in a position of greater power. That power (e.g., the potential for profit) may derive from the extent of the demand or from the ability to “supply.”,The purpose of negotiation is to redistribute that potential.,Theres no such thing as take it or leave it” in international business.,Everything is negotiable,. It all depends on the expertise of the negotiators.,International business negotiation is known as the,zero-sum game,. One sides gains are directly the other sides losses.,To summarize: no matter what kind of negotiation it is, we can say that negotiation is a cooperative enterprise; common interests must be sought. Negotiation is a behavioral process, not a game; in a good negotiation, everybody wins something. Its important to realize that while the size of the playing field may vary from venture to venture, the,overriding,concept remains the same:,Success isnt winning everything, its winning enough.,The basic principles of negotiation,(1) Equality principle,(2) Sincere cooperation,(3) Keep it flexible and fluid,1.2 Correct understanding of negotiation,1.2.1 Conflict,1.2.2 Key aspects of negotiation,1.2.3Tips for a successful international business negotiation mission,1.2.4 About translators in international business negotiation,1.3 Stages of negotiation,Pre-negotiation,Face-to-face negotiation,Post-negotiation,1.4 Psychology in negotiating,The need theory,One of the key theories about “People at work” is,Maslow,s,“hierarchy of human needs”.,Maslow,suggests that human beings take actions in order to satisfy essential needs. He classifies human needs under five main headings:,(1) Physical or survival needs,(2) Security and safety needs,(3) Social needs,(4) Ego or esteem needs,(5) Self-realization needs,Need theory and negotiating,(1) Survival needs and negotiating,(2) Security needs and negotiating,(3) Social needs and negotiating,(4),Ego,needs and negotiating,(5) Self-realization needs and negotiating,Practical Sentences,Welcoming and Introductions,On behalf of ABC Company, I am very glad to welcome you to our head office.,Well, Im delighted to welcome you all to our processing plant here in Shanghai.,How was the weather when you left home?,How was the flight over?,Is everything OK with the hotel?,Shall we just go round the table, making sure we all know each other?,Mr. Smith, would you like to introduce your team?,Let me introduce you to Marion,Billis,. She is our key Account Manager.,I think wed better get started now. Weve got a very full agenda.,Now, the first thing we really need to do today is coming up with some firm proposals.,Fill in the banks.,1) Negotiation is an element of _behavior.,2) Negotiation takes place only over issues that are_.,3) Negotiation takes place only between people who have the same_.,4) Negotiation takes place only when negotiators are interested not only in taking but also in_.,5) Negotiation takes place only when negotiating parties _each other to some extent.,True or false.,Negotiation depends on communication.,In a good negotiation, everybody wins something.,Both sides should try to understand each others point of view before making a decision.,There is such case as take it or leave it” in international business.,In the bidding stage each is negotiating towards the best advantage.,The stages of the negotiation always follow one another in sequence.,When negotiating, representatives or negotiators represent their own but often others interest.,Being close or friendly with the other side may bring about the best outcome.,International negotiations often require the use of translators to attain this goal.,When counterparts are speaking, negotiators should look at them but not the translators.,Put the following into English.,1),你的立场有磋商的余地吗?,2),我肯定还有商量的余地。,3),在我们开始谈判之前,你要先出个价才行。,4),我们可以把它也列入议程。,5),在我们开始之前,有人想要什么饮料吗?,6),看看我还能尽些什么力。,7),要是我能做到的话,我一定会做。,8),我知道我可以拜托你。,9),这次会议的结果我们都会是赢家。,10),我会尽量使你满意。,Key,Are you negotiable?,Im sure there is some room for negotiation.,Before we have anythingto negotiate, you have to make me anoffer.,We could add it to the agenda.,Would anyone like something to drink before we begin?,See what I can do.,I would if I could.,I know I can count on you.,Well come out from this meeting as winners.,Ill try to make you happy.,Question,What is meant by “negotiation”? How would you define “negotiation”?,


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