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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/12/11,#,Attributive Clause,定语从句,BY Amy,一、定义及相关术语,定语从句,:修饰一个名词或代词的从句。一般紧跟在先行词后面。,先行词,:被定语从句修饰的名词或代词。,关系词,:引导定语从句的关联词。有关系代词和关系副词两种类型。它们的作用是引导定语从句,代替先行词,并在定语从句中担当一个句子成分。,关系代词,:,that, which, who, whom, whose, as,;,关系副词,:,when, where, why,翻译句子,找出其中的定语部分,如果有定语从句,指出先行词和关系代词。,e.g. She drives a new car.,She drives a car that her father gives her as a birthday present.,Due to the changeable weather, Wuhan is a city where you can experience four seasons in a day.,_,_,_,先行词,关系代词,_,先行词,关系,副词,二、关系代词引导的定语从句,The boys are playing football.,The boys are from Class One.,The boys,who/ that,are playing foot ball are from Class One.,2. The TV organizers planed to invite some musicians.,The musicians could act as well as sing.,The TV organizers planed to invite some musicians,who/ that,could act as well as sing.,关系代词,who, that,都可以指人,引导先行词为人的定语从句。,The man is Dr. Li.,You were talking about the man just now.,The man,(whom),you were talking about just now is Dr. Li.,2. He is a paper-cutting artist.,I interviewed the artist for my article on China Daily.,He is a paper-cutting artist,(whom),I interviewed for my article on China Daily.,关系代词,whom,指人,引导先行词是人的定语从句,并且在从句中做宾语,故可以省略。,Much attention has been paid to the Marathon.,The Marathon will start from the River Beach in Hankou.,Much attention has been paid to the Marathon,which/ that,will start from the River Beach in Hankou.,2. Jogging is a habit.,It helps shape your body.,Jogging is a habit,which/ that,helps shape your body.,关系代词,which, that,都可以指物, 引导先行词为物的定语从句。,Rescuers built shelters for the survivors.,The survivors homes had been destroyed in the earthquake.,Rescuers built shelters for the survivors,whose,homes had been destroyed.,2. The door of the classroom is broken.,The classroom will be repaired soon.,The classroom,whose,door is broken will be repaired soon.,关系代词,whose,表示“谁的”,可以指代人或物的,故可引导先行词为人或物的定语从句。,综上,引导定语从句时,关系代词,who/ whom,只能指人,,which,只能指物,但,that,既可以指人,也可以指物。,但在一些特殊情况中,定语从句,只能用,that,而不能用,which,或,who/ whom,:,当先行词为不定代词,any-, some-, every-, no-, all, much, little,等, 关系代词只能用,that.,e.g.,All,that,glitters is not gold.,She told me,everything,(that),she knew.,试翻译:一人之力虽不足道,如果团结起来,我们还能为拯救环境保护地球做很多。,Little difference as one can make, there is,much,_ if were united.,(that) we can do to protect the environment and save the earth,2.,当先行词有形容词最高级、序数词或限定词,the only, the every, all, every, any, some, no,等修饰时,关系代词一般用,that.,e.g. Australia is,the only,country,that,is also a continent.,试翻译:这是我读过最好的一部小说。,This is,the best,novel,that,I have ever read.,3.,当先行词既有人又有物时,关系代词用,that.,e.g.,他们谈论了记忆中学校里的人和事。,They talked about,things and people,that,they remembered in school.,4.,当关系代词出现在以,who,或,which,开头的特殊疑问句中,为避免重复,用,that,引导定语从句。,e.g.,Who,is the girl,that,is talking to Tom in English?,试翻译:哪一部是你推荐我看的电影?,Which,is the movie,that,you recommended to me?,注意:定语从句中的主谓一致:关系代词在从句中做主语时,从句的谓语动词用单数还是复数由先行词决定。,e.g. There are at least two terms of scientists that _ trying to clone humans.,Every student who _ studying English should have an English-Chinese dictionary.,are,is,三、关系副词引导定语从句,It is a time.,In the time there are many innovations changing our life.,It is a time,when,there are many innovations changing our life,2. Occasions are quite rare.,On these occasions, I have the time to spend a whole day with my kids.,Occasions are quite rare,when,I have the time to spend a whole day with my kids.,关系副词,when,在定语从句中做时间状语,定语从句修饰的是表示时间的名词。,Ancient China was a place.,States were often at war with each other in the place.,Ancient China was a place,where,states were often at war with each other.,2. What are the situations?,Body language is the only form of communication,in the situations.,What are the situations,where,body language is the only form of communication?,关系副词,where,引导定语从句时,在从句中做地点状语,定语从句修饰的是表示地点的词,也可以是表抽象空间概念的名词,如,case, situation, position, stage, point,等。,注意:选择正确的关系词,关键在于搞清楚关系词在定语从句中充当什么成分。,关系词在从句中做主语或宾语时,应该用关系代词;关系词在从句中做状语时,应该用关系副词。,e.g. I returned to the city _ I,visited,last year.,I returned to the city _ I,grew up,.,I will never forget the days _ we,spent,together.,I will never forget the days _ we,worked,together.,(which/ that),where,(which/ that),when,1. The reason is to ask you whether you have got my e-mail.,Im calling you for a reason.,我打电话给你的原因是询问你是否已收到了我的邮件。,The reason,why,Im calling you is to ask you whether you have got my e-mail.,2. Do you know the reason?,He cant join in the family gathering again for a reason.,你知道他又不能参加家庭聚会的理由吗?,Do you know the reason,why,he cant join in the family gathering again?,注意区分,reason,引导的同位语从句,:,(He will be engaged in business entertainment at that time.),他又不能参加家庭聚会的理由是他那时要忙着工作应酬。,He cant join in the family gathering again,for the reason that,he will be engaged in business entertainment at that time.,关系副词,why,引导定语从句,修饰的是表示原因的名词,reason,关系副词,why,在定语从句中作原因状语。,四、“介词,+,关系代词”引导定语从句,关系副词,when, where, why,引导的定语从句,根据具体句意都可以转化为“介词,+,关系代词”。,“,介词,+which,”,引导定语从句,修饰,指物,的先行词;,“,介词,+who/ whom,”引导定语从句,修饰,指人,的先行词,that,前不能接介词,。,Is this the school where you studied ten years ago?,We went through a period when communications were very difficult in the rural areas.,My father explained the reason why he scolded me.,I made a list of the people.,I had received donations from them.,我列了一张名单,列出我收到过捐赠的人。,I made a list of the people,from whom,I had received donations.,in which,in which,for which,“介词,+,关系代词”结构中,介词的使用要遵循两个原则:,1,)根据,从句中的谓语动词与先行词的习惯搭配,:,e.g.,我们在找钱包的主人。,We are looking for the person,to,whom,the purse,belongs,.,这就是他终身致力研究的理论。,This is the theory,to,which,he,devoted,all his life.,注:先行词为,way,(方式)时,关系代词可以用,that/ in which,,或直接省略。,e.g. I dont like,the way,(that/ in which),you talked to me.,练习,:,1.,阅读是个好习惯,我从中受益良多。,(benefit from),Reading is a good habit,from,which,I,benefit,a lot.,2.,家人是与你分享快乐和悲伤的人。,(sharewith),Families are people,with,whom,you,share,happiness and sorrow.,注:这种搭配只能在动词短语中使用。如:,look after, take care of, cut down, break in, etc.,e.g. Mary,在照顾的那个人是她的祖父。,The man (,that/ whom),Mary is,looking after,is her grandfather.,练习:这是我正在找的那本书。(,look for,),This is the book,(that/ which),Im,looking for,.,2,)根据,介词与先行词的习惯搭配,:,e.g. He wrote,a book in,which,the original image of submarine was shown to the world.,他写了一本书,书中潜水艇的原型第一次展现在世人面前。,The old man was talking to,Mr. Smith,in,whose,hospital I was operated on.,那个老人正在和,Smith,先生说话,我在他的医院做过手术。,What is the youngest age _ a person can be employed?,可以受雇的最低年龄是多少岁?,a,t which,注:“介词,+,关系代词”结构扩展:,e.g.,五位评委听了你的演讲,他们都认为你的演讲是今年最好的。,Your speech was heard by,a group of five judges,all of whom,agreed that it was the best one this year.,练习:,1.,法律限制了面具的使用,这最早可以追溯到,14,世纪。,The use of masks was limited by laws, _ dates back to the 14,th,century.,2.,她带了她的三个朋友来,我之前都没有见过。,She brought with her three friends, _ I had ever met before.,the first of which,None of whom,五、限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句,句式区别:主从句有无“,”隔开;,非限定性定语从句中,关系代词作宾语时不可省略,并且不能由关系代词,that,引导;,语意及句子意思完整度的区别:,试比较:,His brother,who is nineteen years old,is serving in the army now.,His brother, who is nineteen years old,is serving in the army now.,六、,as,引导的定语从句,as,引导的限定性定语从句:,asas,e.g.,你想要多少书都可以拿走。,You may take,as,many books,as you want,.,此结构否定句常用,soas:,Once you get down to the issue, youll find it,not so,thorny a problem,as it is thought to be,.,2.As,引导非限定性定语从句指代主句的内容,在从句中作主语或宾语。,e.g. As I have pointed out, it is important to include vegetables in our diet.,名词性,从句,Noun clause,by amy,定义:名词性从句相当于名词,可分别作主句的主语,表语,宾语和同位语。,主语从句,1.,连接词,that, whether,引导,e.g. It is not clear _whether_ the financial crisis will soon be over.,2.,连接代词引导:,what, which, who, whose, whatever, whichever, whoever,e.g. _what_ was the most important to her, she told me, was her family.,_whoever_ wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.,3.,连接副词引导:,when, where, why, how,e.g. _,why_ they suddenly disappeared,still remains a mystery.,4.It,作形式主语:主句从句位于句末,保持句子平衡。,e.g.,It,is still unknown,when the financial decision will be made.,It,is a fact,that English is being accepted as an international language,.,Tip: what,引导的主语从句一般不用,it,作形式主语。,表语从句,1.,位于系动词之后充当表语,2.,连接词,that, whether,because,引导,e.g. If Im a bit sleepy, its because I was up all night.,Tip:,当句子主语为,reason,时,表语从句一般由,that,引导,不能用,because,。,The reason why is,that,3.,连接代词,what, which, who, whose.,e.g. Engines are to machines,what,hearts are to animals.,固定,句型:,A is to B what C is to D.,4.,连接副词,when, why, where, how,引导,e.g. Thats where I first met her.,5.As though/as if,(似乎,仿佛)引导通常放在,be, look, seem, sound, feel,等系动词后。,e.g. It was,as if,I had known you for many years.,宾语从句,1.,连接词,that, whether, if,引导(,if,位于句首时只能引导条件状语从句),一般情况下,whether,和,if,可以互换,以下情况除外,:,a.,从句作介词宾语时,用,whether,e.g. That depends on,whether you are suitable for this job.,b.,固定搭配:,whether or not,e.g. I dont know whether he will come or not.,2.,连接代词,what, which,who, whose, whoever, whichever, whatever,e.g. I will do whatever I can,(,do,),.,3.,连接副词,when, where, why, how,引导,e.g. Do you know when the Olympic games began?,4.It,作形式宾语:宾语从句放在宾语补足语之后。,主语,+,动词,+it+,宾补,+,宾语从句,e.g. He didnt make,it,clear,when and where the meeting would be held,.,同位语从句,1.,定义:对前面的名词进行进一步解释,在句中担当同样的语法位置。,2.,同位语从句常放在,fact, news, idea, thought, hope, belief, truth, doubt, suggestion, warning, feeling, reason,等名词后。,3.,同位语从句和定语从句的区别,e.g. I still remember the day,when,I first came to Beijing.,I have no idea,when,he will be back.,状语从句,adverbial clause,by amy,一,.,定义,在,复合句中作状语的句子叫做状语从句。状语从句可位于主句前,也可位于主句之后。状语从句可表示时间、地点、原因、结果、条件、方式、让步、比较、目的等。,主要,考察连词的运用。从属连词一般不充当成分。,时间状语从句,一,.,常见,从属,连接词,When, whenever, since, after, as, while, before, as soon as, till, until, once, no sooner than,e.g.,As soon as,I hear my alarm clock, I jump out of my bed.,Once,she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.,Peter was so excited _ he received an invitation from his friend to visit China.,a. Where b. that c. why d. when,When,,,while,和,as,的区别,1.When,可指时间点,也可指时间段,e.g.,when,we arrived at the airport, it was,seven oclock,.,2.While,表示时间段或一个过程,e.g. Dont talk,while,you are,eating,.,3.As,通常表示动作发生的过程不表示状态。,e.g. We talked,as,we,walked along,.,Before,的多种运用:(没过多久)就,(,过多久)才,It was two years,before,we met again,.,We have to take measures,before,things become worse,.,Until,的用法,1.,主句为,肯定句,时,,until,译,为“直到,为止”,e.g. Go straight on,until you come to a bridge,.,2.,主语为,否定句,时,,notuntil,译为“直到,才”,e.g. He,didnt,arrive,until,the game had begun.,二,.,名词词组和副词引导时间状语,名词词组:,the moment, the first time, each time, every time,e.g.,改写,I felt nervous when I attended the IELTS test first time.,副词:,immediately, instantly,e.g. I will inform you,immediately,theres any change,.,原因状语从句,一,.,常见连接词,Because, since, as, now that(,既然),Because,语气最强。当原因显而易见或已为人知时,用,as,或,since,居多。,在英语,里没有“,becauseso,的搭配”,e.g. No one knows exactly how the earth began,as,it happened so long ago.,Since,his music style is new, he decided to change his hairstyle too,.,Now that,everybody is here, lets begin our discussion.,结果,状语,从句,结果状语从句常由,That,,,so that, sothat,或,such that,引导。,e.g. She has been,so,ill,that,she has had to stop work.,Sothat,与,suchthat,都是“如此,以致”的意思,但是,so,后接,adj,或,adv,,,such,后接名词。两者有时可以互换。,e.g. She is,such,a good teacher,that,all of us love and respect her.,改写,_,The weather was_ cold that I didnt like to leave my room.,Really b. such c. too d. so,Sothat,等引导的结果状语从句有时为了,强调加强语气还,可以倒装,。,结构:,So+adj/adv+be,动词或助动词,+,剩余,部分,e.g.,(,写作,),So great is,the power of modern technologies,that,they have changed our way of life, more or less,.,(,口语,),So fast does,our society change,that,we sometimes simply have no idea what it will be like tomorrow.,条件状语,从句,条件,状语从句主要由,if, unless,(除非), as/so long as,(只要), on condition that,(以,.,为条件), in case,(假使)等引导。,unless=if not,e.g.,Y,ou will be late,unless,you hurry.,改写:,_,We can surely overcome these difficulties_ we are closely united.,So far as b. so long as c. as soon as d.as well as,Owen wouldnt eat anything_ he cooked it himself.,a. Until b. since c. unless d. while,让步状语,从句,让步状语从句的连接词,包括:,Although(,虽然),though,in spite of,尽管,even though(even if), while, however, whatever, no matter how/what/who ,whether or,e.g. Today, athletes from around the world can take part,no matter what,language they speak.,All people, _ they are old,or,young, rich,or,poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.,Even if b. whether c. no matter d. however,1.,疑问词,-ever,引导让步状语从句时,可由,no matter+,疑问词代替。,Whatever happened, he would not mind.,改写,_,2.however/no matter how,引导的让步状语从句的语序:,however/no matter how+ adj./adv.+,主语,+,谓语,e.g. This is a very interesting book. I will buy it, _.,How much it cost b. no matter how it may cost,c. However much it may cost d. how may it cost,比较状语,从句,1.,比较,状语从句的连接词,:than, asas,e.g. Some children have,more,difficulties in learning,than,others (have).,2.,比较状语从句常见,错误,:,比较,对象不,一致,(,图表作文,),在,2003,年,政府,用于基础设施的资金是,2002,年的两倍。,错误,例句:,In2003,the,fund the government spent on infrastructure was twice as much as 2002.,正确,例句:,In2003,the,fund the government spent on infrastructure was twice as much,as_.,目的,状语,从句,1.,目的状语从句的连接词包括,so that, in order that /in case,(以防),lest,(以免)。,(,阅读,)In 1986, the International Olympic Committee changed the schedule,so that,the summer and winter games would be held in different years.,(,阅读,)However, no matter which life style do people choose, the chosen one should be insisted,lest,our biological clock might get confused.,(,写作,),我认为应该鼓励老人住养老院,(nursing house),这样才能受到专业的照顾。,I think senior citizens should be encouraged to live in a,nursing house,_,_,2.So that,引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句的区别,引导目的状语从句时,从句的谓语部分常有情态动词,can, may, could,引导结果状语从句时,从句的谓语部分没有情态动词。,e.g. We get up early so that we could catch the train.,We get up early so that we caught the train.,2.So that,和,in order that,引导目的状语从句的区别,In order that,比,so that,更正式,引导的从句可置于主句之前或之后,而,so that,引导的从句只能置于主句之后。,e.g. In order that you may pass the exam, we recommend you read through all your notes.,改写,_,


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