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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,一.课前准备:,1.英语,课本,,复习提纲,2.,红笔,黑/蓝笔,,,二.听课要求:,1.,认真听讲,,及时,做好笔记,;,2.,举手发言,,他人发言时请,保持安静,,,认真倾听,如果他有错误请,举手发言补充,;,3.小组合作,请积极参与讨论与课堂相关的问题。,If you are ready for all of these,lets begin our class!,如果你准备好所有这些,,那我们开始上课啦!,Be quiet.保持安静。Are you ready for our class?,你准备好上课了吗?,教师寄语,Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune .(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher),若不受教育,则不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源.(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图),期中复习,Review,Unit 2 Topic 2,西山学校 Xue Xiyuan,What does she look like?,学习目标,:,1.复习人物外貌的描述2.复习表示颜色的词语3.复习have 的否定句:dont have has的否定句:doesnt haveblue,black,red,white,green,yellow,grey,pink,brown,purple,orange,blond.What color is it? It is.I have black hair and black eyes.,颜色,动词词组,服装名词,单词复习,T-,shirt cap shoes coats,dress,gloves skirt,pants shirt,T,桖衫,帽子,鞋子,大衣,连衣裙,裤子,短裙,手套,衬衫,看我的!,give sth to sb,want to do sth look at,look the same,look different,next to,看起来一样,看起来不一样,想要做某事,紧挨着,把某物给某人,看着,加油哦!,把某物给某人,想要做某事 看着,看起来一样 看起来不一样,紧挨着,black blue pink red,yellow,brown,white,green,gray,purple,黑色,蓝色,紫色,棕色,灰色,黄色,绿色,白色,粉红色,红色,别给我丢脸!,1,,,My sister and I _ _ _(,长的一样,),2,,,_ _ (,我知道了,)She is your sister.,3,,,_ _(,看,) the jacket. Its nice.,4, Do you know the girl _ _ _.(,穿着紫色的鞋子,),5,,,Lucy and Lily are _ _(,好朋友,),6,,,Please _ this letter _ Maria(,把,给,),词组检测,look the same,I know,Look at,in purple shoes,I,good friends,give,to,letter,信,1a Look, listen and say,(影片,1,),What class is Maria in?,(2) What does Maria look like?,Maria,She is in Class Four Grade Seven.,She is tall. She doesnt have long hair.,Its short and brown.,1a Look, listen and say.,(,视频,P37-1a,),Man: Please,give this letter to Maria,.,She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.,Girl: Sorry,I dont know her,. What does she look like?,Man:,She is,tall and she has short brown hair,.,Girl: Oh, I see. Ill give it to her.,Man: Thanks.,Girl: Youre welcome.,合作探究,“把某物给某人,”,词组结构是什么?,give sth to sb,翻译下列短语,1.,把这本书给康康,2 .,把这地图给我,give the book to kangkang,give the map to me,?,Discuss,I,have,two big ears.,I,dont have,two big ears.,He,has,small eyes.,They,have,pens .,Tom,has,short brown hair.,They,dont have,the same.,He,doesnt have,small eyes,.,Tom,doesnt have,short brown hair.,have/has, come,等实义动词的否定形式?,1.,2.,3.,4.,主语,+dont +,动词原形(,have.)+,其它,主语,+doesnt +,动词原形,(have.)+,其它,第三人称单数,(he/she/it,以及单数名词,),否定句,肯定句 主语,+have/has+,其它,I have big eyes.,I dont have big eyes.,Linda has a red ruler.,Linda doesnt have a red ruler.,Group A,Group B,.,.,Lets play.,p38 5,合作探究,Play a game,唱反调,A,B,C,E,D,F,G,H,3,分,I have two big ears.,Play a game,唱反调,back,I dont have two ears,.,Play a game,唱反调,He doesnt have a ruler,.,back,He has a ruler.,They have black shoes.,Play a game,唱反调,They dont have black shoes,.,back,Tom has short brown hair.,Play a game,唱反调,Tom doesnt have short brown hair.,back,Lucy and Lily dont have bikes.,Play a game,唱反调,Lucy and Lily have bikes.,back,Jane doesnt have big eyes.,Play a game,唱反调,Jane has big eyes.,back,Maria doesnt have a big nose.,Play a game,唱反调,Maria has a big nose.,back,He comes from China.,Play a game,唱反调,He doesnt come from China,.,back,What does he look like,?,Small eyes,Short hair,Small mouth,Round face,young,tall,Goodbye!,通过这次复习,Unit2 Topic2 What does she look like?,我们的知识更加扎实了!,所以复习很重要哦!,& Thank you!,同学们辛苦啦!,加油!,


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