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,Unit 3 A healthy life,考纲知识预览,熟记单词,1.,(,n,.),香烟,纸烟,2.,(,n,.),酒精,酒,3.,(,adj,.),性别的,性的,4.,(,n,.&,v,),压力,重音;加压力于,使紧张,5.,(,n,.&,adj,.),青少年;青春期的,cigarette,alcohol,sexual,stress,adolescent,考纲知识预览,6.,(,adj,.),入了迷的,上了瘾的,7.,(,adj,.),通常的,习惯了的,8.,(,adj,.),自动的,无意识的,9.,(,adj,.),精神的,智力的,10.,(,v,.),设法对付,11.,(,adj,.),怀孕的,addicted,accustomed,automatic,mental,manage,pregnant,考纲知识预览,12.,(,adv,.),最后,最终,13.,(,adj,.),欠款的,预定的,到期的,14.,(,n,.&,v,),冒险,15.,(,adj,.),违法的,不合法的,16.,(,n,.),针,,(,注射器的,),针头,17.,(,n,.),陈述,声明,18.,(,adj,.),完美的,eventually,due,risk,illegal,needle,statement,perfect,考纲知识预览,19.,(,adj,.),感到惭愧或羞耻的,20.,(,n,.),理解,(,力,),21.,(,n,.),判决,看法,判断,22.,(,adj,.),挑战性的,考验能力的,ashamed,comprehension,judgement,challenging,考纲知识预览,翻译词组,1,吸毒,2,节食,3,均衡饮食,4,身体健康,5,就,给出建议,6,因为,由于,take drugs,be on a diet,a balanced diet,physical fitness,give advice on,due to,考纲知识预览,7,对,上瘾,8,习惯于,9,下意识地做某事,10,对,作出决定,be addicted to,be accustomed to,do,sth.automatically,decide on,考纲知识预览,背诵句型,I knew,it was time,to quit smoking.,I knew,it was time for me to quit,smoking.,I knew,it was time I quitted,smoking.,我知道是我该戒烟的时候了。,考纲知识预览,例句仿写,your bad habits.,your bad habits.,that you,off your bad habits.,是你改掉坏习惯的时候了。,It was time for you to kick off,kicked,It was time,It was time to kick off,巧学活用,点击进入,名师一线讲坛,1. stress,n,重压,逼迫,压力;重音;重点,vt,.,加压力于;使紧张;重读,(1)under stress,在压力之下,under the stress of,在,压力下,名师一线讲坛,(3)stressed,adj,.,焦虑不安的,心力交瘁的,stressful,adj,.,压力重的;紧张的,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,1,完成句子,(1)Jane_,(,一直忧心忡忡,)since her mothers illness.,(2)He _(,强调了接受良好教育的重要性,),名师一线讲坛,(3)_(,应该强调,)the prevention of diseases.,(4)Some schools _(,重视,)foreign language education.,答案,:,(1)has been under a lot of stress/has been stressed,(2)stressed the importance of a good education,(3)Stress should be put on,(4)lay/put/place stress on,名师一线讲坛,2. due,adj,.,欠款的;预定的;到期的,be due to do,sth,.,预期做某事,预定要做某事,be due to,sth,./doing,sth./sb,.,归因于某事,/,做某事,/,某人;欠某人,be due for,sth,.,应有某物;应得到某物,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,2,完成句子,(1)The meeting _(,预定到,3,点钟才开始,),(2)His absence _(,因为暴雨,),(3)Im _(,该加工资了,)soon.,名师一线讲坛,(4)Most of the problems were _(,人为错误造成的,),(5)The next train _(,预定在,5,分钟内抵达,),答案,:,(1)is due to start until three,(2)was due to the heavy rain,(3)due for a pay rise,(4)due to human error(5)is due to arrive in five minutes,名师一线讲坛,3. accustomed,adj,.,习惯的,通常的,accustom,v,使,习惯于,使适应,be accustomed to,习惯于,(,表示状态,),become/get accustomed to,习惯于,(,表示动作,),accustom oneself/,sb./sth.to,使,习惯于,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,3,完成句子,(1)I _(,不习惯这么早起床,),(2)My eyes slowly _(,适应了黑暗,),名师一线讲坛,(3)She took her _ (,通常坐的座位,)by the window.,(4)He quickly _ (,使自己适应于,)the new way of life.,名师一线讲坛,(5)She found it necessary _(,让孩子养成早起的习惯,),答案,:,(1)am not accustomed to getting up so early,(2)got accustomed to the dark,(3)accustomed seat,(4)accustomed himself to,(5)to accustom her child to getting up early,名师一线讲坛,4. ashamed,adj,.,感到惭愧或羞耻的,(1)ashamed,为表语形容词,be ashamed of (doing),sth,.,因,(,做了,),某事而感到羞愧,be ashamed to do,sth,.,耻于做某事;因难为情而不愿做某事,be ashamed that.,对,感到内疚,(2)shame,n,羞耻;惭愧;遗憾的事,shameful,adj,.,不体面的,丢脸的,可耻的,shameless,adj,.,不知羞耻的,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,4,完成句子,(1)She _,(,因考试不及格而感到羞愧,),(2)I _(,不好意思寻求帮助,),(3)_(,真是太遗憾了,)that you cant stay with us.,名师一线讲坛,(4)What _(,无耻的谎言家,)you are!,答案,:,(1)feels ashamed of having failed in the examination(2)felt ashamed to ask for help,(3)It is a shame,(4)a shameless liar,名师一线讲坛,5. addicted,adj,.,入了迷的,上了瘾的,(1)addicted,可作表语和定语,(,但只作后置定语,),be addicted to,sth,.,对,有瘾,沉溺于,(2)addictive,adj,.,使人上瘾的,使人入迷的,addiction,n,成瘾,入迷,嗜好,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,5,完成句子,(1)He _(,对毒品已严重上瘾了,),(2)Kids _(,迷上电脑游戏,)are often upset.,答案,:,(1)is seriously addicted to drugs,(2)addicted to computer games,名师一线讲坛,6. in spite of,尽管;虽然;不管;不顾,(1)in spite of,n,.,despite(,prep,.),n,.,regardless of,n,.,(2)in spite of the fact that.(,同位语从句,),(,al)though,从句,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,6,完成句子,(1)We went out _(,尽管下着雨,),(2)Kelly loved her husband _(,虽然他喝酒很凶,),(3)We went out _(,尽管,)it was raining.,名师一线讲坛,(4)_(,尽管她病了,),,,she came to school.,答案,:,(1)in spite of the rain,(2)in spite of the fact that he drank too much,(3)although/in spite of the fact that(4)Although she was ill,名师一线讲坛,7. take risks(a risk),冒险,(1)at risk(of.),处于,(),危险之中,冒,(),风险,at the risk of.,冒着,风险,at all risks,无论冒什么风险,face/run risks/a risk,冒险,take risks(a risk)to do,冒险做,(2)risk sth.,以,作为赌注,risk doing,冒险做,risk ones life to do sth.,冒着生命危险做某事,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,7,完成句子,(1)The whole future of the company is _(,受到威胁,),(2)People with fair skins _(,患皮肤癌的危险更大,),名师一线讲坛,(3)We cant _(,冒失去全部钱的危险,),答案,:,(1)at risk,(2)are more at risk of skin cancer(3)run the risk of losing all the money,名师一线讲坛,8. get into,陷入;染上,(,坏习惯,),get across(,使,),通过;,(,使,),被理解;,(,把,),讲清楚,get along,进展;相处,get away,逃脱;离开,get down to,认真工作,get together,相聚;聚集,get over,爬过;越过;克服,(,困难,),;痊愈,get through,穿越,(,马路,),;通过;接通电话;经历,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,8,完成句子,(1)He _,(,养成了从学校步行到家的习惯,),(2)How can I _(,让你们理解这件事的重要性,)?,名师一线讲坛,(3)The three men _(,逃跑了,)in a stolen car.,(4)Im glad to say that Im _(,工作进展顺利,),答案,:,(1)has gotten into the habit of,walking home from the school,(2)get it across to you how important this is(3)got away,(4)getting on well with my work,专题突破锦囊,专题一,细节理解,(3)when,型问题,作者为阐明中心思想而列举的例证,所申诉的理由,所提出的论点,其阐述过程会涉及到,who,,,what,,,which,,,when,,,where,,,why,,,how,和,how much,,,how many,,,how often,。只要留意上述细节内容,就会直接或间接地获得这一类问题的答案。,突破语法填空,专题突破锦囊,Collections were the inspiration(,灵感,)for a project at Thomas Tallis School,,,which formed part of the Imagine Childrens Literature Festival last autumn.Each child(aged 12,13)beautified a box and wrote a story on the subject of collections to throw inside it.The boxes were spread within the Royal Festival Halls Ballroom.Some were left empty to encourage visitors to write their own stories.,例,专题突破锦囊,What were the children asked to do in the project,?,(,),A,To meet friends at Thomas Tallis School.,B,To write stories on the subject of collections.,C,To encourage visitors to write their own stories.,D,To have their friends for characters in the stories.,专题突破锦囊,【,解析,】,细节辨认题。第二句话“,Each child(aged 12,13)beautified a box and wrote a story on the subject of collections to throw inside it.”,为依据。,A,、,C,、,D,项都不是要求孩子们做的事情。,【,答案,】,B,专题突破锦囊,完成下列阅读理解。,Dos and Donts in Whale(,鲸,)Watching,The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has developed guidelines for whale watching in Johnstone Strait,,,where killer whales are found on a daily basis each summer.It is strongly recommended that vessel(,船只,)operators follow these guidelines for all kinds of whales.,技巧演练,专题突破锦囊,Approach whales from the side,,,not from the front or the back.,Approach no closer than 100 metres,,,then stop the boat,,,but keep the engine on.,Keep noise levels down,no horns,,,whistles or racing of engines.,Start your boat only after the whales are more than 100 metres from your vessel.,Leave the area slowly,,,gradually moving faster when you are more than 300 metres from the whales.,专题突破锦囊,Approach and leave slowly,,,avoiding sudden changes in speed or direction.,Avoid disturbing groups of resting whales.,Keep at low speeds and remain in the same direction if travelling side by side with whales.,When whales are travelling close to shore,,,avoid crowding them near the shore or coming between the whales and the shore.,专题突破锦囊,Limit the time spent with any group of whales to less than 30 minutes at a time when within 100 to 200 metres of whales.,If there is more than one vessel at the same observation spot,,,be sure to avoid any boat position that would result in surrounding the whales.,Work together by communicating with other vessels,,,and make sure that all operators are aware of the whale watching guidelines.,专题突破锦囊,【,文章大意,】,本文是说明文。文章就如何保护海洋动物,鲸,给船员作了一系列的指导和建议。,专题突破锦囊,1,For whom is this text written?,A,Tour guides.,B,Whale watchers.,C,Vessel operators.,D,Government officials.,解析,:,选,C,。,事实细节题。由第一段最后一句“,.vessel(,船只,)operators follow these guidelines for all kinds of whales.”,可知。,专题突破锦囊,2,When leaving the observation areas,,,the vessel should _.,A,move close to the beach,B,increase speed gradually,C,keep its engine running slowly,D,remain at the back of the whales,解析,:,选,B,。,事实细节题。由规则的第五条“,Leave the area slowly,,,gradually moving faster.”,可知。,专题突破锦囊,3,When going side by side with whales,,,he vessel should _.,A,keep moving in the same direction,B,surround the whales with other boats,C,travel closer and closer to the shore,D,take a good viewing position,解析,:,选,A,。,事实细节题。由规则的第八条“,Keep at low speeds and remain in the same direction.”,可知。,专题突破锦囊,4,What is the shortest safe distance from the whales?,A,400 metres.,B,300 metres.,C,200 metres.,D,100 metres.,解析,:,选,D,。,事实细节题。由规则第二条“,Approach no closer than 100 metres.”,可知。,专题突破锦囊,专题二,写作导与练,地点介绍,一、地方特点,位置:,be located in,,,be situated in,,,lie,;,in the centre of/in the east of/to the east of/on the west of.,历史:,have/with a long history of.,人口:,have/with a population of.,专题突破锦囊,面积:,cover/have/with an area of.,环境:,with green hills and beautiful rivers,气候:,neither too cold nor too hot,,,the climate varies from place to place,专题突破锦囊,物产:,be rich in/be high in,,,a place rich in.,,,a city with much industry,,,mainly grow crops,,,keep sheep,特色:,be famous/well known for.,名胜景观:,mountainous areas,,,a place with many tourist attractions,,,places of interest,专题突破锦囊,二、空间顺序,at the front/back of something,,,with.in the centre/around a place,;,in front of,,,behind,;,next to,,,close to,,,on the left/right,;,in the south,,,in the west/east/north,;,on the other side/opposite side of,,,inside,,,outside,;,at the crossing,,,at the end of the street,,,at the airport,,,at the village,,,at the foot of the mountain,,,at the bottom,,,at the top of,,,behind the park,,,on the east coast of.,专题突破锦囊,三、方位和路线,1,There is a tall shelf on the left of (on the right of,,,in the front of,,,near the window of) my room.,2,Above the bed(On the right of the room),,,there is a large painting of the blue sea.,3,Next to it(In front of,,,At the back of,,,In the middle of,,,To the right of it)is a bed.,专题突破锦囊,4,The office building is in the east of(in the south of,,,to the west of,,,in front of,,,behind,,,at the back of)the campus.,5,The monument,,,which was built in 1894,,,stands in the centre of the square.,6,Cross the street(river),(Keep walking along.,,,walk down.),7,Turn right at the end of Bridge Street into Riverside Road(the second traffic lights,,,the first crossing),专题突破锦囊,8,Take the first turning on your left.,9,Go straight on to the traffic lights and then turn right.Youll see(find)it next to the cinema.,专题突破锦囊,请根据以下的情景说明,用五个句子描述全部所给信息。,澳大利亚位于最小的大洲,大洋洲,是世界第六大国家。它是一个以干旱气候为主的国家,只有少部分沿海地区有充足的雨量。它由六个州组成,其中墨尔本,(Melbourne),、悉尼,(Sydney),是最大的两个城市。它以明媚的阳光、数不清的牛羊和奇特的野生动植物而著名,世界各地的游客来到这里体验它独特的美丽。,即时训练,专题突破锦囊,总面积:,7,686,850 square kilometres,人口:约,2,000,万,注意:要有标题,介绍必须包括所有的内容要点,但不要逐条翻译成英语。,_,专题突破锦囊,One possible version,:,Australia,Located in the smallest continent,Oceania,,,Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.It covers a total area of 7,686,850 square kilometres with a population of about 20 million.It is a mainly dry country with only a,专题突破锦囊,few coastal areas that have adequate rainfall.It is made up of six states,,,in which Melbourne and Sydney are the largest cities.Because it is famous for its bright sunshine,,,countless sheep and cattle and its unique wildlife,,,tourists from all over the world come to enjoy its beautiful scenery.,40,min,限时闯关,点击进入,


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