人教版英语八年级下Unit1.Section A

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英 语,新课标(,RJ,),八年级下册,Unit 1,Whats the matter?,Section A,自主预习,自主预习,互动探究,互动探究,自 主 预 习,Section A,短语互译,1.,感冒,_,2.,躺下,_,3.,量体温,_,4.,发烧,_,5,下车,_,6.,令某人惊讶的是,_,7,等待,_,8.,同意做某事,_,9,及时,_,10.,跌倒;摔倒,_,have a cold,lie down,take ones temperature,have a fever,get off,to ones surprise,wait for,agree to do,sth,in time,fall down,Section A,短语互译,11,take breaks / a break _,12.right away _,13,see a dentist _,14.get into trouble _,15,think about _,休息,立即;马上,看牙医,陷入麻烦,考虑,Section A,句型在线,1.,朱迪怎么了?,_ the _ _ Judy?,2,我应该量一下体温吗?,_ _ take my temperature?,3,你需要远离电脑休息一下。,You _ _ take breaks _ _ the computer.,4,如果明天你的头和脖子仍然很痛的话,就去看医生吧。,_ your head and neck still _ tomorrow, then go to a doctor.,Whats,matter,with,Should,I,need,to,away,from,If,hurt,Section A,句型在线,5,那位司机看到一位老人正躺在马路边。,the driver _ an old man _ on the side of the road.,6,多亏了王师傅和乘客们,医生们及时挽救了老人的生命。,_ _ Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time.,saw,lying,Thanks,to,互 动 探 究,词汇点睛,Section A,1,lie v.,躺;平躺,观察, I think you should lie down and rest.,我认为你应该躺下休息一下。,探究, lie,作动词,意为,“,躺;平躺,”,,,lie down,意为,“,躺下,”,,此时,lie,的过去式是,lay,过去分词是,lain,。,lie,作,“,撒谎,”,讲时,其过去式和过去和过去分词均是,lied,。,拓展, lie,还有如下含义和用法:,Section A,v.,位于;,坐落于,Shanghai lies in the east of China.,上海位于中国的东部。,v.,撒谎,Dont believe her because she always lies.,别相信她,因为她总是说谎。,n.,谎言,We dont want to listen to such lies.,我们不想听这样的谎言。,Section A,活学活用,(1),医生建议我躺下休息。,The doctor advised me to _ _ and rest.,(2),你不应该撒谎。,You shouldnt _ _,lie,down,tell,lies,Section A,2,rest n. & v.,放松;休息,观察, Im very tired and I need to have a good rest.,我很累,我需要好好休息一下。,探究, rest,可以作名词,也可以作,_,动,_,词,意为,“,放,松;休息,”,。,拓展,have a rest,take a rest,rest,休息,Section A,活学活用,医生建议我好好休息。,The doctor advised me to _,_,_,_.,have/take,a,good,rest,Section A,3,break n.,间歇;休息,观察, You need to take breaks away from the computer.,你需要远离电脑休息一下。,探究, break,作名词,意为,“,间歇;休息,”,。常构成短语,take a break/breaks,,意为,“,休息,”,。,拓展, break,还可以作动词,有如下含义和用法:,Section A,v.,打破,The boy broke a cup.,那个男孩打破了一个茶杯。,v.,违背;,违反,The teacher asked us not to break the rules.,老师要求我们不要违反这些规定。,v.,破,(,记,录,),;超越,She broke the world record.,她打破了世界纪录。,v.,停止;,中断,You should break the habit of smoking.,你应当戒掉吸烟的习惯。,Section A,活学活用,1,根据汉语意思完成句子,我们通常会在两节课之间短暂休息一会儿。,We usually _ _ _between two classes.,2,根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,She hopes to _(,打破,) the world record.,take,a,break,break,Section A,4,trouble n.,问题;苦恼,观察, Its sad that many people dont want to help others because they dont want any trouble.,令人悲伤的是,许多人不想帮助别人,因为他们不想招惹任何麻烦。,探究, trouble,是不可数名词,意为,“,问题;苦恼,”,。,拓展,have trouble _,doing,_,sth,.,意为,“,做某事时遇到麻烦,”,。,They had trouble remembering new words.,他们在背生词时遇到了麻烦。,Section A,活学活用,2014,福州,Jack, I,have_working,out the math problem.,Dont worry. Let me help you.,A,fun,B. trouble,C,experience,解析, B,本题考查名词的词义理解。三个选项的含义分别是:,fun,乐趣;,trouble,问题;,experience,经历。结合本题场景可知,我在解答这道数学题时遇到了“麻烦”,故,trouble,符合题意。,Section A,短语归纳,1,have a cold,感冒,观察, My elder brother had a bad cold last night.,我哥哥昨天晚上得了重感冒。,探究, have a cold,与,get/catch a cold,同义。表示,“,得重感冒,”,要用,have/get/catch a bad cold,。,拓展,常见的表示,“,患病,”,的短语有:,Section A,have a /,an,疾,病名词,have a cold,感冒,have a fever,发烧,have a cough,咳嗽,have a,身体部位,ache,have a headache,头痛,have a stomachache,胃痛,have a toothache,牙痛,have a,sore,身,体部分,have a sore throat,嗓子痛,have a sore back,背痛,Section A,活学活用,Im not feeling well. I have a _.,Maybe you should see a dentist.,A,cold,B,toothache,C,headache D,fever,解析, B,结合答语,“,或许你应该去看牙医,”,可知,对应的疾病是,“,牙痛,”,。故答案为,B,。,Section A,2,get off,下车,观察, He got off and asked the woman what happened.,他下车,问那个女人发生了什么事。,探究, get off,是固定搭配,意为,“,下车,”,,其反义短语是,get on,,意为,“,上车,”,。,拓展,常见的,get,短语有:,Section A,Section A,活学活用,2014,兰州,Good manners can make people_ each other.,A,get on well with,B,get off,C,get over D,get away,解析, A,本题考查,get,的短语搭配。四个选项的含义分别是:,get on well with,sb,.,表示“和某人和睦相处”;,get off,下车;,get over,克服;,get away,逃离。结合本题场景可知,举止得当能够使人们彼此之间和睦相处。故答案为,A,。,Section A,3,to ones surprise,令某人惊讶的是,观察, But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him.,但是,令他惊讶的是,他们都同意和他一起去。,探究, to ones surprise,意为,“,令某人惊讶的是,”,,其中,surprise,是名词,意为,“,惊讶;惊奇,”,。,辨析, surprise, surprising,与,surprised,Section A,surprise,可以作名词,意为,“,惊讶,”,;也可以作动词,意为,“,使惊讶,”,。,surprising,是以,ing,结尾的形容词,意为,“,令人惊讶的,”,,常用来修饰事或物。,surprised,是以,ed,结尾的形容词,意为,“,感到惊讶的,”,,常用来修饰人。,Section A,活学活用,1,根据汉语意思完成句子,令我父母惊讶的是,我独自完成了那项工作。,_ _ _ _,,,I finished the work by myself.,2,根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,2013,滨州,All of us were _ (,惊奇的,) that such a little girl spoke English so well.,To,my,parents,surprise,surprised,Section A,句型透视,1,Whats the matter,?怎么了?,探究,本句用于询问病情,可翻译为,“,怎么了,?,”,,若要询问,“,某人怎么了,”,要用,“,Whats the matter with,sb,.,”,的结构。,拓展,表示,“,(,某人,),怎么了,”,的表达方式有:,Section A,Section A,活学活用,1,根据汉语意思及英文提示翻译句子,2013,福州,你的电脑出了什么问题?,(matter),_,2,单项选择,2014,云南,You look really tired. _,?,I didnt sleep well last night. I had a headache.,A. How about you B. What should I do,C. Whats the matter D. How are you feeling now,Whats the matter with your computer,?,解析, C,本题考查交际用语。结合本题场景可知,所缺的句子是,C,,用于询问“怎么了”。,Section A,2,Should I take my temperature?,我应该量一下体温吗?,探究, should,常用来提出建议。,take ones temperature,意为,“,量体温,”,。,拓展, take,可以和一些名词构成短语搭配。常见的有:,Section A,活学活用,1,翻译句子,你应该先量你的体温。,_,.,_,2,根据汉语意思完成句子,你应该尽力独立完成你的家庭作业。,You _ _ to finish your homework by yourself.,3,You need to take breaks away from the computer.,你需要远离电脑休息一下。,You should take your temperature first,should,try,Section A,3,You need to take breaks away from the computer.,你需要远离电脑休息一下。,探究, (1)need to do,sth,.,是固定搭配,意为,“,需要做某事,”,,其中,need,是行为动词,意为,“,需要,”,。如:,I need to translate it into English.,我需要把它译成英语。,(2),其中,away from,表示,“,远离,”,。如:,She lives three miles away from her school.,她住在离学校三英里远的地方。,拓展,和,away from,有关的其他表达和用法:,stay/keep away from,远离;,be away from,离开。,Section A,活学活用,1,根据汉语意思完成句子,你去森林的时候,需要带一张地图。,You _ _ _ a map when you go to the forest.,need,to,take,Section A,2,单项选择,2013,泸州,She_ her hometown since she was 18 years old. She told me she would return soon.,A. has left,B. has been away from,C. left D. went away,解析, B,由“,since she was 18 years old”,可知,要用现在完成时,先排除,C,和,D,;,leave,意为“离开”,是非延续性动词,故要转换成,be away from,。故答案为,B,。,Section A,4,If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.,如果明天你的头和脖子仍然很痛的话,就去看医生吧。,探究,本句是含条件状语从句的复合句,主句是,then go to a doctor,,从句是,if your head and neck still hurt tomorrow,,其中,if,是连词,意为,“,如果;假如,”,。,注意,在,if,引导的条件状语从句中,如果,主句,是,祈使句或一般将来时,,,从句,要用,一般现在时来代替将来时,。如:,I will call you if I am free.,如果我有空,我会给你打电话的。,Section A,活学活用,2014,泸州,If you_ tomorrow, I will let you know all about it.,A,will come,B. come,C. came D. comes,解析, B,本题考查,if,引导的条件状语从句的时态。,if,引导条件状语从句时,如果主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时。故答案为,B,。,Section A,5,the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.,那位司机看到一位老人正躺在马路边。,探究,本句中的,saw an old man lying,属于,“,see,sb,. doing,sth,.,”,的固定搭配,此时强调动作正在进行,。,辨析, see,sb,. doing,sth,.,与,see,sb,. do,sth,.,see,sb,.,doing,sth,.,意为,“,看到某人正在做某事,”,,此时强调动作正在进行。,see,sb,.,do,sth,.,意为,“,看到某人做某事,”,,此时强调动作经常发生或看到某事发生的全过程。,Section A,I saw a thief running out of the shop.,我看到一个小偷正从商店里跑出来。,I saw a thief run out of the shop and get on the bus.,我看到一个小偷从商店里跑出来,上了公共汽车。,Section A,活学活用,2014,黄石,Wheres Tony now?,I saw him _ in the garden a moment ago and I told him _.,A. play; go home,B. playing; to go home,C. to play; goes home D. play; going home,解析, B,本题考查非谓语动词的用法。,“,see,sb,. do,sth,.,”,和,“,see,sb,. doing,sth,.,”,都是正确的搭配,强调,“,看到某人正在做某事,”,时要用,“,see,sb,. doing,sth,.,”,的结构;,tell,sb,. to do,sth,.,表示,“,告诉某人做某事,”,。,Section A,6,Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time.,多亏了王师傅和乘客们,医生们及时挽救了老人的生命。,探究, (1)thanks to,为介词短语,可接名词、代词、动名词等。此短语表示原因,意为,“,由于,多亏了,”,。如:,Thanks to the English language, we can learn a lot from other countries.,多亏了英语这门语言,我们能从其他国家学到很多东西。,Section A,拓展, thanks for,意为,“,因,而感谢,”,,其中,thanks,相当于,thank you,,,for,强调为何而感谢,其后可接名词或动名词。 如:,Thanks for inviting us to your birthday party.,谢谢你邀请我们参加你的生日聚会。,Section A,活学活用,2013,绥化,_ the teacher, Ive made great progress.,A. Thank you,B. Thanks C. Thanks to,解析, C,句意为,“,多亏了这位老师,我取得了很大的进步,”,,由此可知,thanks to,符合题意。,


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