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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2015-4-2,#,Unit 3 Under the sea,Language Data Bank,1. I thought ,at the time, that this was just a story but then I,witnessed,it with my own eyes many times.,1)at the time “,那时候”,位置应在,story,之后,作时 间状语, 提前是为了强调,,that this was just a story,作,thought,的宾语。,2),此处,witness,用作动词,意思是“亲眼看到,”,如,:,你亲眼看到那场事故了吗?,Did you _ the accident?,a) witness,还可表示“作证”、“证明”,常用“,witness to sth/doing sth,”,例如:,witness,他作证说他看到那个人进入大楼的,.,He _ to having seen the man enter the building.,b,),witness,还可以,用作名词,表示“目击者”、“证人”,,如:,她被传唤作被告证人。,She was called as a _ _ .,defense,witness,witnessed,2. I was,sortingoutmyaccommodation,.,sort out,表示“分类”,“整理,”,,Im just,sorting out,the papers that can be thrown away.,我正在整理可以扔掉的文件。,to sort out ones accommodation,整理的住宿,sort out,还表示“解决(问题或困难)”,例如:,Weve got a few little problems to,sort out,.,我们有几个小问题要解决。,1) rooms, esp, for living in,房间,住所,2) lodgings, rooms and food,膳宿(在英英中为,不可数,,在美英中为,可数,常用复数,),accommodate v.,accommodating adj.,accommodator n.,accommodation,适应,调节,亲切的,易打交道的,调节者,3. We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal,opposite,us,throwing itself out of the water,and then crashing down again.,我们及时赶到岸边,看到对面有一个庞大的动物猛力跃出水面,然后又坠落到水里。,opposite,是介词,在。对面。,如:,He sat,opposite,to Marion during the discussion.,讨论的时候,他坐在玛丽安对面。,opposite,也可以作形容词,表示“相对的;相反的”。,on the,opposite,side of the street,在街的对面,throw,itself out of the water,想象地表现了鲸跃出水面的动作。,throw,的用法比较灵活,能表达出丰富的含义。如:,He,throws,his weight about.,他乱用权利。,I felt discouraged when he,threw,cold water on my idea.,他给我的想法泼冷水时,我感到很沮丧。,She,threw,herself into a chair and began to cry.,她倒在椅子上,哭了起来。,4. yell vi.,大叫;呼喊,Dont,yell at,me!,别对我大喊大叫!,She let out a yell and ran home.,她尖叫了一声跑回了家。,yell n.,叫声;喊声,Frank let out a yell and jumped away.,弗兰克大叫一声跳开了。,5. This was the call that announced there,was about to,be a whale hunt.,这是宣告捕鲸行动马上就要开始的呼声。,be about to do,即将;将要。,如:,When we,were about to,close down the business, the bank came to our rescue.,我们就要停业时,银行为我们救了急。,Another journey of challenge and danger,was about to,begin.,又一段充满危险和挑战的旅程就要开始了。,6. “Come on, Clancy. To the boat”, George said as he ran,ahead of,me.,1),表示劝说,不耐烦,催促,Come on, well be late for concert.,2),开始,The rain has just,come on,.,come on,come about,发生,come across,偶然遇见,come forth,出来,涌现,come out,出版,(花)开,come through,(电话)接通,come up,走近,上升,come to,总计,come up with,赶上,补充,与,come,相关的短语:,7. ahead of 1),在,前面,2),比,强,(,好,)”,A man _to see,if the road was clear .,他的语文比我强,.,He is_., ahead of time “,提前”,We finish the task_.,went,ahead of,the others,ahead of,me in Chinese,ahead of time,8. I looked down into the water and could see Old Tom,swimming by the boat, showing us the way.,我低头朝水中看去,看到老汤姆正在船边游着,为我们引路。,swimming by the boat,是现在分词短语作,宾语补足语。,9. Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and,headed,out into the bay.,一颗不停地,我们和其他的捕鲸人都跳上船,朝海湾开去。,head,为动词,表示“朝。方向移动,”,例如:,We,headed,the boat out to sea.,我们将船驶向外海。,head,还可以表示“带领”,,例如:,Who is,heading,the party,?,该党现在由谁领导?,10,. A few minutes later, there was no Tom, so George started beating the water with his oar and there was Tom,circling back to the boat, leading us to the hunt again,.,几分钟后,汤姆不见了,于是乔治开始用浆拍打水面。汤姆出现了,转回到船边,又领我们前往捕猎处。,circling back to the boat; leading us to the hunt again,是现在分词短语作状语。,11. there was Tom, circling back to the boat,leading,us to the hunt again.,。 汤姆出现了,转回到船边,又领着我们前往捕鲸处。,lead,表示“作导向”,例如:,All roads,lead,to Rome.,殊途同归。,Your explanation has,led,me to a clear understanding.,你的解释让我理解清楚了。,lead sb to do,表示“使,干,”,例如,:,What,led,you to believe it?,什么使你相信它?,12. Well, its,teamwork,-the killers over there are throwing themselves on top of the whales blow-hole,to stop it breathing,.,啊,它们在协同作战呢,那些虎鲸正往鲸的出气孔上扑去,不让它呼吸。,The success of this performance is largely the result of good,teamwork,.,这次演出的成功很大程度上是大家通力合作的结果。,teamwork,协作;配合。,to stop it breathing,是动词不定式短语作目的状语。如:,They went there to help get in the autumn crops.,它们去那里是为了帮助秋收。,Lets do some exercise to warm up a bit.,咱们做些锻炼热热身。,stop(from) doing,句型的意思是“防止(制止)某人做某事”。如:,I am leaving, so dont try to stop me from going.,我要走了,别想阻拦我。,We must stop her telling others about it.,我们要制止她把此事告诉别人。,13. flee fled fled,逃跑,逃避,逃离,1) vt. flee sw,They were forced to flee the country.,2) vi.,flee from,sw,The prisoner attempted to flee from,the prison , but he failed .,恐慌的人们从火里逃出,.,The alarmed people fled from the fire .,14. He let it go and the harpoon hit the spot. Being badly,wounded, the whale soon died.,辨析:,wound, injury, hurt, harm,与,damage,wound,是战斗中刀枪的创伤、伤口,;,injury,是平时的大小创伤和伤害,hurt,是指精神上的伤害和肉体的伤痛。,harm,指使有生命或者无生命的东西不再完整、美丽, 或者具有原来的价值。,damage,“,车辆、船只、房屋”等的损坏。,Use the above words to fill the following blanks:,1. His brother was _ in that battle .,2.He got serious,_ to the legs at work .3. He got his finger _ .,4. The,_ to his feelings is more serious than the hurt in his body .,5. Smoking a lot of cigarettes can _ and even kill over a long period of time .,6. The bus was badly _,when it,hit the wall . This storm did great _ to the crops .,injuries,injured,hurt,harm,damaged,harm/damage,wounded,damage,“,车辆、船只、房屋”等的损坏。,The bus was badly,damaged,when it hit the wall . This storm did great harm /,damage,to the crops .,15.its body was,dragged,swiftly by the killers down into the,depths,of the sea.,它的尸体被虎鲸迅速拖向大海深处。,1,),drag,的意思是“拖”,例如:,He,dragged,the table into the corner.,他把那张坐姿拖到角落。,drag,短语联想:,drag down,把人拖垮,drag ones feet,故意拖延,drag in,拉进去,drag on,拖延,拉长,2,),depths,表示“底层”,“深处”,例如:,the depth(s) of,the ocean,海洋深处,the depth(s) of the jungle,丛林深处,the depth(s) of the country,穷乡僻壤,the depth(s) of the winter,隆冬,the depth(s) of ones heart,心灵深处,the depth(s) of despair,绝望的深渊,16.,In the meantime, Old Tom, and the others are having a good,feed on,its lips and tongue.,在这段时间里,老汤姆和其他虎鲸会饱餐一顿,鲸唇和鲸舌就是他们的美食。,In the meantime,表示“在这期间;与此同时”,如:,会议一小时后开始,在此期间,我们喝杯咖啡吧。,The meeting will begin in an hour; in the meantime, lets have a coffee.,feed on,表示“吃”,“以,为食”,,例如:,Cows,feed on,hay during winter.,牛在冬天吃干草。,feedon/to,表示“以,饲养”,例如,;,We,feed,our dog,on,meat.= We feed meat to our dog.,我们喂肉给狗吃。,feedwith/into,表示“给,添加”,例如:,He,fed,the fire with some logs.= He,fed,some logs,into,the fire.,他往火里添了些木材。,这是一个,it,作形式主语的句子,真正的主语是不定式,to handle the boat,。在以不定式、动名词从句作主语的句子里,通常以,it,作形式主语,而把真正的主语后置以避免头重脚轻。这样的句式通常有:,17. it was difficult,to handle,the boat.,划船很困难。,to + v.,It,(形式主语),+v. + that,(主语),+ v.,wh-,等词(主语),+ v.,for,It is + adj.+ sb. to do sth.,of,seems,(好像,),It + appears,(看上去,),+ that,(主,语),+v.,happens,(碰巧,),It is no use v. ing,做,没有用,It is said (reported) that ,据说,据报道,It is believed that ,人们相信,It is thought that ,人们认为,It has been proved that ,事实证明,It is well-known that ,众所周知,18. From Jamess face, I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.,从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们遗弃。,此处,abandon,的意思是“放弃,抛弃,”,相关短语有:,1,)背弃祖国,/,朋友,abandon ones country/friend,2,)抛弃家庭,abandon ones family,3,)革除陋习,abandon a bad habit,4),放弃职位,/,希望,/,计划,/,主意,Abandon ones post/hope/plan/idea,19I saw James being firmly,held up,in the water by Old Tom.,我看到老汤姆正在水中隐隐拖着詹姆斯。,hold up,的意思是“举起”,例如:,I,help up,my hand to show that I had a question.,我举手表示想提问。,hold up,还表示“使延误”,例如:,We were,held up,on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.,我们在前往机场的路上因为堵车而延误了。,20. It,took,over half an hour to get the boat back to James.,用了半个多小时的时间才把船划回到詹姆斯身边。,这是一个,It takes (sb.) some time/sth. to do sth.,的固定句式,,take,意为“花费、需要”,,,take,前也可用具体名词作主语。,It,takes,him three hours to do his homework everyday.,他每天要用三个小时的时间做作业。,21. reflect (vt.,vi.) “,反射,映射,思考”,After _for a time , he decided not to go there .,The mountains _ in the,lake were very beautiful .,reflect on (upon) “,仔细考虑,思考”,我要思考一下下一步该怎么做,.,I will reflect on what to do next .,reflecting,reflected,22. be/ become (well) aware of / that,对,知道,明白;意识到,我希望在情况影响你前,你能察觉到。,I want you to be aware of the situation before it affects you.,我很清楚他就是我要求助的人。,I am well aware that he is the one I should turn to.,23. upside down,“,上下颠倒的,(,地,),,乱七八糟的,(,地,)”,The office is being decorated, so,_,.,你把那张图片给弄颠倒了,.,You have,got,_,不要把那个盒子倒着拿,.,Dont,hold_,., inside out “(,穿,),反了,倒悬,乱七八糟地”,Look , Jacks jacket_.,everything is,upside down,the picture,upside done,.,the box,upside done,is inside out,24. scare n. v.,sb,be scared to death,某人吓死了”,I felt _when I knew how dangerous I was.,当我听到那可怕的声音时,我都快吓死了,_ (hear) the terrible sound , I would,be scared to death,.,1) be scared to do sth /of doing sth “,害怕干某事”,2) scare sb. to death “,吓死某人了”,You scare me to death.,你吓死我了。,她不敢,(,害怕,),坐飞机,.,She _in a plane .,Hearing,scared to death,is scared to fly,25. .but,where,the reef ended, there was a,steep,drop to the sandy ocean floor.,在本句中,where,引导的是状语从句。,1.A cinema is a building where film is shown .,电影院是放电影的馆所。,2.You shall put it up where we all can see it.,你该把它挂在我们大家都能见到的地方。,steep,drop,陡直向下的坡。,steep,陡直的,陡峭的。,I never cycle to my grandpas its too,steep,.,我从来不骑车去外公家,-,(路)太陡了。,steep,还可以指过高的价格。如:,I wouldnt pay 5,000 yuan for that computer the price is too,steep,.,我才不花,5,000,元买那台电脑呢,这个价太高了。,Use the proper forms of the following words to fill in the blanks:,Finish the following exercises:,witness yell flee drag abandon reflect,Did anyone _ the car accident yesterday?,The clouds _ in the lake. Didnt you see them?,Dont _ at me like that.,The sailors had to _ the sinking ship.,witness,abandon,were reflected,yell,5. They all _ from the burning building last night.,6. He _ his suitcase along the platform. They were too heavy to carry.,II. Use the proper forms of the following phrases to fill in the blanks:,ahead of in the meantime help out,be aware of upside down scare to death sort out a pack of,fled,dragged,There was a roadblock straight _ us.,Women are often more _ their feelings than men.,Ill phone for a taxi. _ , you must get packed.,They were _ by the terrible snow.,The cooks ill, so I _ this week.,ahead of,aware of,In the meantime,scared to death,am helping out,6. They met _ wolves in th forest.,7. Weve got a few little problems to _ .,8. Everything is _ in this house.,a pack of,sort out,upside down,Useful structure ( 20ms ),the Passive Voice (including the -ing form ),1.,动名词的被动式:,1,)动名词的被动式有两种:,being +,过去分词;,having been +,过去分词。例如:,a),每个人都喜欢得到赞美。,Everybody likes _ .,b),我记得曾经听过这故事。,I remember _ the story.,2),在,need/want/require,(需要)和,be worth(,值得)等词后面,动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。例如,:,a),这件事需要调查。,The matter requires _ .,= The matter requires to be looked into.,being praised,having been told,looking into,b),这本书值得一读。,The book _ .,= The book is worthy of being read.,2,、现在分词的被动式。,现在分词的被动式也有两种:,being +,过去分词(强调事情正在发生);,having + been +,过去分词(强调事情已经发生,不作定语)。例如:,a),她正接受提问,感到有点儿紧张。,_to answer the question, she felt a little nervous.,is worth reading,Being asked,b),这么好的机会给了你,你怎么能一点也不珍惜呢?,_ such a good chance, how could you not value it at all?,2,)作定语时,“,being +,过去分词”,表示正在进行的动作;,done,表示一般过去或已经完成的动作;,to be done,表示将要发生的董作。例如:,a),正在建造的房屋,完工后将用作我们的图书馆。,The house _ will be our library upon its completion.,Having been given,being built,b),所使用的教材都是时新的。,The textbooks _ are all up-to-date.,c),你打算参加下月召开的会议吗?,Are you going to attend the meeting _ next month?,used,to be held,Finish the following exercises:,1. He has always insisted on his _ Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner.,A. been called,B. called,C. having called,D. being called,2. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _.,A. catching,B. to be caught,C. being caught,D. to catch,3. While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they dont really need.,A. to persuade,B. persuading,C. being persuaded,D. be persuaded,4. _ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.,A. The president will attend,B. The president to attend,C. The president attended,D. The presidents attending,5. Do you mind _ alone at home?,A. Jane leaving,B. Jane having left,C. Janes being left,D. Jane to be left,6. - What made Bill so angry?,- _. His girl friend promised to come at 8:30, but she hasnt come yet.,A. Having kept waiting,B. Being kept waiting,C. To be kept waiting,D. Being kept waited,7. _ the whole story, Jane decided not to see the film.,A. Having been told,B. Having told,C. Been told,D. Telling,8. The building _ in our school is for us teachers. Though theres noise most of the day, we still feel happy about it.,A. built,B. having been built,C. to be built,D. being built,9. While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they dont really need.,A. to persuaded,B. persuading,C. being persuaded,D. be persuaded,10. _ many times, the boy still didnt know how to do the exercises.,A. Having taught,B. Having been taught,C. taught,D. Teaching,答案,D,。现在分词,putting,作宾语补足语,表示主动。,catch sb.doing,表示,“,当场抓住(撞见)某人在做某事,”,。,1. He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting,高考链接,解析:答案为,C. for,是介词,后接动名词作宾语。动名词的否定形式在前面加,not,。物主代词,his,与动名词的否定形式构成动名词的复合结构。,2. Victor apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plan.A. his being not able B. him not to be ableC. his not being able D. him to be not able,3. The discovery of new evidence led to _ .,the thief having caught B. catch the thief,C. the thief being caught,D. the thief to be caught,解析:答案,C,。,Lead to,导致,引起,,to,是介词,后接动名词作宾语。从题意看,是 “小偷被抓住”,故用动名词的被动式,being caught;,因作宾语,故动名词的逻辑主语可用名词普通格,the thief,改名词所有格,the thiefs.,由于发现了新的证据而抓住了小偷,.,4. _ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin.,Exposed B. Having exposed,C. Being exposed,D. After being exposed,解析:答案,C,。在这个句子中,,will do,是谓语,要用动名词作主语,expose,与,ones skin,是动宾关系,要用动名词的被动式,being exposed,作主语,。,5. _ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.,Having suffered B. Suffering,C. To suffer D. Suffered,解析:答案,A,。从一词可只,要用现在分词的完成式。由于已经受到如此严重的污染,现在清理河道可能太晚了,


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