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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,New College EnglishBook Three,Unit 5 The Power of Words,1,Proverbs,Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great.,信任别人,别人才能对你忠诚;待人尊重,别人才能尊重自持。,Advice when most needed is least heeded.,忠言逆耳,2,In-Class reading: The Power of a Note,The Introduction of the Text,:,Encouragement and praise are very important in our work, study and day life. An uplifting not makes both the receiver and the sender feel good. In this text the author shows the great value of making a not to encourage people and gives us some suggestions on how to make it based on his own or others experiences.,3,Language Points,1.,to keep up,:,(L4),continue doing sth,2. not more:,(L6),表强调,3.,to make a habit of(doing):,(L9),form, develop the habit of .,4. walk of life:,(L10),type of work,5. a body of,: (L12) a large amount/ number of,6. be on to something,(L16),(informal) realize the significance,7. to turn(a)round,: (L18),change for the better,4,8.,to shy away from:,(L20),avoid sth. unpleasant by moving aside,9. to attach importance /significance to,: (L24),to believe/consider sth. important,10. a matter of record,(L25),记录在案的东西,11.,to owe sth. to sb,.: (L28),to admit as the cause,12. to follow up,: (L29),take further action after .,13. A pat on the back:,(L31),(informal),praise,14. to lift up:,(L35),raise; stimulate,5,15. to credit sb. for doing sth./to credit sb. with,: (L36) believe sb. has quality for,16. to pass along,:,(L38),hand on,传递,转交,17.,to thrive on: live on(fig),靠过日子,18.,to be generous with sth,: (L65) give free;,19. to make ones day:,(L69) to make sb feel happy,使某人的日子过得快活,6,Additional Exercises to the Language Points,1.,to keep up,:,(L4),continue doing sth,Keep up the good work.,We have kept up our fr,iendship for over 20 years.,I hope the weather will keep up.,2.,not more:,(L6),表强调,Nothing is more important than the arts.,I couldnt agree with you more.,3. to make a habit of (doing):,(L9),form, develop the habit of .,形成/养成习惯,You can phone me at work as long as you dont make a habit of it.,She made a habit of going to the cinema every Sunday evening.,He made it a habit to take a short walk after his lunch.,7,to be in the habit of doing sth,有的习惯,She is in the habit of getting late in the morning.,Jeff was in the habit of taking a walk after dinner.,to get/fall into the habit of,养成/染上的习惯,That young man got into the habit of taking drug.,Since I stopped taking lessons, Ive got out of the habit of practicing my saxophone.,to break sb./oneself of a habit;to break the habit of doing sth,使某人/自己),改掉一种习惯,A new method was developed to help break the habit of smoking.,Habit is second nature,.,习惯成自然,to cultivate(form/acquire/develop) a good habit,养成良好的习惯,8,4.,walk of life:,(L10),type of work, trade, profession, or social position,行业,职业,社会阶层,Now we find women in every walk of life.,There are honest and dishonest people all walks of life.,As a doctor in a hospital he had come in contact with people from all walks of life.,保尔必须与不同行业不同年龄的人一块工作。,Paul has to work with people of all ages in all walks of life.,5. a body of,: (L12) a large amount/ number of,A large body of people attended the meeting.,I saw a body of men marching along.,He had a large body of facts to prove his statements.,9,6.,be on to something:,(L16),(informal) realize the significance, have an idea or information that leads to something important,认识到重要意义,When did you realize that you are on to something big?,7. to turn(a)round,: (L18),improve after failure, change for the better,使 向好的方向发展,Within three years the young man completely turned the firm around,8. to shy away from:,(L20),avoid sth. unpleasant by moving aside,(,由于害羞,审慎,疑虑等)避免做某事(接近某人),We frequently shy away from making decisions.,我们不断地回避作出决定。,Ive always shied away from close friendships.,The girl shied away from looking the strange man in the eye,10,9.,to attach importance /significance to,: (L24) to believe/ consider sth. Important,重视; 认为重要,People attach too much importance to economic forecasts.,You attach too much significance/ importance to your wifes words.,They attached importance to his speech.,It is unwise to attach too much importance to the information.,to be attached to :,to be fond of,使喜欢, 使依恋,He was strongly attached to his family.,他对他家庭有着强烈的感情。,She attached a stamp to the envelope and mailed it.,This institute is attached to the University of Toronto.,10.,a matter of record,(L25),记录在案的东西,正式记录,有案可稽之事件,A birth certificate or a marriage license is a matter of record.,What happened is a matter of record,11,11.,to owe sth. to sb,.: (L28) to admit as the cause, discoverer, point or origin of; to be indebted to; to be obliged to,归功于,She owes her wealth to hard work and good luck.,I owe my success to your assistance.,She owed her good health to her regular life.,I owe it to the doctor that I am still alive.,to owe sb sth :,to have to pay; to have to give; o feel grateful to(for),欠,He owes me 20 dollars for the work.(He owes $20 to me.),We owe loyalty to our country.,We owe our parents a lot.,No one owes you a living.,没人天生就该照顾你。,12,12.,to follow up,: (L29),take further action after . (by means of something else),在之后再采取进一步行动;,to act further on sth,He didnt rest on his achievements; he followed up his success.,他没有满足于现有的成就,成功之后继续努力。,to follow up with,: to take further action after sth,接着还,继之后还做进一步努力,He followed up his services with sudden drives.,他发球之后立即突然抽杀。,I followed up my letter with a visit.,She published a book of poems and followed it up with a novel.,to follow up with another question,追问,13,13.,A pat on the back:,(L31),(informal),praise, word or gesture of praise or encouragemen,t,赞扬;鼓励;表扬,鼓励,That is why some of the most valued pats on the back are those which come to us indirectly, in a letter or passed on by a friend.,He has worked better tan usual this week; I think he deserves some sort of pat on the back.,汤姆的勤奋工作理应受到表扬。,Tom deserves a pat on the back for all his bard work.,to pat ones head,= pat sb on the head affectionately,亲热地拍拍某人的头,14,14.,to lift up:,(L35),raise, pick up; stimulate, inspire,提起,举起;激励,鼓舞,John lifted the suitcase up and rushed out of the room.,His encouraging remarks lifted us up.,玛丽的那些感人的话语真正激励了我们的精神。,Mary really lifted up our spirits with those moving words.,15. to credit sb. for doing sth./to to credit sb. with,: (L36),believe sb is responsible for; believe sb. has quality for,相信具有,把归功于,I credit you with the intelligence to do the work properly.,Edison is credited with the invention of photograph.,You are credited with some achievement,认为你取得些成绩。,15,16.,to pass along,:,(L38),hand on,传递,转交,pass sth on; convey to another, give sth to another, hand on,Please pass the picture along to the student.,Read this and pass it along , please,.,请传阅,The news was passed on by word of mouth.,to pass along: proceed/proceed along,沿向前走,向前走,The procession passed along the street.,游行队伍沿着街道前进,to pass away:,pass on, pass over; die,to pass out:,faint, lose consciousness,to pass down:,hand down,to pass into,: go into; become gradually,to pass through:,go through; experience, suffer,to pass up:,refuse, decline to accept,拒绝接受,16,17.,to thrive,: (L43) prosper, grow stronger, be successful,长的好,兴旺,Few plants or animals thrive in the desert.,to thrive on: live on (fig),靠过日子,Say something nice to Peter. He thrives on compliments.,This is the style of life on which he seems to thrive.,18. to be generous with sth,: (L65) give free; show readiness to give money, help, kindness,慷慨大方,不吝惜,He was generous to everybody with money.,They are generous with their advice/help/money/time.,19. to make ones day:,(L69) to make sb feel happy,使某人的日子过得快活,Hearing her voice on the,phone made my day.,Paul has to work with people of all ages in all walks of life.,17,


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