宝利通录播服务器RSS 2000培训手册

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Polycom Confidential,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Polycom Confidential,录播服务器,RSS 2000,技术培训,程志杰,Sep 7, 2007,基本概念,传统录制、回放设备,磁带录像机,硬盘录象机,AV,采编设备,问题,非数字化,模拟连接,不便远程控制,二次模数转换,不能实施同步控制,终端不能回放,不支持,HD,图像,RSS 2000,产品亮点,支持点到点及多点录制,实时录制与播放,H.323,终端回放或电脑回放,具有标准,(ASF),格式,支持,Windows Media, RealPlayer,播放,支持,H.239 and H.264,支持,1280x720P HD,G.722.1 Annex C (Siren 14),自动备份与删除,具有用户与设备双重授权与管理,与,MGC,、,VSX,、,HDX,终端集成联动,支持,DTMF,和,FECC,实施录制控制,支持,GK,便于拨号,支持堆叠和群集,便于扩大规模,可以提供应用程序接口,XML API,Hardware Specification,250 G Hardisk., Form Factor: 1U 19” rack mount, Height: 1.73” (44 mm), Width: 16.83” (430 mm), Depth: 15.35” (390 mm), Gross Weight: 22.4 lbs (10.2 kg), Power Supply: Thermal controlled 220W AC power supply w/PFC, AC Voltage: 100 - 240 VAC, 60-50 Hz, 5-3 Amps,硬件技术参数,基本结构,应用情景,情景一,H.323,单点录制,H323,H323,终端单点连接录制,同时两点,H323,情景二 录制点对点会议,终端上的多点会议录制,利用终端的,neizhoiMCU,实现多点录制,H323,H323,点对点录制,两个对话的终端都呼叫到,RSS 2000,上的一个会议中,情景三 多点录制,RSS 2000,作为一个与会者加入,MGC,上的多点会议,所有的录制控制通过,MGC Manager,进行,不需要登陆,RSS,界面进行录制控制,由,MGC,发出的,DTMF,编码进行,Start/Stop/Pause Recording,控制,H323,H320,SIP,H323,Recording Link,情景四 多点会议录制及实时播放,H323,H320,SIP,H323,Recording Link,录制的同时,电脑登陆实时观看会议(,Unicast,、,Multicast,两种方式),自动录制会议的名字,(,带时间标签,),情景五 存档文件点播回放,会后电脑回放 (,50,用户),MS,MediaPlayer,登录,RSS Web,选择会议,情景六,H323,终端点播回放,H323,H323,由终端选定,RSS,中的会议进行回放,10,个,H323,终端同时回放,基本能力,Scenario,Description,Capacity,Conference,Recording,How many conferences can be recorded simultaneously,2conference or 2 EPs dialing in the same time,1 H239 recorded link at a time,Point to Point,recording,How many point to point calls can be record (if both are dialing into the POLYCOM RSS 2000),1,H323,Playback,How many conferences can be playback in H323,10,Archive view,How many streaming can be reviewed (,unicast,) based on the Web Server capacity,50,Capacity:,Point to Point,Conference Recording,0,2,1,0,Type of Recording,Number of Recording,H323 Playback,Point to Point,1,3,3,Single Point,2,3,3,No Single Point or Point to Point Recording,0,10,Capacity Best Performance,600 Recording/Playback hours (for 250GB HD,),版本控制与选项,当前版本,V2.0,Lisence,控制升级,版本保护。,功能选项:组播功能,堆叠功能,安装调试,安装,阅读,出厂,IP,地址,:,IP Address:,Subnet Mask:,Gateway:,三个办法确认和修改,IP,地址,:,交叉线连接,LAN1,口,登陆缺省地址,修改地址,RS232 Console connection,连接,VGA,显示器确认地址,Web,登陆,All the systems will be shipped with a default IP address:,IP Address:,Subnet Mask:,Gateway:,Connect your laptop to LAN1,Your laptop should be in the segment as the system,(for example:,Login to the system (Point your browser to,Login: administrator (Administrator),Password: Polycom (,polycom,),RS232,串口登录,Users can use the RS232 console (9600, 8bits),Connect to the RS232 port and activate the console,Login:,polycom,When login to the console, you will see the current IP address of the system.,User may reset the password of the administrator to default to ,polycom,恢复出厂设置,Terminal Commands:,ClearArchives,to delete all the archives.,ResetConfig,to reset all the configurations,Clean all setting,Change to default IP Address:,IP Address:,Subnet Mask:,Gateway:,start rss2000,to start the RSS2000 service.,stop rss2000,to stop the RSS2000 service.,Remote Desktop,The usage is the same as Telnet command.,Type,rdp,only display the current RDP status: On/Off,Type,rdp,on to enable remote desktop.,Type,rdp,off to disable remote desktop.,基本界面,WEB,登录界面,支持中文和英文两种语言,登陆用户具有两个级别:管理员、普通用户,WEB,管理界面主屏幕(管理员),终端呼叫连接控制界面,拨入时有语音提示,:,“,Welcome To Polycom conference recorder service,”,终端菜单(,DTMF,编码控制),菜单的选择控制用,FECC,的上下左右按键或,DTMF,编码实现,系统配置,On the System Configuration-IP Setting,Reset the system,IP,地址的设置和更改,选择使用的语言,IVR:,PCM, mono channel, 16K sample rate, 16 bit,LOGO:,GIF size (1003x46),MENU BACKGROUND:,BMP, with size of CIF(352x288) or SIF(352x240),备份和删除策略,自动生成两个文件:,H.26X,源码、,ASF,标配,250 G,硬盘,(,600,小时),自动备份和删除,其它系统设置,安全升级, DNS, NTP, Firewall,授权管理,管理类别,Groups, Endpoints,与,Users,The following are define by the admin the,Account Management,section:,用户管理,用户列表,普通用户,回放存档以及观看实况会议,管理员,管理配置,RSS,普通用户密码锁定,管理员可以限定用户不能修,改自己的密码,便于多个用户使用同一个密码,Administrator Setting,Ordinary User,普通用户的主屏幕,普通用户的界面看不到管理配置,项,:,存档会议,实况会议,自己信息(比如口令),集成,LDAP,目录服务器,集成微软,Active Directory,首先采用,RSS,内的用户列表进行密码认证,如果,RSS,用户匹配不上,采用,LDAP,数据认证,可以,利用本,RSS,录制和回放的,H323,设备列表,需指定,IP address, H323 Alias or E.164,其一,终端管理,组管理,为便于管理建立的一组终端和用户的集合,录制管理,菜单选定开始录制,When connecting, an IVR Message is broadcasted:,“,Welcome To Polycom conference recorder service,”,立即录制,(,终端拨入,),终端拨入时不弹出菜单,立即启动录制,针对每个,MCU,终端设备逐一设定,便于在,MCU,或终端不能发出控制编码时,或简化 录制过程,播出录制,便于应用,用于终端不想拨入,RSS,的情形。,管理员直接通过,RSS,拨入终端(或,MCU,),立即开始录制,录制菜单,DTMF,编码控制,Function,Default DTMF code in the Polycom MGC (Can be modify in the DTMF codes)- when working with MGC recording link,Default DTMF code in the POLYCOM RSS 2000 or by dialing from an endpoint,Start/Resume Recording,*,73,*,2,Stop Recording,*,74,*,3,Pause Recording,*,75,*,1,Since there are some DTMF codes, for start/stop/resume when calling from the MCU (using the recording link) - a user can send DTMF code of,*2,to start/resume the recording, regardless on his status on the menu,录制菜单 ,选定是否录制,H239,双流,Used in case the endpoint support H239, but at this session the user will not send content (Default value defined in the RSS Setting) as the Windows media player will open two windows even if no content is send,After starting the recording, the menu will indicate a bar with audio detector, and an option to Pause/Stop/delete the recording will appear.,Hide the menu - - Left arrow key (or 4 in DTMF),录制菜单 回放密码设定,可以在录制菜单中设定密码,可以录制后在,WEB,管理界面为录制文件设定密码,回放改文件时设定密码,情景二 录制点对点会议,终端上的多点会议录制,利用终端的,neizhoiMCU,实现多点录制,H323,H323,点对点录制,两个对话的终端都呼叫到,RSS 2000,上的一个会议中,点对点录制,RSS,中的设置,缺省有两个虚拟会议室,(,有或无,H239),点对点录制,选定菜单中会议室选项,多点录制,H323,H320,SIP,H323,Recording Link,RSS 2000,作为一个与会者加入,MGC,上的多点会议,所有的录制控制通过,MGC Manager,进行,不需要登陆,RSS,界面进行录制控制,由,MGC,发出的,DTMF,编码进行,Start/Stop/Pause Recording,控制,多点录制,RSS,上的设置,RSS,中,多点会议的录制设置在“单点设置”,项中,多点录制, MGC Recording Link,The name of the Archive in the RSS 2000 will be the name of the recorded conference + Date-time stamp,Flag:H323_ENABLE_CONFERENCE_DIALIN_IDENTIFY = YES,MGC,会议定义,H323,连接状态与控制,This section provide an online status on the current connected H323 Devices to the system,Administrator view only,Control of the connection (Disconnect, start recording, Pause, Stop),Refresh every 30 seconds,会议存档,普通用户的主屏幕,普通用户的界面看不到管理配置,项,:,存档会议,实况会议,自己信息(比如口令),存档文件观看,点击播放按钮便可以用,Windows Media Player,或,Real Player,播放,针对每个录制的文件可以指定其属性,所有人均可观看,或者指定用户,或指定回放的终端,设定回放密码,FTP,下载支持,内置,FTP,服务,允许有权限的用户下载,存档文件排序,优化,应用,(Web and H323 Playback),媒体转换工具,Include two component (Windows application):,Media,Convertor, convert the native file to:,MP4 played by,iPod,and QuickTime,Native format ,Transcoding,(Different Rate, and remove content),Archive Import/Export,Download archive from one RSS to another (Upload),会议回放,H264/H239 Support,RSS 2000,支持,H264,和,H239,录制,V1,不支持,Trancoding,(不支持上述功能的终端无法回放),当启动,H239,功能后,回放时,无论是否开始播放双流,都打开,Content,窗口,H323,回放,H323,H323,Playback of the selected recorded conference from the RSS to the EP (in H323),Up to 10 H323 Viewers,录制文件快速定位, Play by Quick Code,Quick code is generated automatically by the system per archive,User can enter the quick code and move directly to the specific archive,User may dial directly to the archive,XXXXyyyyyy,assuming he have the access permission to the archive, and your endpoint support the video format in the archive), where XXXX is the E.164 number of the RSS, and,yyyyyyy,as the QAC (quick access code) for the archive.,Without GK Dial RSS 2000 IP,Address#QAC,Code per archive,Play by Quick Code (Enter In DTMF),Video,预览,New look and feel for the H323 Menu,Preview of the marked archive,Limitations:,Two H323 devices can receive Preview,HD Endpoint cannot receive preview,No,Transcoding,for Preview,RTSP,支持,The RSS 2000 is now supporting RTSP,This support will allow the user to skip backward and forward on an archive, during its view,Without the need to download the archive first,会议实况直播,H323,H320,SIP,H323,Recording Link,Stream a live conference/Endpoint (One to Many), users will be able to access the RSS web site and view the live streaming, using a standard Windows Media Player,Recorded conference name on the RSS will have the same name as the conference on the Polycom MGC (+Time stamp),RSS,直播节目,Upon completion of the live streaming, the specific streaming will disappear from the live streaming section and will appear in the archive section,Live Streaming is support with Windows Media Player only (No Real Player),H323,回放, DTMF,命令,During the playback, the menu will not appear,DTMF codes can be used to navigate in the archive,DTMF Codes,Description,*,1,Pause,*,2,Resume,*,3,Stop,*,6,Skip Forward (User define),*,4,Skip backward (User define),0-9,Fast forward to 0%-90% (in time percentage) of the recorded files,协同控制,与,HDX,终端遥控器的完美集成,HDX,遥控器可以控制录播服务器的起停录制,HDX,需要,V2.0,版本,MGC,的要求,Recording Link is supported in MGC V8.0,对于不支持,RL,的,MCU,或版本从,RSS,拨入多点会议,:,2.,对于,MGC V8,,支持,RL,,单点拨入立即录制,多点会议,MGC,上的设置,MGC,上需要定义,Recording Link,MGC,中的,DTMF,命令,The MGC will pass, via the Recording Link the following commands:,扩展应用,XML API,应用程序接口,XML API is available for the RSS 2000 including documentation,Can be used for external applications and content editing,FTP,服务器自动备份,Each recording automatically generate two files:,Native for H323 Playback,ASF File- for Windows Media Player / Real Player,On a 250 G,Hardisk, in average there is enough space for around 600 Recording hours,Automatic Process for Backup and delete,RSS,集群与堆叠分布式处理,1897 RSS3,1897 RSS4,1897 RSS2,1897 RSS Prefix,RSS2000 Configuration,PathNavigator,Configuration,与,POLYCOM VMC,(,Video Media Center,),集成,VMC will provide advanced features for content management and delivery such as:,Automatic retrieving of recording from RSS2000,Automatic creating of access point to a streaming event on the RSS2000,Simple setup and configuration,Large scale capacity for content distribution Live Streaming and Archives for up to,1000,web users at the same time,Unicast,and Multicast streaming,Portal Access for administrators and end-users,LDAP integration, DB authentication and Single Sign On,Content security via group-based access control,竞争对比,产品,/,功能,录制格式,H239,双流录制,宽带音频协议,G.722.1 C,视频格式,H264,录制,1280x720P,高清录制,H323,回放,控制方式,MCU,集成联动控制,访问控制,二次开发支持,P,RSS,2000,H.26x,原码流,,H323,回放;,ASF,码流,,MP,,,RP,回放,支持,支持,支持,支持,支持,WEB,,,FECC,DTMF,MGC,集成控制,用户、终端、录制文件多级授权控制,XML,API, ,不支持,.26x,原码录制,支持,不支持,不支持,不支持,不支持,WEB,,,FECC,DTMF,不支持,不支持,不支持,H.26x,原码流,,H323,回放;,ASF,码流,,MP,,,RP,回放,H323,终端不能回放双流,不支持,支持,不支持,支持,WEB,,,FECC,不支持,不支持,不支持,锐取,不支持,.26x,原码录制,模拟接入,二次编码,不支持,不支持,不支持,不支持,不支持,WEB,不支持,不支持,不支持,The End,


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