American coins美元硬币

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/10/12,#,American,coins,第二组,1,美分,(1 cent),Positive image,:,Abraham Lincoln,Back image:,Lincoln memorial in,Abraham Lincoln,Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809.2.12. In 1864.4.14 fords theatre in Washington, was shot dead.He is an American statesman, thinker, black on the abolition of slavery, the 16th President.,The west side of the Lincoln memorial in Washington, d.c. the national mall,.,The Lincoln memorial and the congress and the Washington Monument in a straight line,Lincoln Memorial,5,美分(,5,cents,),Positive image:,Thomas Jeaffreson,Back image:,Monticello,Thomas Jeaffreson was born on April 13,1743.He died of 1826.7.4.He was the third President of the United States the drafters of the declaration of independence.He is the founder of the university of Virginia.,Thomas Jefferson,Monticello is Ken build base states Wayne county of a town, President Thomas Jefferson resort.,Monticello,10,美分(,10,cents,),Positive image:,Franklin D. Roosevelt,Back image,:,The tenth Summer Olympic Games,Franklin D.Roosevelt,During,the great depression in the 1930 s, Roosevelt New Deal to provide unemployment benefits and the economic recovery, and established many institutions to reform the economy and the banking system, from the depths of the economic crisis has saved the United States, some of his plan is still continue to play an important role in the countrys trade.In addition, set up some of the system remain in his presidency so far.Roosevelt restructuring has led to the party, he and his wife Eleanor Roosevelt still is a model of modern American liberalism,The tenth Summer Olympic Games in July 30, 1932 -8 14 in the United States held in Losangeles.,25,美分(,25cents,),Positive image:,George Washington,Back image,:,B,ald eagle,George Washington,George,Washington was the first President. He graduated from the college of William and Mary who led the United States won the war of independence , independence made the constitution of the United States. He through the support of all the electoral college no objection and became the first President of the United States, at the same time is the title of the worlds first President as head of state.He served as President until 1797.In 1799,he got a cold and led to a bad cold and a sore throat. Then it deteriorated into laryngitis and pneumonia.He died on December 14,1799.His body was buried at Mount Vernon.,Bald Eagle,On June 20,1782,US Congress passed a resolution,bald,eagle,selected for the national bird of the United States.,50,美分(,50,cents,),Positive image:,Join Fitzgerald Kennedy,Back image:,Independence hall,John Fitzgerald Kennedy,Kennedywasthe35thPresidentoftheUnitedStates,hehastopursueadvancedstudyinharvardandStanforduniversity.Heusedtobeanavylieutenant.Inaseataskhehasthecourageandstrengthwhichhebecamethecountry.Afterthesecondworldwar,heenteredpoliticsintheUnitedStates,waselectedrepresentativesandthesenate,andin1960waselectedPresident.Heimprovethehousingconditionsinthe city,thedevelopmentofeducationundertakings,reformthetaxsystem,modifytheagriculturalplanning,etc.Buthismisfortunewasassassinatedin1964.,Independence hall,Independence hall is seen as a symbol of the country will be.It formed the American democratic political system is an important place for discussion of draft and documents.1790 to 1800, the independence hall as the federal government is located, witnessed the history of American independence of all things.And signed here in 1776 the United States independent program documents - the declaration of independence, it heralds the American independence.,1,美元(,1 dollar,),Positive image,:,Indian woman Sacagawea,Back image:,Bald Eagle,Indian woman,Indian,woman Sacagawea carried the baby son Jean Baptiste. In order to praise the women who made contributions to the United States. Sacagawea was born in 1787 in the United States of America, the Indian tribe of Shaw, Idaho, is the daughter of a chief. In 1803, the United States bought a large area of land west of the Mississippi River from France, but at that time the United States has never been a person across this mysterious region. In 1804, a team of 45 people led by American Explorer William Clark and Meriwether Lewis and George Rogers Clark, starting from Missouri, Saint Louis, into the area of investigation for the government Pathfinder. Her husband was hired as a translator for the expedition. Sacagawea was carrying his son Baptiste with the West brigade. With her husbands help, the expedition and the local Indians to establish a friendship. With the expedition traveled Sacagawea wild, thousands of. In 1806, a pedestrian safely returned to Saint Louis. In 1812, she died of the plague, only 25 years old. In order to commemorate her, she will be back on the baby portrait issuance to $1 in 2000 on the coin.,Bald Eagle,Bald Eagle is a strong bird on the battlefield, the legendary exploits,thus fame. It is the national bird of the United States, is the king of birds, a symbol of heroes.,Thanks,


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