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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,基础知识梳理,基础知识梳理, 重点单词,根据汉语或英语提示翻译下列单词,1.,科目,_,2.,科学,_,3.,体育,_ 4.,因为,_,5.,一节课,_ 6.,空闲的,_,7.,最喜欢的,_ 8.,音乐,_,9.,妙极了;酷的,_ 10.,有用的,_,11.,星期日,_ 12.,星期二,_,subject,P,E,.,lesson,favorite,cool,Sunday,science,because,free,music,useful,Tuesday,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,基础知识梳理,13. Thursday_,14. Wednesday _,15. Friday_ 16. Monday _,17. geography_,18. finish _,19. hour _,20. Saturday _,21. from _,22. Chinese _,23. history _,24. math _,25,why _,星期四,星期五,地理,小时,从,开始,历史,为什么,星期三,星期一,完成;做好,星期六,汉语,数学,action movie,动作片,1 physical education =PE,体育,2 ,year(s,) old ,岁(年龄),3 be strict with,对某人严厉,/,严格,4 favorite subject/city/food/color/sport ,最喜爱的科目,/,城市,/,食物,/,颜色,/,运动,5 have+,学科 上,课,have math/English/Chinese,上数学课,/,英语,.,6 be busy,忙的,7 be difficult,困难的,8 on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday,在星期一,/,二,/,三,9 TV show,电视节目,10 be,busy(with,sth,/doing,sth,),忙碌于,11 for two hours,两个小时,12 be tired,疲倦的,13 have Chinese history club,参加中国历史俱乐部,14 ask sb.,询问某人,ask sb. to do,sth,.,要某人干某事,15 play with sb.,与某人玩耍,16 run around with sb.,在某人周围跑, 重点短语,Unit 9,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ),根据汉语或英语提示翻译下列短语,1.,上数学课,_,2.,在星期一,_,3.,两个小时,_,4.,第二天,_,5.,当然;确定,_,have math,on Monday,two hours,the next day,for sure,Unit 9,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ),6. have an art lesson _,7. favorite subject _,8. music teacher _,9,play games with sb.,_,10. great fun _,11,from,to,_,12,geography class _,上一节美术课,最喜爱的科目,音乐老师,与某人玩游戏,非常有趣,从,到,地理课,重点句型,-Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science. -Why do you like P.E? Because its fun. -Who is your science teacher? My science teacher is Mr. Wang. -When do you have math?,I have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. -Why does he like science? -After class I have volleyball for two hours. -I have Chinese history club. -I dont like any subject., 重点句型,Unit 9,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ),根据汉语意思完成英语句子,1,你最喜爱的科目是什么?,Whats your _ _,?,2,你为什么喜欢体育?,_ do you _ P,E.?,3,我的语文老师是王老师。,My _ _ is Mr. Wang.,4,你什么时候上数学课?,_ do you _ _,?,5,数学难但有趣。,Math is _ but _.,favorite,subject,Why,like,Chinese,teacher,When,have,math,difficult,interesting,1.,你每天和你妹妹玩电脑游戏吗?,Do you _ computer games_ your sister every day?,2.,王先生 问我一些问题。,Mr. Wang _ me _ questions.,3.,谁是你最喜爱的老师?,_ is your _ teacher?,4 .,今天你妈妈很忙吗?,_ your mother very _ today?,play,with,asks,some,Who favorite,Is,busy,1.,她最喜欢的科目是科学。,2.,谁是你的音乐老师?,3.,数学很难。,4.,语文没有趣味。,5.,地理是有用的。,6.,他在星期三的上午有历史课。,7.,为什么他喜欢英语?,8.,因为它有趣。,9.,在那之后,我有一节两小时的美术课。,10.,从星期二到星期天,她真地有空。,Her favorite subject is science.,Who is your music teacher,?,Math is very difficult.,Chinese is not fun.,Geography is useful.,He has history on Wednesday morning.,Why does he like English.,Because its interesting.,After that I have an art lesson for two hours.,She is really free from Tuesday to Sunday.,在那之后,在,11,点钟我有体育课,它容易有趣。午饭是从,12:00,到,1:00,。,你怎么样?你的课是什么时候?,你最喜欢的科目是什么?,我在星期五非常忙。在,8,点钟,我有数学课。,它没趣。老师说它有用,但我认为它难,.,然后,在,9,点钟我有科学课,它难但有趣。,在,10,点钟我有历史课。,并且在那之后,我们有语文课,它是我最喜欢的,科目。我们的语文老师王女士,有趣极了。,我们的课在,1:50,结束,但在那之后,,我有两个小时的美术课。它真是令人放松。,D_ Jenny,I am very _ on Friday._ 8:00.I have m_ .Its not f_. The teacher _ its u_ . _ I think it is d_. T_ at 9:00 I have s_. It is difficult but i_. At 10:00 I have h_. _ that I have P.E at 11:00. It is _ and fun.,_ is from 12:00 to 1:00,_ after that we have Chinese. It is my favorite _. Our Chinese teacher,Mrs,Wang is great,fun.My,classes f_ at 1:50 ,but after that I have an art l_ _ two hours. It is _ _.,How _ you? When are your _? Whats your favorite subject?,英语,新课标(,RJ),能力提升训练,Unit 9,能力提升训练,.,词汇专练,(A),根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,1. My favorite s_ is science.,2,W_ comes after Tuesday.,3,Who is your f_ teacher?,4. The second day of a week is M_.,5,Our s_ teacher usually plays with us.,ubject,ednesday,avorite,onday,cience,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,(B),用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,1,They have eight _ (class) every day.,2. _ (China) people are friendly.,3. We all like _ (play) computer games.,4,_ (she) favorite color is blue.,5,School usually starts at 8,:,30 am and _,(finish) at 4,:,30 pm.,classes,Chinese,playing,Her,finishes,1. Whats your f_ color?,2. Mr. Li is our s_ teacher.,3. I have sports for 2 h_ every day. 4. She likes art b_ its fun.,5. We have five _,(学科),at school. 6.Is she M_ White?,7. _(,汉语,) isnt so difficult.,8. English is very _ (,有用的,).,9. _ comes after Wednesday.,10. _ is the first day of a week.,favorite,subjects,science,hours,because,Mrs.,Chinese,useful,Thursday,Sunday,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,.,句型专练,1,My favorite subject is,science,.(,对画线部分提问,),_ your favorite subject?,2,We have science,on Tuesday and Thursday,. (,对画线部分,提问,),_ do _ _ science?,3,Anna likes P,E. best.(,改为同义句,),_ _ subject is P,E.,4,He likes art,because its fun,.(,对画线部分提问,),_ does he _ art?,5,My science teacher is,Mr. Green,.(,对画线部分提问,),_ _ your science teacher?,What,s,When,you,have,Anna,s,favorite,Why,like,Who,is,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,.,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,1.,他最喜爱的运动是打篮球。,His,_ _ is playing basketball.,2,今天过得怎么样?,_ _ _ today?,3.,美术课非常有趣。,The art lesson is _ _ .,4.,下课后我们打两小时的足球。,After class we play soccer _ _ _.,5.,我们喜欢每天上音乐课。,We _ _ _ every day.,favorite,sport,How,s,the,day,great,fun,for,two,hours,like,having,music,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,.,单项选择,( )1. Ken and Lindas favorite subject _ P,E.,A,are,B,is,C,am,D. be,( )2. Our classes finish _ 5,:,10 in the afternoon.,A,in B,at C,to D,on,( )3. I like art _ its fun.,A,why B,what C,how D,because,( )4. I have P,E. _the afternoon of Tuesday.,A. in B. for C. on D. at,B,B,D,C,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,( )5. _ favorite subject is biology.,A,His B,Hes C,He D,Him,( )6. Ann _ English at 9,:,00 oclock.,A,has B,have C,takes D,bring,( )7. Our teacher always plays games _ us.,A. at B. for C. with D. in,( )8.,I like biology and history.,Why do you like_,?,A,they B. it C. their D. them,A,A,C,D,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,.,完形填空,Dear Maria,,,Its Wednesday, November 12th. I am really busy. At 6,:,00 I _ and I go to _ at 7,:,00. I have Chinese at_. Then I have math at 9,:,00. I dont like math. Next, at 10,:,00, I have English. _is my favorite subject. It is_. Miss Wang is our English_. I like her very much. At 11,:,00 I have science. It is difficult,,,but interesting. I eat _ at 12,:,00.After lunch, I have history at 1,:,00 and then I have music at 2,:,00. I _ like history because it is boring. But I,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,_ like music and I want to be a _. After class, I play volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is strict with us. We are tired but happy.,Please write and tell me something about your school.,Love,,,Sally,9,10,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,( )1. A. work,B. get up,C. study D. go to bed,( )2. A. home B. movies,C. school D. work,( )3. A. six B. eight,C. eleven D. twelve,( )4. A. Music B. Math,C. English D. Chinese,( )5. A. boring B. difficult,C. interesting D. hard,B,C,B,C,C,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,( )6. A. teacher B. student,C. classmate D. parent,( )7. A. breakfast B. dinner,C. lunch D. fruit,( )8. A. not B. doesnt,C. dont D. cant,( )9. A. kindly B. really,C. surely D. well,( )10. A. artist B. actor,C. teacher D. singer,A,C,C,B,D,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,.,给下列句子编号,使它们组成一段意义完整的对话,( )Why do you like music?,( )Whats your favorite subject?,( )How many music classes do you have in a week?,( )Do you like him?,( )My favorite subject is music.,( )Its exciting and relaxing.,( )I have two in a week.,( )Whos your music teacher?,( )Mr. Liu.,( )Yes, hes friendly, but hes very strict.,3,1,9,7,2,4,10,5,6,8,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,.,任务型阅读,Tom gets up at 6,:,30 every morning and he goes to school at 7,:,40.He has math at 8,:,30 and science at 9,:,30.Geography is his favorite subject. He likes it because its really interesting. Mr. Green is his math teacher. He has lunch at school.,His music and P,E. classes are often in the afternoon. They are relaxing. But he doesnt like history,,,because its boring. He has seven classes on Monday,,,Tuesday and Thursday. He has six classes on Wednesday and Friday.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,阅读短文,回答下面的问题。,1,When does Tom have science?,_,2,Whats his favorite subject? Why?,_,3,Who is his math teacher?,_,4,Why doesnt he like history?,_,5,How many classes does he have on Wednesday and,Friday?,_,He has science at,9,:,30.,Geography is his favorite subject,.,Because it,s really interesting,.,Mr,.,Green is his math teacher,.,Because it,s boring,.,He has six classes on Wednesday and Friday,.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,.,书面表达,以,“,My Favorite Subject,”,为题写一篇短文。短文必须包含以下内容:,1,Whats your favorite subject?,2,Why do you like it?,3,When do you have your favorite subject?,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,能力提升训练,One possible version,:,My,Favorite,Subject,My,favorite,subject,is,English,.,I,like,English,.,Because,it,s,fun,.,I,can,talk,with,others,in,English,.,I,like,listening,to,English,songs, too,.,I,join,the,English,club,.,Every,Wednesday,afternoon,I,go,there,and,practice,my,English,with,my,friends,.,We,watch,the,English,movies,and,read,English,stories,.,I,think,English,is,very,useful,.,I,like,it,.,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,易错点针对训练,易错点针对训练,( )1. Do you have history _ the afternoon of,Monday?,A,in B,at C,on D,for,( )2. Every day I play computer games _ one,hour.,A,on B,for C,at D,in,解析,具体到某一天的上午,下午和晚上要用介词,on,,故选,C,。,解析,因为,one hour,是一段时间,所以要用介词,for,,,故选,B,。,C,B,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,易错点针对训练,( )3.,Why _ she like math?,Because its so _.,A,does; boring B,are; funny,C,doesnt; boring D,arent; interesting,解析,因为此问句的构成要借助于助动词,又因主语为,she,,所以要借助于助动词,does,这样就排除了,B,和,D,选项,如果选,A,的话,问句与答语相互矛盾,故选,C,。,C,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 9,易错点针对训练,( )4. _ favorite subject is biology.,A,He B,Him,C,His friend D,His friends,解析,本句的句意为,“,某人最喜爱的科目是生物。,”,此处需要填形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,故选,D,。,D,1.,我每天真的很忙。,I _ _ _,every day.,2.,课后我玩一个小时的篮球。,I play basketball _one hour _ _.,3.,我妈妈周一到周六上班。,My mother works _,Monday_Saturday,.,4.,王小姐很忙但很快乐。,Miss Wang is very _ _ happy.,5.,我们自己周日见面吧!,Lets _ _ Sunday,!,1.My favorite subject is,Chinese,。,_ _ favorite subject ?,2. She likes art,because its relaxing,.,_ _she _ art ?,


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