Text 3 Food Fight

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Text 3 Food Fightby Jeffrey Kluger,1,About the Author,2,Jeffrey Kluger is a senior writer at,Time,magazine, covering science in general and the space program in particular. He is the coauthor, along with astronaut Jim Lovell, of Lost Moon, the book that served as the basis of the 1995 movie,Apollo 13,. He is the sole author of a second book-,The Apollo Adventure,-that accompanied the release of the movie, and he is currently writing a new book for Simon & Schuster about the unmanned space program and the exploration of the solar system.,His features and columns have appeared in dozens of publications, including,The New York Times Magazine, Gentlemens Quarterly, The Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan.,He is an adjunct instructor in the graduate journalism program at New York University.,3,Discussion:,1. Have you ever heard of “GM food”? What is “GM food”? Are you in favor of consuming GM food? Why?,2. Whats your comment on “its consumers who will have the final word”?,4,Analysis of the text:,Part I (1-2),Para. 1,What happened to McDonalds?,Why?,folks n.民族;人们,run the risk of冒的危险,dumped vt.倾倒;丢下,卸下,5,Para. 2,What makes people in France so angry at McDonalds?,Theres a lot about McDonalds that angers the farmers ,its sameness,its blandness,the culinary hegemony,it represents ,麦当劳店的许多方面都让农场主们愤怒,如:它的雷同,它的毫无特色,以及它所代表的餐饮霸权。,yet at the outset the demonstrations were remarkably genteel,with protesters occupying restaurants and offering customers an alternative meal of baguettes stuffed with cheese or foie gras.,然而,开始时,示威还很温和,抗议者餐馆,给顾客提供一种里面塞着奶酪或鹅肝的面包作为替代食物。,6,Protesters are finding ever more to dislike about the uniquely American food especially the very genes that make the McDonalds beef or bun or potato,what it is,.,抗议者发现越来越不喜欢这种典型的美国食物,特别是使麦当劳的牛肉,小面包和土豆成为,现在这个样子,的基因。,Blandness平淡无奇,culinary adj.厨房的,烹饪的,hegemony n.霸权;霸权主义,at the outset一开始;当初,genteel adj.文雅的;有礼貌的;有教养的,7,baguettes n.法国长面包,8,stuffed with使塞满,foie gras n.肥鹅(或鸭)肝(酱),nasty adj.肮脏的;下流的,令人讨厌的,bun n.圆形的小面包或点心,9,Part II (3-4),Para. 3,(GM) food has become common,Over the past decade, genetically modified (GM) food has become an increasingly common phenomenon as scientists have rewoven the genes of countless fruits and vegetables, turning everyday crops into ber-crops able to resist frost, withstand herbicides and even produce their own pesticides.,在刚刚过去的十年中,科学家们改变了无数蔬菜和水果的基因,把这些日常食用的作物变成了超级作物,能够防霜冻,抗除草剂,甚至本身就能杀虫,因此转基因食物已越来越成为普遍现象。, have cleared government reviews., 通过了政府复审,10,ber-crops: super-crops,Withstand: remain undamaged or unaffected by. e.g. The structure had been designed to withstand winds of more than 100 mph.,Herbicides除草剂,Pesticides杀虫剂,-fungicides n.杀真菌剂,cleared vt.扫除,除去;消除(嫌疑);,11,Para. 4,An increase of GM food all over the country,A quick development of GM food,boom times雨后春笋般增长,Sales of GM seeds rose in value from $75 million in 1995 to $1.5 billion last year, and the crops they,produce,are turning up not only on,produce,shelves but also in processed foods from cookies to potato chips to baby food.,基因作物种子售出的总值从1995年的七百五十万增加到去年的十亿五千万,并且他们生产的作物不仅出现在直接生产的产品中而且出现在加工食品中,从饼干到薯条到婴儿食品。),The word ,produce, appear twice in the sentence, the first is a verb, the second is a noun, meaning things that have been produced or grown, especially by farming. e.g. dairy produce.,turn up出现,12,About Monsanto,Monsanto chemical logo,13,Monsanto was first established in 1901 and developed into a giant business enterprise over the past 100 years.,孟山都公司(,MONSANTO,),Monsanto,(孟山都公司) 在美国密苏里州圣路易斯市有一家跨国农业生物技术公司,14,Novartis AG,诺华公司( NYSE: NVS )总部位于瑞士巴塞尔,业务遍及全球 140 多个国家和地区,拥有 96,700 位全职员工。,15,Part III (5),Para. 5,Responses to GM food,1 the European Union: blocked the importation,2 the U.S. Congress: address a labeling bill,3 some private groups: threatening lawsuits,4 public opinion: turning a more skeptical eye,16,But many people question whether its a good idea for fallible human beings to go mucking about with the genes of other species. Its one thing if a scientific experiment goes wrong in a lab, they say, but something else entirely if it winds up on your dinner plate.,但是,许多人提出疑问:让容易犯错的人类摆弄其他物种的基因是否是个好主意。他们说,如果实验室里的科学实验做错了,那是一回事。但如果它最终出现在你的饭桌上,那又是另外一回事。,Plenty of trade watchers in Washington see the European actions as one more tweak from an increasingly powerful E. U. no longer intimidated by U.S. economic might.,许多华盛顿贸易观察家都看出 ,欧盟这一举动是日益强大的欧盟不再害怕美国经济威胁的又一次回击,17,While that may be, the fact remains that the U.S. Congress may address a labeling bill of its own later this year, and some private groups are threatening lawsuits to force the issue.,事情也许会是这样,但事实还是美国国会今年晚些时候会制定他们自己的商标法案,而一些私人团体正在威胁要诉诸法律迫使制定这 条法案。, who,stumbled across,the GM-food issue this year, and is turning it into something of a cause.,他今年碰到了转基因食物这件事,正把它当成一件事业来做。,18,fallible adj.容易犯错的,Muck something about/around with: spoil something by interfering with it.e.g. Someone has been mucking about with my bicycle.,go mucking about摆弄.,wind up使结束;收尾,To date到目前为止;迄今,Label贴标签于;把称为,tweak n.拧;捏;扭;苦恼,intimidate vt.恐吓,威胁,lawsuits n.诉讼,stumble vi.跌跌撞撞地走,蹒跚;结巴,Stumble across/on/upon: find or encounter by chance.e.g. A police had stumbled across a gang of youths.,19,Part IV (6-8),The development of GM food,1 the present study,2 its popularity with farmers,3 its possible consequences,20,Para. 6,Monsanto, which produces the hugely popular herbicide Roundup, has,made just as big a hit,with its line of genetically modified crops that,are immune to,the Roundup poison.,孟山都公司生产了颇受大众欢迎的除草剂Roundup,他们的转基因作物的生产线也非常轰动 ,因为这种转基因作物对Roundup毒有免疫作用。,Other GM crops have been designed to include a few scraps of DNA from a common bacterium,rendering,the plants,toxic,to leaf-chewing insects but not to humans.,设计的其他转基因作物,含有来自普通细菌的DNA成分,使作物对吃树叶的昆虫有毒而对人类无害。,21,Outcry呐喊. 疾呼,Portend vt.预示;预兆,dream up想起,想象出(不寻常的事物),凭空设想,Make a hit: be popular or successful e.g. You made a big hit with her.,are immune to,adj.,免疫的;有免疫力的;不受影响的,tweeze,v.,以镊子除去,以钳子拔除,petunia,n.,矮牵牛(花),render致使;造成,toxic有毒的;毒性的;引起中毒的有毒的,22,Para. 7,Such,souped-up,plants are understandably popular with farmers, for whom even a slight increase in yield can mean a big increase in profits.,可以理解这种,经过加工而更加吸引人的,植物深受农民欢迎,因为对他们来说产量的细微增长就意味着利润的大幅增加。,Soup something up: increase the power of efficiency; make something more elaborate or impressive.,e.g. We had to soup up the show for the new venue.,23,Para. 8,But what happens when they dont work,?,Example 1,The development of a soybean, so much so that it churned out not just amino acids but also chemicals that can trigger allergies in nut-sensitive consumers.,不但大量产出氨基苯甲酸而且产出了引起坚果过敏者过敏的化学物质。,24,boost vt.促进,提高;增加,amino-acid氨基酸英mi:n sid,so much so that到这种程度以致,churn out快速生产;大量生产,trigger vt.引发,触发,scrap vt.废弃;取消;抛弃;报废,25,Example 2,pollen from some strains, pollen from some strains of corn with built-in pesticides can kill the larva of the Monarch butterfly, a pest by nobodys standards.,含有杀虫功能的玉米花粉能杀死黑脉金斑蝶的幼虫,而任何人都不会把蝴蝶当成害虫,。,pollen,n.,花粉,larva幼虫,幼体,26,Monarch butterfly黑脉金斑蝶;大红斑蝶,27,Part V (9-11),Response from the E. U. to GM food,Para. 9,Why have Europeans become increasingly jumpy about bad food?,What happened?,1 the outbreak of mad-cow disease,2 the appearance of dioxin-contaminated Belgian chickens,3 the later recall of contaminated cans of Coca-Cola,28,jumpy about对紧张,dioxin二口恶英(一种有毒化学制品,是某些除草剂和消毒剂生产过程中产生的副产品),the Benelux nations比利时、荷兰、卢森堡经济联盟,全称Benelux Economic Union,be fussy about挑剔的,29,Para. 10,The ban of the importation of non-approved GM corn,What led to it?,“Until we have new rules, we dont want new substances released,” says Jrgen Trittin, Germanys Environment Minister. “Its,a de facto moratorium.,”,德国环境部长于尔根特里汀说:“只有在制定新法规后,我们才会让新品种进来。这是事实上的暂停审批禁令。”,additives,n.,添加剂,outlaw宣布为非法;使成为非法,de facto,adv.,实际上,事实上,moratorium,n.,(行动,活动等的)暂停,暂禁,30,Para. 11,Trade battle between the E. U. and U.S,- hit back with a 100% tariff,Coming in the midst of such a catfight, the GM ban looks like vengeance as much as prudence.,在这样的激烈争吵中,对转基因食品的禁止让人感觉既是谨慎又是报复。,hormone,n.,荷尔蒙;激素,tariff(政府对进口商品征收的)关税,catfight,n.,激烈的争辩,vengeance,n.,报仇,复仇,prudence,n.,谨慎;节俭;精明,31,Part V (12-15),Food fight in U.S,Para. 12,Development of GM food in U.S,The transatlantic food fight will probably be high on the agenda of the World Trade Organization when it meets in November ,横跨大西洋的食品之战在11月召开的世贸组织大会上也许将成为一个重要议题讨论,,32,Two years ago, chief executive Robert Shapiro gambled big on biotech, spinning off the companys chemical division to focus on the new science.,两年前,公司首席执行长官罗伯特夏皮诺在生物科技上下了大赌注,他将公司的化工部独立出来专门研究这新科学。,While the move made Monsanto a Wall Street darling for a while, investors arent as sweet on it anymore. A year ago, Monsanto stock perched at a lofty 63; today its mired in the upper 30s.,该举措使蒙生特股一度在华尔街受宠,当然现在投资者对该股不再青睐。一年前,蒙生特股高居63点,而现在却陷在30大几。,on the agenda of列入会议议程的,Spin something off: (of a parent company) turn a subsidiary into a new and separate company.,Perch坐在边缘;坐在顶端,Mire,v.,深陷,33,Para. 13,Events that make things worse,1 private groups,2 Environmental organizations,3 internal FDA memos,Environmental organizations, along with Jewish and Muslim groups, have waded in, lobbying the FDA for labeling and in some cases filing suits to compel it.,环保组织和犹太以及穆斯林组织已经参与进来,游说食品和药物管理局制定商标法案,并且在一些情况下还提出诉讼来迫使他们这么做。,34,take the lead占主要地位, 领先, 带头;一马当先;牵头,wade in(常指不计后果地)介入,干涉,lobby,vt.,对进行游说;陈情(试图努力影响某人采取有利行动),compel强迫;逼迫,bolster,vt.,支持;支撑;鼓励,35,Para. 14,The possible labeling bill,labels will not be written to alarm consumers but instead to inform them, letting them know that while a product was manufactured with the aid of genetic techniques, it can also, say, lower cholesterol.,商标上写的内容不是去警告而是去告诉人们,基因技术生产出来的产品也同样可以起到降低胆固醇之类的作用。,cholesterol胆固醇,36,Para. 15,Who will win the fight?,For now, the most GM foes can hope to push through an agri-friendly Congress is a proposal for voluntary labeling that biotech companies would be free to honor or ignore.,到目前为止,转基因产品的反对者所能希望的,至多是让亲农业的国会通过一项议案,允许生物技术公司自己选择标注还是不注, they would ignore it at their peril.,他们如不标注,必须自己承担风险。,37,“but rather a response to preference expressed by our consumers.” Not for the last time, to be sure, its consumers who will have the final word.,“而是迎合我们的消费者的喜好。”最终还得由消费者说了算,这肯定不是最后一次。,push through使被接受;使被通过,demand-driven需求驱动,at their peril处于危险,sentiments,n.,(基于情感的)观点, 态度,情绪,38,


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