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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,一般过去时,构成,定义,动词的过去式,1.,表示,过去,某个时间发,生的,动作,或存在的,状态,。,2.,表示,过去,经常,或,反复,发生的动作。,1.,(the day before),yesterday,2.,last,night / week,3.,two days,ago,4.in 2000 / just now,一般过去时,信号词,wash the clothes row a boat,visit grandparents answer the phone,clean the room water the flower,watch TV play the football,climb a mountain return,learn chinese,jump,动词的过去式之规则变化,wash,ed,the clothes row,ed,a boat,visit,ed,grandparents answer,ed,the phone,clean,ed,the room water,ed,the flower,watch,ed,TV play,ed,the football,climb,ed,a mountain return,ed,learn,ed,chinese,jump,ed,go to a park,go swimming,go fishing,go hiking,go skiing,go ice-skating,go to a park,went,to a park,go swimming,went,swimming,go fishing,went,fishing,go hiking,went,hiking,go skiing,went,skiing,go ice-skating,went,ice-skating,fly kites,read a book,sing and dance,eat good food,take pictures,buy presents,see elephants,swim,do,am/is,are,study,fly kites,flew,kites,read a book,read,a book,sing and dance,sang,and,danced,eat good food,ate,good food,take pictures,took,pictures,buy presents,bought,presents,see elephants,saw,elephants,swim,swam,do,did,am/is,was,are,were,动词的过去式,规则变化,1.,一般加,ed,2.,以,e,结尾加,d,3.,末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先,双写,这个辅音字母,再加,ed .,work ,work,ed,change ,change,d,prefer ,prefer,red,stop ,stop,ped,4.,以辅音字母加,y,结尾的词,先改,y,为,i,再加,ed,study ,stud,ied,5.,不规则变化,.,do-,did,am/is-,was,什么是一般过去时?,动词的一般过去时态表示,过去发生的,动作、情况或存在的状态,。,定义,所有时态都是通过,动词,变化来表现的,I _ 12 years old,this year,.,我去年,11,岁,.,I _ 11 years old,last year,.,He _ in Beijing,now,.,他昨天在上海。,He _ in Shanghai,yesterday,.,他现在在北京。,Be,动词的过去时态变化,我今年,12,岁,.,am,was,is,was,They _ in China,today,.,他们今天在中国。,They _ in Japan,yesterday,.,他们昨天在日本,。,are,were,am/ is,was,are,were,一、用,be,动词的适当形式填空,1.I _ an English teacher now.,2.She _ happy yesterday.,3.They _ glad to see each other last month.,4.Helen and Nancy _ good friends.,5.The little dog _ two years old this year.,am,was,were,are,is,每天,早餐我吃鸡蛋和牛奶。,I _ eggs and milk for breakfast,every morning,.,昨天,早餐我吃面条。,I _ noodles for breakfast,yesterday morning,.,他每天都吃水果。,He _ fruit,every day,.,昨天他吃了,3,个苹果。,He _ 3 apples,yesterday,.,have/ has,had,have,has,had,had,I,get,up at 6:30,every morning,.,I _ up at 9:00,last Sunday,.,He,plays,football,every afternoon,.,He _ basketball,yesterday afternoon,.,He,does,his homework,every evening,.,He _ some reading,last night,.,动词原形、第三人称单数,动词过去式,got,played,did,They,dont watch,TV,in the evening,.,They _ TV,last night,.,She,doesnt play,basketball after school.,She _ basketball after school,yesterday,.,Do,you,go,to school on foot,every day,?,_ you _ to school on foot,yesterday,.,Does,he,go,to school by bus,every day,?,_ he _to school by bus,yesterday,?,dont/ doesnt,do/ does,didnt,did,didnt watch,didnt play,Did,Did,go,go,一、用行为动词的适当形式填空,1. He _ (live) in Wuxi two years ago.,2. The cat _ (eat) a bird last night.,3. We _ (have) a party last Halloween.,4. I _ (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.,5. They _ (play) chess in the classroom last PE lesson.,6. My mother _ (cook) a nice food last Spring Festival.,7. The girls _ (sing) and _ (dance) at the party yesterday.,8._ she go to work by bike? Yes, she did.,lived,ate,had,made,played,cooked,sang,danced,Did,在过去某一时间内发生的动作:,He,got,home at ten oclock,last night,.,用法,last,night,week,month,Monday,yesterday,morning,afternoon,evening,the day before yesterday,信号词,1.,与,last,连用,2.,与,yesterday,连用:,行为动词一般过去时的否定式,一般过去时的否定式是在动词原形前加助动词,did not (didnt).,主语,+didnt+,动词原形,I,_,them the news.,I _ (tell) them the news yesterday.,didnt,tell,told,行为动词一般过去时的疑问式,一般过去时的一般疑问式在句首加助动词,did,Did+,主语,+,动词原形,?,They _(finish) their work at four.,一般疑问句,:,_ they _ their work at four?,Yes, they _. No, they _.,finished,Did,finish,did,didnt,行为动词一般过去时的疑问式,一般过去时的特殊疑问式,疑问词,+did+,主语,+,动词原形,?,They,finished their work,at four,.,A,B,对划线部分提问,A:,B:,What,did,they,do,at four?,When,did,they,finish,their work?,T,注意,1.,外加助动词,did,后,动词须打回原形。,Did,he,went,to school yesterday?,Did,he,go,to school yesterday?,F,2.,简略回答用助动词,did/didnt,代替行为动词。,Did,he,find,the boy yesterday?,Yes, he,did,.,No, he,did not (didnt).,Exercises,1.I,_ pictures in the park last weekend.,A.take B.took,C.was D.draw,2. Did you _football yesterday.,A. play B. played,C. were D. are,B,A,3.He always _me last term.,A. helped B. helps,C. helping D. help,4.Where did you _last Monday?,A.went B.go,C.do D.did,A,B,一、句型转换,1. The children had a good time,in the park,.,否定句:,_,一般疑问句:,_,对划线部分提问:,_,2. There were about,nine hundred people,at the cinema.,否定句:,_,一般疑问句:,_,对划线部分提问:,_,一、句型转换,1. The children had a good time,in the park,.,否定句:,The children,did not,have a good time in the park.,一般疑问句:,Did,the children,have,a good time in the park?,对划线部分提问:,Where,did,the children,have,a good time?,2. There were about,nine hundred people,at the cinema.,否定句:,There were not about nine hundred people at the cinema.,一般疑问句:,Were,there about nine hundred people at the cinema?,对划线部分提问:,How many,people at the cinema?,3. Ann,did her homework,yesterday evening.,否定句:,_,一般疑问句:,_,对划线部分提问:,_,4.,Last week,I read an English book.,否定句:,_,一般疑问句:,_,肯定,/,否定回答:,_,对划线部分提问:,_,5.,My brother,was in the park just now.,否定句:,_,一般疑问句:,_,对划线部分提问:,_,_,_ you _ (remember) to,buy the oranges yesterday?,2.Who _ (play) computer games yesterday.,3.We _ (go) to the cinema last,night. The film _ (be) very good.,4.What time _ you _ (get) to school this morning?,5.Jim _ (do) a lot yesterday. He _ (go) shopping and _ (cook) supper.,Did,remember,played,went,was,did,get,用动词的适当时态填空,did,went,cooked,6. He usually _ (get) up at 6 in the morning. Look! He _ (get) up now. But yesterday he _ (get) up very late, so he _ (go) to school late. He _ (be) late for school.,gets,is getting,got,went,was,1.Lucy did her homework at home.,(,改否定句,),Lucy _ _ her homework at home.,2.He found some meat in the fridge.,(,变一般疑问句,),_ he _ _ meat in the fridge?,3.She stayed there,for a week,.,(,对划线部分提问,),_ _ _ she _ there?,4.There was some orange in the cup.,(,变一般疑问句,),_ there _ orange in the cup?,didnt do,Did,find any,How long did,stay,Was,any,作文,:,请根据下列信息,写一遍关于,My holiday,的作文,字数,50,个左右。时态为过去时。,April 1,st,go to Beijing by plane,2,nd,go to the Great Wall,take pictures,3,rd,eat good food,4,th,go to a park , row a boat,5,th,go to a zoo , see elephants,6,th,buy presents, get back by plane,7,th,relax and prepare to go back to school,


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