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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Text A,Banking Service,Unit Ten,1.,offer services,提供服务,提供帮助,help,2.,checking account,支票账户,储蓄账户,savings,.,3.,leave money in the bank,把钱留在银行,把钥匙留在家里,the keys at home,4.,loan money to businesses or individuals,把钱贷给公司或个人,把钱贷给想买房子的人,people who want to buy a house,5.,charge interest on loans,对贷款收取利息,对额外的课收取费用,fees,extra classes,6.,rent safe deposit boxes from the bank,从银行租用保险箱,从学校租用一个房间,a room,the school,7.,keep important papers,保存重要文件,保存珍贵的书籍,precious books,8.,birth certificate,出生证明,学位证书,degree,.,9.,withdraw cash,提取现金,提取200美元,200 dollars,Main Ideas,Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the passage.,Banks offer different services: customers can open either a _ account or a _ account or both according to their need. They can _or_ cash any time from the _ teller machine. Businesses and individuals can _ money from the bank but they must repay it plus the _ which is always_ than that on savings _. Besides, customers can _a safe deposit box from the bank to keep important or _ things.,checking,savings,deposit,withdraw,automatic,borrow,interest,higher,accounts,rent,valuable,Detailed Understanding of Text A,Answer the following questions.,1. What can people do if they open a checking account? _.,2. Why does the bank pay interest on the savings account? _.,3. How can businesses or individuals borrow money from the bank?,_,_.,4. How often do people pay the fees for renting safe deposit boxes from the bank? _.,5. Can people withdraw cash from the ATM any time if they have money in their account? _ .,They can buy things without paying cash,Because it can use the money in this account,They can borrow money from the bank if they can pay back the loan plus the interest,Once a year,Yes, they can,1. People deposit,put, their money in the bank.,A. but B. or C. as D. and,2.There is not always a,fee, but then customers pay 10 or 20 sents for each check,they write.,A. month, what B. month, that,C. monthly, that D. monthly, what,3. A bank can loan money,businesses and,individuals.,A. in, in B. of, of C. by, by D. to, to,4. Many banks have machines outside the bank so,the customers can get their money any time they want it, day or night.,A. that B. what C. which D. where,B,C,D,A,Unit Ten,Text B,Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes,1.,be sure of death,对死亡确信无疑,对成功确认无疑,success,2.,three different levels of government,三种不同层次的政府,四种不同层次的考试,four,of exams,3.,vary from person to person,因人而异,因国家而异,country,country,4.,depend on salary,由薪水的多少决定,取决于学生自己,students themselves,5.,be similar to the income tax of the federal government,和联邦政府的所得税相似,和我的想法相似,my opinion,6.,a packet of cigarettes,一包香烟,一包巧克力,chocolate,7.,complain about taxes,抱怨税收,抱怨作业太多,too much homework,8.,have different views on many issues,对许多问题有不同看法,对这个问题意见一致,have the same view,this issue,9.,agree on this subject,对这个问题看法一致,对合同看法一致,the contract,Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions according to the reading passage.,Americans always complain about their high taxes. There are three types of taxes: _, _ and _ taxes as there are three _ of government. People pay _ tax to the federal government according to the _ of their income. People pay _ taxes in different states. In some states, people _ income taxes similar _ that of the federal government, but in other states, people pay _ tax as they buy things they need. Taxes for cities come in two forms: _ tax and excise tax.,Main Ideas,federal,state,city,levels,income,amount,different,pay,to,sales,property,Detailed Understanding of Text B,Taxes in America,1. There are three types of taxes: _, _, _.,2. The federal taxes are due on _.,3. People pay taxes to the state government: Some states have _ similar to that of _, other states have a _.,4. Taxes for the city: property tax (for people who _) and excise tax, which _ cars in a city.,federal,state,city,April 15,income tax,the federal government,sales tax,own a house,is charged on,1. Americans often say tnat there are only two things a person can be sure,in life: death and taxes.,A. of B. as C. to D. at,2. The federal government has a graduated income tax, that is, the percentage of the tax increases,a persons income increases.,A. of B. as C. to D. at,3. Some states have an income tax similar,that federal government.,A. as B. of C.to D. at,4. This tax,in two forms: property tax and excise tax.,A. takes B. works C. comes D. jumps,A,B,C,C,5. People always complain,taxes.,A. at B. about C. on D. with,6. Although Americans have different views,many issues, they tend to agree on one subject: taxes are too high.,A. on B. with B. about D. in,B,A,1. The post,sometimes doesnt arrive on time,in this part of the city.,2. My parents,hardly ever allowed,us to,stay up late on weekdays,.,3. Vindent,behaves quite well,at home but he,often causes trouble at school,.,4. Taking advantage of a gap between th players, Beckham kicked the ball,skillfully into the net just before half time,.,5. These children,have probably never been given,the opportunities we all take for granted.,1. Text Sentence:,The most common banking service is the checking account.,Your Sentence:,important thing for the world,peace.,2.,Text Sentence:,They will leave the money in the bank and withdraw it when they need itnext month or next year.,Your Sentence:,They,dress up,they go to the Christmas party.,3.,Text Sentence:,Many banks have machines outside the bank so that the customers can get their money any time they want it, day or night.,Your Sentence:,The doctor examined the patient carefully,he could find out the cause of the disease.,4.,Text Sentence:,People who earn more than a few thousand dollars in a month must pay a certain percentage of their salaries to the federal government.,Your Sentence:,Students,want to get the degree,pass the national test.,5.,Text Sentence:,If there is a sales tax of eight percent in that state, then the cost of the cigarettes is two dollars seventy cents.,Your Sentence:,there is an exercise tax in this city,the cost of the new type of Benz is much higher.,1.,Classroom teaching is the most common,of school,.,2.,He went to bed at eight oclock this evening,he could attend the sports meet early the next morning.,3.,Be sure to,your promise.,4.,He was deeply,ed by the film his friend,ed.,5.,Many foreigners who have visited China,: China is changing very fast.,6.,There are two,s of English tests:,and written,.,7.,Many of Toms hobbies are,those of his fathers.,8.,Some people say that the,you could,is yourself.,Sample writing,Dear classmates, I want to tell you a story of my neighbor, Mr. Xie. He was a fishing enthusiast and went out fishing on every Sunday. However, he was a bad fisher, and never caught a fish. His wife often complained about this.,One Sunday, although it had been raining from the dawn of day and it was cold, Mr. Xie went out fishing as usual. That day, Mr. Xie came home late. When he got home, he said to his wife happily, “Honey, I finally caught something today!” “What have you caught? Fish?”, his wife asked amazingly. “No, I, I caught cold.”,Honey, I Finally Caught Something Today !,


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