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Unit 1 Freshmen,21,世纪大学英语(,S,版)综合教程,1,21st Century College English,Unit 1 Freshmen,21,世纪大学英语(,S,版)综合教程,1,21st Century College English,Translation & Writing,Speaking,Reading,Listening,Unit 1 Freshmen,Time to Relax,Video Exercises,21,世纪大学英语(,S,版)综合教程,1,21st Century College English,Unit 1 Freshmen,Speaking,Reading,Listening,Time to Relax,Video Exercises,Translation & Writing,21,世纪大学英语(,S,版)综合教程,1,21st Century College English,Unit 1 Freshmen,Speaking,Reading,Listening,Time to Relax,Video Exercises,Translation & Writing,21,世纪大学英语(,S,版)综合教程,1,21st Century College English,Unit 1 Freshmen,Speaking,Reading,Listening,Time to Relax,Video Exercises,Translation & Writing,21,世纪大学英语(,S,版)综合教程,1,21st Century College English,Unit 1 Freshmen,Speaking,Reading,Listening,Time to Relax,Video Exercises,Translation & Writing,21,世纪大学英语(,S,版)综合教程,1,21st Century College English,Speaking,Reading,Listening,Time to Relax,Video Exercises,Unit 1 Freshmen,Speaking,Reading,Listening,Time to Relax,Video Exercises,Translation & Writing,21,世纪大学英语(,S,版)综合教程,1,21st Century College English,Unit1-main1,I. Objectives,II. Suggested Teaching Plan,III. Background Information,IV. Class Presentation,Unit1-main2,Part IListening,Part II Reading,Part III Speaking,Part IV Translation & Writing,Part V Time to Relax,Video Exercises,From studying this unit, students are expected to,1. grasp the basic skills necessary to understand and converse with other people when meeting them for the first time;,2. gain ease with talking about college life and getting relevant information through such conversations with other people;,3. understand the main idea of Text A and Text B, as well as master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions found in the two texts follow-up exercises;,Objectives,I. Objectives,4. know how to use words that indicate sequence of events or that highlight essential points;,5. be able to read a college calendar and do the exercise that follows;,6. be able to fill in certain registration forms.,Objectives,I. Objectives,II. Suggested Teaching Plan for Unit 1,Time,Contents,Plan,1 period,Theme-,related,Listening,The teacher explains the word “unit” and the title “Freshmen” to the students.,Section 1 & 2,The teacher briefly explains,Useful Language,and then directs the students to,A. listen to the short talk once, or twice if necessary,and fill in the missing words;,B. understand, afterwards, that the content of the,short talk is related to the theme of the whole unit;,C. listen to the short talk again and answer the,questions about the short talk.,Section 3 & 4,The teacher briefly explains the words in,Useful Language,and directs the students to,A. listen to the short conversation and write out the,II. Suggested Teaching Plan for Unit 1,Time,Contents,Plan,1 period,Review of,Theme-,related,Listening,Sections,The teacher calls on various students to,A. tell the last sentence of the short talk;,B. identify the speakers of the short,conversation (Betty Li, John Wang and,Carol Liu , all freshmen);,Theme-,related,Listening,names of the three speakers;,B. listen to the short conversation again and,then answer the questions about the,conversation.,The teacher briefly explains the new words in,Useful Language,and directs the students to,listen to the conversation twice and then do the multiple choice questions.,3 periods,Objectives3,Sections 5,Time,Contents,Plan,C. recall what George Yang says to Betty Li,about the best thing he learned at college,(college is a new environment and the best,thing he learned there is how to learn).,Objectives3,Text A &,Text-related,Exercises,Starter,After finishing the listening tasks, the teacher turns to Text A of the unit. To begin, the teacher,A. directs the students to list the things that they themselves were excited about or worried about when they first came to college. This can be done in complete English sentences or just phrases. If the students have difficulty with this, the,Contents,Plan,teacher should provide them with the following key words in English: beautiful campus, good library, interesting teachers, fun classmates, the computer room, the environment, new way of life, etc. (for things students may be excited about); being away from home, the food, competition with other students, study difficulties, washing clothes, bathing or showering, demanding teachers, etc. (for things students may be worried about);,Objectives4,Time,B. gives the students 10 minutes to read and find,out what pleasures and/or worries the writer,has listed in Text A.,Time,Contents,Plan,Text A,The teacher,A. discusses the whole text with the students;,B. guides the students through the exercises,focusing on certain items or leaving some,exercises as the students homework,depending on their levels.,2 periods,Text B, Text C &,Text-related,Exercises,Text,B,The teacher,A. asks the students to go over the text and do the subsequent multiple choice questions;,B. while discussing the text with the students, calls the students attention to certain words that indicate sequence of events or that highlight essential points;,Objectives5,Time,Contents,Plan,Objectives5,1 period,Speaking,The teacher,fully understands what the exercises are,intended to do;,B. has the students relate the useful expressions to the theme of the text, asking them to justify their divisions;,C. lets the students work on the vocabulary and language use exercises either in or after class.,Text,C,This text should be read by the students themselves as their homework or as fast-reading in class.,Time,Contents,Plan,C. requests the students to read loud the dialogue before doing the role-play (independent of the script);,D. encourages students to use the language they,have learned from Text A in the exercise of,monologue.,Objectives6,Translation and Writing,Time to,Relax &,Workbook,The teacher,A. leaves the sentence translation exercise as the students homework;,B. helps the students learn how to fill in a registration form by having them do the first exercise in,Practical Writing, and then requiring them to complete the next two exercises after class;,1 period,Time,Contents,Plan,C. plays the song “Whatever Will Be, Will Be” in class and asks the students to fill in the blanks in the lyrics (this can be done as homework if there isnt much,classtime,left);,D. if possible, plays the,Workbook,video in class and has the students do the exercise based on the video.,Objectives7,Notes:,* This unit should be taught in 8 periods.,* The Teachers Book contains the entire Students Book. It also contains the listening scripts, the various notes and examples, as well as the answers.,Background Information,-main,High Schools in the U.S.,Universities and Colleges,Going to College,High Schools in the U.S.,High schools in the United States offer college preparatory programs and vocational programs. College preparatory programs give students the necessary background for admission to a college or university. Vocational programs prepare students for jobs immediately following high school.,All high schools offer required courses that is, classes for such subjects as English, science, and social studies. High school students also may choose from a wide variety of elective courses, such as music, foreign languages, or industrial arts. Extracurricular high school activities, which occur outside of classroom time, include sports, clubs, and plays.,Most United States high schools are free public schools supported chiefly by state and local taxes. Each local school,III. Background Information1,district has a governing body, usually a school board, that makes school policies and monitors the quality of education that students receive. A superintendent administers the district policies. Each high school is headed by an experienced educator, usually called the principal.,About 90 percent of students in the United States attend public high schools. The United States also has several types of secondary schools outside the public-school system. Most of these private schools charge tuition. They include parochial,(教区的),schools, which are operated by the Roman Catholic Church or other religious groups, and private college preparatory schools, also called prep schools. Prep schools prepare students for admission to colleges and universities. Each state has laws and rules that its high schools must follow. (From,2010 World Book Encyclopedia,),Objectives10,Universities and colleges are schools that continue a persons education beyond high school. A university or college education helps men and women enjoy richer, more meaningful lives. It prepares many people for professional careers as doctors, engineers, lawyers, or teachers. It also gives a person a better appreciation of such fields as art, literature, history, human relations, and science. In doing so, a university or college education enables individuals to participate with greater understanding in community affairs.,Modern universities developed from the European universities of the Middle Ages. These institutions took their name from the Latin word,universitas,. This word referred to a group of people organized for a common purpose. Properly,Objectives2,Universities and Colleges,speaking, a school that is called a university should deal with nearly all fields of learning. But universities today may differ in the variety of their educational programs, and in their specialized fields of study. Most universities provide a wide range of graduate programs and have a number of undergraduate schools. They may also have graduate professional schools or colleges. But few universities teach as many branches of learning as the word “university” implies.,The first European colleges were merely groups of students who banded together through common interests. In English universities, colleges were formed to provide living quarters and a dining room for various groups of students. Usually these students took similar studies, and so the word,Objectives12,“college” came to refer to a specific field of learning. (From,2010,World Book Encyclopedia,),Objectives12,Students who decide to attend college must choose the school that most nearly fits their needs, finances, and personal likes. They can discover many of the facts by talking to friends and teachers. They can learn about particular schools by writing to them for information.,There are a number of basic questions a student should ask about any school being considered.,1. Does the school offer the courses in which I am interested?,2. How well is the school equipped in general buildings, libraries, laboratories, and other property?,3. What teaching methods does the school use? What is the average size of each class?,4. What is the standing of the school? Is it accredited? What is the standing of the particular college or department,Objectives3,Going to Colleges,of the school in which I intend to do most of my work?,5. What are the schools tuition, fees, and living expenses? Are opportunities available for earning all, or part of, my expenses while I attend school?,6. Does the school offer the extracurricular (nonacademic) activities in which I am interested?,7. How is the school located with regard to transportation, living quarters, and general conveniences?,Colleges and universities state their entrance require-,ments,in their catalogs. They nearly always require a transcript (copy) of an applicants high school credits, as well as letters of recommendation. Entrance examinations are generally given several months before the school term begins. First-year students usually take the intelligence and aptitude tests during an orientation period, frequently called “Freshman,Objectives14,Week,” at colleges and universities in the United States.,College costs vary widely. Most college catalogs list the average living costs for one year, the tuition, and other fees. In the early 2000s, the average cost of tuition, fees, room, and board at public universities was about $16,360 for all students. The cost for residents averaged less than this amount, and that for nonresidents was higher. The cost at private universities averaged about $33,300 for all students.,Many college students earn all or part of their expenses. Many students have part-time jobs while they attend school, such as working in stores and restaurants. Most schools offer students jobs, such as waiting on tables in dormitories or working in the library. Schools often operate employment bureaus to help find part-time jobs for their students. Some students work during their summer vacations, and others,Objectives15,drop out of college for a time to work. Many husbands or wives of students work to help their spouses pay their expenses. Sometimes both spouses are students and work part-time. Students may receive all or part of their college expenses through various aid programs, too.,Objectives16,Part IListening,Listen to the following short talk and then fill in the blanks in the sentences afterwards with two or three words. Getting to know the useful language below first might be helpful.,Useful Language,including,/,In,klu,dIN,/,prep.,包括,business,/,bIznIs,/,n.,商业,course,/,k,s,/,n.,课程,career /,k,rI,/,n.,职业,生涯,lifetime,/,laIftaIm,/,n,.,一生,终身,succeed,/,s,k,si,d,/,vi.,成功,throughout,/,/,prep.,贯穿,content,/,k,ntent,/,n.,内容,Part IListening,1,From the way the speaker talks, he must be someone working .,2),The speaker is telling new students that college is different from .,3),New college students will know how to,after studying Unit One.,in a college,high school,study at college,_,_,_,Script,Script:,Hello, welcome to college!,In high school, you learned many skills, including reading, writing, math and computer. For the most part, you and your classmates studied the same things.,This will change now because college gives you many choices. You can learn skills such as how to write business letters or how to repair computers. You can also choose certain courses just because theyre fun, different, or interesting.,College can prepare you for your chosen career. It also prepares you for a lifetime of learning in school, at work or out in the world. In fact, the most important skill you can learn in college is how to learn. If you have this skill, you can succeed throughout life.,The content of this unit will tell you how to study at college and succeed as a freshman.,Hello, welcome to college!,In high school, you learned 1) , including reading, writing, math and computer. For the most part, you and your classmates studied 2) .,This will change now 3) college gives you many choices. 4) such as how to write business letters or 5) repair computers. You can also choose certain courses just because theyre fun, different, 6) .,the same things,because,Listen to the short talk again and fill in the blanks below with the missing words.,or interesting,You can learn skills,how to,Objectives22,_,_,_,_,_,many skills,_,2,College can prepare you for your chosen career. It also prepares you for a lifetime of 7) in school, at work or out in the world. 8) , the most important skill you can learn in college is how to learn. If you have this skill, you can 9) throughout life.,The content of this unit will tell you 10) at college and succeed as a freshman.,how to study,Objectives23,_,learning,In fact,succeed,_,_,_,In the upcoming conversation, Betty Li is a freshman. She has just met some other freshmen, John Wang and Carol Liu. Listen to their conversation,(,会话,),and afterwards identify the names of the three speakers.,Useful Language,department,/,dI,p,/,n.,系,hotel management,酒店管理,Objectives24,3,Betty:,Hello. Im Betty. Im from Shanghai.,John:,Im John from Nanjing. Its nice to meet you. This is,Carol. She comes from Shanghai, too.,Betty:,Really? Im glad to meet you!,Carol:,Im glad to meet you, too. John and I are in the,Department of Computer Science. Which,department are you in?,Betty:,Im in the Department of Hotel Management.,Speaker 1:,Speaker 2:,Speaker 3:,Betty,John,Carol,Objectives25,_,_,_,Script:,1),Where is Betty from?,2),Who comes from the same place as Betty?,3),Where is John from?,4),Which department is John in?,5),Which department is Betty in?,Listen to the conversation again and then answer the following questions.,Shes from Shanghai.,Carol.,Hes from Nanjing.,Hes in the Department of Computer Science.,Shes in the Department of Hotel Management.,_,_,_,_,_,4,Bettys cousin George Yang is a second-year student in the same college. As a freshman, Betty has a lot of questions to ask her cousin. Listen to the following conversation twice and then answer the multiple choice questions after it.,Useful Language,tip,/,tIp,/,n,.,指点,提示,advice,/,/,n,.,忠告,environment,/,In,vaI,r,nm,nt,/,n.,环境,dorm,/,d,/,n.,宿舍,Script:,5,Script:,George:,Hello, Betty.,Betty:,Hi, George. How glad I am to see you now!,George:,So am I. How are you?,Betty:,Im fine, but a bit worried about my study here. Do,you have any tips for my first few weeks in college?,George:,Well, the best advice I can give is maybe not to,worry about your classes. Just make friends with,other people.,Betty:,What is the most important thing you have learned,at this college?,George:,You need to know that college is a new,environment and you will change a lot. The most,important thing I have learned here is how to learn.,Betty:,How are your classes going?,Objectives28,George:,College is a lot of work. I usually spend at least,eight hours a day studying, either in class or after,class. Theres never a time in college when you,dont have to study.,Betty:,Whats the best and worst part of living in a dorm?,George:,The best part is you dont have your parents there,telling you this and that all the time. The worst is,the rooms are too small.,Objectives29,1) What is the first question that Betty asks in this,conversation?,A) How are you?,C) How are your classes going?,D) What do I see at this college?,2) What is Georges answer to Bettys first question?,A) Im fine. Thank you.,C) College is a new environment.,D) Well, I dont have any.,Objectives30,B) Do you have any tips for my first weeks in college?,B) Just make friends with other people.,3) What is the most important thing that George has learned from this college?,B) How to make friends.,C) How to change other people.,D) How to take care of himself.,4) How many hours a day does George spend every day studying in college?,A) 6 hours.,B) 7 hours.,C) No more than 8 hours.,Objectives31,A) How to learn.,D) 8 or more hours.,5) What does George think of living in the dorm?,There is nothing bad about it.,B) Its the best place he can find to live in.,D) Its the same as living at home.,Objectives32,C) The rooms are too small.,Part II Reading,-main3,Text ACollege Survival: Our Tips for Success,Part II Reading,Text BMy College Move,Exercises,Exercises,Text C,This Is Not Your High School English Class!,1,If you are a new college student, the following tips can help you,achieve,a strong start this year.,Remember that school is


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