新概念第一册 第69课课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Good evening !,Welcome back !,If you want to buy some bread, where are you?,at the bakers,If you want to cut your hair short, where are you?,at the hairdressers,Where is it?,at the grocers,at the greengrocers,If you want to buy some fruits and vegetables, where are you?,If you want to buy some pens, envelopes, glue and, where are you?,stationer,at the stationers,What were they last week?,When and where were they?,car race,They live in a town.,There was a big car race near their town.,He and his wife,His friend Julie and Jack,Are they standing on the right?,There were many cars in the race.,Which car was the winner in 1995?,New words,town /,taun,/ n,hometown,-Where is your hometown?,-My hometown is,Beihai,.,country province city town village,race /,reis,/ n,car race /boat race,in the race,在,1995,年,在我们镇附近有一场盛大的赛车比赛。,There was a car race near our town in 1995.,我们镇附近每年都有一场赛车比赛。,There is a car race near our town every year.,New words,crowd /,kraund,/ n,in the crown.,You can see us in the crowd.,crowded /,kraunded,/,adj,There were many people in the car race. It was very crowded.,hundred /,hVndrED,/ n,百,three hundred,(,不加,s,),five hundred,Hundreds of - thousands of -many - a lot of,那里有许许多多的人。,There were many people.,There were hundreds of people.,New words,exciting / IK,saitiN,/,adj,-,ing,:,使人,的,exciting There is an exciting car race.,interesting There is an interesting book.,relaxing There is an relaxing afternoon.,-,ed,:,表达,情绪,She is excited at the car race.,我对这本书感兴趣。,I am interested in this book.,New words,Just,/,jVst,/ adv,正好、恰好,What s the time?,It is just ten oclock.,The T-shirt is just my size.,just ones size,合身,finish /,fInIS,/ n,结果 结束,It is an interesting finish.,这个结局是激动人心的。,The finish is exciting.,结束,V finish +n/doing,sth,Do you finish your homework?,I finished my reading English ten minutes ago.,New words,winner,/,wInE,/ n,-Who is the winner?,-The winner is Billy,stewart,.,win /,wIn/v,winwon,Who win the car race.,Billy Stewart won the car race in 1995,way,/,weI/n,路途,on my way home,o my way to school.,New words,year,car race,town,hundred,hundred of,crowd,in the crowd,quickly,left,exciting,just,finish,winner,behind,way,say -said,Where is there a car race every year?,When was there a very big car race?,How many people there?,Were their friend Julie and Jack there?,How many cars in the race?,Did the man drive quickly on his way home?,why did his wife say “dont drive so quickly”?,There are,some books,on the bookcase,.,There is,a map,on the wall,There is,a lamp,on the table,.,There is a,Haibao,on the bed,.,There are some gifts,on the floor,.,There be ,一般现在时,there is/there are,There is a car race near our town every year.,一般过去时,there was/ there were,In 1995, there was a very big car race.,There were hundreds people there.,He has a pen,。,There be,表示某地有,,要表何人有,,have/has,跟着走,5.There are in the box.(,对划线部分提问,),答案:,a.How,many bottles of milk are there in the box?,b.Whats,in the box?,There was/There were,There was an Olympic game in Beijing in 2008.,There was an earthquake in Sichuan in 2008. Hundreds of people lost their homes.,Chinese-English,他今天早上在树下面看到了成百上千的小鸡。,There are hundreds of chickens under the tree this morning.,昨天冰箱里还有些啤酒,.,There was some bear in the refrigerator yesterday.,前天这里有很多牛排。,There was some steak here the day before yesterday.,他有一个漂亮的书包。书包里有很多本英文书。,He has a beautiful schoolbag. There are some English books in it.,上个礼拜,那里有许多信封。,There were some envelopes there last week.,There be,的就近原则。,be,动词的形式取决于它最近的名词。,hundreds of,hundred /thousand,1 hundred/2 hundred,1 thousand / 2 thousand,如果前面有具体数字,则不加,s,,,hundreds of = thousands of =many = dozens of = a lot of,We are standing on the left.,描述图片用一般现在时。,Five other cars were just behind him.,other,:别的,其余的,数词,+other+,名词,another+,数词,+,名词,You must stay in bed for another two days,You must stay in bed for two other days.,Five other cars were just behind him.,Another five cars were just behind him.,Australia,Austria,Denmark,Poland,India,Can you tell me some contries name?,countries,Australia,Austria,Canada,Denmark,Finland,Poland,Thailand,India,Turkey,Japan,Korea,France,Germany,Nigeria,介词总结,介词,时间,方位,场所,in,in,用来表示在某一段时间,如:,在早晨、下午、傍晚,在季节,月份。年份前用,in,I always go to work in morning.,It is cold in winter and hot in summer.,在,里面,在某地(比较小的地方),We are going to spend three days in the country.,at,A,几点几分的具体时刻或时间点,如:,at,fiveo,clock at 7:14,p.m,B.,节假日,如:,at the weekend at Christmas,C.,固定词组,如:,at night at noon at the moment,在某地(比较小的地方),Were going to stay at my mothers,Where and When were they?,1 Children get gifts _ Christmas and _ their birthdays.A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on,2 A lot of students in our school were,born_March, 1981.A. in B. at C. on D. since,B A,Written exercise,Part A, page 140,Part B , page 140,(1) (2) (3) (5),Summary,There be,一般现在时,there is /there are,一般过去时,there was/ there were,Where t,here is a will, there is a way.,有志者,事竟成。,介词,on / in / at,Homework,1 copy sentences twice,2 read after the tape of L69, and recite L69,


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