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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/1/10,#,Unit6 Review,短语,1. grow up,长大,2.practice basketball,练习篮球,practice doing sth.,练习做某事,3.keep on doing sth.,坚持做,-,4.be sure about sth.,对,-,有把握,5.make sure (to do sth.),确信,/,确保(做,-,),6.move to +,地点 搬到某处,7.,take,acting/piano lessons,上表演,/,钢琴课,8.study education/how to teach children,学习教育,/,学习如何教孩子,9.go to a cooking school,上厨艺,/,烹饪学校,10.study medicine at a university,在大学学医,11.write articles,写文章,12.,send,articles,to,magazines and newspapers,向杂志社和报社投稿,12.learn to play the piano,学弹钢琴,learn to do sth,学做,-,13.make the soccer team,组建足球队,14.get good grades,取得好成绩,15.get lots of exercise,获得许多锻炼,16.eat healthier food,吃更健康的食物,17.learn another foreign language,学另一种外语,18.discuss sth. with sb.,与某人讨论某事,19.at the beginning of -,在,-,开始时,20.improve our lives,改善我们的生活,21.write down,(,write it/them down,)把它,/,它们,),记下,22.different kinds of-,不同种类的,-,23.eat less fast food/junk food,少吃熟食,/,垃圾食物,24.have to do with-,与,-,有关,25.take up sth,.,学着做,/,开始做,-,;拿起,-,26.have one thing in common,有一个共同点,27.make a promise,(,to sb,),对(,-,)许诺,28.keep ones promise,守诺,29.for this reason,由于这个原因,30.my own personal improvment,我自己的个人发展,self-improvement,自我发展,自我完善,1. His parents want him to be a musician, and they make _ for 2 hours every day.,A. him to play football B. him play the piano,C. him play football D. him to play the piano,( ) 2. This pen is not as expensive as that one, but its _.,A. less beautifulB. more beautiful C. worseD. cheaper,( ) 3. Can you finish _ all the windows in half an hour?, Im afraid not. Theyre _ dirty, you see.,A. to clean; much too B. cleaning; much too,C. to clean; too much D. cleaning; too much,( ) 4. Playing basketball after lunch _ health. You should have a little rest.,A. is good forB. is bad for C. are good forD. are bad for,5. There is _ in todays newspaper, isnt there?, Yes. Zhou Jelun is having a concert in our city.,A. something interesting B. something terrible,C. anything interesting D. anything terrible,( ) 6. The little girl often goes skating _weekends.,A. in B. on C. to D. for,( ) 7. How often do you go home? _.,A. One a week B. Once C. One D. Once a week,( ) 8. How about_ with us?,A. go shopping B. goes shopping,C. going shopping D. going shopping,( ) 9. I dont like eggs, but my mom wants me _ them.,A. eatB. eatingC. eatsD. to eat,10. Is his opinion _ or different from yours? Almost the same.,A. the same asB. the same to,C. as same asD. as same with,( ) 11. Some people will feel weak if they have _ unhealthy food.,A. a littleB. too many C. too muchD. a few,( ) 12. Im afraid I cant go with you to play soccer this afternoon. I have a stomachache., _.,A. Thats OK B. Dont be nervous,C. Im sorry to hear that D. Nothing serious,( ) 13. Its important _ a balanced diet. It helps keep fit.,A. not to eatB. not eating,C. to eatD. eating,14. It _Wang Lings pen. _ your pen is in your pencil case.,A. may be; Maybe B. maybe; Maybe,C. may be; May be D. maybe; May be,( ) 15. Study is more important than sports for students, I think., I dont agree. Sports are _ study.,A. so important as B. as important as,C. less important than D. not as important as,写作练习,下决心做某些事情是我们每个人都曾有过的经历。你有哪些决心?请从三个方面写一写你的决心,描述你打算如何去做以及为什么?,提示词语:,resolutions, make promises, do better at school, study hard, ask the teacher for help, improve physical health, play volleyball, take walks, improve relationship with ,提示问题:,1,、,What are resolutions?,2,、,What is your first/ second/ resolution?,3,、,What do you think of your resolutions?,Unit6,话题作文,A resolution is a kind of promise that we make to ourselves. Many people want to,make themselves better persons,through resolutions. To achieve that, I make my own resolutions and try to keep them.,The first resolution is about physical health. Im going to exercise more like playing basketball or taking an excursion. By doing them, I can not only get stronger but also have fun and get relaxed. The second resolution,has to do with,improving my relationships with my family and friends.,My parents are always there to listen to and help me,but sometimes I dont understand them, even shout at them. So it will be necessary for me to,spend more time with them,and share some housework when they are busy. Meanwhile, I will talk more with my friends and,give them a hand when they get into trouble.,The third resolution is about how to,get good grades,. Im going to listen more carefully in class and think about different ways to study. Besides, Ill discuss about some difficult problems with my teachers and classmates and,work them out,in different ways.,In my opinion, the best resolution is to keep your resolution. A resolution will be encouraging and helpful as long as we make it work. I believe if I,carry out my resolutions,mentioned above, I can,benefit a lot from them,. By,getting on better with my parents,and friends, I can be more popular and more social. By the way, I will become more confident when I get good grades.,Unit7 Review,live to be 200 years old,活到,200,岁,live on the earth,居住在地球上,live on a space station,生活在空间站,live with somebody,和某人生活在一起,use the subway less,更少使用地铁,very big and crowded,非常大而拥挤,prediction about the future,关于未来的预测,a book about future,一本关于未来的书,in the future,在未来,be more crowded and polluted,更拥挤,更污染,be in (great) danger,处于(巨大的)危险中,play a part in doing sth.,参与做某事,look for,寻找,hundreds of,许多;成百上千,the same,as,与,一样,over and over again,多次;反复地,get bored,感到厌烦的,wake up,醒来,fall down,倒塌,agree /disagree with sb.,同意,/,不同意某人的意见,agree to do sth,同意做某事,help to do,sth / help do,帮助做,keep a bird,养鸟,look less smart,看起来没有那么漂亮,take a holiday,度假,manymoremost muchmoremost,fewfewerfewest littlelessleast,修饰可数名词 修饰不可数名词,Remember,There is/are +sb./sth.+doing sth.,有,正在做某事,try to do sth./ try ones best to do sth,尽力做某事,try doing sth.,尝试做某事,in+,时间段,.,在,.,以后(用于将来时),/how soon,Its careless(,粗心,)_the same mistake again in your composition.,A,for you to make B,for you making,C,of you to make D,of you making,The TV program was very_and we all got_.,A,bored,;,bored B,boring,;,boring,C,bored,;,boring D,boring,;,bored,Some old houses _in my hometown last summer.,A,fall down B,fell down,C,write down D,wrote down,“There_a meeting next Monday.”means “They_ a meeting next Monday.”,A,will be,;,will be B,will have,;,will have,C,will be,;,will have D,will have,;,will be,It _ that everyone _ to laugh.,A,seems,;,loves B,seem,;,love,C,seems,;,love D,seem,;,loves,It usually,mom about half an hour to cook supper.,A pays B takes C spend D costs, How many birds can you see in the trees?, I can see,birds there.,A. hundreds of B. five hundreds,hundred of D. five hundreds of,There _ a robot in every home,A,will have B,will be,C,are D,are going to be,It will be no good for animals,in such small cages.,A live B to live C living D to lived,I will see you again _.,A. a day B. every day,C. one day D. everyday,Unit7,话题作文,以,“My Life in 20 years from now”,为题写一篇作文。,提示问题:,1. What will the future be like in 20 years?,2. What job will you do? Why?,3. Where will you live? Why?,4. What free time activities will you do? Why?,5. What will your neighborhood be like?,My life in 20 years from now,Ive been wondering what my life will be like in 20 years.,Although,it is full of uncertainty, I,am sure that,through my effort, I will,lead a comfortable and amazing life,.,By the year 2035, I will be a 34-year-old woman and be much more mature than what I am now.,When it comes to my future job,I think Ill be a doctor,for the reason that,it is sacred for me to,devote,what I learned,to,saving peoples life and help them find their health back,.,Thanks to,the,reliance,from my patients, Ill and I must,take overall responsibility for,them and try my best to,relieve their pain,. When I am not on duty in hospital, Ill give lessons in the University of Washingtons medical college,thats a way of reducing my pressure from work,.,On weekends, I will,prefer to,go back home in Seattle to enjoy the time with my pet dog in my little garden,rather than hang out with,my friends. On my vacation, I will take a trip to the place where I want to go,to experience another kind of life,. When I am not in, I will never worry about my little garden and my pet dog,for the people in my neighborhood are friendly and,are always there to reach for your hand, so they will be looked after well,.,However, I have to get back to the reality now because none of these dreams,will,come true,unless I make enough effort,.,Who knows what lies in store for me, but my determination and diligence will always guide me in the dark and lead me to my bright future.,Unit 8 Review,做一个香蕉奶昔,make an apple shake,你怎样做一个水果沙拉?,How do you make a fruit salad ?,把。放进。,。,put into.,把香蕉和沙拉放进果汁机里,put bananas into the blender,把。倒进。,pour .into .,把牛奶倒进果汁机里,pour the milk into the blender,切碎。,。,cut up,切碎苹果,cut up the apples,剥香蕉皮,peel the bananas,打开(电源),turn on,关闭(电源),turn off,调大(电源),turn off,调小(电源),turn down,多少(可数),How many,多小香蕉我们需要?,How many bananas do we need ?,多少(不可数),How much,多小酸奶,How much yogurt,多小酸奶你想要,How much yogurt do you need ?,一杯酸奶,a cup of yogurt,把。加到。上,add to ,加一些盐到蔬菜上,add some salt to the vegetables,最后,in the end = at last -= finally,忘记做某事,forget to do sth,忘记做过某事,forget doing sth,怎样种一颗树,How to plant a tree,拿出,take out,从。拿出。,take out .of,从书包里拿出一本书,take out a book from a bag,拿走,take away,一块面包,a piece of bread,吃传统的食物,eat traditional food,在特别的假日,on special holidays,在就月份的第四个星期四,on the fourth Thursday in September,记得做某事,remember to do sth,准备做某事,be ready to do sth / be ready for sth,把。装满,fill with .,把这个瓶装满水,fill the bottle with water,把。盖住,cover .with .,用一张报纸盖住在台上,cover the table with a newspaper,1,既可,修饰可数名词,也可修饰:,all, some, most, a lot of, lots of, plenty of ,2,修饰可数名词的词有:数词(,one.,),few, a few, many, a number of, numbers of.,3.,修饰不可数名词的词有:,little, a little, a bit of, much, a great deal of, a large amount of,4.,不可数名词通常用,“,数词,+,量词,+of+,不可数名词”,表示复数:,three pieces of paper,There,some bread on the plate. You can eat it for breakfast.,OK, I will.,are B. is C. was D. were,“,exercise every day, my son. Its good for your health. ”Dad often said to him.,A. TakesB. TakingC. TakeD. To take,butter do we need for a sandwich?,Two teaspoons should be enough.,A. How manyB. How much,C. How longD. How far,Thanksgiving is always,the fourth Thursday in November.,inB. onC. atD. for,Paul made a nice cage,the little sick bird till it could fly.,A. keepB. kept C. keepingD. to keep,Dont forget to,the light when you leave the room.,A. turn onB. turn off,C. turn upD. turn down,Tom, supper is ready.,I dont want to eat, Mum. Im not feeling well.,A. everythingB. nothing,C. somethingD. anything,do you make fruit salad?,First, cut up the apples, bananas and pears. And then. . .,A. WhenB. WhereC. WhyD. How,Unit 9 Review,1.,为。做准备,prepare for,an exam,.,2.,去看医生,go to the doctor,4.,去看牙医,go to the dentist,5.,患流感,have the flu,6.,必须,不得不,have to,7.,有空的,不忙的,be available = be free,8.,有空做某事,be availablefree to do sth.,9.,太多的作业,too much,homework,10.,太忙,much too,busy,11.,在周末,on the,weekend/on weekends,12.,其他时间,别的时间,another time,13.,谢谢邀请,Thanks for asking. = Thanks for inviting.,14.,骑自行车旅行,go bike riding,15.,去年秋天,last fall = last autumn,18.,在星期六下午,on,Saturday afternoon,19.,直到。才,not until,20.,闲逛,常去某处,hang out,21.,待会见,回头见,catch you (later) = see you,22.,邀请某人做某事,invite sb. to do sth.,邀请某人到某处,invite sb. to sp.,23.,一封邀请函,an invitation,24.,接受你的邀请,accept your invitation,26.,拒绝做某事,refuse to do sth.,27.,照料,照顾,look after = take care of = care for,28.,前天,the day before yesterday,29.,后天,the day after tomorrow,30.,邀请,做邀请函,make an invitation,31.,拒绝,关小,调低,turn down,33.,拒绝他,turn him down,34.,拒绝做某事,turn down to do sth. = refuse to do sth.,37.,做某事很难过,开心,be sadglad to do sth.,38.,看到某人做了某事,see sb. do sth.,39.,看到某人正在做某事,see sb. doing sth.,40.,有一个不错的想法,主意,have a greatgood idea,41.,有一个关于。不错的想法,主意,have a greatgood idea about,46.,去某地旅行,take a trip to sp.,47.,在。末尾,尽头,at the end of,48.,最后,终于,in the end = at last = finally,50.,帮助我解决困难,help me out,51.,在某方面帮助解决困难,help out with sth.,52.,告诉我,let me know = tell me,53.,回某处去,go back to sp.,55.,举办惊喜聚会,have a surprise party,56.,在这个周五前,by this Friday,57.,记起,想起,考虑,认为,think of,59.,期待,期盼做某事,look forward to doing sth.,60.,接到某人的信、电话等,hear from sb.,61.,为了,以便,so that,63.,对。感到惊讶,be surprised at sth.,All the students are _ the exam.,preparing B. preparing for,C. prepared D. preparation,Thanks for _ me to your party.,invite B. invitation C. inviting D. ask,I have,housework to do this weekend .,much too B. too much,C.many too D.too many,The news,all of us.,A.surprised B. surprising,C. was surprised D. was surprising,Unit 10 Review,stay at home,待在家里,take the bus,乘公共汽车,have a class party,进行班级聚会,half the class,一半的同学,make some food,做些食物,order food,订购食物,have a class meeting,开班会,at the party,在聚会上,in the end,最后,make careless mistakes,犯粗心的错误,in the future,在将来,go to the party,去参加聚会,be afraid to do sth.,害怕做某事,advise sb. to do sth.,劝告某人做某事,have a great/good,玩得开心,give sb. some advice,给某人提一些建议,get advice from sb,go to college,上大学,make,(,a lot of,),money,赚(许多)钱,travel around the world,环游世界,get an education,得到教育,keepto oneself,保守秘密,talk,to,sb.,与某人交谈,talk with sb about sth,be angry at/about sth.,因某事生气,be angry with sb.,生某人的气,run away,from,逃避;逃跑,the first step,to do,第一步要做的是,cut in half,分成两半,I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some _?,advice B. decisions C. information D. message,There is going to _a soccer match next Sunday. If it _, well have to cancel(,取消,) it.,be; will rain b. have; will rain,be; rains d. have; rains,If she _harder, she will catch up with us soon.,study b. studies c. will study d. studied,I dont know if he _ to the party. If he _, Ill tell you.,comes; comes b. will come; will come,c. comes; will come d. will come; comes,If you study harder,,,you will _ go to college.,A,are able to B,be able,C,can be able to D,be able to,Unless we _the problem,,,we wont be happy. A,solve B,will solve C,solved D,solving,Your son often smokes. Please advise him _it.,A,to smoke B,not to smoke,C,smoking D,not smoking,He often makes _ mistakes,,,because he doesnt read _.,A,careful,;,carefully B,careless,;,careful,C,careless,;,carefully D,careful,;,carelessly,_ a problem is like _ it in half.,A,Share,;,cut B,Sharing,;,cut,C,Share,;,cutting D,Sharing,;,cutting,When they move _ there,,,they live in _.,A,to,;,apartment B,to,;,an apartment,C,/,;,apartment D,/,;,an apartment,假如你是,Mary,, 你的好朋友,Betty,因为过于在意考试的结果而感到焦虑,请给她写一封信,分析她的问题,提出建议,并谈谈自己的想法。,词数:,50-120,提示:,care about, too much, exam, results, worry, however, If,提示问题:,1,、,Who is your friend?,2,、,Whats his/her problem?,3,、,What should he/she do?,Why,?,写作练习,Dear Lucy,I can completely understand the problem you are facing now. In fact, it is normal for almost every student to have such pressure from homework and exam. So thanks for your trust in me, I hope my advice can help you,get through,it.,As for the methods to,relieve your stress, I think,the best way is to,find someone you trust to talk to. The someone can be your best friends or your parents for,they are always there to listen to you and reach for your hand.,Especially your parents or your teachers,they must be more experienced and can think of some good ideas to help you dispel your stress,. If you have problems or if you feel shy to do this, you can help yourself out by doing some relaxing things, such as jogging, traveling, or listening to some light music. Maybe these things can light you up and help you change your depressed life into a joyful one.,In a word, no matter what you decide to do now,the most important thing is to face up to the pressure instead of running away from it,.,I really hope you can,get out of your trouble,and,make great progress in study,as soon as possible. I am always,on your side to support you.,Yours,Ms Zhang,


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