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One notable form of blended learning is the flipped classroom, a model that rearranges how students spend their time.,9,美国,新媒体联盟地平线报告,Short-Term Trends:,Collaborative Learning Approaches,:,Collaborative learning, which refers to students or educators working together in peer-to-peer or group activities, is based on the perspective that learning is a social construct. The approach involves activities generally focused around four principles:,placing the learner at the center,emphasizing interaction,working in groups, and,developing solutions to real challenges,.,10,Blended Learning,11,Blended Learning,Definition, the Sloan Consortium,defined,hybrid courses as those that “,integrate online with traditional face-to-face class activities in a planned, pedagogically valuable manner,.”,12,Blended Learning,Definition,Sloan Consortiums Definition: What is Online Learning?,13,Blended Learning,Definition,Hybrid education uses online technology to not just supplement, but,transform,and,improve,the learning process.,14,Blended Learning,Core issue,The,core issue and argument,is such that, when we have solid understandings of the properties of the Internet, as well as knowledge of how to effectively integrate Internet technology with the most desirable and valued characteristics of face-to-face learning experiences,a quantum shift,occurs in terms of the nature and quality of the educational experience,D. Randy Garrison & Heather Kanuka, 2004,15,Blended Learning,Process,In this method,teachers,and,professors,use online media to deliver notes, lectures and related course materials.,Students,review these materials at home and at their own pace.,Classroom,periods,are then transformed into hands-on work periods where the teacherwho will have already delivered his or her lecture digitallyis free to field questions, engage class-wide discussions or offer other means of support.,16,Blended Learning,How it works,It recognizes the strengths of,integrating verbal and text-based communication,and creates a unique,fusion of synchronous and asynchronous,direct and mediated modes of communication,in that the proportion of face-to-face and online learning activities may vary considerably.,D. Randy Garrison Norman D. Vaughan, 2008,17,Blended Learning,How it works,Blended learning redesign is a,catalyst,; it means to,fundamentally reconceptualize and restructure the teaching and learning transaction,. Its basic assumption is to,open the educational mind to a full range of possibilities,. Blended learning brings into consideration a range of options that require revisiting how students learn in deep and meaningful ways.,D. Randy Garrison Norman D. Vaughan, 2008,18,Blended Learning,How it works,At the heart of this argument is the quality and quantity of the interaction and the sense of engagement in a,community of inquiry and learning, achieved through the effective integration of Internet communication technology,D. Randy Garrison & Heather Kanuka, 2004,19,Blended Learning,How it works,A closer examination reveals the ability of,asynchronous Internet communication technology,to facilitate a simultaneous,independent and collaborative learning experience,. That is, learners can be independent of space and timeyet together,D. Randy Garrison & Heather Kanuka, 2004,20,Blended Learning,How it works,Internet communication technology,emphasis on written communication,reflection and precision of expression,empowered w,hen thoughtfully integrated with the rich dynamic of fast-paced, spontaneous verbal communication in a face-to-face learning environment,D. Randy Garrison & Heather Kanuka, 2004,21,Blended Learning,Effect:,A 2010 meta-analysis published by the U.S. Department of Education suggests it does. According to the report, students exposed to both face-to-face and online education were,more successful,than students entirely in one camp or the other.,22,Blended Learning,Effect:,The project outcomes demonstrate that offering students a chance to collaborate and work outside of the class environment, at their own pace, through employment of web communication speaking and writing tools,enhances learning,and generates,high levels of enthusiasm for communication in the target language,.,Anisoara Pop & Anca Maria Slev, 2012,23,Blended Learning,Effect:,Evidence is provided to suggest that blended courses produce a,stronger sense of community,among students than either traditional or fully online courses.,Alfred P. Rovai & Hope Jordan, 2004,24,Blended Learning,Key challenges,Challenge 1: how to incorporate flexibility?,Challenge 2: how to facilitate interaction?,Challenge 3: how to facilitate students learning processes?,Challenge 4. how to foster an affective learning climate?,Ruth Boelens, Bram De Wever & Michiel Voet,,,2017,25,Blended Learning,Potential problems:,Dependence on technology,CMS, laptop and mobile APPs, digital learning resources, etc.,Internet access,New modes of management,New modes of learning,Time-consuming,26,Blended Learning,Factors that impact the success of hybrid learning,Teachers,must be committed to and well trained in blended and hybrid,education,and its,technologies, and,students,must have a clear understanding of what is expected of them in this new environment.,27,微课与微课的制作,28,互联网应用的普及,信息的产生与传播的平民化,信息量猛增,信息搜索便捷,信息发布,分享平台普及,资源的碎片化,非线性学习,体验式学习,互动参与性教学的要求,可汗学院,优秀教育资源的普及需求,翻转课堂,/,混合式教学,微课的背景,29,微课的背景,微课的出现从根本上是由于:,学习者日益增长的对优质教育资源的需要同传统教育机构和教学模式之间的矛盾,30,不是平时课堂再现,不是将平时课堂上课搬到视频或比赛现场,不是浓缩课,即不是将,50,分钟的课压缩在,15,分钟里上完,不是说课,即不是告诉听众你会怎么上这堂课,不是短公开课,即不是向听众演示你平时怎么上课,不是,collection,of,samplers,即不是截取平时上课中的若干片段组成,15,分钟的短课,不是表演,即不是假装面对学生,假装学生在配合你讲课,微课不是什么?,31,微课是什么?,微:,长度够短,焦点集中,选题多样(知识、技能、文化、交际),课:,结合课程(有体系,但不一定绑定课文),结构完整(方便独立使用;,Pace & Variety,),衔接流畅(,Internal logic,),技术运用,教学语言,32,向学生传授特定的知识,帮助学生培养或训练特定的技能,提出一些听众没有想到的问题,可以给出或不给答案,通过说理改变听众的观念,或引导他们采取某些的行动,其他,微课的目的,33,学生自主学习(预习、复习),为课堂活动做知识、技能、内容、方法等准备,课内穿插利用,其他,微课的用途,34,(开场),点题,展开,总结,(收尾),(,括号中的内容为可选,),微课的结构,35,三步(中速,优雅地),四步(节奏较快,平稳),小拉(节奏较快,兴奋地),二步(节奏平缓),微课的节奏,36,主题,要点,示例,/,练习,问题,答案,发现问题,解决问题,比较,对照,否定,肯定,现象,分析(,结论),微课的内容组织,37,音频,视频,动画,图片,文字(字体、字号、颜色),例证,Appeal,to,ALL,senses!,微课的资源,38,逻辑,深度,情感,智慧,幽默,机智,微课的教学效果,39,从“微”课到“威”课,40,微课在混合式教学中的应用,41,课程教学,课程与教学论,张华,上海教育出版,,2000,年,11,月,42,微课在混合式教学中的应用,教学目标,明确课程教学目标,明确单元教学目标,明确环节教学目标,语言、内容;知识、技能目标,43,微课在混合式教学中的应用,教学内容,课本内的,课本外的,教师选择的,学生选择的,共性的,个性的,44,微课在混合式教学中的应用,教学方法,自主观看,内嵌问题,边放边讲,师生问答,学生研讨,学生汇报,(关键在于教学目标与教学组织),45,微课在混合式教学中的应用,教学组织,课前用微课,(,及其他,),课中开始时候用微课,(,及其他,),课堂中间用微课,(,及其他,),课堂结束时候用微课,(,及其他,),课后用微课,(,及其他,),明确微课与其他内容与环节的关系,46,微课在混合式教学中的应用,教学研究,教师专业发展:“,能激发教师创造性和反思能力从而改善其教学行为的学习机会,” (,Bredeson,,,2002,),学习,探索,创新,总结,反思,分享,学习,探索,创新,47,微课中也有广阔的空间,谢谢!,48,


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