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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,一、if或whether引导宾语从句时,作“是否”讲,常放在ask,see,say,know和find out等动词(组)后面。一般情况下,两者常可换用,在口语中多用if。例如:,没有人知道明天是否下雨。,露西问他们是否有,毛衣,Nobody knows whether (if) it will rain tomorrow.,Lucy asked whether (if) they had a sweater.,二、if或whether引导宾语从句时,要注意三个方面,即连词、语序和时态。,(1) if或whether不能和that 或其他连词(副词)同时使用,也不能省略。例如:,【译】 我不知道他今天是否会来。,【误】 I dont know that if (whether) he will come here today.,【正】 I dont,know,if (whether),he will come here today.,“Do you know the way to the hospital?” the old woman asked me. (合并为宾语从句),(2) if或whether引导宾语从句时,但从句应用陈述句语序。例如:,The old woman asked me if (whether) I knew the way to the hospital.,老妇人问我是否知道去医院的路。,我不知道他是否来过这儿。,(3) if或whether引导的宾语从句的时态应和主句保持一致。即主句为一般现在时或一般将来时,从句可根据需要选用任一种时态;主句为一般过去时,从句则用过去时中的任一种时态。例如:,I dont know if (whether) he has come here.,三、if和whether的区别,(1) 在动词不定式之前只能用whether 。例如:我不能决定是否留下。,I cant decide whether to stay.,2) whether后可直接接or not,而if不可以。例如:我想知道是否是好消息。,I want to know whether or not its good news.,(3) 在介词后,只能用whether。例如:他的父亲担心是否会失去工作。,His father is worried about whether he will lose his work.,(4) 宾语从句放在句首表示强调时,只能用whether。例如:,他们是否能准时完成这项工作还是个问题。,Whether they can finish the work on time is still a problem.,(5) 用if会引起歧义时,只用whether。例如:,这句话有两种意思:“你能告诉我是否知道答案吗?”或“如果你知道答案,请告诉我,好吗?”。如用whether可避免歧义。,whether可引导主语从句,if则不能。例如:,Whether you can stay with my mother is another matter. 你是否能与我母亲呆在一起是另一回事。,whether可引导表语从句,if则不能。例如:,The question is whether this material can be used in our factory. 问题是我们工厂能否使用这种材料。,whether和if都可以用作连词,表示“是否”。whether可以引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句;而if只能引导宾语从句。,1引导宾语从句既可以用whether,也可以用if,两者常可以互换。whether从正反两个方面提出疑问,选择意义较强,多用于正式文体中;而if多用于口语,比较强调单方面,如:,He asked me whether / if I could lend him my bike.,Could you tell us whether / if it snows in winter in Australia?,I want to know whether / if you can come or not.,She asked them whether / if they had gone there by car or by train., whether 和if都可以和or not连用,但是whether之后可以直接跟or not,而if则不能,如:,I dont care whether or not your car breaks down.,I dont know whether or not hes coming.,但是不可以说:,I dont care if or not your car breaks down., whether引导的从句一般不可以为否定结构(选择问句的后一部分除外);而if则可以跟否定结构,如:,I dont care if she doesnt come.,I dont care if it doesnt rain.,但是,在某些动词或形容词之后,则可以用whether引导一个否定结构的句子,这种结构往往表示肯定的含义,如:,I wonder whether he doesnt think too much of himself.,其意思相当于:I think he does think too much of himself., 在个别动词之后,如discuss 等,只跟用whether引导的宾语从句,如:They discussed whether they should close the shop.We discussed whether Mary could join us. whether 可以引导从句作介词的宾语,而if则不能,如: Im not interested in whether theyll go or not.It depends on whether we have got enough money. whether可以直接跟动词不定式连用,而if则不能,如:I didnt know whether to laugh or to cry.She hasnt decided whether to go or not.He was wondering whether to go home or stay at school.,2引导主语从句(包括从句在句首的位置)应当用whether,不用if,如:Whether he can stay with us is another matter.Whether he will come, I am not sure.Whether or not he did it, I cannot tell,在复杂句中 充当主语成分的句子,3引导表语从句用whether,不用if,如:The question is whether you should accept it.The question is whether he will speak at the meeting. 4引导同位语从句用whether,不用if,如:The question whether hell attend the meeting is essential.I am in doubt whether I should agree to the plan.,二、whether 还可以引导让步状语从句,意为“不管;无论”;而if则不能引导这种从句,如:I shall tell her about it whether you agree or not.,三、if还可以引导条件状语从句,意为“如果;假如”,而whether则不能引导这种从句,如:We shall do this experiment if we have time.四、如果在从句中使用if表示“是否”容易与表示条件的状语从句混淆时,应注意避免使用if,例如:Please let us know if they are coming. 这句话可以理解为“如果他们要来,请通知我们一下。”也可以理解为“请告诉我们,他们,是否要来,。”若表示后一层意思,应当使用,以免引起误会。,


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