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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语课件,1,Further Reading,2,Country music,&,The Beatles,3,Toby Keith,John Denver,Country Music,4,乡村音乐是土生土长的美国音乐,体现了浓郁的美国南方民间音乐的风格。传统的乡村音乐从,19,世纪的弦乐曲和传统叙事歌中发展而来,他的一个显著特点就是,不受性别和年龄限制,也不受时间地点的限制,一把吉他,外加班卓琴和口琴乐器的伴奏,歌手便可以尽情抒发他们心中的快乐和忧愁,5,The Beatles,6,7,The Beatles,披头士乐队,又译甲壳虫乐队,毫无疑问是流行音乐界历史上最伟大,最有影响力,最为成功的乐队。披头士乐队对于流行音乐的革命性的发展与影响力无人可出其右,对于世界范围内摇滚的发展做出了非常巨大的贡献,影响了自,60,年代以后的数代摇滚乐队的音乐和思想,直接影响了摇滚乐的变革和发展,在英国,披,8,头士乐队更是影响了,60,年代至今几乎每一支乐队的形成和发展。而乐队中四名伟大的音乐家,特别是约翰,列侬,(John Lennon),和保罗,麦卡特尼,(Paul McCartney),,对于世界各个角落的后辈摇滚歌手及音乐创作者们的影响持续至今。披头士乐队在上个世纪六十年代引领了轰轰烈烈的,被美国称为“英国入侵,(British Invasion)”,的音乐文,9,化入侵浪潮,从根本上冲击了美国音乐的基础,彻底埋葬了“猫王”埃尔维斯,普雷斯利,(Elvis Presley),的王朝,统治了美国唱片市场,并影响了此后美国本土流行音乐的发展道路,.,10,Read the following statements and make your predictions. Write,B,for The Beatles and,CM,for Country Music.,Prediction,11,_ 1) They are No. 3 among the 100 top world celebrities according to,Forbes, lists.,_ 2) It is a major kind of American popular music.,_ 3) They voiced young mens emotions and the philosophy of the time.,_ 4) They were influenced by Afro-American rhythm-and-blues as well as Indian music and religion.,B,CM,B,B,12,_ 5) It has a simple style and it is relaxing to listen to.,_ 6) They never copied anyone, and they created their own rich and original music.,_ 7) It commonly reflects the lives of ordinary, working-class people and covers such subjects as love and relationships, loneliness, religion, and work.,CM,B,CM,13,Reading,Read the two passages again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.,1. Which of the following subjects will country music NOT cover?,Love and good luck.,Loneliness and poverty.,Work and religion.,Relationships.,14,2. Which of the following is true according to the first passage?,Country music became popular as early as 1920s,Country music has a simple style and simple lyrics,The lyrics of country music contain no more than 150 words.,Country music is also an important form to show American culture.,15,3. Which of the following cannot be found in the Beatles music and songs?,The feelings of young people,The signs of being influenced by the religion of India.,Protesting against the injustice and inequality of society,The blues.,16,4. Which of the following is NOT the secret of the Beatles?,They believed in their own talent.,They expressed the philosophy of youth in an optimistic way.,They voiced the anger of young men of the time in songs.,They created rich melodies.,17,1. This basic aspect comes from the fact that it,is based,mainly,on,lyrical content,rather than,musical content.,它基本上是注重歌词的内容而不是音乐的内容。,Explanation,18,(1) be based on,意为“以,为基础,建立在,基础上”,e.g. This song,is based on,an old folk tune.,The book,is based on,a true story.,(2) rather than,意为“与其,不如,;,不是,而是,”,1),此短语可作介词,等于,instead of, in place of,。,19,e.g.,Rather than,permitting us to wait, he forced us to do it at once.,2),在并列句结构中,用作连词,等于,and not,。,e.g. They asked young people to think and reason,rather than,just sit and listen.,Why do one thing,rather than,another?,20,2. The lyrics commonly reflect the lives of ordinary, working-class Americans and,cover,such subjects as love,乡村音乐的歌词通常所反映的是美国普通的劳动人民的生活,涉及的主题有爱情,cover,在此句中意为“谈到、包含、涉及”,e.g. The discussion,covered,a wide range of,subjects.,His studies,covered,a wild field.,21,归纳,v.,cover,的用法,A.,覆盖,遮盖,Dust,covered,all the furniture.,The mountain is,covered,with snow all the year round.,B.,走过,(,一段路程,),,看完,(,多少页,),They,covered,twelve miles yesterday.,How many pages have you,covered,?,22,C.,有,(,多少面积,),有,(,多长时间,),The city,covered,ten square miles.,Recorded history,covered,a period of five thousand years.,D.,报道,(,与,有关的消息,),The best reporters were sent to,cover,the war.,The paper,covers,sports thoroughly.,23,3. Country music,tends to mirror,the concerns, achievements and lifestyles of the,times, and remains an important form of American cultural expression.,乡村音乐常反映出时代的焦点、成就和生活方式,所以一直是美国文化的一种重要表现形式。,24,(1) tend to do,易于, ,容易,倾向于,He,tends to get,angry when people are against his plan.,Sally,tends to talk,freely in class.,25,(2) times,在此句中意为“时代”,也可用单数形式。,The,times,are different.,(,时代不同了),She didnt understand the,spirit of the times,.,(,时代的精神,),In Shakespeares,time,there were no actress on the English stage.,(,在莎士比亚时代,),Youll be behind the,times,without reading even the daily paper.,(,落后于时代,),26,4. The early songs of Beatles were simple love songs and their later songs were under the,influence,of the music and religion of India.,甲壳虫乐队早期的歌曲是一些简单的爱情歌曲,但后来受到了印度音乐和宗教的影响。,27,(1) have an influence on,对,有影响,The book,has a great influence on,his life.,Religion,has a great influence on,mans behaviour.,(2) under the influence of,在,的影响下,Under the influence of,his father, his decided to take up the study of medicines.,28,扩展,have an effect on,对,有影响,/,有效果,It,had such a bad/good effect on,him.,This,had a great effect upon,the future of both mother and son.,The medicine,had no effect on,the patient.,29,5. The Beatles,believed in,their talents and never copied anyone, thus they created melodies rich an original enough for other famous hands to play and sing.,甲壳虫乐队相信自己的才能,从不抄袭他人之作,因此,他们创作了很多风格各异的原创歌曲,足以让别的著名乐队来演奏和演唱。,30,1) believe in,相信,信赖,信仰,后跟,n. / pron. /,doing sth. ,表示对某人的信任,对真理宗教的信仰。,e.g. She didnt,believe in,him.,她不信任他。,Do you,believe in,God?,Mr. Smith,believes in,fresh air,and exercises for his health.,31,2) believe,相信,认为,(,多为相信某人所说的话,),e.g. I,believe,the boy.,I just couldnt,believe,my eyes.,32,(3) believe,表示相信事物的真实性,后,接,n. / pron. /,that-clause,或复合宾语。,e.g. People used to,believe that,the,earth was flat.,I,believe him,to have passed the,exam.,They,are believed to have,discussed the problem.,33,比较,I,believe,him. = I believe what he says.,我相信他,(,的话,),。,I,believe in,him. = I believe that he is an honest man.,我信任他,(,为人可靠,),34,Detailed reading,love, loneliness,religion and work,young mens,personal problems,such as love,sorrow, and luck.,simple,noisy,Take Me Home,Country Roads,35,It mirrors the concerns, achievements,and lifestyle of the times. It also,remains an important form of,American cultural expression.,It voices the emotions and philosophy,of the youth at that time. It was listed,as No.3 among the 100 world,celebrities in Forbes.,36,Thank you!,37,


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