Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars公开课课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4,Astronomy:,the science of the stars,Astronomy,is the scientific study of the,universe,and the heaven bodies (such as the sun, the moon, and stars), gas, and dust within it.,astronomer,s,olar system,eight,planets,many comets,other objects,What are the,English,names of,the eight planets that circle our sun?,solar system,Mercury,Mars,Venus,Saturn,Jupiter,Neptune,Uranus,Earth,海王星,Neptune,水星,Mercury,金星,Venus,地球,Earth,火星,Mars,木星,Jupiter,土星,Saturn,天王星,Uranus,Pluto,Pre-reading,2. Each religion and culture has its own ideas about how life began on earth. What do you know?,In China, we all know that Pangu separates the sky from the earth.,Pangu separates the sky from the earth,中国神话传说中有,盘古开天,劈,地,的说法。巨人盘古用一把利斧劈开混沌,将天地分开。死后,他的气息化成风和云,声音变成轰轰的雷声,左眼化为太阳,右眼化为月亮,手足与四肢变成大地的四极与五方的名山,血液化成江河,筋脉铺成道路,肌肉形成田地,须发成为星星,牙齿和骨骼化为金属、珍珠、玉石,汗水成为滋润万物生长的甘霖和雨露。,Other legends about the beginning of universe,The Biblical Account,Day 1:,God spoke and separated light from darkness creating,Day and Night,Day 2:,God spoke and separated the water creating,sky and ocean,Day 3:,God spoke and created,dry land,Day 4:,God spoke and created,the sun, moon and stars,Day 5:,God spoke and created,living creatures,in the air and sea,Day 6:,God spoke and created the land,animals and,man,Day 7:,God rested and blessed this day calling it Holy,How Life Began on the Earth,The Big Bang,Para.1,Para.2,Para.3,Para.4,Para.5,Awidely accepted,_,about how the universe was formed,The,_,of the earth,The importance of,_,for life,The_ of plants and animals,on the earth,The arrival of _ and their,impact,on,the earth,theory,formation,water,development,humans,How life began on the earth,Before life appeared.,Different lives developed,.,Part1 (para13) Before life appeared,According to a widely accepted theory, how did the stars form?,How did the earths atmosphere form?,Why was the earth different from the other planets?,What a role the water played in the development of life?,1. According to a widely accepted theory, how did the stars form?,2. How did the earths atmosphere form?,The universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions, then atoms began to form and combine to create stars.,The earth was so violent. It exploded loudly with fore and rock to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapor and other gases, which were to make the atmosphere.,3. Why was the earth different from the other planets?,4. What a role the water played in the development of life?,Because the water on other planets had disappeared later.,The presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. This produce a chain reaction which made it possible for life to develop,Part2 (para45) How the life developed,1.Make a timeline of the development of life,2.Why did the plants grow before the,animals came?,3.Why is it wrong in films and stories to,show dinosaurs and people together?,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6 .,small plants,On surface of water,Early shellfish and all sorts of fish,green plants,on land,land animals,insects (on land),amphibian (on land and in water),Mammals- clever animals,forests,reptiles,(huge animal-dinosaurs),3. Why is it wrong in films and stories to show dinosaurs and people together?,2.Why did the plants grow before the animals came?,Because plants provide oxygen for animals to breathe.,Because dinosaurs died out long before human beings developed on the earth.,A cloud of dust,a solid ball,presence,of water,on the water,shellfish & other fish,plants begin to grow on dry land,insects and amphibians,appear,retiles appear,dinosaurs appear,mammals appear,The,development of life,small plants grow,on the water,appear,shellfish & other fish,plants begin to grow on dry,land,insects and,amphibians,appear,reptiles,appear,dinosaurs appear,mammals,appear,1. Retell the passage according to the form.,2. Suppose you were the earth, what would you advise humans to do? Write a letter to the human being.,Homework,Thank you very much!,Goodbye!,


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