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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,1,Film Translation,2,Genres of Film,Film translation,- Complication of film translation,- Translating film names,-,Translating subtitles,Film,Translation,(continue,),3,Legends of Fall (1994),Dances with Wolves (,1990,),Western Film,4,The Phantom of the Opera (,2004,),Musical,音乐片,5,Comedy,喜剧片,6,Pearl Harbor (,2001,),War films,战争片,7,Horror,8,By Master of Suspense Alfred Hitchcock,Thriller,9,Action,10,Social drama,社会问题片,11,Romance,爱情片,12,Gangster,黑帮片,13,Characterised,by,spectacular events.,Blockbuste,强档片,14,Crime,犯罪片,15,Chiaroscuro :,明暗的配合,明暗法,Film Noir,黑色电影,16,Disaster,17,Science Fiction,Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (,2004,),18,Adventure,19,Animation,20,Fantasy,奇幻片,21,Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. -Eugene A.,Nida,翻译就是在译语中用最为贴切自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是就意义而言,其次是就风格而言。,-,尤金,.,奈达,Fantasy,奇幻片(续),22,Complication of Film Translation,Dialect terms and neologisms,Highly specific cultural references,Balance between Readability and,performability,.,Balance between the work itself and a wide coverage of audience,Little literature in this field,23,Translating Movie Title,Features of movie title,Criterion for translating movie title,Translation strategies,Translation Methods,24,Translating Movie Title,(续,1,),25,Translating Movie Title,(续,2,),26,Translating Movie Title,(续,3,),27,Translating Movie Title,(续,4,),28,Criterion for Movie Title Translation,Faithfulness,Expressiveness,Aesthetic Value,Commercial Value,29,Cold Mountain,冷山?,乱世情天?,Plot Outline:,In the waning days of the American Civil War, a wounded soldier (Law) embarks on a perilous journey back home to Cold Mountain, North Carolina to reunite with his sweetheart (Kidman).,Criterion for Movie Title Translation,(续,1,),30,Enemy at the gate,Criterion for Movie Title Translation,(续,2,),31,Plot Outline:,A man marries his landlady so he can take advantage of her daughter,Criterion for Movie Title Translation,(续,3,),32,Red,Shoes:Dance,she did, and dance she must - between her two loves,此片主要讲述了英国一名芭蕾舞女演员面对爱情与事业而不能作出正确抉择,最终走向断崖的凄惋的故事。,Criterion for Movie Title Translation,(续,4,),33,Criterion for Movie Title Translation,(续,5,),34,Translation Strategies,Foreignizing,vs. Domesticating,Foreignising,: source language culture- oriented.,Domesticating: target-language culture-oriented.,35,Citizen,Kaine,Translation Strategies,(续,1,),36,Dumb and Dumber,Translation Strategies,(续,2,),37,Translation Strategies,(续,3,),Film Name,Foreignizing,Domesticating,Home Alone,独自在家,小鬼当家,Face off,变脸,夺面双雄,Dead Poets Society,死亡诗社,春风化雨,Waterloo Bridge,滑铁卢桥,魂断蓝桥,Casablanca,卡萨布兰卡,北非谍影,38,Translation Methods,Literal Translation,e.g. Rain Man,A Beautiful Mind,Shakespeare in Love,A walk in the Clouds,Pearl,Harbour,Dance With the Wolves,My Best Friends Wedding,39,Free translation,E.g. The Fugitive,Catch Me If You Can,How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,Translation Methods,(续,1,),40,Complementary translation,e.g. Terminator,Sister Act,The Green Mile,Toy Story,Translation Methods,(续,2,),41,Creative interpretation,e.g. Rebecca,Top Gun,Ghost,Legends of the Fall,Translation Methods,(续,3,),42,Transliteration,e.g.,Notting,Hill,Jane Eyre,King Kong,Translation Methods,(续,4,),43,Film Name,HK,Taiwan,Mainland,American Beauty,美丽有罪,美国心玫瑰情,美国丽人,Courage Under Fire,生死豪情,火线勇气,生死豪情,Fatal Attraction,孽恋,致命的吸引力,致命的诱惑,JFK,惊天大刺杀,谁杀了甘乃迪,肯尼迪,Saving Private Ryan,雷霆救兵,抢救雷恩大兵,拯救大兵瑞恩,Guess Whos Coming to Dinner,谁来赴宴君且猜,谁来晚餐,猜一猜谁来吃晚餐,Sound of Music,仙乐飘飘处处闻,真善美,音乐之声,Translation Methods,(续,5,),44,Director:,Gregory,Hoblit,Stars:,Anthony Hopkins,Ryan Gosling,David,Strathairn,(,Full Cast,)Studio: New Line Cinema,The Plot: Assistant district attorney Willy,Beachum,(Gosling) matches wits with the man (Hopkins) who tried to kill his wife and evaded sentencing via a series of technicalities.,Translation Methods,(续,6,),45,Director:,David S.,Goyer,Stars:,Justin,Chatwin,Margarita,Levieva,Marcia Gay Harden,(,Full Cast,)Studio: Buena Vista Pictures,The Plot: After hes attacked and left for dead, Nick Powell (,Chatwin,) finds himself in a strange sort of limbo. His predicament: Find a way to solve his own murder and communicate with the living - who cannot hear him - who did it, and why.,Translation Methods,(续,7,),46,Director:,Lee,Tamahori,Stars:,Nicolas Cage,Julianne Moore,Jessica,Biel,(,Full Cast,)Studio: Paramount Pictures,The Plot: Cornered by the FBI after a relentless pursuit, a man (Cage) with the ability to see future events and affect their outcome faces an ultimatum, as the countrys intelligence agencies scramble to prevent a devastating terrorist attack.,Translation Methods,(续,8,),47,Director:,Stephen J. Anderson,Stars:,Daniel Hansen,Wesley,Singerman,(,Full Cast,)Studio: Buena Vista Pictures,The Plot: A boy genius named Lewis,(Fry) has his latest invention, a memory scanner, stolen by the nefarious Bowler Hat Guy. Just when hes given up hope hell ever retrieve his creation, he meets Wilbur Robinson (Fox), a curious young fellow from the future, who invites him to travel forward in time to meet his eccentric extended family (who really need Lewiss help), hunt down the thief, and perhaps learn a secret or two about his own past.,Translation Methods,(续,9,),48,The Plot: Professional card player Huck,Cheever,(,Bana,) tries to beat the odds (and his own demons) at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas.,Translation Methods,(续,10,),49,The Plot: In 2002, two rival Olympic ice skaters (Ferrell and,Heder,) were stripped of their gold medals and permanently banned from mens single competition. Fast forward to the present day, where the duo has found a loophole that will allow them to qualify as a pairs team.,Translation Methods,(续,11,),50,Forms of Film Translation,Subtitling & Dubbing,Subtitling is visual, involving the superimposition of,written text onto the screen.,Dubbing is oral. It involves replacement of the,original speech by a voice track which attempts to,follow as closely as possible the timing, phrasing,and lip movements of the original dialogue,(,Luyken,et al. 1991:31),51,Preference & Constraints,Advantages vs. disadvantages,52,Function of subtitle,Features of subtitle,Factors that should be considered when translating subtitles,Translating Subtitle,53,time,space,music,image,phonetics,Spoken language,Translating Subtitle(,续,1),54,The reductive form of translation,- condensation,- reductive paraphrasing,- deletion,Translating Subtitle(,续,2),55,他是大学生。,他如今是在大学里念书。,He works for CIA.,E.g.,He is a university student.,Translating Subtitle(,续,3),56,Scarlett,: Why dont you say it, you coward? Youre afraid to marry me. Youd rather live with that silly little fool who cant open her mouth except to say ,yes,no, and raise a houseful of mealy mouthed brats just like her!,斯嘉: 你这个胆小鬼,不敢娶我。你宁可去娶那个听话的傻瓜,然后生群傻孩子。,Translating Subtitle(,续,4),57,I have no idea to this day,what those two Italian ladies,were singing about. Truth is,I dont want to know. Some,things are best left unsaid. Id like to think they were singing about something beautiful, it cant be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it.,字幕:我不明白这些意大利歌曲的意思。事实上,我也不想去明白,不知比知道更好。我想那是非笔墨可形容的美境, 但会令你的心伤,Translating Subtitle(,续,5),58,I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream.,字幕:那声音把人带到遥远的地方。,Translating Subtitle(,续,6),59,It was like some beautiful birds that flapped into out drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest moments, every last man in,shawshank,felt free.,字幕:像小鸟从笼中飞向大自然般 ,如同这些围墙消失了。令铁窗中的所有犯人感到一刻的自由。,Translating Subtitle(,续,7),60,Style and Register,Adjustment need to be undertaken concerning the style and the register .,61,Joe Miller,: What do you love about the,law, Andrew?,Andrew Beckett,: I. many things. uh.,uh,. What I love the most about the law?,Joe Miller,: Yeah.,Andrew Beckett,: Its that,every now and again,-,not often, but,occasionally,- you get to be a part of justice being done. That really is quite a thrill when that happens.,Style and Register,(续,1,),62,Dead Poets Society,(,1989,),Keating: We read and write poetry because we are member of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are all noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.,Style and Register,(续,2,),63,Red: Youve had worse from shaving. Whatd you do? To set him off?,Heywood: I have done,nothin,! Just came in to,say fare-thee-well,.,Aint,you heard,? His parole came through.,Style and Register,(续,3,),Style and Register,(续,4,),-Now lets see your war face.,-Punch him. Its how men say hello.,64,快装狠给我看看,.,65,The,form of,words,The,force,of,meaning,When a statement in one language is translated into another language, there are two things that the translator must consider.,Style and Register,(续,5,),66,?,Equivalence =,equivalence,Word-for-word equivalence?,Dynamic equivalence,( Eugene A.,Nida,),Style and Register,(续,6,),67,Equivalence =,equivalence,?,Dynamic equivalence,Analysing,Transformation,Reconstruction,(Adapted from,Nida,),Style and Register,(续,7,),68,Satisfying the linguistic requirements of,performability,may entail adjustments on a number of different levels.,Lexical Dimension,Style and Register,(续,8,),69,- keep the,change.,保持变化。,Style and Register,(续,9,),70,Stand up,Youve Got Mail,(,1998,),Christina: So what happened?,Kathleen; He never came.,Christina:,He stood you up?,Kathleen: I wouldnt exactly put it that way. I think something happened.,71,Through,My Best Friends Wedding (,1997,),I kissed him and weve been best friends ever since. We ,ve,seen each other,through,everything losing jobs, losing parents, losing lovers, we,ve,traveled all over, the best times of my life maybe.,72,Julianne: Michael does a favor for Walter. Walters,reorganising,his public relations and needs a brilliant guy that hes close to him, that he can completely trust. Then you beg Michael, please do its for daddy, its only for six months. It would mean so much to me.,Kimmy,; Hell see right,through,it.,Julianne; only if he wants to. At the end of six months, hell be happy, settled, and successful.,Through,(续),73,hit,David: Shes not a bimbo. She is a doctor, pediatrician, actually.,Linus,: How did you meet her?,David: well, I was at this party and the hosts kid got sick with something and I rushed him over to Lennox Hill Emergency. And she was the resident on duty and we,just hit it,right off.,74,Mr. Robinson: hey Ben, Elaines coming down from Berkeley soon. I want you to call her up this time.,Ben: I will.,Mr. Robinson: because I just think you two would,hit,it off real well together.,Hit,(续),75,shoot,Chandler: OK, one question.,Ross;,Shoot,.,Chandler; ,Shoot: utter fast and forcefully;,76,Forrest: And there was always something to do. One day, it started raining. And it didnt quit for four months. We been through every kind of rain there is. A little bit of stinging rain. And big old fat rain. Rain that flew in sideways. And sometimes rain seemed to come up from underneath.,Shoot,it even rained at night.,Shoot,(续),77,Throw,Ross: Hey, chandler, there is a party tomorrow, you will feel better then.,Chandler: ok, you know what, I am,gonna,be ok, you dont have to,throw a party,for me.,78,Mrs. Cole: Lupe, you keep those kids quiet. Im not even close to kidding. Sorry, Billy,threw up,in the car.,Fletcher: You brought your kids. to your divorce?,Mrs. Cole: Sympathy,Throw,(续),79,Give me a break,Monsters, Inc. (,2001,),Mike,: You know, I am so romantic, sometimes I think I should just marry myself.,Sulley,:,Give me a break,Mike.,Mike,: What a night of romance I got ahead of me. Tonight its about me and Celia. Ooh, the Love Boat is about to set sail. Toot-toot! Cause I,gotta,tell you, buddy, that face of hers , it just makes my heart go. ,Sees,Roz,in front of him,Mike,: Yikes!,80,Buy,Phoebe: I dont know. Its just, you know monkey, Darwin, you know, its a nice story, I just think its a little too easy.,Ross: Too easy? Too The process of every living thing on this planet evolving over millions of years from single-celled organisms, too easy?,Phoebe: Yeah,I just dont buy it.,81,Allen: oh, the first lady? She was gibing a speech at,Brinmar,. I managed to catch her before she left. I told her that his blood pressure went up after the little incident at the hotel. She seems to hate him now more than ever.,Bob: Fine.,Allen:,Everybody else is buying the minor stroke story.,Buy,(续),82,Set up,George: oh, by the way, did the chap from,Newday,ever call?,Julianne: Ill check my machine. Is this a real interview or just some cute guy you are trying to,set me up with,?,Set up: arrange,entrap,83,你知道我的朋友,瑞秋,她想找个伴。,啊,我刚结束一段很重要的感情,现在还不想要认真的关系。,Chandler: see my friend my friend, Rachel, she wants to be,set up,.,Drew:,Ahh, I just got out of a big relationship, Im not looking for anything serious.,Set up,(续),84,Time,Del: Top of the morning, officer.,Cop: Hi.,Del: Is there something I can help you with?,Cop: What the hell you,drivin,?,Del: We had a small fire last night, but we caught it,in the nick of time.,at the last possible moment; she was saved in the nick of time,85,( Mary found the evidence of guilty in her nephew Pauls bag. They had a conversation.),Mary:,Lets talk turkey.,Paul: You are my only savior.,Time,(续,1,),86,Render the film too literally may provide an inappropriate audience response.,Time,(续,2,),87,Pragmatic Dimension,理解原文的钥匙便是原文的语境、功能、关联这三大要素:这恰好也是三条根本的语用原则。,88,Youre a pal!,(选自电影,Presumed Innocent,),“你是一个朋友”,这句译文是判断或阐述,而原文是抒情(属于“表达,类”言语行为)。,你真够朋友,/,你真够哥们,!,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,1,),89,Donkey: Listen, you were really, really, really,something back here.,Incredible?,Shrek,: Are you talking to me?,Donkey: Yes, I was talking to you. Can I tell you that,you were great back,here?,Those guards! They thought they,were all of that,. Then you showed up, and,bam,! They were,tripping over themselves like babes in the woods,.,That really made feel good to see that.,字幕:,-,你真的是非常非常了不起。帅呆了。,-,你在跟我说。话?,-,没错,我是在跟你讲话。我要告诉你,你真的是超猛。那些个卫兵,,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,2,),90,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,2,),还以为自己有多了不起,你一出现就碰,把他们打得落花流水。哎哎叫, 哇赛!我看了心里太爽了。,Donkey,: Oh, what large teeth you have. I mean white sparkly teeth, I know you probably hear this all the time from your,food,but you must,bleach or something, cause thats one dazzling smile you got there and do I detect a hint of,minty,freshness?,91,Legally Blonde (,2001,),- Would you rather have a client who commit a crime,malum,in se or,malum,prohibitum,?,- Neither.,- Why is that?,- I d rather have a client who is innocent.,- Dare to dream, Ms. Woods.,(,from Legally Blonde),字幕:你做梦,伍兹小姐。,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,3,),92,根据最佳关联的原则可以推理为“闹翻”,或“为敌”的译文。,我不希望咱们闹翻,/,我不希望以互相为敌而告终。,I,dont,want us to end up enemies.,(选自电影,Presumed Innocent,),电影字幕的译文是“我不希望干掉敌人”。,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,4,),93,短评:这是对,“,还要吃点吗?,”,的应答,,因此是礼貌拒绝的功能。那么,,翻译成,“,吃不下了,”,、,“,再吃就要,爆炸了,”,也算合格。,Im,ready to pop.,(选自电影,Liar,Liar,),我准备引爆,.,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,5,),94,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,6,),一女子对男友说及眼前的一件漂亮,的时装,现在就时兴这个,/,眼下就流行这个。,That“s,the thing nowadays.,(选自电影,Liar,Liar,)现在就是这个东西,95,原文的功能是致谢。因此,若译为,“,我欠你,一大笔人情,”,或,“,以后用得着我尽管说,”,/,我欠你一条命,/,我这条命是你捡回来的。,The Count of Monte,Cristo,(,2002,),I owe you my life.,(选自电影,The Count of Monte,Critsto,),电影字幕是“我这条命是你给的”,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,7,),96,Ghost Ship (,2002,),原文相当于,I saw a strange thing,,我看见了,真稀奇,/,我看见了一个前所未见的东西。,I saw something I could never have seen.,(选自电影,Ghost Ship,),Pragmatic Dimension,(续,8,),97,译文的汉语不地道。,你真聪明,看不出来,/,没想到你的脑子还很好使。,Braveheart,(,1995,),Youre cleverer than you look.,(选自电影,Braveheart,),字幕翻译是“你比你看上去的聪明一些”,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,9,),98,原文的末尾是请求或命令的强势语。,请过来吧,求你了,快点吧,/,过来,过来,,过来吧我的小祖宗!,(,过度归化,),Please come here. I beg. In the name of Christ.,(选自电影,Braveheart,),字幕翻译:“请过来,我求你,以基督的名义。”,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,10,),99,Lynette,: Hi. My baby-sitter cancelled.,Bree,: Ive got millions of errands to run so.,Lynette,: Please hear me out, this is important. Today I have a chance to join the,human race,for a few hours - there are,actual adults,waiting for me with margaritas. Look Im in a dress, I have make-up on.,Bree,:,If it were any other day?,Lynette,: Oh, for Gods sake,Bree,Im wearing pantyhose.,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,11,),100,( Red enters, sits. 20 years older than we first saw him.),Man #1: Your file says youve served forty years of a life sentence. You feel youve been,rehabilitated,?,Red: I heard you. Rehabilitated. Lets see now, come to think of it, I have no idea what that means.,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,12,),101,While replacements may be found in the TL, they may be out of character for the whole work itself, its setting, period or tone.,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,13,),102,译文一:至少, 我不会象那家伙一样神经兮兮的.,译文二:至少, 我不会象那家伙一样呆头呆脑的,Yeah, I think I just may have a mental advantage on this guy! ,直译:我想我比那个家伙在智力上要占优势,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,14,),103,直译:如果我想成为参议员的话,我需要和杰姬,结婚,而不是玛丽莲.,译文一:如果我想成为参议员的话,我需要和名媛,结婚,而不是电影明星.,If Im going to be the senator, I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn. ( From Legally Blonde),Pragmatic Dimension,(续,15,),104,Elle: Your secret is safe with me.,(,From Legal Blonde),字幕译:你的秘密对于我来说是安全的,.,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,16,),105,Professor: The law is reason free from passion.,字幕:法是从激情中解放出来的。,应译为,:,法是理智,而不是激情。,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,17,),106,Isnt the first cardinal rule of perm maintenance that you are forbidden to wet your hair for at least 24 hours after getting a perm,at the risk of deactivating the ammonium,thioglycolate,?,字幕翻译:你不知道保持烫发的基本准则在,24,小时内不可弄湿头发,,避免钝化硫氰酸盐铵吗?,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,18,),107,-,你用过我的牙刷了,?,-,你用的绿的那把,对吗,?,-,我不用了,.,如果把最后一句话照字面意思译,容易产生理解的隔阂,.,Willie: You used my toothbrush.,ALF: Yours is the green one , right?,Willie: It was.,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,19,),108,永远都不会,Max: Will sitting too close to the TV set make me go blind?,Fletcher:,Not in a million years,.,Max: If I keep making this face, will it get stuck that way?,Fletcher: uh. In fact some people make a good living that way. Now, listen, max. Youve,gotta,do something for me. I need you take back that wish.,Max: So you can lie?,Fletcher; My teacher tells me real beautys on the inside.,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,20,),109,Elizabeth: OL, then why dont you marry me?,David: ok, why dont I?,Elizabeth; dont kid about stuff like that.,David: ok, why dont I?,Elizabeth: You sure you know what it is?,David: yeah, that thing where,ya,hang together a lot, and sleep in the same room, and,button each others hard to reach buttons.,- Sabrina,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,21,),110,-,你还没摆平龙吗,-,它差点把我摆平。快点走吧。,-,可是这样不对。你应该是挥舞着宝剑,,身上绑着彩带,所有的骑士都是这个样子,的啊!,Fiona: You didnt slay the dragon?,Shrek,:,It is on my to-do list,. Now come on!,Fiona: But this isnt right! You were meant to,charge in, sword drawn, and banner flying.,Thats what all the other knights did.,Pragmatic Dimension,(续,22,),111,Restoring & Reconstruction of Culture Image,Physical image,物象,:,信息意义的,载体,是文化意象,构成中的客观部分。,Connotation,寓意:物象在文,化环境中的引申。,是文化意象构,成的主观部分,Culture Image, Philadelphia,112,(原声)-,Excuse me, maam, please call 911.,(,中文配音)-对不起,小姐,快打119.,Restoring & Reconstruction of Culture Image,(续,1,),How to restore/ reconstruct cultural image in,transcultural,communication?,113,形影不离,From that day on, we were always together. Jenny and me like peas and carrots


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