loss of explosion 失去爆破

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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,Page,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,LOGO,LOGO,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Loss of explosion,Page,2,what is the loss of explosion?,When a plosive followed by another plosive, blasting sound doesnt happen in front of blasting. A plosive method is: for the former, the posture of pronunciation, just wanted to send, immediately issued a second plosives. This phenomenon is called loss of blasting.,loss of explosion,six explosions: /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/,/g/ this combination occurs, the previous plosion lose blasting will be needed. For example:,whattime/wttaim/,goodbye/,gudbai/,bedtime/bedtaim/,bigkite/bigkait/,incomplete plosion,When a blasting sound followed by a fricatives and affricates, lateral nasal consonants or tongue, in front of the blasting sound only as part of the blasting. A plosive method is: for the former, the posture of pronunciation, just send out, immediately to the second fricatives and affricates. First plosive sound is very mild, sometimes listen to not to come out. This phenomenon is called incomplete blasting.,Incomplete blasting according to blasting sound behind the consonant with different nature in the following 5 kinds of circumstances:,1. Explosion+explosion,Two the same or different blasting sound is adjacent, in front of a plosive block has not been eliminated, gives the second explosion.,eg:,bookcase bu (k) keis,doctor d (k) t ,sit down si (t) daun,stop talking st,(p) t,: ki ,Two identical explosion, adjacent to double long mouth occlusion time send a plosive is enough. If two different plosion adjacent, the occlusion of single from the first plosion process, is sufficient to illustrate it with a second blasting sound different.,s:,2.Plosion and affricates lose blasting of adjacent notes,Plosion and affricates adjacent, also can produce incomplete blasting. Such as:,picture PI (k) t ,watch,w (t) t ,3.Loss of blasting plosion and fricatives adjacent notes,Blasting and fricatives adjacent, and blasting is incomplete. There are 10 English fricatives: f, v, s, z, theta, , , , h and r. Form hair rubs, pronunciation organs does not hinder and form only a very narrow gap, let air flow from the crack friction. If a plosive and rubs, blasting it rushed out of the air flow only from the narrow gap through, the blasting is incomplete. Such as:,breakfastbre(k)fst早餐oldfriendul(d)fren d老朋友 Pleaseletthatgirlin.pli:zle(t)tlitl:lin请让那小女孩进去。,4.Blasting sound from nasal sound of adjacent blasting,Plosion and neighbouring twang,when it rushed out of the air blasting must be from the nasal cavity.So the blasting is also called nasal cavity blasting. Such as,hiddenhidn隐蔽的,couldntkudnt不能,Britainbri(t)n英国,goodnightgu(d)nait晚安,5.Plosion and lingual sounds of adjacent notes lose blasting,Explosive sounds and lingual adjacent, it rushed out of the air blasting from on both sides of the tongue that must be passed to the blasting is called tongue side blasting. Such as:,middlemi(d)l中间,greatlyrei(t)li大大地,friendlyfren(d)li友好的,dontlikedun(t)laik不喜欢,Thank you,Make Presentation much more fun,


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