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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,新概念一册,Lesson 129,70 miles an hour,Vocabulary,wave v.,招手,track n.,跑道,mile n.,英里,overtake (overtook/overtaken),v.,从后面超越,超车,speed limit,限速,dream v.,做梦,思想不集中,sign n.,标记,牌子,driving license,驾驶执照,charge v.,罚款,darling n.,亲爱的(用作表示称呼),wave v.,招手,v.,招手;挥手示意,He waved us quiet.,他挥手要我们别出声。,wave to sb.,挥手,仅仅表示一个方向,He waved until they were out of sight.,他挥着手,直到再也看不到他们。,She waved me goodbye.,她向我挥手告别。,She waved me a greeting.,她扬手跟我打招呼,v.,起伏;飘动,The flag is waving in the wind.,旗帜正在风中飘扬。,She was attracted by the waving sea.,她被那汹涌起伏的大海吸引。,名词,n.,1.,波,波浪,波涛,海浪,The waves are high.,波涛汹涌。,2.,挥手,招手,He saluted his friends with a wave of the hand.,他挥手向他的朋友致意。,make waves (,非正式,),产生巨大影响,He has already made waves as a writer.,作为作家,他已经影响很大了。,wave someone/thing down,1.,挥手示意(司机,车辆)停下,让我招手叫车开过来。,下次跟我挥手示意时,请至少伸出两根手指!,词汇,wave to,wave at,向某人挥手(有事)和某人挥手(没事),例句:,1.Let me wave to him to come .,2.Next time you wave at me, use more than one finger , please!,含有,at,的词组往往都有不礼貌的成分,wave at,朝某人招手,shout at,朝某人喊,point at,指着某人,laugh at,嘲笑,track,1.,踪迹,痕迹,足迹,The motorcar tracks is very clear.,汽车的痕迹很明显。,We followed his tracks through the snow.,我们循着雪地上他留下的脚印走。,2.,小路,They passed a muddy track through the forest.,他们穿过森林的泥泞小路。,3.,路径,路线,The earth crosses the tracks of certain comets.,地球穿过某些彗星的轨迹线。,Its the track of the coming storm.,这就是即将来临的风暴路线。,4.,轨道,The workers are laying the tracks.,工人们正在铺铁轨。,5.,跑道,This is a running track.,这是一条跑道。,及物动词,vt,.,跟踪,追踪,The police used dogs to track the criminal.,警察用警犬来追踪罪犯。,mile n.,英里,1,英里,=1.6km,米,meter,厘米,cm,(,centi,meter,),英尺,feet,英寸,inch,公里,kilometer,码,yard,词汇,overtake,不及物动词,vi.,1.,追上,赶上,超过,Its dangerous to overtake at a corner.,转弯时超车危险。,No one could overtake him.,没有人能超过他。,Exports have already overtaken last years figure.,出口量已超过了去年。,及物动词,vt,.,1.,(不愉快的事情)突然发生,突然降临,A storm overtook the little boat.,小船突然遇到了暴风雨的袭击。,The film star was overtaken with another trouble.,那位影星又遇上了别的麻烦。,2.,(在数量或重要性方面)大于,超过,speed,名词,n.,1.,速度,速率,Our speed averaged out at 50 km an hour.,我们的平均速度是每小时,50,公里。,2.,快速,迅速,Everyone was surprised by the speed with which the dispute was settled.,每个人都为这一争端解决得如此之快而感到吃惊。,A car flashed past them at speed.,一辆车从他们身边疾驰而过。,及物动词,vt,. &,不及物动词,vi.,1.,急行,;,加速,He sped his car through the street.,他开车飞速地穿过街道。,不及物动词,vi.,1.,超速行驶,Was I really speeding, officer?,警官,我真的超速行驶了吗,?,limit,及物动词,vt,.,1.,限制,;,限定,He must limit the number of cigarettes he smokes.,他必须限制他抽烟的数目。,2.,限量;减量,名词,n.,1.,境界,;,界限,;,限度,There isnt a limit to everything.,对每件事情没有什么限制。,2.,限额,极限;限量,The bank has written to say Ive gone over my credit limit.,银行写信来说我已经超过信用限额了。,off limits,1.,禁止入内,They declared the site off limits.,他们宣布该地禁止入内,。,There was no topic that was off limits for discussion.,没有什么禁止讨论的话题,。,within limits,1.,适度地,在某范围内,without limit,1.,没有限制,Speed limit,限速,Speed n.,速度,速率,兴奋剂,Limit n. / v.,限制,dream v.,做梦,思想不集中,v.,做梦;梦见,He dreamt about his grandmother last night.,他昨天夜里梦见他的祖母了。,Do you often dream at night?,你晚上经常做梦吗?,v.,梦想;幻想,She dreamed that one day she would be as free as a bird.,她幻想着有一天自己能像鸟儿那般自由。,I once dreamed of becoming a famous doctor.,我曾一度梦想着成为一位著名的医生。,v.,出神;心不在焉;空想,Dont dream away your life!,不要在想入非非中虚度你的人生。,Sorry, I didnt see the sign .I must have been dreaming.,对不起,我没看见那牌子。我一定是思想开小差了。,n.,梦,I often return in dreams to my hometown.,我常常在梦中回到我的故乡。,2.,梦一般美好的人或事物,In the past she lived in a dream.,过去,她过着梦一般的生活。,3.,抱负,理想,梦想,Its my dream to win a Nobel Prize.,我的理想是获得诺贝尔奖。,dream up,1.,设计;策划,Dreamed up a plan to corner the market.,构想出一个计划来垄断市场,beyond ones wildest dreams,1.,大大超过所望的(地),大大出乎意料的(地,),Stockbrokers command salaries beyond the wildest dreams of most workers.,股票经纪人薪水之高是大多数工人做梦也想不到的,。,in your dreams,1. ,用于口语梦中才有的,in ones wildest dreams,1.,无法想像的(地,),She could never in her wildest dreams have imagined the summer weather in New York.,她做梦也无法想像纽约夏天的天气,。,like a dream,1. (,非正式)很好地,完美地,The car is still running like a dream.,那辆车行驶起来依然像梦一样完美,。,dream on,1. (,非正式)做梦(尤在口语中用于讽刺某计划或想法的不现实,),Dean thinks hes going to get the job. Dream on, Babe.,迪安认为他会得到那份工作。做梦吧,宝贝,。,1.,空想出;设想出,Hes been dreaming up new ways of attracting customers.,他一直在大胆设想吸引顾客的新办法,。,daydream :,思想开小差,,,白日梦,charge v.,罚款,1.v.,罚款;使承受经济负担,He was charged by the policeman for speeding.,他因开车超速而被警察罚款。,2. v.,要(价);收(费),The hotel charged them,¥,900 for one night.,饭店向他们索要,900,元作为住一晚的费用。,3. v.,指挥;指责,They charged him with murder.,他们指挥他犯了谋杀罪。,4.,命令,委托,He charged me to arrange everything.,他要我去安排一切事务。,5.,使充电,He is charging a storage battery.,他在为蓄电池充电。,free of charge,免费,take charge,掌控;负责,The candidate must take charge of an actual flight.,应试者必须负责一次真正的飞行。,in charge,1.,主管,领导,负责:处于领导或管理的职位,The security agent in charge at the airport.,机场保安部的负责人,2. 【,多用于英国,】,被捕的,在押的,in charge of,1.,管理,负责:具有对,的控制或责任的,Youre in charge of making the salad.,你负责做沙拉,He wants you to stop.,他想让你停下来。,want,sb,to do,想让某人去做,例句:我想让你去游泳。,I want you to swim.,语言点,Where,do you think,you are?,你觉得你是在哪?,Do you think,插入语,,插入在疑问词之后表示强调,并不是疑问。,语言点,You,must have been driving,at 70 miles an hour.,你一定开到每小时,70,迈了。,must have +been doing,肯定某人一直在做某事,must be doing,肯定某人正在做某事,否定形式:,can,t,语言点,You must have been driving,at 70 miles an hour.,At,miles/,kms,an hour,=,at,the speed of ,At,常与数字连用表示时间、速度、价格、距离、高度。,语言点,That,s why,I,didn,t see the sign.,那就是为什么,我没看见牌子的原因。,以,why,引导的从句用来解释事情的原因。,Tell me why,例句:,告诉我你为什么,不喜欢我。,Tell me why you don,t like me.,语言点,He wasn,t dreaming, officer.,他刚才没有在做梦。,过去进行时,: was/were + doing,例句,:,我刚才在教室里唱歌。,I was singing in the classroom.,语言点,语言点,You,d better not do it again!,你最好别再干这事了。,You,d better (not),+,动词原形,最好(别),例句:你最好呆在这。,You,better,stay here.,你最好,采纳我的建议,。,You,d better,take my advice,.,语言点,超速处罚制度,在西方国家,交通法规十分严格。其中比较重要的就是,系安全带和超速,通常罚款,220,美元左右。但是超速一般按照超速多少算罚款,在澳大利亚,每超过,5,迈就会翻倍。,语言点,can,的理解和翻译,You cannot be _careful when you drive a car.A. very B. too C. so D. enough,你开车时越小心越好。(,97.6-32, B,对),can,有很多含义,它可以用来表示可能性(,possibility,)。该句相当于,Its impossible that you are too careful when you drive a car.,即:“你开车时太小心这种情况是不可能的”。句型“,can not/never/hardly.too,.”,表达强烈的肯定,常常译成“越,.,越好”,“再,.,也不过分”。例如:,We can not stress the importance of the theory too much.,这一理论的重要性,怎样强调都不过分。,The important role people played in history can never berated too much.,人民在历史上所起的作用,无论怎样评价都不会过高。,A book can hardly last too long.,好书定能永远流传下去。,The effect of science and technology on social progress can never be estimated enough.,科学技术对社会进步所产生的影响,无论怎样评价都不过分。,You _ her in her office last Friday; shes been out often for two weeks.A,),neednt have seen B,),must have seen,C,),might have seen D,),cant have seen,你不可能在上星期五看见她在办公室,她离开镇子已经两星期了。,(96.1-23,D,对,),The room is in a terrible mess; it _ cleaned.A,),cant have been B,),shouldnt have beenC,),mustnt have been D,),wouldnt have been,房间乱极了,不可能有人打扫过。,(96.6-31,A,对),It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you _ it.A,),mustnt have done B,),wouldnt have doneC,),mightnt have done D,),didnt have to do,谢谢你把东西洗了,但是你本来没有必要洗的。,(98.6-44,D,对。,.but you didnt have to do it,相当于,but you neednt have done it ),Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night , no matter what we _ during the day.A,),should have done B,),would have doneC,),may have done D,),must have done,研究结果表明:不管我们白天做了什么,我们每晚大约有两个小时在做梦。,(99.1-54,C,对),Homework,1. To finish the exercises after the text.,2. To,practise,the structures learned during the class.,


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