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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Lesson125,Tea for two,Can Peter come in and have tea?,Yes, he can.,Questions on the text,Does Susan have tea,by herself,?,video,water,terrible,去,e,改,y,terribly,dry,nu,san,ce,mean,sur,prise,超过了预想的价格,所以惊讶。,surprise,im,me,di,ate,ly,immediately,这不是我的身份证,(反了),是因为过去贪吃,要立刻把这件事办好。,i,努力的我三次都掉进冰里(没,i,),真讨厌!,Key words,expressions,water w:t, w- v.,浇水,Terribly terbli adv.,非常,dry drai adj.,干燥的,干的,Nuisance,nju:sns n.,讨厌的东西或人,mean mi:n v.,意味着,意思是,surprise spraiz n.,惊奇,意外的事,Immediately imi:ditli adv.,立即地,Key words,expressions,1.,water,vt.,供以水;给,浇水,My grandpa is,watering,the flowers in the garden.,n.,水;海水;雨水;海域,大片的水,Give me a glass of,water.,by water,用船运,= by ship =by sea,Postmen send the packages by,water,.,spend money like water,My sister spends her money like,water,.,Key words,expressions,淡水;饮用水;糖水,热水;开水;困境,水质,污水,废水,sweet water,hot water,water quality,waste water,Key words,expressions,2.,terribly,adv.,非常;,It is,terribly,hot.,I miss my mother,terribly,.,Im very / really /,terribly,/ extremely sorry.,terrible,adj.,糟糕的,极坏的,How is the weather?,- It is,terrible.,Ive just had a,terrible,thought.,坏消息,Key words,expressions,3.,dry,adj.,干的(,wet,湿的),This glass can keep the sugar,dry,., v.,把,.,弄干,He,dried,his hair with a towel.,dry ones eyes,擦干眼泪,vi.,变干,Clothes dont,dry,easily in winter.,Key words,expressions,4.,nuisance,n.,讨厌的东西或人,What a,nuisance,!,真讨厌!,You are a real nuisance to me.,make a nuisance of oneself,= make oneself a nuisance,惹人讨厌,Dont make yourself a nuisance to others.,不要做一个令人讨厌的人。,你真是太讨厌了!,Key words,expressions,5.,mean,(meant ; meant),v.,意思是,What does the word,mean,?,The red light,mean,s “stop”.,mean to do sth,打算做,.,I mean to go tomorrow.,mean doing,意味着,The picture means stopping.,adj.,吝啬的,He,is mean about,money.,adj.,卑鄙的,It is mean of sb to do sth,某人做,.,真卑鄙,It is mean of you to steal the poors money.,Key words,expressions,6.,surprise, n.,惊喜;惊讶;意外的事,Surprise,!,to sbs surprise,=,to the surprise of sb,令某人惊讶的是,To my surprise, she is the mother of two children.,in surprise,吃惊地,在惊慌中,He looked at me,in surprise.,v.,使,.,惊讶,You always,surprise,me.,To the surprise of me,Language points,1.,Cant you,come in and,have tea,now, Peter?,这是否定疑问句,表示邀请。,cant you .,表示说话人,希望,听话人做某事的,强烈,意愿和看法。,例,Cant you come and help me?,你就不能来帮帮我吗?,2. I,must,water the garden,first.,3. Do you,have to,water,it,now?,4. Its,terribly dry,.,5.,Dont you,remember?,这也是否定疑问句。,Language points,6. I,had to,water it every day.,7. Well, Ill have tea,by myself,.,8.,look out of,the window.,9.That means you,dont need to,water the garden.,表示“不必”,是,must,和,have to,的一般现在时否定式。,10. That was,a pleasant surprise,.,真是意想不到的好事。,从,往外看,dont have to,neednt,Grammars,She,has to,leave early.,She,must,leave early.,Does,she have to leave early?,Must,she leave early?,She,doesnt,need to/ have to leave early.,She,neednt,leave early.,陈述句,疑问句,否定句,have to,与,must,must,表示,主观,的认为有必要,有义务,have to,表示含有,客观,的环境方面的需要,,除了“必须”之外,还有“,不得不,”。,must,没有,时态和人称的变化,I must ,he must,have to,有,时态和人称的变化,I have to, he has to,eg. I must work hard.,我必须努力工作。,(,我觉得有必要这么做。,),I had to go home by ship last night.,我昨晚不得不乘船回家。,(,有可能没有赶上其他的航班或者火车,没选择才坐船。,),Grammars,Grammars,Must,I arrive on time?,-Yes, you must.,-No, you neednt.,Do I,have to,arrive on time?,-Yes, you have to.,-No, you dont have/need to.,Must I take care of my grandma?,Yes, you _./No, you _.,(must; neednt),Does she have to come home before 7?,Yes, she _./No, she _. (has to; doesnt have to/neednt),Exercises,My brother was very ill, so I,had to,call the doctor in the middle of the night.,我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。,(,客观上需要做这件事,),He said that they,must,work hard.,他说他们必须努力工作。,(,主观上要做这件事,),He,had to,look after his sister yesterday.,have to,有人称、数、时态的变化,而,must,只有一种形式。但,must,可用于间接引语中表示过去的必要或义务。,You,dont have to,tell him about it.,你不一定要把此事告诉他。,You,mustnt,tell him about it.,你一定不要把这件事告诉他。,在否定结构中,:dont have to,表示 “不必”, mustnt,表示“禁止”。,小结,have to,和,must,两词都是 “必须”的意思, have to,表示客观的需要, must,表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。,Can you tell us your story ,Tony ?,Tony,你能给我们讲讲你的故事吗?,could,表示有礼貌的请求,语气委婉,常用于非熟人之间或晚辈对长辈,下级,对上级的场合。,can&could,- Could I have the television on?,- Yes, you can. / No, you cant.,提出委婉的请求在回答中不可用,could,。,He couldnt be a bad man.,他不大可能是坏人。,在否定、疑问句中表示推测或怀疑。,小结,could,与,can,could,与,can,都是情态动词,could,是,can,的过去式。二者都可用于表示请求,但是用法稍有不同。,can,表示一般性的请求,语气随便,常用于熟人之间或长辈对晚辈,上级对下级的场合。,用情态动词,can, cant, may, must, mustnt , neednt, could,填空。,1. - _ you come and play with us now?,- Im afraid I _. I _ do the cooking. I _ come later.,2. - _ we clean the windows today?,- No, you _. You _ clean them tomorrow.,Could,cant,must,can,Must,neednt,can,Practise,情态动词表推测,1.,肯, must,,,may,,,might / could,2.,否, cant / couldnt , may not / might not,3.,疑, can / could,注:以上三种句式中情态动词的语气按程度都是依次递减的。,Might, could,并非,may, can,的过去式,而表示语气较为委婉或可能性较小。,can,表示“能力”。,must,必须,应该,情态动词,后跟动词原形。,1.,我会铺床。,I,can,make the bed.,2.,她会扫地。,She,can,sweep the floor.,3.,你必须写作业。,You,must,do your homework.,4.,我应该做些什么呢?,What,must,I do?,Grammar,:情态动词,1.,我必须现在走。,2.,我不得不现在走。,I,must,go now.,must & have to,定义:,must,“,必须,应该” 强调主观必要性。,have to,“,不得不” 强调客观情况。,性质:,must; have to +,动词原形,注意:,have to,固定短语, 其中,have,是实义动词。,有各种时态。,e.g. He,has to,go to school.,I,had to,go to school yesterday.,I,have had to,wait for three hours.,I,have to,go now.,他不得不去学校。,我昨天不得不去学校。,我不得不等了,3,小时。,句型转换(一,.,变否),1. She can put on her coat.,She,cant,put on her coat.,2. You must go home now.,You,neednt,go home now.,找到,be,助情 ,后面加,not.,3. I have to do my homework now.,I,dont have to,do my homework now.,4. Amy has to wash the dishes.,Amy,doesnt have to,wash the dishes.,1. He can swim across the river.,Can he,swim across the river?,2. I must water the flowers.,Must you,water the flowers?,找到,be,助情,直接提句首 ,,人称一变二,句号变问号。,3. I have to type these letters.,Do you,have to type these letters?,4. Tom has to leave at ten oclock.,Does Tom,have to leave at ten oclock?,句型转换(二,.,变疑),练一练,1. I can sing English songs.,变否:,变疑:,2. I must water the garden now.,变否:,变疑:,3. She has to go to school tomorrow.,变否:,变疑:,I,cant,sing English songs.,Can you,sing English songs?,I,neednt,water the garden now.,Must you,water the garden now?,She,doesnt,have to go to school.,Does she have to,go to school?,我来问,你来答,1. Can he sweep the floor?,Yes ,he can.,2. Can his little sister sing?,Yes ,she can.,3. Do you have to listen to the radio?,Yes,I do.,4. Does Coco have to dance?,Yes, she does.,5. Must you make the bed?,Yes ,I must.,No, I neednt.,No, I dont have to.,No, he cant.,No, she cant.,No, I dont (have to).,No, she doesnt (have to).,练一练,Can he swim across the river?,Do you have to type these letters?,Does he have to say English?,Must you water the garden now?,Must you go home now?,Yes, he can.,No, he cant.,Yes, I do.,No, I dont (have to).,Yes, he does.,No, he doesnt (have to).,Yes, I must.,No, I neednt / dont (have to).,Yes, I must.,No, I neednt / dont (have to).,Lesson 125 Tea for two,SUSAN:,Cant,you,come in,and,have tea,now, Peter?,PETER: Not yet. I,must,water the garden first.,SUSAN: Do you,have to,water it now?,PETER: I,m afraid,I must. Look at it!,Its terribly dry.,SUSAN:,What a nuisance,!,PETER: Last summer it was very dry, too.,Dont you remember?,I had to water it every day.,SUSAN: Well, Ill have tea,by myself,.,SUSAN: That was quick!,Have you finished already?,PETER: Yes.,Look out of the window.,SUSAN: Its raining!,That,means,you dont need to water the,garden.,PERTR: That was a pleasant surprise.,It means I can have tea, instead.,


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