Unit4 My Family 韩静怡 三八班7

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 My family,我的 家庭,This is my school.,Can you introduce yourself proud?,你能自豪的介绍你自己么?,This is me.,我,This is Miss Li.,Shes my friend.,Hello, class,!,This is (,姓名,).,Shes / Hes my friend.,请介绍你的朋友给大家,This is Kate.,Shes my friend too.,Whats the song about?,这是一首关于什么的歌呢?,Family 家;家庭,fa,ther,爸爸,mo,ther,妈妈,bro,ther,哥哥;弟弟,sis,ter,姐姐;妹妹,bro,t,her,fa,t,her,mo,t,her,Read,小组开火车读,sis,t,er,This is my father. This is my mother.,This is my brother. This is my sister.,Father,father,this,is my father.,Mother,mother,_,Brother,_,_,this is my mother.,brother,this,is my brother.,Sister,sister,this,is my sister.,I can say,我会说,Look , This is Mikes family,想了解,Mike,的家庭吗?让我们看动画吧。,要仔细观看,回答下面的问题哦!,There are _people in Mikes family.,麦克家有多少成员呢?,A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6,There are _people in Mikes family?,麦克家有多少成员呢?,A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6,Lets read,刚才同学们表现很棒!,让我们翻开课本读课文,找出以下问题的答案吧!,Mikes brother is_.,麦克弟弟的名字是,Mikes sister is_.,Mikes brother is_.,麦克弟弟的名字是,Mikes sister is_.,Helen,Tim,This is Helen.,Shes my sister.,This is Tim.,Hes my brother.,I can read,This is my family.,Unit 4 My family,2.,This is my,mother,.,3.,This is Tim.,Hes my,brother,.,4,.,This is Helen.,Shes my,sister,.,1.,This is my,father,.,5,.,This is,me,.,I can read,小组内齐读课文,自己有感情朗读课文,挑战难度,挑战方式,你会读课文了吗?,现在就让我们挑战下自己吧!,比比谁读的最棒!,准备好了吗?,需要,Miss Huang,帮助的话可以举手哦!,I can dub,大家读的太棒了!,这次让我们一起当,麦克的“小小配音员”吧!,1 2,3 4,Try to choose:,(,选择迈克的弟弟和妹妹,并试着说出他们的名字。),Mikes brother Mikes sister,A.,B.,Helen,Tim,Read and match,A.,This,is Tim.,Hes my brother.,D.,This,is my father.,C.,This,is my mother.,B.,This,is Helen.,Shes my sister.,E.,This is me.,D.,This,is my father.,C.,This,is my mother.,E.,This is me.,A.,This,is Tim.,Hes my brother.,B.,This,is Helen.,Shes my sister.,1 2,3 4,There are _people in Mikes family?,麦克家有多少成员呢?,A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6,Who are they,?,(迈克家里有哪些人),They are,This is Tim.,Hes my brother.,This is my father.,This is my mother.,This is me.,This is Helen.,Shes my sister.,1 2,3 4,I can act,现在请你来扮演,Mike,介绍家人吧!,请先看,Miss Han,的示范。你有一分钟时间准备。,Hello.,This is my family.,This is,别忘了加上表情和动作哦!,Retell the text,(,复述课文),Hello, Im Mike . This is,。,This is my,and this is my,.I love my father and my mother .,Tim, Hes my,。,Look , this is, Shes my, Shes a student(,学生)。,I love my brother and my sister too!,me,father,mother,This is,brother,Helen,sister,This is my fathers father.He is my,grandpa,.,Riddle,This is my fathers mother.She is my,grandma,.,1 2,3 4,你能展示一下你的家庭照吗?,Can you show us your family?,This is my,family,.,这是我的家庭,This is my.,这是,Hello,Im,Kate. Im a student. Im ten.(,介绍年龄),This is my family.,This is my father. Hes a worker.(,介绍职业),This is my mother. Shes a teacher.,This is Tom. Hes my brother. Hes a,student,too,.,This is Lucy. Shes my sister.,I love my family very much.,Mike,在聚会上分别见到了他的好朋友夏雨的一家。,Mike,很想认识他们,让我们来帮帮他吧!,要求:,角色安排:老师扮演,Mike,,每个小组,1,位同学扮演夏雨,另外,3,名同学任选角色扮演夏雨的家人。,表演形式:由每组扮演夏雨的同学介绍全家给,Mike,认识。其他组员配合动作,角色的语气并要,有礼貌的和,Mike,打招呼,哦!,时间安排:两分钟时间,好好准备吧!,刘星,夏雪,夏雨,Ask yourself,询问自己:,1.,Is every word clear?,每个单词都发清楚了吗,?,2.,Can you speak loudly?,声音够响亮吗?,Homework,Retell the story.,复述故事。,2.Introduce your family to more classmates in English.,用英语向更多的同学介绍自己的家人。,Goodbye!,Thank you,


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