the importance of living生活的意义

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/3/5,#,生活的艺术,作者,:林语堂,The Importance of Living,1405021136,许蕾,Lin Yutang(Chinese:,林语堂,October,10, 1895 March 26, 1976) was aChinese writer, translator, linguist and inventor. His informal but polished style in both Chinese and English made him one of the most influential writers of his generation, and his compilations and translations,of classic,Chinese textsinto English were bestsellers in the West.,After 1935 Lin lived mainly in the United States, where he became known as a,“wise,and,witty”,popularizer of Chinese philosophy and way of life.,Lins best,sellers wereMy Country and My People(simplified Chinese:,吾国与吾,民,),(1935) and,The Importance of Living(simplified Chinese:,生活的,艺术,),(1937),written in English in a charming style,. Others,include Between,Tears and Laughter(,啼笑皆非,) (1943,),.,Three,Standards of Translation,:faithfulness,(忠实),expressiveness,(通顺),beauty,(,美,),声声慢,So dim, so dark,So,dense,so,dull,So,damp,so,dank,So dead!,The weather, now warm, now cold,Makes it harder,Than ever to forget!,How can a few cups of thin wine,Bring warmth against,The,chilly,winds,of sunset,?,I recognize the geese flying overhead:,My old friends,Bring not the old memories back!,寻寻觅觅,,冷冷清清,,凄凄惨惨戚戚。,乍暖还寒时候,,最难将息。,三杯两盏淡酒,,怎敌他晓来风急?,雁过也,正伤心,,却是旧时相识。,Slow Slow Tune,Let fallen flowers lie where they fall.,To what purpose,and for whom should I decorate?,By the window shut,guarding it alone,to see the sky has turned so black!,And the,drizzle on,the kola nut,Keeps on droning:,Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!,满地黄花堆积,,憔悴损,,如今有谁堪摘?,守著窗儿独自,,怎生得黑!,梧桐更兼细雨,,到黄昏、点点滴滴。,这次第,,怎一个愁字了得,!,Lin Yutang in,this book talks about Zhuang Zhou s indifferent to fame and wealth, praises,Tao Yuanmings leisurely,attitude towards life, reads the ,Gui Qu Lai,Xi speech, and tells the stories in the Bible . It also tells how Chinese people drink tea, how,they make a sightseeing tour, see clouds , identify stones, grow flowers, keep birds, watch the snow, listen to the falling rain, enjoy the air and the moon.,Chapter One,THE AWAKENING,Chapter Two,VIEWS OF MANKIND,Chapter Three,OUR ANIMAL HERITAGE,Chapter Four,ON BEING HUMAN,Chapter Five,WHO CAN BEST ENJOY LIFE ?,Chapter Six,THE FEAST OF LIFE,Chapter Seven,THE,IMPORTANCE OF LOAFING,Chapter Eight,THE ENJOYMENT OF THE HOME,Chapter Nine,THE ENJOYMENT OF LIVING,Chapter Ten,THE ENJOYMENT OF NATURE,Chapter Eleven,THE ENJOYMENT OF TRAVEL,Chapter Twelve,THE ENJOYMENT OF CULTURE,Chapter Thirteen,RELATIONSHIP TO GOD,Chapter Fourteen,THE ART OF THINKING,Today , I will share what Ive learned from this chapter.,I.Find Thyself: Chuangtse,II. Passion, Wisdom And Courage; Mencius,III. Cynicism, Folly And Camouflage: Laotse,IV. Philosophy of Half-and-half : Tsesse,V. A Lover Of Life: Tao Yuanming,Chapter Five,WHO CAN BEST ENJOY LIFE ?,Chapter,Five,WHO CAN BEST ENJOY LIFE,谁最会享受人生,The ideal character,best,able,to enjoy life is a warm, carefree and unafraid soul.,最合于享受人生的理想人物,就是一,个热诚,的、悠闲的、无恐惧的人。,“,Philosopher has become merely a term of social compliment. Anyone who is abstruse and unintelligible is called a philosopher. Anyone who is unconcerned with the present is also called a philosopher. And yet there is some truth in the latter meaning.,The,only problem unconsciously assumed by all Chinese philosophers to be of,any importance,is: how shall we enjoy life, and who can best enjoy life?,No,perfectionism,(不,去追求完美的,理想),no,straining after the,unattainable,(不,去寻找那势不可得的,事物),no postulating of the,unknowable,(不,去穷究那些不可得知的,东西),;,but,taking poor,mortal human nature as it,is,how shall we organize our life that we can,work peacefully,endure,nobly,(旷达地忍耐),and live happily?,I. Find Thyself: Chuangtse,(,发现自己:庄子),Who are we? That is the first question. It is a question almost impossible to answer. But we all agree that the busy self occupied in our daily activities is not quite the real self. We are quite sure we have lost something in the mere pursuit of living.,So we often forget our true self in the pursuit of living, like a bird forgetting its own danger in pursuit of a mantis, which again forgets its own danger in pursuit of another prey, as is so beautifully expressed in a,parable,(美妙的譬喻),by Chuangtse.,Chuangtse said that we have lost something and the business of philosophy is to discover and recover that which is lost in this case, “a childs heart, ” according to Mencius. “A great man is he who has not lost the heart of a child, ” says this,philosopher.,II. Passion, Wisdom And Courage:,Mencius,Mencius enumerated the three,“mature virtues”,of his,“great man”,as,“wisdom, compassion and courage.,”,I should like to lop off one,syllable,and regard as the qualities of a great soul passion, wisdom and courage.,As Chang,Chao,says, A passionate nature always loves women, but one who loves women is not necessarily a passionate nature. And,again, Passion holds up the bottom of the world, while genius paints its roof. For unless we have passion, we have nothing to start out in life with at all.,智情勇:孟子,We are,born,with a,given cold or warm nature,.,and,it is only in proportion as we lose that youthful heart that we lose the inner warmth in ourselves,.,For it seems,that,while a man with passion and sentiment may do many foolish and,precipitate,(鲁莽的),things,but a,man without passion or sentiment is a joke and a,caricature,(一副讽刺画),.,So,this warm generosity of soul has to be protected against life by a philosophy, because life is harsh, warmth of soul is not enough, and passion must be joined to wisdom and courage. To me wisdom and courage are the same thing, for courage is born of an understanding of life; he who completely understands life is always brave. Anyway that type of wisdom which does not give us courage is not worth having at all. Wisdom leads to courage by exercising a veto against our foolish ambitions and,emancipating,(从,解放出来),us from the fashionable,humbug,(骗子),of this world, whether humbug of thought or humbug of life.,III. Cynicism, Folly and Camouflage:,Laotse,玩世、愚钝、潜隐:老子,Paradoxically,Laotses,most wicked philosophy of,“the,old,rogue”,(,老滑,),has been responsible for the highest ideal of peace, tolerance, simplicity and contentment,.,Such teachings include the wisdom of the foolish,the advantage of,camouflage,(隐逸者的长处),the strength of weakness,and.,the simplicity of the truly sophisticated,The greatest wisdom seems like stupidity,.,The,greatest eloquence,like,stuttering,(口吃,结巴),.,Movement,overcomes cold, But staying overcomes heat.,So,he by his limpid calm,Puts,everything,right,under,heaven,.,(,清净为天下正,),Lin Yutang,made a poem which sums up,the,message of Taoistic thought:,There,is the wisdom of the foolish,The gracefulness of the slow,The,subtlety of stupidity,The,advantage of,lying,low,(隐者),.,IV.,Philosophy of Half-and-half :,Tsesse,(中庸哲学:子思),Those,are the best cynics who are half-cynics. The highest type of life after all is the life of sweet reasonableness as taught by Confucius grandson, Tsesse, author of The Golden Mean.,After all allowances are made for the necessity of having a few supermen in our midst explorers, conquerors, great inventors, great presidents, heroes who change the course of history the happiest man is still the man of the middle-class who has earned a slight means of economic independence, who has done a little, but just a little, for mankind, and who is slightly distinguished in his community, but not too distinguished.,It is only in this,milieu,(背景),of well-known obscurity and financial competence with a pinch, when life is fairly carefree and yet not altogether carefree, that the human spirit is happiest and succeeds best.,V.,A Lover of Life : Tao Yuanming,Tao is the,most perfectly harmonious and well-rounded character in the entire Chinese literary,tradition, lived,and died, a carefree and conscience-free, humble peasant-poet,and a,wise and merry old man.,With Taos great love of life, he could not have been willing to escape from it altogether. His wife and children were too real for him, his garden and the bough stretching across his courtyard and the lonely pines which he fondled were altogether too attractive, and being a reasonable man, instead of a logician, he stuck to them. That was his love of life and his jealousy over it, and it was from this positive, but reasonable, attitude toward life that he arrived at the feeling of harmony with life which was characteristic of his culture.,It,is passion that is the soul of life, the light in the stars, the lilt in music and song, the joy in flowers, the plumage in birds, the charm in woman, and the life in scholarship. It is as impossible to speak of a soul without passion as to speak of music without expression. It is that which gives us inward warmth and the rich vitality which enables us to face life cheerily.,如果我们没有“情”,我们便没有人生的出发点。情是生命的灵魂,星辰的光辉,音乐和诗歌的韵律,花草的欢乐,飞禽的羽毛,女人的艳色,学问的生命。没有情的灵魂是不可能的,正如音乐不能没有表情一样。这种东西给我们以内心的温暖和活力,使我们能快乐地去对付人生。,There is always a flavor of disenchantment about philosophy. The philosopher,looks at,life as an artist looks at a landscape through a veil or a haze,.,哲学,总带着一种如梦初醒的意味。哲学家观察人生,正如艺术家观察风景一样,-,是隔着一层薄纱或一层烟雾的。,THANK YOU!,


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