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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语课堂用语的的正确使用,下面的课堂用语对教学的有效性有何影响,Now, listen to the tape, and tick the,因为你们的课本没有颜色,不好在课本上圈出来,所以把你听到的物品,写出他们的标号来,OK? Understand?,OK, lets listen again, OK?,我们再听一遍,注意, 它并没有按照图片顺序来说,要听清,conversation 1,谈论的是哪些物品,以及它说的颜色。,Ready?,This is Mary, and this is the clerk. This is the conversation between them. Now please help me to fill in the blanks, OK?,试一下,看一下你能不能看懂他们的对话。买东西,卖东西的人各说了些什么话?,Suppose youre shopping,假设你正在购物, how to say in the shop? The Ss on the right,坐在右边的同学是顾客,are the buyers, the Ss on the left,左边,are the clerk,售货员。,Please do it now.,主要讨论问题:,1,。什么是英语课堂用语,2,。英语课堂用语的特点,3,。英语课堂教学中母语的使用问题,4,。在活动指令、纠错、评价等方面 课堂用语的使用,问题一:什么是英语课堂用语?,“英语课堂用语是英语教师在课堂上所使用的英语口语。”,你同意这一说法吗?,课堂用语的定义,课堂用语是指教师在课堂上根据教学任务的要求,针对特定的学生对象,在有限的时间内,为达到某一预想的效果而使用的语言。,它是一种以,口头形式为主,,书面语与形体语言等配合运用的,特殊语言系统,。,问题二:,英语课堂用语应具备什么样的特点,?,英语课堂用语的特点,1,规范性,2,简洁性,3,可接受性,4,启发性,5,激励性,6,生动性,英语课堂用语实例分析,1,:,Now, listen and find out what places does Sally tell me about.,How to spell this word? How to say it in English?,Work in pairs and discuss each other.,Try to recite these new words after class.,Lets together read it.,Chinese meaning is,英语课堂用语实例分析,2,:,We shall make a dialogue with the new words and expressions in “Speaking up” we learnt yesterday.,Today we have three activities. After each activity, well do a self-assessment.,Principal means (title of the) person with the highest authority in an organization, esp. in certain schools and colleges.,英语课堂用语实例分析,3,T. Im going to the USA. (,呈现美国地图,),Do you know anything about USA?,Ss (Silence),T. OK. Sally has written me a letter. Lets listen to her. Now, listen,and find out what places Sally tells me about?,英语课堂用语实例分析,4,T: Does anyone have a pet at home? Ahyou have, Billy?,B: Yes, I have dog at home. Very big dog!,Er,its nice, but once bite me here (shows lower arm),T: No! Bit,,,Billy,,,bit in the simple past.,问题三:,英语课堂教学中可以使用母语吗?,尽量使用英语的原则,Speak English if,possible, speak Chinese if,necessary,.,在一些情况下应适当利用母语,:,利用汉语解释抽象的单词和概念,或复杂的句子结构或语法点。,较复杂的教学指令,通过翻译检查学生的理解。,问题四:如何在以下方面正确使用课堂用语?,指令:布置课堂活动,纠错:把握好纠错的时机和方式,评价:口头评价方式的多样和针对性,活动指令语案例分析,1,Ok, everyone, would you, Maria, sit down? Now what you have to do is, when you, you take this sheet of paper that Im handing out now and keep it secret. And some of you are “A”, its written at the top, and some are “B”. Ok, can you see that? Dont show your paper to anyone and then you have to describe it to your partner.,Sit face to face. Could you move your chairs around and describe whats on your paper so that your partner can find out whats different , and you must agree. Then when you find something , you draw it on your paper, Ok. Do you understand?,Clear Instructions,:,link what has been done before (old activity) to what comes next (new activity),name the new activity,explain the purpose of the activity,explain the activity step by step,include requirements for the feedback,check understanding,set time limits,活动指令语案例分析,2,Just now we read a text about “Pets”. Now Id like you to answer the questions on page38. Well see how well you understand the text.,So, lets form group of four, and discuss the questions. Then I will ask one person in each group to tell us the answers.,Now what should we do in groups, Li Hong?,How many of you will work in one group?,What shall we do after the group discussion?,Good! Now, you have 5 minutes for the group work. There you go 5minutes.,检查理解方式案例分析,T: OK. Now work in pairs. Write down three words to describe each animal and then share your list with the class. Are you clear?,Ss. (silence),T: Yes or no?,Ss. yes (softly),T. Yes or no ?,(,very loudly,),Ss. Yes,(,very loudly,),.,T: OK. Now work in pairs. Write down three words to describe each animal, for example, Monkey: brown, clever, fast. Then share your list with the class. Is that clear?,T: Ok. Tim, tell me, who are you going to work with?,S. pointing at his partner,What are you going to do?,S.,用三个词来描述每个动物,T. Good. You were a very good listener. Are you all clear?,纠错:,学生语言出现错误教师要不要纠错?,什么样的错误需要纠正?,什么时候纠错?,如何纠错?,如何对待学生的错误,分析学生的错误性质:口误,/,没有掌握相关知识,2.,分析目前课堂活动的目的,accuracy:,语法练习、句型练习、朗读课文等,fluency:,讨论、交际活动等,3.,根据以上分析决定是否纠错和怎样纠错(何时,何种方式),纠错案例分析,1,T: Whats your hobby?,S1: I enjoy read.,T: No, thats wrong. Can anyone help him?,S2: I enjoy reading.,T: Good. (,对,S1,),Say it again.,S1: I enjoy reading.,纠错案例分析,2,Whats your hobby?,S: I enjoy read.,T: You enjoy reading. Thats good. What about you,li,Ming?,纠错案例分析,3,T: Whats your hobby?,S: I enjoy read.,T: Really? I enjoy reading, too.,What books do you enjoy reading?,S: I enjoy reading comics.,口头评价的个性化,比较:,1. Great job!,2. Quite good, but we dont say: “talk English”. We say “speak English”.,3. Thats right. She goes to school by bus. Goes, dont forget z. Some students often forget this, because we dont have it in Chinese. So please pay attention to it.,4. You are a brave boy, but your answer is wrong.,肯定式评语,(,简洁式,),:,Not bad.,Quite good!,Very good,!,Good point! Good job!,Great! / Excellent! /Wonderful,!,Super!,/,Exactly!,/Well done! Smart!/Clever!/ Perfect!,肯定式评语(有针对性),Thats a great answer. I really like/enjoy it.,How do you know so many words, can you tell us?,I really appreciate your effort.,It s really a hard question, but your answer is quite right. You are great!,You did a good job! Were so proud of you!,What a good idea! You are so different!,You are such a smart boy/girl/kid!,Youve got sharp eyes/ears.,I couldnt believe my ears,!,参与式评语,Is it good?,Isnt it a good answer?,Do you like his/her answer/reading?,Did he/she do a good job?,Thats a fantastic answer, isnt it,?,He/she did an excellent job, didnt he/she?,启发、鼓励史式评语,Thats very close. Go on!,Its almost right. Try again, please.,Think it over. Im sure you can do it.,Im sure you can do it if you really try. (See? You did it really well.),Im sorry. Would you like to try again?,Yes, but,Dont be afraidshy.,Dont worry about it.,It doesnt matter. Im sure you can do it better next time.,


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